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Jason's Dilemma: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 2)

Page 10

by Nicki Ruth

  With that, she dipped her head to him and strolled out of the room.

  Cade frowned and met Jason’s equally bewildered gaze.


  Jason hugged his father again as soon as the door to the lodging they had been given closed behind them. He took in his scent, still coming to terms with knowing his father was here with him, that he came all this way to find him. It had, at best, been only a week, but Jason had been afraid he’d never see his father again.

  “How’d you find me?” he asked.

  “Brandr placed a tracking device on your coat, concerned you were going to take off.”

  Jason examined the folds of his coat. He hadn’t realized Brandr had been so sneaky.

  “Now Jason, tell us everything from the beginning.”

  Jason eyed the floor as he finished his tale. He could tell his father was displeased over what had happened, but he didn’t want him to despise Cade.

  “So, you like him then?” Davina asked, a twinkle to her amber eyes.

  Jason’s face heated. “Well, he can be a jerk, but he’s not so bad. He just wants to help his people.”

  “And are you one of his people?” Alexios asked, eyeing him intently.

  Jason bit his lip. “I . . . I don't know. I don't even know what a vahana is. I only came here to get rid of the wings.”

  “Well, let’s see them!” Davina demanded excitedly.

  He wasn’t sure why she was fascinated with the wings. Shame coursed through him at the thought of them seeing the ugly protrusions.

  “It’s all right, Jason. You don’t have to show us if you don’t feel comfortable,” Alexios said while looking at Davina, who looked disappointed.

  “I . . . I can show you, but only for a moment. They’ll be gone soon.”

  Alexios quirked a brow, tipping his head to the side. Jason’s palms grew clammy, but he took a deep breath and shrugged off his coat. The muscles in his back relaxed, and he felt cool relief at having the confines loosened.

  Davina gasped, but he kept his gaze averted to the other side of the room, not sure he wanted to see their reactions. He felt them behind him, touching the limbs and stroking the feathers.

  “They’re very beautiful. You should be proud of them, Jason. Although I’m afraid you’ve been sorely abusing them,” his father said, coming to stand in front of him once more.

  Jason huffed, annoyed at his words and slipped the coat back over his shoulders.

  “They’re not beautiful, and I’m getting them removed.”

  Alexios sighed. “There’s something you should to know. The memories I gleaned when I gifted you I’ve not shared, but I’ll do so now. So, say nothing until I’ve finished.”

  Jason’s heart raced, but he nodded hesitantly. What had his sire seen?

  Alexios had the ability to see the memories of those he took blood from. But Jason had no interest in reliving his cold past.

  “Before your time in the mines, which we don’t have to talk about, I saw you as a babe. You were being carried high above the clouds and across sharp mountain peaks. You squealed in delight, and you felt no fear. At one point, you looked up at the one who carried you and I saw…” he paused with a frown, then continued holding Jason’s gaze. “I thought it was a coat or some type of covering, but now I believe it was feathers at the shoulders and neck. I also assumed you and the one carrying you were in some type of conveyance, but now, seeing as you have wings, I believe that person was flying.”

  Jason began to shake his head vigorously.

  “Jason, the one who carried you obviously cared about you. They laughed and cooed and tickled you. It was a male, so perhaps it could have been your father?”

  Jason stepped back with a hiss. “No. You’re my father. I have no other.”

  Alexios placed his hands on his shoulders to steady him. His father? Were there others like him? Then why had he been abandoned? Alone? Jason felt lightheaded and nauseous. Sensations of fear, hurt, anger bombarded him all at once causing him to twitch and shudder.

  “You’re my father. I have no other,” he repeated as if in a trance, yet he felt wetness on his cheeks.

  Alexios embraced him. “Of course. I am your father.”


  Cade glared at Karina who went about fluffing and straightening her cushions. She was obsessed with them.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he demanded, his temper still hot from his encounter in the woods.

  “Cleaning up.”

  “I meant having those leeches here. Do you want word to get out about this place? To have a swarm of vamps here to drain everyone dry?”

  Karina placed her hands on her hips and looked at him. “They’re Jason’s family. Did you think abducting him would sit well with them? We’re lucky it wasn’t more of them descending on us. I’m offering a way to smooth things over. And we need his sire to help Jason complete his transformation.”

  Cade paced. How did it get to this, and how could he have messed up so badly back on Damurios?

  He knew why. Jason made his flames sing. He wanted him so badly.

  “His sire? Why is he necessary?” he asked uneasily. He still wanted Jason away from the leeches . . . for good.

  “Have you sensed him? He’s an ancient, Cadeonidas. And Davina. She’s inherited an unspeakable blood power that reminds me of times long past—of the blood gods. We cannot afford to anger them, especially since they came all this way to get him back.”

  Cade scowled. “I’ll never let anyone—”

  “Cade!” Karina snapped. She never called him by his shortened name unless she was upset. “Listen to me, Jason is vampire. He has a dual nature that could be a great addition to our tribe, but we cannot ignore his bond to his sire—the bond that’s responsible for him being alive and here in the first place. So, please, make peace with it. Only his sire can help Jason bring forth his gryphinx side.”

  Cade growled and slammed in fist into the wall, cracking the wood.

  “Wushien comes. Let’s hope he too was successful on his travels,” Karina said.

  Cade swallowed his anger. At least with Wushien back, they’d have more strength to stand against the leeches if they needed to. Both Karina and Wushien were older, and admittedly wiser, than he was.

  Where Karina commanded the earth, Wushien harnessed the power of the wind with two enchanted Akomeogi fans he wielded. He was responsible for the perpetual mist that kept them safe from potential trespassers. Together, the three of them used their combined gifts to protect their fellow kin.

  The wind whipped into a frenzy outside, battering the door against its frame. It subsided as abruptly as it began and Wushien strolled through the door, his knee-length, jet black hair sweeping behind him.

  “I’ve returned.” He bowed as a young girl peeked out from behind him, clutching at his yukata robe.

  Chapter 15

  Alexios considered Jason’s dilemma. His sireling was conflicted between wanting to please him and exploring what he’d learned about his past. He hated to see Jason struggle like this and was concerned by his visceral aversion to his wings. Did Jason believe he’d abandon him because he’d sprouted wings?

  Alexios hadn’t seen anything so glorious, but Jason had sorely mistreated them. His back was swollen, and the wings were misshapen and patchy in places where there should have been feathers. And the feathers were downy and not mature as Alexios assumed they should have been.

  He sighed as he thought about what the handsome woman with dark skin and red locks had said about Jason’s arrested transformation. He watched while Jason and Davina chatted and laughed near the fire. No doubt he was regaling her with some overly embellished story of his experience over the last couple days.

  Jason was a child at heart, though Alexios didn’t fault him for that. He’d never had a childhood and found entertainment and joy out of simple things, like storytelling and making others laugh. It was his gift. Jason had a knack for putting others at ease,
as if he couldn’t bear to see anyone in discomfort—a reminder of the miserable life he once had.

  Alexios wondered if he should attempt what he thought could be a solution to help Jason with his transition. When he first came upon Jason bleeding out on the merchant ship, an aura surrounded him It was as if it had compelled him to gift Jason, to save his life. The aura had disappeared afterwards.

  Did that mean it was sealed by the vampiric siring? If so, maybe he could access the seal using the sire bond he had with Jason, a process likely similar to his ability to render his sirelings asleep.

  “Jason, I’ve been thinking about how to ease your transition. I’d like to try something, if you’re willing.”

  Jason turned to him and scowled. “I don’t want to transition to anything. I’m vampire, remember?”

  “You’ll always be vampire, Jason. This is just to explore a hunch I have.”

  Although rare, there were known vampire hybrids in the universe, with both entities thriving off each other. He suspected this had occurred with Jason, but his vampire self would always be part of him.

  “What kind of hunch?”

  Alexios rose from his seat and approached them by the fireplace, crouching in front of his disgruntled sireling. Why was Jason fighting this so much?

  “A hunch about the origins of your wings. We can find out—”

  He didn’t get a chance to finish because the front door flew open. Cade stood in the doorway. Immediately, Alexios’ ire rose. He’d promised this charlatan would pay for what he’d done to his sirelings. He bared his fangs, itching to tear the intruder apart.

  Cade eyes flicked over him and settled on Jason, lingering for a couple moments. Alexios didn’t appreciate how he looked at Jason. It was bad enough he sought to take Jason from him, he’d be damned if this scoundrel debauched his son.

  “You seemed to have lost your manners, barging in here. Do you really court your death at my hands?” The arrogance of this guy rivaled his own.

  Jason scrambled to his feet beside him.

  “I’m here for Jason. We have—”

  Alexios moved so fast he didn’t give Cade a chance to blink and slammed the door in his face.


  Mouth agape, Jason looked at the closed door where Cade had just stood. Damn, this wasn’t good. His sire utterly detested Cade—sentiments reciprocated, he had no doubt.

  “Umm, maybe I should see what he wants,” Jason said cautiously. But by the look on Alexios face, he wouldn’t tolerate it.

  “We’re not finished with our conversation.”

  His sire crossed the room and retook his seat, eyeing Jason. “As I was saying, I have a hunch that, if correct, could release the binds restraining you.”

  Jason pondered this. Did he want to release what was within him? What did this mean for the wings?

  He shook his head. “I’m only interested in getting rid of the wings. I don’t want them.”

  “I understand. I think once you’re fully transitioned, you’ll be able to control all aspects of the . . . vahana or whatever it is, including the appearance of your wings. Although, Jason, I need you to know I think they’re a wonderful gift. It makes you unequaled in this universe, and I would be honored to have a winged vahana as my son.”

  Jason’s chest swelled, but anxiety choked him. Could he come to accept that which marked him as different? His father assured him he wouldn’t cast him aside, but still he couldn’t accept this as truth. He always ended up alone.

  There was a knock on the door, and Alexios growled, visibly vexed. They all knew who was on the other side. Davina, who’d so far kept quiet, jumped up from her place by the fire.

  “Why don’t I get it?” she offered with a mischievous grin, clearly amused. She opened the door to Cade, whose lips were pulled so tight they were white lines across his tanned face.

  “I’m here to escort you to the commons. We’d like you to meet Wushien, our brother who has recently returned.”

  Jason took in the golden head of Cade, shining in the narrow rays of light.

  “Thank you. We shall join you shortly. Jason and his sire are still catching up,” Davina said cheerfully.

  Cade tensed, his fist curling. He glared at Jason over Davina’s head, his resentment and uncertainty pooling in his golden-green eyes. He tersely nodded and turned on his heel.

  Jason let out a breath and saw his sire watching him. He glanced away, not wanting to get into a discussion about Cade with his father. “Okay, I’ll try it,” he said hastily. “I just want to get this over with.”

  Alexios held his hand out, and Jason allowed himself to be led into his father’s arms.

  “All right. Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to try to find your vahana within your conscious and hopefully release the seal. With luck, you‘ll be able to take command of all its abilities, including the wings.”

  “How will I be able to do that?”

  Alexios shrugged. “That will be something you’ll have to figure out. But our rude intruder has wings, doesn't he? They’re not sitting on his back.”

  Jason steamed. All this time Cade could have shown him how to conceal the wings. That two-faced—

  “Let’s do it,” Jason ground out.

  Alexios and Davina exchanged a look.

  “I’ll be here,” was all she said.

  Soon, the familiar electric sensation that occurred when Alexios put him to sleep skirted over Jason. It was more probing this time, deeper into his mind. He tried to relax, so he closed his eyes and let out a shuddering breath.

  Then, as if a dam was opened, a gale force of energy slammed into him from within, and surrounded him with intense, bright light. His body jerked, and he cried out as his back tore open, the wings stretching outwards. Visions and sounds from the forest around them besieged him—water moving along veins in roots long thought dead, the chirping of an insect burrowing into the soil, cloudy wisps filling with moisture in the sky, hurried footsteps that echoed closer. He cried out again, reaching out to the one who already held him close.

  “F . . . Father! Oh . . . gods!” he cried before he became so overwhelmed with sensation, everything stood still.


  Alexios rearranged the limp Jason on his lap and ripped what was left of his coat off his shoulders, before glancing at Davina, who stood speechless.

  Great black wings unfolded from Jason’s back. They were like molten onyx, shimmering in the fire’s light. The undersides of his wings were dotted with feathers of black and blue, the ends of which were tipped white, a striking contrast to the dark. The gray and white downy feathers were gone. These were mature, fit for flight.

  A long, tufted tail swayed upwards along Jason’s back, brown and lighter at the tip. Alexios wasn't sure whether that was there before, or a new manifestation. More feathers sprouted at his son’s neck, black but with more tips of white around the back of his shoulders and upwards into his hairline; the same feathering he’d seen in Jason’s memories.

  The wings fluttered, and Davina scrambled out of their way. Alexios grimaced as the door was thrown open for the second time. Cade rushed in but came to a stop, looking at Jason, wide-eyed.

  Alexios suppressed the urge to bare his fangs, still not trusting him near his sireling, despite Jason's obvious attraction to him. The red-headed woman was also there and radiated an earthy aura, and next to her stood an Asiatic man with straight, inky black hair that fell past his waist. He wore a long white yukata from an ancient civilization on Earth. Alexios wouldn’t let down his guard.

  Jason groaned, slowly regaining consciousness. Cade cautiously stepped closer and Alexios tightened his grip on his sireling. Wings flapped, knocking over chairs and table top objects about the room.

  “Easy now,” Alexios soothed.

  Jason arms flailed as he tried to right himself. Alexios guided him into an upright position as his eyes blinked rapidly.

  “Holy wow!” Jason exclaimed, “Do you s
ee that?”

  All heads turned in the direction of Jason’s gaze. But there was only a wooden wall .

  “What do you see?” Karina asked, moving into the room.

  Jason turned towards her voice and tensed in his arms.

  “Oh! What . . . are you? What’s going on?” Jason’s chest heaved.

  Karina smiled. “All will be revealed to you now that you’ve awakened.”

  “It’s all right,” Alexios murmured, brushing Jason’s unruly hair off his forehead.

  Jason looked up and locked his gaze on him. “Father?” His pulse settled again.

  After a few moments, he turned and saw Cade crouching next to him. Jason smiled and then, reaching his hand to Cade, stroked his face.

  “Hello, beastie. Come to see me again?”


  Cade had never seen anything so breathtaking. Jason was miraculous. He’d never seen or heard of wings like midnight before. He was all gryphinx splendor, and Cade wanted to take him into his arms and tell him how amazing and incredible he was. Never, in all he knew of his kind, had he been in a presence as majestic as this. The energy that radiated from Jason was unnerving.

  Cade had been at Karina’s, talking with Wushien about the young vahanan girl he’d found, trying not to be distracted by his desire to rip Jason from the vampire’s hold. It took everything he had not to tear down the door that had been slammed in his face. That was when they felt a sudden jolt of a powerful current pulse through the village and rushed to the cottage occupied by the vampires.

  Cade stared at Jason, pores raised to gooseflesh. There was so much he wanted to say. Jason’s warm hand caressed his face, and he leaned into it. Then Jason turned to his sire.

  “Did it work?” he asked, and the vampire nodded.

  “See for yourself,” came his reply.

  They moved out of the way as Jason stood and gasped at the black wings encircling him. They were larger than before and covered with fully grown feathers, smooth and dark. Cade watched as Jason touched them reverently, his yellow eyes mirroring Cade’s wonder. Jason closed his eyes and opened them again, an unreadable expression on his face.


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