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Page 4

by R. M. Martinez

  “After your heavy handedness, I’m happy that Louie decided to finally ask me out.” Karen grinned.

  “I’d like you both to meet my beautiful date, Brianna Michaels. Brianna, this is Louis Hamilton and Karen….” He dragged out her name and looked at her for help.

  “Prescott.” She supplied.

  “Karen Prescott.” He repeated.

  Bree reached out and shook their hands. Then she noticed that everyone was staring at her. She swallowed the knot in her throat and smiled at them.

  “Bree decided that her cocktail dress wasn’t right for the occasion and couldn’t find anything else to wear.” Lucian shrugged.

  “It wasn’t something that was in my realm of comfort.” She said, glaring daggers at him.

  Louis threw back his head and laughed. “He picked out the trashiest dress he could find and you threw it back in his face, didn’t you?” he laughed. She grinned at him. “Well, good for you. My dude isn’t used to women throwing things in his face unless he tells them to.”

  Both she and Karen blushed at the innuendo behind his words. Lucian didn’t look too happy about it either which made her automatically like Louis. He didn’t care what Lucian thought and it made her happy to see that someone else in the world could see the man’s flaws as well.

  “Excuse me, where’s the restroom?” Karen asked.

  “Back there, to the right.” Lucian directed.

  “I’ll go with you.” Brianna told her.

  She suddenly wanted to get a little distance and figure out her next move. She was getting too attached to Lucian in their few days together, and meeting and liking his friends was something that was supposed to be a girlfriend kind of next step.

  She definitely wasn’t ready for that.

  Her phone went off in her purse just as she stepped into the overly luxurious bathroom. She pulled her phone from her pocket with every intention of just turning it off for the evening, but froze.

  “Shit!” she spat at the screen.

  “Is everything okay?” Karen asked, heading to the sink to wash her hands.

  “Fine.” She lied.


  He watched her walk away, loving the way her ass moved in those jeans. Yeah, her choice of attire was inappropriate, and she acted like a total brat. But she was so damn sexy that he could get past almost anything with her. At the moment, though, he wished like hell that they were there alone so that he could pick up where they’d left off in the shower.

  “She’s gorgeous, man.” Louis said, breaking him away from his thoughts.

  “Yeah, and stubborn.” He snorted.

  “Aren’t they all?” his friend agreed.

  He threw up his hand and motioned for a round of drinks. He’d already preordered the meal for the group and he and Lou were having a scotch before dinner and the ladies would have wine. He found himself anxious for Brianna to return from the restroom. He felt twitchy without her. He needed to touch her. Their connection was instantaneous and strong, and he had no idea why. The feelings he had for her weren’t loving, but he liked her a lot, and he lusted after her even more. There was a spark between them and he was trying not to set it ablaze.

  Brianna and Karen arrived at the table and Bree immediately reached for his scotch. He watched her down it in one sip, along with her wine before raising her hand and ordering more.

  “What’s wrong?” he leaned in and asked her quietly.

  “Nothing.” She lied.

  She was shutting down on him again and he was getting seriously pissed off. How could he help her out of her mess so that she could put her concentration solely on him if she wouldn’t tell him what was going on with her?

  After another round of drinks were placed in front of them, he snatched up his drink just as she reached for it and downed it himself. She glared at him and his heart dropped when he saw her eyes glittering with unshed tears.

  “Excuse us.” He told his friend as he pulled Brianna up by her arm.

  He dragged her to the back of his restaurant to the manager’s office and shut them inside. He rummaged through Marie’s desk until he found a small pack of Kleenex and handed it to Brianna. Then he settled himself into the chair, bringing her with him, cuddling her to his body. He took in her coconut and lemon scent, willing down the sexually aggressive beast that was threatening to emerge.

  “You’re going to talk to me about what the hell is wrong with you tonight, Brianna.” He commanded. When she said nothing, he let out a breath into her hair. “Is it your ex?”

  When she nodded her head against his shoulder, he cursed. He reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. This wasn’t something he’d normally do, but he was a selfish bastard and he wanted the fucker out of his way. He justified his actions by putting it on his sister. He was just protecting his sister from a potential danger. The smart thing to do would be to get rid of the main source, but he was currently lusting after it, so that wasn’t going to happen.

  He checked her caller ID for incoming texts and calls and saw that she’d received one just ten minutes ago. He memorized the words in the text and the number it came from before he wrapped his arms tighter around her, squeezing her to his body. This motherfucker had some real nerve, and rage coursed through him as the words played over and over again in his mind.

  Hide behind your rich boyfriend and his bodyguards all you want, but eventually I’m going to catch you alone and we’re going to talk.

  Like hell.


  Brianna started her morning doing a happy dance in Lucian’s living room. She couldn’t believe they’d gotten back to her so fast. It’s only been a few days since she’d put in her application for the summer job in New York, but there was a reply in her email that had her grinning from ear to ear and moonwalking across the living room floor.

  In less than six weeks, she was going to be headed to New York City, all expenses paid for a summer job working for KSL Global.

  “What’s got you so happy?” Jon asked, staring at her from the couch.

  She grinned and fell into his lap. “I applied for a summer job in New York and I got it! That means I’ll be there for the closing of your tour and hopefully we can head home together.”

  “Fuck yeah!” he smiled and kissed her forehead.

  She moved to sit beside him and picked up her cup of tea from the coffee table. She sipped it slowly as her eyes slowly roamed the apartment and her mind went to Lucian. What was going to happen with their relationship when she went to New York? Hell, what was going to happen with their relationship when she had to leave his apartment in two days? Her week with him was coming to an end very fast and she found herself already missing him.

  “So, what’s up with this guy, Bree?” Jon asked as though he was reading her mind.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “I didn’t know you were seeing anyone, nor did I know that it was this serious that you’re living with the fucker.” He snorted.

  “We don’t live together, Jonny. We’re not even technically dating. We’re just…..” she had no idea how to word it, but Jon seemed to know exactly what was going on.

  “You’re fucking.” He said simply. She shrugged and nodded. She couldn’t even meet his eyes. “Bree, is this a good idea? I mean, you heard that James is out, right?”

  “Yeah.” She sighed.

  “Your boyfriend is rich, but his bodyguard can’t protect him from James. That fucker is out for revenge and he has no qualm with murder and returning to prison.” Jon’s brow creased as he stared at her. He took her hand in his and kissed it. “He would never hurt you on purpose, baby, but in his mind, you’re still his and you know what that means.”

  She did know what that meant. And in a way she still felt like she belonged to James. In the beginning, it was her, James, and Jon. She belonged to both of them and James didn’t mind Jon because he knew that Jon thought of her like a sister. James never did. James claimed her as his girl, and hi
s girl she was.

  “In two days I’m leaving here and heading back to my own place. I’ve asked Lucian to keep Kelsey here for a while so that I can deal with James.” She said. “I hope this works, because I don’t need him following me to New York.”

  Jon nodded his agreement. “If he doesn’t back off, Bree, I’ll talk to him. The only reason I haven’t already is because I know that he needs to hear it from you first. He loves you. Always have.”

  She knew that. She also knew that he’d caused most of the problems in her life and she was so thankful that she had Jonathan to be her anchor. He was always there to hold it down and lift her up. She loved him more than anything in the world and she hated that he was leaving her in a few hours. He only had time to have breakfast with her, then he was heading off on the stupid tour bus.

  “Let me know if I have to fly back out here for a night or two.” He said, kissing the top of her head.

  She nodded quietly and forked up some eggs and shoveled them into her mouth. They tasted like rubber now that her mood had effectively been soured. Everything was falling apart around her and she was hiding behind a cocoon of luxury, bodyguards, and Lucian.

  And speaking of Lucian, he’d sent over a new dress for her to wear to some business function he had to attend. It was a charity dinner for one of the causes his company donates to. He didn’t say which one, but she was curious about it. She didn’t picture Lucian Spencer-Davenport as being very generous outside of the bedroom.

  After breakfast was over, Jon stayed with her for another half hour, talking about nothing, trying to take her mind off of her problems. She was so grateful for him, and was sad to let him go. They stood together at the front door, holding each other like they’d never see each other again. She was afraid to let him go, and he was just as scared of letting her go. They’d never been more than ten miles apart from one another. She was just as much his crutch as he was hers and letting go was hard as hell.

  She was in tears by the time he pulled himself away from her and kissed the top of her head. She watched as he walked to the elevator and disappeared behind the doors.

  The rest of the day was spent in bed. When she wasn’t sleeping, she was crying her eyes out. It wasn’t until she felt a pair of warm hands on her shoulders that her body fully relaxed. Her eyes fluttered open and she saw Lucian sitting on the edge of the bed behind her, his eyes full of concern.

  “He’s gone.” He said.

  “The tour kicks off next week and he just hopped on the bus this morning.” She said.

  “Who?” Lucian’s eyes were filled with confusion before they cleared and she saw pity cross his features.

  “Who were you talking about?” she asked, before he could ask her about Jon. She sat up in bed and stared at him. “Who’s gone?”

  “James.” He announced. Her mouth opened in shock and he took the opportunity to kiss her deeply. “Do you still want to attend dinner with me? If so, get dressed. You have twenty minutes to earn your money. And when we get home, you’re going to be my whore.”

  He slapped her ass and she glared at him. But who was she kidding? Even though she’d turned him down flat the first time he’d propositioned her, she was most definitely his whore for the week and he’d taken full advantage of the situation. He’d taken her out as arm candy all week long, and never missed a moment to be inside of her. The man was worse than the Energizer bunny. She was surprised he didn’t have ten kids running around somewhere as the product of his never ending sex drive.

  With that thought, she blanched. They’d been having unprotected sex all week long. She lunged for her phone and pulled up the calendar. She wanted to hurl a lot of curse words at the device, but swallowed them down. Yes, she’d ovulated at the beginning of their week together, but there was nothing she could do about it now. The last thing she needed was a baby, but if she was pregnant, at least the kid had a rich dad. And living with the dad he or she would be. She was ill equipped for a child.

  She sighed. She wouldn’t mention it unless she missed her period and got a positive test in a couple of weeks. Until then, she was going to enjoy her last couple of nights with Lucian and try her best to forget about James for a few more days. It was obvious that Lucian didn’t want to talk about it, but she needed to know for sure that he was gone. So in a few days, she’d broach the subject again.

  Yes. In a few days. She needed a few days.


  Brianna was brilliant on his arm. She was smart, beautiful, and charming. It was obvious that she was studying business to him, but everyone else thought she was a graduate and asked where she worked. When she told them she was still a student, a few negative glances from the women were cast his way, the men gave him congratulatory pats on the back, and almost everyone she talked to offered her some sort of position with their company after she graduates.

  The night was going perfectly and every time someone eyed her in that sexy black dress he’d bought her, his hand moved possessively to her waist or his lips would be on her neck. It wasn’t rare for him to bring a date to these types of functions, and he was normally pretty hands on with his females, but it was never like him to be possessive or jealous. And tonight, he was both. Though he’d picked the dress, he suddenly hated the eyes that were on Brianna’s bare back, or staring at her cleavage.

  “I’m going to have to go home and fuck you silly for having all of these jackasses staring at you like that.” He whispered in her ear.

  She gave him a sexy glare that made him groan. “Why wait until we get home?” she winked at him, then started moving through the crowd.

  It was his hotel, he had a room upstairs, but he didn’t want to take her there. He wanted her at home, in his bed. Still, he followed her out of the ballroom and into a door marked for employees only. It was an electrical closet. This was new, even for him. The wrong move would knock out the power for the entire hotel. But when she unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor, he couldn’t bring himself to care. She wore nothing underneath that dress. She’d been without panties in front of his colleagues all evening.

  “Fuck me.” He whispered.

  “I intend to.” She grinned.

  He couldn’t help it. He wanted to give her foreplay and make her wet for him, but his body did the talking for him. She was wearing nothing but those “fuck me” heels, so that’s what he did. He unzipped his fly, letting his erection spring out. Pushing her against the wall, he dominated her mouth, demanding her to open up for him while he fucked her mouth with his tongue.

  Lifting her off the ground, he positioned himself right where he wanted to be and slid expertly inside of her. She moaned and the sound just made his cock swell inside of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and started bouncing on him. She was just as urgent as he was to get to the first orgasm of the night. She rode him until she couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t bother to smother her screams with his lips. He found that he wanted everyone to know exactly what they were doing, and that it was him and only him who could give her that kind of pleasure.

  When her first orgasm wore off, he lowered her to the ground and pressed her against the door. He wasn’t thinking or being very careful with her. He smothered her body with his, thrusting into her until her legs were shaking with the force. He didn’t notice her hands, he didn’t notice that she was trying to hold on to something. All he noticed was how her ass bounced back with every thrust. It wasn’t until he grabbed her and yanked her to his body as his orgasm hit that he heard the system shut down. She’d grabbed a cord and pulled it with her when he yanked her against him.

  “What happened?” she asked, dropping to the floor to pick up her dress.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his lighter. Lighting it, he nodded to her dress. “Get dressed. We’ll sneak out of here before maintenance gets here.” He said.

  She hurried into her dress and he helped her zip it up on the side before grabbing her hand and extinguishing the light.
  They stepped out into the darkness, his eyes adjusting with the help of the moonlight coming through one of the windows. Keeping them against the wall, he led her through the crowd and out one of the side doors. They were through for the night and he really wanted to get her home and into his bed so that they could finish what they’d started in the closet.

  Elvin got them home in record speed and he practically carried her into the elevator. He struggled to hold her up and insert the key card into the slot to get to his penthouse. Lucian wished that their time together wasn’t coming to an end, and he thought about taking her to his home in the mountains for the weekend. The elevator door opened and he dropped Brianna to the floor and cursed.

  “Holy shit!” he snorted.

  “I see you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants for a week while I was gone.” Samantha scoffed.

  Brianna stood up and glared at him, then at Sam. “What’s going on?” she demanded.

  “If you took my boyfriend’s cock out of your mouth long enough to pay attention to your surroundings, you’d see that I’m back and you’re dismissed.” Samantha was on full attack and it pissed him off.

  “Girlfriend?” Brianna squeaked.

  “Do I need to repeat myself little girl?” Sam crossed her arms and dared Brianna to argue.

  He watched in horror as Brianna turned and stormed back onto the elevator. “Send my things to me tomorrow.” She called over her shoulder before disappearing into the elevator.

  As soon as she was gone, he turned to face Samantha. Who slapped him across the face.


  Brianna couldn’t be mad at Kelsey for not mentioning that her brother had a girlfriend. Really, how could she know that they’d hook up together the week she went away for spring break. And that wasn’t even the worst of it. For weeks, she’d had been silently staring at the check for twenty seven thousand dollars. The extra two thousand was supposed to cover the things she’d left behind and Lucian’s girlfriend, Samantha, destroyed.


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