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Cole, Kaliana - Tag and Release [Liberty Springs, Wyoming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Kaliana Cole


  Willing his eyes to focus through the haze of lust swiftly building like a summer thunderstorm, Brody looked up at the woman who had just upended his quiet night. She rose from her kiss and left one hell of a smile on Luke’s face. His brother followed her, rising to his feet. “Damn, Casey. You have no idea how much I wanted to see you walk through that door.” Luke’s hands went to her slender waist. “You’ve been killing us sweetheart. I was starting to think you didn’t want us.”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “Yeah, but what are you here for?”


  “Everything, huh? I don’t think Brody believes you. He’s the one who needs convincing, not me.” Luke turned her and gave her a pat on the ass, sending her in his direction.

  Brody sucked in a breath at the look on Casey’s face. It was brazen and bold to be sure, but there was a barely glimpsed sliver of uncertainty and genuine shyness in her cerulean eyes. The chink in her man-eating façade set the Dominant in him to purring and tugged at his heart. There was more than a wildcat to be unearthed in this complex woman.

  He held up the box of condoms, his eyebrow quirking in question.

  She flushed softly but held his eye. “I didn’t want you to come up with any excuses to throw the brakes on this time.” She lifted her chin delightfully, challenging him to reply.

  Brody grinned, reaching out and gently taking her hand. He tugged her closer until the fabric of her dress grazed his bare chest. “And I thought you’d want my balls on a platter for daring to touch you. You tell me I’m allowed to touch you this time, Casey, and I won’t stop until you’re begging me for mercy.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” Her hips snugged in against the erection tenting the front of his shorts and her slim hand skated up his ribs to land on the thick swell of his chest.

  Brody kept his reaction to the instant punch of lust at her warm touch to a hiss between his teeth. Her pink tongue swept out and wet her lip. Brody knew it was a nervous gesture rather than a deliberate come-on, but his cock leapt and his mouth watered just the same. The woman kissed like it was an end in itself. He had never tasted another that kissed with such abandon, but this had to be her idea, her move. He leashed the part of him that wanted to pin her to the wall of his chest and plunder the sweet recesses of her mouth. “Prove it, Casey. Kiss me like you mean it.”

  In her strappy, two-inch sandals she didn’t even have to go on to her toes to reach his mouth. That pink little tongue darted out like quicksilver and lashed at his upper lip before she captured his bottom lip and nipped. The sting brought a growl to his throat he had no hope of restraining. He could feel her lips stretch into a smile and knew she was trying to get him to react.

  “You know what they say, ‘play with the cat until you get scratched.’”

  “Use your claws. I’m not scared of them.” The livewire nipped his lip again. “In fact I’d love to feel them down the length of my back.”

  The dare went unanswered as Luke closed the distance, effectively trapping her between their bodies. Her eyes glazed over, and Brody’s dick flexed involuntarily against her mound as unadulterated hunger swept over her face. He saw her trying to process the tactile stimulus of so much strength surrounding her. “Don’t question it, Casey. Just listen to your body. It knows what it wants.”

  Her mouth opened on a soft gasp as his brother dropped a string of kisses across her all but bare shoulder. Luke’s voice was a sultry whisper. “We only want to give you pleasure, sweetheart. You tell us what you want and it’s yours.”

  “I want everything. For one night I want to know what it’s like to be the Marshalls’ woman.”

  “You don’t want everything, Casey. Not the first time.” Brody cautioned her, ignoring the incredulous look Luke was giving him. If Casey hadn’t had two men before there were things that needed working up to.

  “Whatever you dish out, I can take.” She was plucky, he’d give her that.

  “We’ll see. Lose the dress. I’m scared of ripping it if I try and take it off.” Luke’s hands reached for the zipper, but she surprised them by grabbing the hem and lifting it straight off over her head.

  One long, flame-kissed tress fell over her shoulder and settled across her left breast. The peach-colored nipple peeked coyly from between the strands, and the sight held Brody transfixed. The other proud bud was right there for all to see, but it was the half-hidden one that held him in thrall. His hand rose of its own accord and the back of his forefinger stroked over the half-concealed nub. It puckered further until it stood proudly in its bracket of red, red hair.

  The color of her hair intrigued him. He had never been with a redhead before. His eyes lowered slowly, taking in the toned display of feminine strength along the way. His breath caught when instead of encountering a flame-colored bush, he found that smooth, satiny skin covered her mound. There was something about a shaved pussy that took him hard and low. Vulnerable and open to every touch, able to hide nothing, he could feel the slide of her fevered flesh beneath his tongue like hot, oiled silk, and he hadn’t even touched her.

  Brody shook his head. At this rate he’d take her on the living room floor and it would be lucky to last seconds. He dragged his gaze back up to her face. Her eyes were closed and her head thrown back. Brody smiled when he saw the cause. Luke was mauling her neck and shoulders, biting hard enough to leave teeth marks behind. He, too, loved the firm resilience of a woman’s flesh between his teeth. He lowered his head and treated the other shoulder to his not-so-gentle ministrations.

  The soft moan his first nip incited spurred him on, but he limited himself to three good bites of her unbelievably fine skin and tore himself away. They did have a bed for this kind of thing, he reminded himself wryly. He clipped Luke up the side of the head, “I think it’s time to find that bed you made.”

  He smiled when Luke had to blink a couple of times to focus. His little brother always got lost in the moment. At the club he often had to remind him to stay in control. Luke liked giving out pleasure a little too freely to make a good Dom, but as a pair they held their own. In fact, with the Whelans out of the picture, they were the undisputed masters.

  Casey’s eyelids fluttered open, revealing unfathomable blue, heavy with passion. Her fingers flexed where they sat on his chest and he could tell she was unsteady on her feet. He smiled knowingly, not caring if she knew just how damn good it made him feel that he could affect her like that. “Can you walk, or do I have to carry you?”

  She laughed openly at that suggestion, and Brody’s pride was pricked. He seized her waist and lifted her slowly, in a blatant show of his strength. The widening of her eyes was nearly as satisfying as the hot, silken slide of her thighs as she wrapped them around his waist. He hooked both arms beneath her ass and headed for the bed. With the sultry, wet kiss of her folds against his belly, it was all he could do not to sprint in his haste to get to the bed and have her rub it all over him.

  After she got rid of those heels, he amended, as one jabbed him on the back of the thigh. There were places he definitely did not want to feel their sting.

  * * * *

  Casey was astounded by the strength of the man carrying her. He had lifted her 170-pound frame as if it were a fuckin’ feather. No wonder he hadn’t been intimidated. She ran her hands hungrily over his upper arms and shoulders. He was hard as a rock and the insistent poke against her ass with every other step assured her that his muscles weren’t the only thing pumped up and rearing to go.

  His hold on her was firm but gentle. It grated that he was being careful with her. Casey didn’t want caring and gentle from Brody. She wanted him as demanding and out of control as he had been in her gym. A wild, male animal in rut.

  She let out an embarrassing squeal when he dumped her unceremoniously onto a bed. Brody grinned wickedly and caught hold of her ankles. She had no idea she was so sensitive there. His big hands encircled them completely with his long finger
s meeting easily. Casey fought the urge to kick and see if she could get away. Her stiletto points could be lethal, and her plans for the night did not include a trip to emergency.

  Luke stepped in next to his brother. The white T-shirt he had worn was now gone, and his dark blond chest curls had her dying to sift her fingers through them. The brothers stood there side by side, so similar and yet so different. Luke was lighter in every way. His body not as bulky, his hair fairer, and the hungry but playful look in his chocolate eyes nowhere as intense as the raw lust blazing from Brody’s onyx gaze.

  The smile on Brode’s face was full of unholy joy as Luke took possession of one of her ankles and joined him in stripping her of her potentially harmful footwear. Their touch tickled and titillated her sensitive nerves, and it felt like an eternity before she heard a twin thud as her sandals hit the floor. The embarrassing squeal peeled forth again as Brody drew his finger firmly the full length of her foot. He chuckled and held her firmly when she valiantly tried to rip away, uncaring that she was flashing them both with her struggles.

  She froze when a decadent kiss was laid against the other arch. Sensation raced along her nerve endings and flew straight to her clit as Luke tantalized the susceptible point she’d had no idea existed. Chocolate eyes rolled to watch her closely as he strung kiss after kiss along her foot and on to the delicate skin of her ankle. Her other foot was placed on the edge of the bed, and Casey felt the mattress shift as Brody crawled upon it and toward her.

  There was a feral gleam in his blacker-than-sin eyes that clenched her womb and drew a gush of welcome from her pussy. Luke’s leisurely progress had him nibbling the inside of her knee when Brody propped himself on his elbow beside her. His big hand splayed across her belly, searing her with its heat. She saw his gaze was locked on their fiery point of contact, and the captivated look on his rugged face made her follow it.

  The contrast of tone and texture was riveting. His roughened, sun-darkened hand looked obscenely large and menacing against the intensely pale smoothness of her lean stomach. She watched with bated breath as it rose ever so slowly to cup her breast. Her flesh peeked like slivers of alabaster from between his long, thick fingers. His finger and thumb extended and Casey braced herself for his touch, waiting to feel the rasp of his callused thumb across the ruched flesh. Instead he seized it, pinching the hardened nub between the work-roughened digits. Her eyes flew to his but closed in absolute ecstasy as he rolled it firmly. Of their own accord, her thighs fell open wide in blatant invitation. A cause and effect she had absolutely no control over.

  A hot brush of breath on her inner thigh was the only warning she had before Luke descended on her wantonly offered flesh. His tongue ran thickly the full length of her touch-starved folds. Her whole body jerked at the intimate caress, protesting that it was too much, but the second passage of his tongue had her moaning low and hungry as her nerves soaked up the erotic stimulation.

  Oh, Christ! That man knew how to please a woman. There was no blind poking and prodding. He made every touch count. The tip of that mobile organ circled her aching clit with pinpoint accuracy and curled upward into her opening with devastating potency to stroke deliciously against fevered intimate flesh. Surely he could tie cherry stems at an astounding rate. Casey swore she was going to lose consciousness when he worked back the hood of her clit and flattened his tongue, making it flutter against the demanding bundle of nerves.

  “Damn! And I thought that would make you scream.” Brody’s voice was rough but amused. “You’re not a noisy one are you?”

  All Casey could manage was to shake her head.

  “I love a challenge. I’m not going to be satisfied until we make you scream for us, Case.” He turned back to look down at Luke. All Casey could see was a tangle of sun-kissed curls buried between her thighs. “Hey, Luke?”

  Luke’s hum of acknowledgement buzzed her drenched folds and she bit down on her lip to hold back a cry.

  “Turn it up a bit. I want to get some noise out of her if it’s the last thing we do.” Brody grinned wickedly.

  Casey swore they were not going to make her scream. She loved her pleasure, but letting go enough not to care what came out of her mouth would be giving too much of herself. Her heart was intact because she never let anyone slip under her guard. A smile touched her lips when she reminded herself she had left it on the shelf at home.

  “I’m not doing my job properly if you can smile, sweetheart.” Luke’s words were teasing, but arousal had turned his raspy voice gravelly.

  Casey had no time to brace herself as he dove back down, this time latching on to her clit like a limpet and sucking ruthlessly. If ever she had felt the need to scream, it was then.

  Brody intensified his assault on her breast and fisted the other hand tight in her hair. His masterful grip tilted her head to his view, and looking into the inky darkness of his eyes, she came. The orgasm burst thought her body, radiating outward from her convulsing womb like the concentric waves from a boulder dropped into a fathomless pool. Her mouth opened wide and her breath exploded from her throat as her back arched and her body danced beneath the twin anchor points of Brody and Luke.

  “Silent screams don’t count, beautiful. We can do better than that.”

  “Much better.” Luke agreed with his brother before laying one last sucking kiss on her slick flesh and lifting his head. “It’s gonna be a long night, sweetheart. I’m glad you’re fit enough to take it.”

  She never got a chance to question him. He came over her on all fours and claimed her mouth. The musky tang of her juices upon his lips was an erotic shock. His tongue swept through her mouth twice before he lifted his head and smiled. “I believe that’s three–nil, sweetheart.”

  “Four–nil, actually. I think it’s time to do something about that.” Casey splayed her hands on Luke’s upper chest and shoved, following him as he rolled until their positions were reversed.

  Brody chuckled and ran a hand down her back to her ass. Casey shivered at the rasp of his callused palms along her tender skin. The tap he gave one cheek shot straight to her pussy and heated her alarmingly. No one had ever dared to do that before. Her visceral reaction must have been apparent because Brody’s chuckle dropped to a groan and he gave the other globe a light slap, too.

  “Don’t distract her too much, Brode. I think I’m finally gonna get lucky. You can beat on her ass later.”

  Casey thought about protesting, but she couldn’t see the point. She had never been a hypocrite before. She wasn’t about to start now by complaining about something that pressed all the right buttons just because the idea of it sat wrong. Instead she wiggled her ass invitingly and bent to sample the earthy flavor of herself upon Luke’s mouth once more. The faint saltiness had her hungry for brinier offerings. She pulled back from his mouth and nipped his bottom lip playfully, grazing her mouth over his beard-stubbled chin on her way lower.

  His broad chest distracted her from her ultimate goal. The crisp curls were heaven to nuzzle through. His warm scent was aroused man spiced with a masculine soap or cologne that should be outlawed as dangerous to a woman’s mental health. His tight skin was a magnet for the sharp bite of her teeth. Her tongue darted out to lick at the small brown disks adorning his tawny flesh and she reveled in his rough intake of breath.

  Sliding lower, Casey placed one knee and then the other between his hair-roughened thighs, nudging them wide. Luke’s stomach leaped and twitched beneath her mouth as she bit and licked at the resilient, silky skin covering his taut muscles. The narrow band of dark hair that started at his navel led her lower still. She reached the waistband of his shorts and backed off the bed until she stood at its side, looking down at Luke as he had at her earlier.

  He reached for a pillow to prop his head up, his smile one of anticipatory patience. He knew what he was going to get, and Casey couldn’t find the willpower to make him wait any longer. She grabbed his shorts and tugged them off. Luke’s hand was quick to intercede when they caug
ht on the head of his cock and near bent it in half. Brody laughed outright and sat up to watch.

  Casey dropped the offenders to the floor and stared at what she had uncovered. His cock was a long, thick curve rising from the nest of dark curls at his groin to stretch over his belly. Casey caught her lip between her teeth, absolutely enthralled. It wasn’t just a regular sweeping arch—there was a real kick to it, a bend at the end that pointed the thick head in at the heavenly trail of hair dribbling from his navel. Her thighs grew wet with arousal as her cunt clenched in pure anticipation.

  That was a G-spot finder if ever she’d seen one.

  With her eyes fixed on the prize, she climbed back up to kneel once more between his knees. Casey trailed her long hair back and forth across the engorged flesh, tantalizing Luke with the feathery caress. His eyes were sparkling heavily, and his grin encouraged her to do her worst as he sprawled back against the pillow, giving her free rein to do as she wished. His lack of urgency spurred Casey on. She wanted to startle the laziness clear out of him. She wasn’t going to be happy until he was as wild with need as she was.

  Rather than go straight for his cock, she nipped the fine-grained skin on the inside of each hip, hard. Delight swept through her when he jolted and sucked in his breath.

  Lazy-ass Luke could be made to react.

  Casey flicked her long hair over her shoulder and went to work in earnest. She ran her tongue from the bottom of his fuzz-covered sac to the tip of his shaped-for-pleasure cock and poked it in the fissure atop the fat head, extracting the most primal essence of man. A moan rumbled in the back of her throat as she relished the illicit tang. Brody’s finger pushed her hair back further behind her ear to watch as she gripped the base of the thick shaft and her mouth engulfed the bloated crown.


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