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Page 20

by K. I. Lynn

  My mind was clouded, lost in the lust and feel of Nathan. Only he could make my body sing so much, make me beg for more. The intensity was picking up as the desire grew to uncontrollable proportions, both of us making unintelligible sounds.

  “Lila,” he growled against my neck, his mouth moving down to the meat of my shoulder, and biting down as he pushed his cock between my slick folds.

  The sensation of him filling me cut through the cloud of lust to send flames rushing through my veins. There were no thoughts flittering through my mind, only one word: more.

  He gave me more with his hands gripping onto my waist and arms, pinning, moving, pulling.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed this tight little snatch. My dirty girl is so wet for me.”

  I whimpered, already on edge from his touch and weeks of teasing. With a few more thrusts, I was clenching around him and screaming his name.

  His hips jerked, expletives flying from his lips as he let go of weeks’ worth of build-up.

  “Mine! I’ll never let you go,” he whispered in my ear through harsh breaths.

  I smiled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. “Yours.”


  Over a month had passed since I started living with Nathan, since Adam found me. There were moments when things got tense, and I wasn’t sure what do about them. He seemed unsure of what to do about his fears for my safety.

  Nathan got to the point where he was paranoid enough he didn’t like me going to the grocery store without him, still afraid of what might happen. So, we went together.

  “I want some sweet potatoes for dinner,” he said as he walked next to me, and we grabbed a cart.

  I rolled my eyes and wondered when the sudden penchant for them was coming from. “You don’t like sweet potatoes.”

  “Not the way most people do, but I love them roasted. Chop them up, throw them in some spices and olive oil, and pop them in the oven.”

  “You sound like quite the cook, but I know better,” I teased as we headed to the produce section.

  He smirked. “Mom made them for lunch on my birthday one time.”

  I didn’t need to ask which birthday, because the tone in his voice told me all I needed to know. The last one he celebrated.

  My eyes were looking around, on guard for any possible person we might know from the office. Nathan seemed much more relaxed about our outing than I thought he should’ve been, knowing the repercussions.

  “Relax,” he whispered in my ear and stepped up behind me, placing his hands next to mine on the cart handle. “It’s okay, baby, everything is going to be okay. Trust me.”

  I nodded and leaned back against him.

  Maybe it was due to the fact Jack announced the new fraternization policy that week, or the fact that we weren’t trying to pretend as much. Either way, I was concerned about getting caught, and what that would mean.

  The new policy permitted a relationship between employees now, as long as they worked in different sections of the firm.

  Because of the changes set in place, things began to pick up with the Boob Squad. Owen’s antagonistic verbal assaults no longer deterred them; as far as they were concerned, there were no more barriers. That meant there was nothing keeping them from Nathan, or him from them. They were all deluded enough to think that if there was no fraternization policy, he would just jump into bed with them.

  When Jack made the announcement, it was like watching hungry lions stalking their prey. I felt bad for Nathan, and I wouldn’t have laughed if it hadn’t been so comical to watch.

  A few days later I was walking down the hall, heading to get some water. I passed by the copy room and, in a reflexive move, glanced in. I was met with a shocking sight that took a few moments to register. I backed up and stared hard, unable to take my eyes off the train wreck happening inside.

  Poor Nathan was pinned against the copier, trapped by Tiffany. She opened up the top buttons of her shirt and began caressing herself, and she was being none too passive about her actions. She was so short that if he whipped his monster out, she would be titty-fucking him.

  I knew it wouldn’t happen though. The look on Nathan’s face was priceless. If looks could kill…but oh no, she kept advancing. I couldn’t help but laugh at his predicament. He was always so polite to them, keeping their advances at bay, but this was getting to be a bit extreme.

  I was always the one pissed off when it came to them, him the one laughing at the situation. Oh, how the mighty had fallen, and how the Boob Squad wished he would fall on them.

  “Tiffany, you need to back up, now!” Nathan’s eyes darted around for something or someone to save him. His grip on the copier made the plastic squeak under the pressure.

  “You want this – you want me.” Her tone was attempting to sound seductive, but came out as desperate. “You know that slut Lila’s after you – but I know you’re not interested in her. She’s so disgusting. She’s fucking Owen, and probably fantasizing about you while she does it. Stop pretending you don’t want me. I know you do… I see the looks you give me.”

  I rolled my eyes. She was obviously speaking from her own experience of what was going on in her mind if and when she managed to get laid.

  She licked her lips, and Nathan turned pale. She tried to open her shirt more and he attempted to move away.

  “And how did you come to this conclusion? Have I ever made an advancement on you? I’ve never looked at you any differently than I do anyone else that works in this building.”

  His tone was no longer friendly, but gaining the edge I knew so well. It didn’t seem to register to Tiffany though.

  She leaned closer, her hands reaching for his and moving it toward her body. “I can see it in your eyes right now, baby. Stop fighting it. You don’t have to anymore – the office rules have changed.”

  Nathan yanked his hand from her grip, glaring at her. “Please stop before you embarrass yourself further or I decide to sue you for sexual harassment.”

  She stared at him, confusion written on her face. “Sue for sexual harassment?”

  “Yes, I’ve held my tongue all these months, but if your actions continue… You need to stop throwing yourself at me, because I’m never going to touch you. Rebutton your blouse. Now.” His tone was cold, jaw tense.

  I contemplated interrupting and laying my claim on him or rescuing him, but I was too curious how the train wreck would end. Gawkers’ block kept me bolted in place, a front row seat to the show.

  She continued to press into him, not swayed by his words, and it was looking grim. Nathan wouldn’t hurt a woman. My heart constricted when I considered how opposite he was from Adam, who would batter and torture for his own enjoyment.

  “I mean it, Tiffany. Leave now. Do I have to spell it out for you? I. Am. Not. Interested. In. You!” He accentuated the words in the last sentence, practically spitting at her as he spoke, with how angry he’d become.

  She gasped in shock. “I knew it! I knew you were a pussy! I told the girls you were…”

  “What? Gay? Is that what you were going to say?” His eyes were blazing. “God, you are so full of yourself. Let me make this clear. It’s not me, it’s you. You’re the problem. I do not want you.”

  With that, he pushed her aside enough to get past while her blouse gaped open after him. I managed to escape before he caught me watching from a distance.

  I didn’t say anything when we were both back in our office. An hour later, I headed back to the copy room to make the copies I’d originally intended to make when I happened to come across him being cornered by Tiffany.

  I grinned as I waited for my copies and was almost skipping my way back to our office. In some ways it had been good to witness without his knowledge how devoted and loyal he was to me. He’d never stray and cheat on me or do anything again to hurt me. These thoughts made my heart swell. I was almost to our door when I stopped and heard him growl, low and menacing.

  “Get the fuck off me. Didn’t your little fri
end tell you? I don’t want you or your toxic pussy any-fucking-where near me. Do not fucking touch me again, understand?” Nathan said, finally at his breaking point with one of them. I assumed it wasn’t Tiffany since he already gave her the brush-off.

  There was a rustling followed by “asshole” before Jennifer stormed out, almost running into me in her anger. She threw me a nasty look before disappearing around the corner.

  “What was that about?” I asked as I entered. Owen snickered behind me at his desk but then broke out into full laughter.

  Nathan’s jaw was clenched tight, his eyes hard as he stared out the door toward Owen.

  “She had the fucking audacity to grab my hand and place it under her fucking skirt! Saying she knew I wanted her, and I was just too afraid to make a move, but with the new policy, blah blah blah! Jesus—it was sick!”

  My eyes were wide as I sat down, tossing the file down on my desk. They were really willing to do anything.

  I couldn’t help the smirk that formed on my face. “Wow, they’re getting bolder. Something in the water?”

  “No fucking clue, but I feel disgusting. I need to go run my hand under scalding hot water to try and burn a layer off. I could stand them when they were just around, but now they’re crossing a fucking line, and that shit ends now. No more Mister-fucking-nice guy.”

  I couldn’t help the victorious smile that formed on my face.


  My smile didn’t fade even with him glaring at me. It was his own fault, after all, but I had a feeling, and was looking forward to, the punishment I would receive later. Maybe he wouldn’t even wait until five.

  He pulled on his tie and raised his brow at me to indicate what was coming my way.

  Oh, yes, it was going to be a good evening.

  It became Nathan’s obsession to find out every tiny detail about Adam he could—his personal mission to make sure he went to jail for a long time. He didn’t want Adam to ever leave prison.

  Nathan became very needy, always having to know where I was at all times. He risked our exposure daily, not caring that it could cost him seeing me every day if we got caught.

  It wasn’t even five on a Tuesday afternoon and he had me on the edge of my desk with my skirt hiked up, thighs spread and pounding into me. I tried to be as quiet as I could with him whispering dirty things in my ear, making me want to moan out loud and scream his name when he hit that spot deep inside me over and over again. He shoved my panties in my mouth right as my orgasm hit me, muffling my screams.

  We weren’t ready to part in the workplace. Not yet.

  His need was great, and I didn’t need Darren in my head telling me to ask him what was wrong, because I knew. Nathan was still scared at the thought of what would have happened if he had been five minutes later or if he’d stopped for gas that day.

  Feeling my skin to his was reassurance I was all right. Seeing me, hearing me, wasn’t enough. He needed to feel the heat of my desire, his name slipping from my lips, his eyes locked on mine and his teeth marking my skin. His lips swallowed my cries of pleasure only he could produce from me.

  Over the next few days after the desk incident, he started to relax a little. However, office romps of some sort occurred much more often than before.

  We spent that weekend knee deep in paperwork and state criminal laws. He was trying to see if the court case that separated me from my father’s custody could be used as evidence. The judge who oversaw my case also oversaw my domestic violence case against Adam. He was convicted of a class D felony and spent six months in jail. Nathan wanted to use it, as did Lawrence, the prosecutor assigned to the case. It showed it was not the first time Adam had attacked me, injuring me. We also had copies of the expired restraining orders.

  I also learned my father was shunned in the community when the truth came out.

  We tried to discover anything and everything we could find to use against Adam. Stories began to surface: old girlfriends he beat, workplace violence, anger management classes. He said it was my fault for the way his life turned out, but after all that I saw and heard in the past few weeks, I concluded he would have turned out that way regardless of those cases. The truth was there would have been someone else, some other person, probably a woman, he would’ve abused. Adam was just that fucked up.

  “Yes!” Nathan yelled out, scaring me half to death.

  I turned to him, his eyes wide and a smile stretching from ear to ear.

  “What did you find?”

  “I was scared, really scared the worst he’d get was for the attempted rape, but he has a prior felony.” Yeah, me, but we knew that already. He shook his head, seeming to know what I was thinking. “Not just you. A woman named Marie Valda. He attacked her four years ago. She spent two days in the hospital. Two prior attacks along with this one makes him a habitual offender.”

  My lips curled up, my smile matching his. Double. It would double the sentence.

  Nathan grabbed another book from the pile next to his spot on the couch, still digging in, insatiable at finding all he could. I picked up the one beneath and began combing through it.

  About an hour later, I looked over to him from my spot on the floor at the coffee table where I had various books and papers spread out. He looked delicious, lying on the couch in only his flannel lounge pants, one arm propped behind his head, some law book, resting on his chest. He was engrossed, and completely ignoring me.

  I was bored; we’d been working so hard, but now I was craving attention. Affections had been taking the backseat to putting Adam away for life. I continued to watch him, his eyes flitting about the page. An idea sparked, and I pulled my t-shirt off and tossed it at him. It left me smirking at him in just my little shorts. It landed on his legs and did not receive the response I was hoping for. He grunted in annoyance and kicked it off, his eyes never leaving the book.

  I let out a huff before crawling across the floor, stalking toward him when his eyes snapped to me.


  I gave him a wicked grin and climbed onto the couch, straddling his hips and grabbing the book, tossing it on the floor. Taking his hands in mine, I placed them on my breasts.

  “Touch me.”

  His eyes went wide in shock, but his hands didn’t move the way I loved, the way I needed. They were still and lifeless.

  I leaned over and kissed him, placing all of the attention back on me and what I needed from him. I placed my hands over his, encouraging him with the movements for him to do something, anything to give me friction and hope of release.

  “Please, baby. I can’t take it. You look so good, and I want you.” I breathed against his mouth, kisses left on his lips to persuade him.

  It took a moment, but Nathan finally responded like I hoped he would. He growled and pinched my nipples before sitting up and taking them in his mouth. I shuddered in pleasure as he began to ravage me. His fingers flexed into my flesh, his teeth nipping and pulling on my nipples. My hips rocked against the hardening length beneath me.

  “Fuck, baby.” His hips flexed up as I pushed down.

  I chanted his name, grabbing hold of his hair and pulling his head back to devour his lips. “Take me, please. I need you. Take me.”

  His eyes darkened to almost black, his grip on me tightening.

  “Again,” he demanded.

  My eyes threatened to roll back, and I moaned. “Take me.”

  He growled and sat up, spinning me around and pushing me down onto my knees. My shorts and panties where pulled down with so much force I heard the fabric tear at the seams.

  Nathan’s weight sagged the couch on one side—the hot head of his cock rubbing against the inside of my thigh.

  “Is this what you want, slut?” He rocked his hard length against my slit. I wiggled my butt, teasing him, earning a smack against the swell of my ass. “You better answer me or I won’t give it to you.”

  “I didn’t ask you to give, I told you to take.”

  His fingers dug into
my hips, and he drew in a shuddering breath.

  “Fuck, baby,” he groaned, his hips rocking faster. His hand landed against my skin again, and I yelped, my pussy clenching and begging for him. “That’s it, fucking naughty girl. Every time my hand comes down, making your ass nice and pink, you soak my cock.”

  “Who do I belong to?”

  His fingers dug deeper into my hips. “Me. You are fucking mine.” His teeth nipped at my neck as he pulled my hips back to his.

  “Then show me. Show me who owns me and my pussy.”

  He slammed into me, hard, causing my body to clench and convulse around him. He pulled out and thrust back in, pushing me into the arm of the couch. Setting up a wicked hard, rough pace, he grabbed hold of my hair, swirling it around his hand, and pulled.

  “Fucking take it. Take my cock. Your pussy loves it, doesn’t it?”

  I moaned, unable to form a coherent thought. His hand smacked down on my skin as his hand pulled harder on my hair.

  “Answer me!”

  “Yes, yes! Fucking God, yes, my pussy loves your cock.” The whole experience was more intense than any in almost two months. I couldn’t even think, wrapped in his overwhelming need and dominance.

  I begged for more, and he gave me what I asked for. Harder, rougher, faster. It was instinctual, primal fucking, and I loved every moment.

  Over and over he pushed me, until I was a blubbering mess from coming so many times in a row. My body was limp, and he was still pounding into me. Incoherent words fell from his lips, his movements becoming erratic until he let go, spilling inside me.

  He collapsed down onto my back, and together we slid down to the couch on our sides. His arms wrapped around me, his hot breath on my neck.

  “Damn, Honeybear.”

  I giggled, the laughter shaking my body. “What?”

  “You’re going to kill me if you keep that up. Though no better way than balls deep in your pussy…or mouth, or ass. I’m not picky.” He chuckled while placing a kiss to my temple.


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