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Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3)

Page 10

by Renee, K

  “Let her go and I won’t kill you,” Cason states.

  “You want this stupid little bitch? Fucking take her. She’s probably no good anyway,” he spits out. He pushes me into Cason’s arms and tries to run past us. He runs into Anslie, who falls against the wall and slides to the ground. She cries out, and I see Raef grab Sutter before he can get away.

  Cason makes sure I’m okay before he rushes to Anslie’s side. She’s sitting on the floor and I can see the pain flash across her face. “Daddy, it hurts,” she whispers. Oh god. The baby.

  I see her white shorts starting to turn red, so I grab my office phone and call an ambulance. The dispatcher tells me to keep her calm, so I try my best to do so. I have never been scared like this before. If Brantley and Anslie lose their baby because of me, I’ll never be able to forgive myself.

  The cops and paramedic rush in. Once Anslie is loaded into the ambulance, Raef with her, it takes off. Cason sticks around with me to give a statement to the police. He tells the cops that he won’t press charges.

  I almost have a stroke when those words come out of his mouth. I can’t believe he’s going to let this asshole get away with hurting his daughter. I understand why he wouldn’t care about him hurting me, but that is his daughter who just left in an ambulance.

  Once the cops leave, he walks me out to my car. I have to jog to keep up with him. When we finally reach my car, I’m out of breath and confused.

  “I don’t want you going back to work for him,” he says through gritted teeth.

  I know I shouldn’t, but I have clients who are counting on me. I can’t just give up on them. I start to shake my head, but he traps me against my car.

  “Henley, promise me you will stay away from him. I’m going to take him down, and I don’t want you anywhere near him when I do. I’m trying to protect you.”

  I can feel the tears well up in my eyes as I look into his. His blue eyes make me wonder about what color our child’s eyes will be. Will we have a little girl who has my spirit, or will we have a little boy who is fearless like his father?

  With all this running through my head, I nod and blink away the tears. I need to tell him, but when I start to, his phone rings.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Looking into Henley’s eyes makes me crave her. All I want to do right now is bend her over her car and fuck her until I’m the only thing she can think about. Just as all those thoughts run through my head, my phone saves me from actually acting on my desires.

  “Yeah?” I answer.

  She’s looking at me like I hold her whole world in the palm of my hand. I wish I could give her all of me, but I still don’t know what is real and what is fake. I’ve been burned way too many times to just go with how I feel.

  “What the fuck happened to my ol’ lady? Why in the hell is she in a hospital bed right fucking now?!” Brant yells into the phone. I knew he would be pissed.

  “The fucker who put her in there will be dealt with. How is she doing?” I ask. I send up a silent prayer that they are both okay. I feel Henley suck in a breath and I can tell she is blaming herself for what happened.

  “They say the baby is under distress, and that Anslie needs to calm the fuck down.” I sigh. Fuck. I don’t want them to go through anything tragic like this after they are finally doing good.

  “I’ll stop by the hospital in a few minutes.” I hang up and focus my attention back on the woman I want more than my next breath.

  “I need to go, but we need to talk soon,” I rasp out. Henley bites her lip and I want nothing more than to devour her mouth. I pull myself together and tell her I need to get to the hospital.

  Before I walk away from her, I kiss her lips and help her inside her car. “I’ll call you,” I say, closing her car door and making my way to my bike.

  By the time I make it to the hospital, I have six messages asking how Anslie is doing. Walking inside, I get the chills. I hate being in this place. It reminds me of all the death I face every day. I ask for Anslie’s room and one of the nurses shows me where it is, flirting the whole way there.

  When I walk through the door, the first thing I see is Anslie’s face. She looks pale, but she doesn’t seem to be in any pain. When I walk in, I can tell she has been crying. She looks up at me and I want to kill that bastard even more than before. Brant is sitting by her side, holding her hand.

  “What’s the verdict?” I ask, not really ready to hear what the answer is.

  I see the tears in her eyes. “The doctor said I have a very small placental abruption from being pushed into the wall.” I see her shoulders shake and I want to take away her pain.

  “How’s the baby?” I ask, hoping for the best.

  She looks at me with a watery smile. “The doctor said he should be fine. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, I’ll have to come back, but a lot of rest and no stress is what the doctor wants me to focus on.”

  I walk over to her and gently pull her into a hug. “I love you, baby girl. If you need me to watch the boys, let me know. I’ll be glad to take them off your hands for a day or two.” She smiles and rests her hands on my shoulders.

  “I would rather you fix things with Henley,” she says stubbornly. Sometimes I wish this kid was nothing like her old man. “You need to talk to her. I think she may be–” Brant smacks her leg and she stops.

  I look at them both with a questionable expression, then Anslie tells me that Henley should be the one to tell me. Now I’m curious. I tell them I’m going to head home, and they tell me again to go talk to Henley. That’s something I don’t really feel like doing right now.

  When I pull into my driveway, I see an unfamiliar black sedan parked in front of my house. When I walk to the door, I see something move in the shadows.


  I look over at her and I want to put a bullet right between her eyes.

  “What the fuck are you doing at my house?” I say in a low but deadly tone. She knows she shouldn’t be here, but that’s probably part of her plan.

  “I need to talk to you and you weren’t answering my calls or texts.” She looks down and kicks a rock.

  “Why the fuck would I want to fucking talk to you, you stupid bitch?”

  I hear her sigh. “Cason, I heard you found someone new,” she states like she wants to hear the details. I wonder what game she’s playing this time.

  I hear another car pull up and Selena throws herself on me like a dog in heat. No matter what I do, I can’t pry the bitch off me. I hear Henley cry out. I finally get Selena off me and run after her, getting to her before she can close her car door.

  “Let me go!” she screams, trying to close the door on me.

  There is no way I’m letting her run away after she came to talk to me. “Henley, trust me when I tell you that bitch is fucking crazy. There is no fucking way I would even think about wetting my dick in her. That’s Selena, Anslie’s mother.” I watch her hit her hands on the steering wheel, but I can’t figure out what she’s thinking.

  “Come on. I want to talk to you. Let me get rid of her, then we are fucking talking about this shit,” I demand. She releases the steering wheel and slowly gets out of the car.

  Walking back up to the house, I see the smirk on Selena’s face. She has a plan. I just don’t know what it is.

  “So this must be your new whore, huh, Cason? My, my. You sure have lost an appetite for the finer things in life,” she sneers, looking Henley over.

  I grab Selena by the throat and push her up against my front door. I put my mouth right next to her ear so she gets I’m not fucking around with her. “You fucking so much as mention anything about my ol’ lady, I will fucking gut you like I should have the day you took my daughter from me.”

  I feel her body tense up and she tries to fight my grip. When I can tell she’s starting to panic, I start to speak again, “I don’t know what the fuck your game is, but if you come after my family again, I will make you wish you never met me. Leave my ol’ lady alone, leav
e my daughter and her family alone, and leave me alone, you stupid druggy whore.”

  She looks at me like she’s going to leave without another word, but when I release her, she walks over to Henley. I watch her lean in and say something. Henley’s expression changes into something I’ve never seen before, then she punches Selena right in the nose. I watch her stumble back, and Henley goes after her again.

  I grab Henley around the waist and pull her away. She struggles for a few minutes before she calms down. Selena stumbles to her car and drives off as fast as she can.

  Personally, I think it’s funny, but Hen doesn’t. She still looks pissed and I don’t want to ruffle anymore feathers than I already have with her. I watch her try to regain her composure, but the way she went after Selena just turns me on.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I have never met such a selfish bitch. I don’t even know how Cason could ever fall for that vile woman. She is the epitome of trash. When she leaned into me, I wanted to slap her, but held back.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie. When he gets tired of your fat ass, he will come crawling back to me like he always does. He’ll just use you as a rebound until I take him back,” she whispers.

  I don’t know what came over me, but my first instinct was to punch the lying bitch. Hell, at that point, I didn’t even care if it pissed Cason off.

  Someone needed to knock her down a notch. The woman is a terrible mother and I can’t imagine treating my child like she did hers. I went after her the second time because Anslie deserves to have a mother who loves her and treats her like the princess she is.

  Once that bitch leaves, Cason ushers me into the house. I’m assuming we are going to talk, so I start to get nervous. My hands get clammy and my stomach starts to flip.

  He sits me down on the couch, then takes a seat next to me. His body is angled to mine, and I feel like I need to throw up. I’m so nervous, I can’t stand it. What if everything blows up in my face? This isn’t just my fault, but I know I do have some blame in the situation.

  “Hen, look at me,” he says quietly.

  He seems just as unsure of everything as I am. He grabs my hand and threads his fingers through mine. Looking at him, I see worry lines and he looks almost as bad as I feel.

  “Cason, I don’t know what to say. You left me because you thought I was sleeping with my boss. I told you before that he hit on me. You knew our history, but still believed I would do that to you.”

  I watch him think over something before he actually responds, “Angel, I know I should have talked to you about it, but I just saw him kissing you and my mind went back to Selena cheating on me with a bunch of different men. I couldn’t help but think all women were the same. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. After I spent the next few nights drunker than I have been in a long time, I spoke with Nick and told him what happened. He called me a moron and called me every name he could think of. He made me realize I wasn’t being fair to you. The last girl I loved died. I don’t think I would be able to make it through another part of my heart dying, too.”

  I can feel the tears start to fall down my cheeks. That was probably the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. I never knew he never loved Selena.

  “You still love me?” I whisper. I know that’s probably not the only thing I should have gotten out of that confession, but it was the only part that mattered to me.

  He smiles before running his fingers across my cheek. When his fingers tangle in my hair, I hold my breath. He pulls my head towards him. “Yeah, angel. I still love you.” He then presses his lips to mine. This kiss is different than the ones we typically share. It’s not full of sexual tension or passion, but love.

  “Henley, I promise to never jump to conclusions again. I know it’s been a long while since I did this whole relationship thing and I will probably fuck it up more times than I can count, but I want us to do this for real. I want you to be my ol’ lady and I want everyone to know you’re mine.”

  I can’t help but smile at him. I want to try, too. “Cason, I love you, too.” He pulls me into his lap and kisses me breathlessly. As soon as we pull apart, I know I need to tell him. I just hope this secret doesn’t blow up in my face.

  My hand goes to my stomach. I don’t have anything cute or creative to say. He notices me tense up.

  “You feeling okay?” he asks, brushing my hair behind my ear. “You look flush. You need me to take care of you?” He smirks. Of course sex is the only thing on his mind.

  I shake my head. “How are Anslie and the baby doing?”

  “They are both doing okay. We may have to babysit for a few nights. The doc says she needs as much rest as possible until the tear heals.”

  “I’m sure it will be great practice,” I say before I can stop it. Oh shit. That wasn’t how I wanted it to come out. I slap my hand over my mouth and watch his expression change.

  I’m having a hard time figuring out how he’s feeling, but when he puts his hand over my stomach and gets the biggest grin on his face, I know he is excited.

  “How far along are you?” he asks.

  I smile shyly back at him. “Six weeks.”

  “Angel, you don’t even know how happy I am. Are you happy?” he whispers.

  “I know it’s not exactly part of the plan, but I am excited about the future. I can’t wait to hold this little baby in my arms.”

  He wraps me in his arms and carries me to bed. I never expected to miss his home as much as I did. Falling asleep in my own bed was so depressing. It wasn’t as comfortable, it didn’t smell like the sexy biker who currently had me in his arms, and I’ve been so horny and unsatisfied.

  He lays me on his bed and his mouth goes straight to my stomach, spending the next twenty minutes talking to my belly. He tells the baby how much he loves him or her, and that I’m going to be the best mommy. I can’t help the tears that are falling from my eyes, and I sure as hell don’t want to let go of this amazing feeling I have right now.

  “For being such the bad ass biker, you certainly know how to make me tear up,” I say, wiping them away.

  He smirks at me and kisses my belly once more. “Baby, there are a lot of things this bad ass biker knows how to do.” He runs his mouth across my stomach and up to my chest. He lifts my shirt up and pulls it over my head.

  He kisses a path between my breasts, then unhooks my bra. When he uncovers my breasts, he groans, then sucks a nipple between his teeth.

  “Oh god,” I moan. My eyes roll back in my head and every nerve ending in my body is on fire. Moving his torture lower, I gasp when his fingers creep into my slacks, and I can’t help the bucking of my hips when his finger dips into my sex.

  When he pulls my pants down, I wiggle my hips to help. His mouth goes to my pussy, and I can’t stop the sounds coming out of my mouth. He spears his tongue in and out of me, causing my orgasm to come fast.

  Right as I’m about to explode, he pulls his mouth away from me and moves up my body. He pulls off his jeans and t-shirt, and he thrusts inside of me with one fluid motion.

  “Oh god!” I scream out as he pounds into my pussy. Every one of his thrusts hits my g-spot, and my walls clench around his cock. He trusts a few more times as deep as he can go before we come together. Collapsing in a heap, he cuddles into my neck and I can’t help but think how blessed I am. Sure, things haven’t always been perfect, but I know we are meant to be together for this journey.

  He slowly pulls out of me and we both groan in protest. He slinks down in the bed and kisses my stomach once more before he comes back to his side of the bed and lies on his back, pulling me onto his chest. This is how we spend the rest of the night.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  As much as my body is humming with excitement, I know there is still a threat against Henley. Now that I know she’s pregnant, there is no way she’s leaving my side. I will do everything in my power to protect her and our child. Fuck, I’m going to be a dad again!

  My thoughts go to Anslie and the bab
y. I sure as fuck pray they are both okay. I will kill that bastard if he caused any harm to either of them. I’m also going to get Henley to stop working for the prick. I don’t want her anywhere near him and his sleazy ways. If I didn’t have to clear it through the club, he would already be a marked man. Thankfully, we have church on Friday, so I will be able to bring it up in front of the brothers.

  I feel Henley’s breathing on my chest and I thank God we found each other. I know I probably don’t deserve this angel, but I will do everything in my power to keep her. I should have trusted her. I know she is nothing like Selena. Henley is caring and sweet, and she would never hurt someone just for the hell of it.

  I get a text message from Anslie right before eight, asking if we made up yet. Sometimes that kid needs to mind her own damn business, but I still love her more than my last breath. I text her back, telling her everything is fine and she should be resting–not that she will listen to me. I don’t tell her about the baby yet because I want to tell everybody in person. Things are changing and I need to think about the future.

  Hell, my old man would probably be rolling in his grave if he knew what I was thinking about doing. For as long as I can remember, he groomed me to take over this chair, just like I did with Dominic. Sure, he may turn it down, but I doubt it. He was born to lead this club.

  I contemplate my next move. Part of me feels like I will be giving up my destiny, and the other part feels like this is the right thing to do. In eight months, I will have a new baby and over two hundred brothers to protect. The prospect of being home more makes sense, but I know I’ll miss the club and everything for which it stands.

  I’m so deep in thought, I don’t even notice Henley staring at me with a smile.

  “What are you thinking about, Cason?” she asks, running her fingers down my chest.


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