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Finding Zane (Dreamscapes Book 2)

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by Eliza Tilton

  A blue butterfly lands on top of the life-sized barbie doll. Its iridescent wings sway back and forth. Those barbies are the closet to robots I’ve ever seen. I switch her to demo mode and she smiles. Kerry won’t talk unless you touch her or get close.

  Not like dollboy.

  I wonder what he’s doing back there.

  The doorbell jingles as a customer walks in.

  “Hello,” I great. “Welcome to the Emporium. Can I help you today?”

  The woman smiles and taps her phone. “I’m here for the buy two sale. Can you show me what would be good for a girl turning eight?”

  “Of course.”

  At that is how the craziness starts. Customer after customer come in to buy and I’m stuck between handling the checkout and finding items. I’ve had a help wanted sign on the store sign Dad got hurt, but only one person applied, and he was way too creepy to hire.

  My feet are sore, my shoulders are throbbing from lifting, and when it hits 2pm, I decided to close and take lunch.

  I switch the store sign to “out to lunch” and lock the front door.

  “I’m tired. I really need help!”

  The back-door swings open and Zane walks out.

  I forgot he was still back there.

  “What are you doing?” I moan. “Didn’t I tell you to stay back there?”

  His blue gaze roves over me. “You said you needed help? Are you all right?”

  “I’m taking a break.” I head into the lunch room, Zane follows.

  The break room is small, but quaint, with no holograms or tech. There’s a round wooden table and a matching kitchenette, I go into the fridge and search for the leftover sandwich I had from yesterday. I grab that and a soda and sit down.

  Zane stands next to the table.

  If he weren’t the epitome of my anime fantasies, Id kick him out, but he is nice to look at.

  I rub my neck. I can feel the knot there.

  “Will you allow me to massage you?” Zane asks as he steps behind me and places cool hands on my neck.

  I could really use a massage.

  “Sure,” I say in between bites.

  A warm liquid coats my skin—I’d be surprised, but after the soap incident, I’m not. He kneads my shoulder, hitting every spot, applying just the right amount of pressure. It’s relaxing and I stop eating to enjoy the tension leave my body. He presses his fingers down and around, melting the knots on the back of my shoulder blades.

  “That feels really good.” I smile and close my eyes.

  “I’m glad you are enjoying it.” Zane’s voice sounds a bit huskier. I wonder if that’s part of his programming, but I don’t even care. His hands have magical fingers.

  I lean forward on the table, moving my sandwich out of the way.

  Little sighs leave my lips. Each press and touch sends me further into relaxation. He snakes his hands into the back of my shirt, pressing a little lower. I’m almost inclined to take my shirt off he’s so good. I’ll never need to pay for a massage again.

  This is what I needed.

  “How is the pressure?” he asks.

  “Perfect.” I sigh again, falling into bliss.

  “Would you like some music?”

  “Uh, sure.”

  Soft instrumental beats fill the break room.

  BORAS thought of everything when they created this robot: music, cleaning, first aid, massage therapy . . .

  With my eyelids closed, I just want to sleep. This is the most relaxed I’ve been since my boyfriends dumped me and Dad got hurt.

  I could stay like this forever.

  “What are you doing?”

  My best friend’s voice startles me, and I jump.

  Nelly is standing in the doorway with a smirk on. Her straight black hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail and she’s dressed in her signature red heels, a pair of tight black pants and white crop tight.

  “Having lunch,” I say and shake Zane’s delicious hands off me.

  “Can I have some?” Her smirk widens into a full-blown smile. “I’m starving.”

  “Hee.” I give a fake laugh, slightly panicking.

  “Who’s your friend? He’s cute.”

  Clearing my throat, I grab my sandwich and go to throw it in the trash compactor. My hearts racing, panicking on what to say.

  “I’m Zane.” Zane holds out his hand to shake Nelly’s and My eyes go wide.

  “Nice to meet you.” She shakes his hand with a smile. “How do you know Meredith?”

  “He’s from out of town,” I blurt out. “He’s here visiting family and came for the job.”

  Nelly narrows her perfectly manicured brows. “And he’s massaging you because . . .?

  Ugh. There’s no way I can lie to her! She’ll know.

  “Meredith pulled a muscle during rush hour,” Zane adds. “I used to work part time as a masseuse back home.”

  “Oh, well that’s convenient.” Nelly glances back and forth between us. “Mer, can we chat up front?”

  “Sure.” Sweat forms at the base of my neck right where Zane massaged.

  Nelly loops an arm around me and pulls me to the front of the store.

  “O.M.G!” She squeals in a whisper, leaning into my shoulder. “Please tell me you hired him?”

  “Well?” Panic. Tell her the truth. Say it now. “He’s not really applying, he’s—”

  She nudges my arm. “Who cares. You need a guy in your life, escpeally aft that-who-sall-not-be-named dumped you after Prom. Such a scumbag. That Zane guy will make him so jealous. Do it.”

  “nell, you don’t understand.”

  “STOP. Don’t give me an excuse.” She breaks away from me and pulls out her phone. “I won’t hear it.” She starts typing on her phone.

  “What are you doing?” I’m terrified at where this conversation is going.

  “You, me, and Zane are going to a concert at the yard. It’s next Friday. I just got you tickets.”

  “Nell!” Oh, no. No. No. NO.

  She shoves her phone back into her purse. “Look, I know you’re upset over jerk face. He’ll be there. Time to make him regret his decision.”

  “We shouldn’t use Zane like that. Who says he’d even go?”

  Her mouth drops open. “Uh, hello? Did you see how he stared at you and you didn’t see the look on his face when I walked in. That boy was a hundred percent focused on rubbing you down.”

  Yeah, because he’s programmed to.

  “It’s done. We’re going. You’re hiring him, and this is going to be our best summer yet!” She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and waves goodbye.

  I seriously regret giving her the security code to the store.

  Zane appears from the back, shoving his hands into his pockets like a real human.

  “I’m going to regret this,” I mumble as I wipe the hologram pad that displays on the store window.

  “Regret what?” Zane stands next to me, tilting his head.

  “Welcome to the Toy Emporium. You’re officially hired.”

  “Hired?” One eyebrow raises in a quizzical fashion.

  “Yes, now pay attention.,” I grab his arm and pull him into the center of the store. “I have to teach you how to be a human.”


  Mom left to take the boys to day care and Gram is cooking Dad breakfast. One large cup of coffee and I’m still exhausted. Last night I spent three hours going Zane’ manual, adjusted settings, practicing normal conversations and expressions, anything I could think of to make him more human, plus, training him how to work at the store.

  Gram pours me another cup. “Looks like you need a bit more rest.”

  “Yes, and a vacation.”

  She smiles and the corner of her eyes crinkle. Her grey hair is curled and pinned back. Dad has Gram’s eyes, sky blue, almost like Zane. She takes the coffee pot and puts it back on the counter.

  “Where’s Dad?” My father’s only been home a week, and after spending almost a month in the hospital, I
know he’s tired of being waited on.

  “In the shower.” Gram puts Mom’s mug in the dishwasher. “That man is stubborn. Refused to let me help him get undressed. I’ve seen that boy’s bottom more times that I care for!”

  I laugh, wondering if she’s talking about his baby years or more notorious high school days. Uncle T and Dad have some funny stories, and ones they love to remind Gram of.

  “He’ll be fine.” Dad may be stubborn but he’s strong. The doc said he recovered astonish Illy quick after falling.

  A crash sounds from upstairs. Gram and I stare at one another in horror before running up the stairs to my parent’s bathroom. Steam seeps out from underneath the bathroom door.


  He doesn’t answer.

  I wriggle the doorknob. It’s locked.


  “Thomas open the door!” Gram’s voice quakes as she yells.

  “I can’t . . . “Dad groans. “Call the ambulance.”

  “Oh, no,” Gram sobs and places a hand over her heart.

  I pull out my phone and immediately dial 911. My heart is racing. I don’t know what to expect when they come and open the door, but my mind thinks of every scenario, blood, broken back, head split open. Gram talks to Dad and I run downstairs while giving the operator our address and info.

  He just got home. We just got him back!

  The tears come to quickly. I don’t want to worry Mom, but I know I need to call her next. She’s going to ask me a whole bunch of questions I don’t have answers for, except that Dad is hurt enough he can’t stand.

  I sit outside on the porch steps, sobbing, waiting for the ambulance to come.

  Every minute that passes is a moment too long.

  Finally, red and blue lights flicker in the distance followed by the familiar siren. They pull open and I run up the steps to hold open the door. Two guys dressed in whit uniforms take a stretcher and run up.

  “Upstairs, left bedroom, the bathroom is in there.” I wipe my eyes and try to steady my breaths.

  “Don’t worry, Miss, it’ll be all right,” the aid says.

  I nod and follow them upstairs.

  Gram grabs my hand and pulls me to her bosom. “He said he slipped while getting out, he can’t move his arm and with the back injury.” She doesn’t finish the sentence, but I know she’s as worried as I am. “The door’s locked,” she adds.

  “Sir, we’ll need to break down the door”

  “Do it,” Dad replies in a strained voice.

  I close my eyes when they break through. The sound of wood breaking makes me crumble into Gram. I don’t know how she’s holding it together, but her grip around me is firm, and in her strong arms, I cry.

  I’m angry that my Dad is hurt.

  I’m terrified to open my eyes and see what happened behind that locked door.

  Please, be okay.

  The wheels to the stretcher squeak on the hardwood floors.

  “Baby.” I feel someone tug my arm.

  When I open my eyes, Dad has blood covering the left side of his face and he’s holding his arm.

  “Dad.” My heart lurches and Gram holds me tighter.

  “I just slipped, knocked my head, and my elbow’s most likely shattered.” He grimaces, and I want to take his scruffy face in my hands and tell him it’s okay to cry. “You call your mom but tell her I’m fine. Just a slip. She’s got a big meeting today and I don’t want her to miss it.”

  “I’m coming,” I say, and he shakes his head.

  “No, go the store, I’m fine, nothing you can do.”

  “I’ll go with him,” Gram says. “I’ll call you as soon as I get word. I’ll call Mary. You go ahead dear.”

  Gram’s strength overwhelms me. She is a rock. “Are you sure?”

  She kisses my forehead. “Yes. Your Father is a tough guy. A little broken bone won’t stop him.”

  Dad smiles, but then winces again.

  The aids roll him down the stairs and out the front door, Gram follows.


  No matter how hard I try, I sob the entire car ride to the story. By the time, I input the security code, my face is red, my nose raw, and my mind blank. My breathing is ragged. I can’t stop thinking of all the what ifs. What if it’s more than his ram? What if he’s lying like he was about his back?

  “What’s happened?” Zane is storming to me. His beautiful face in hard, concerned lines. “Are you hurt?”

  I sob and when he takes me in his arms, I let him. I don’t care that he’s not real. I don’t care he’s programmed to respond to my emotional needs.

  “Shh” He hushes and rubs my back in soft circles. “I’m here.”

  His husky voice and gentle touch turn my insides into a chaotic swirl of emotions: sadness, fear, longing. I snuggle my face into his chest and I’m surprised at the sound I hear. A low rhythmic thump, like a heartbeat. I know it’s fake, but still, it’s nice.

  He slips his fingers through my long hair, stroking the back of my neck. “What can I do? How can I ease your pain?”

  Such sincerity in those words. Programmed, but enough to break my walls. “I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be. Whatever it is, I will be by your side, to protect you.” He takes my sniveling face in his hands which are warm.

  My heart races as he traces his thumb in a circle on my cheek. He’s almost two heads taller than me and has to lean down to get close. A cool air releases from his mouth. He’s closer.

  “May I kiss you?” The questions sends my heart in to a wild spin.

  The cool air contains the musky cologne from the other day.

  “May I?” He asks again, this time his voice deeper, his lips closer.

  I nod, because I’m too stunned to speak.

  His mouth descends on mine in a cool rush. Soft lips caress mine and I forget where I am. His mouth opens with mine, deepening the kiss.

  No way. This feels too real.

  Way too real.

  My chest rises and falls with each sensual kiss. Zane’s hands slide down to my waist, squeezing all the right places. A little moan escapes me, and he presses harder, never breaking the connection. There’s a minty, vanilla taste to his mouth, almost like he chewed gum, but better.

  He tastes delicious.

  Finally, Zane stops and presses his forehead to mine. “Do you want more?”

  My breaths come fast. More? What does he mean by more?

  His gaze darts to the front window and I turn my head.

  Uncle T is standing outside the door, glaring at us through the window.


  Uncle T just saw us?

  Glancing back at Zane, I realize, I can never ever tell anyone what he is. From now on, Zane is a real boy, regardless of what happens next.


  Nelly is screeching in my ear. I flip my phone to holo mode and put it on the dresser. A hologram of Nelly putting on eyeliner appears in my room.

  “Why are you so against this?” She drags the pen across her eyelid creating the perfect cat eye.

  “I’m not, it’s been rough with Dad back in the hospital and Mom handling the boys by herself.”

  “Yeah, but your Gram is there.” She blinks and moves to the next eye. “It’ll be fun. You and Zane can come with me and Jasper. DJ Scram is performing. It’ll be so much fun!”

  “I don’t even know if he’ll come.” Of course, Zane will do anything I say, but after Uncle T catching us mid lip-lock, I’m nervous someone will catch on. If anyone found out he was an android, I’d be the laughing stock of Maine.

  “I already asked, and he said yes.”

  “What? When? How?”

  She smiles as she glides on blood red lipstick, signature lips to match her favorite heels. With her pale skin and dark hair, she’s emoting every vamp vibe a girl can have. “When you were with a customer. His exact words were, “he’d love to.”

  “Ugh.” I fall face first on to my bed.

  “I said you�
�d meet him at the store at 7pm,” she adds.


  “I need to get dressed. See you soon!”

  The holo shuts off.

  This is getting out of hand.

  I replay the embarrassing scene from yesterday over and over. Uncle T giving Zane a stern talking to and being more pissed at me for not opening the store on time than kissing. Until I told him what happened with Dad. His temper calmed, and he apologized.

  Still, so embarrassing.

  From the moment I opened the case, I meant to tell Uncle T about it, and now I don’t know what to do. I had to decide. Uncle T was off for a Toy Expo in New York. I had exactly three weeks to muster the guts to tell him the truth. Soon, he’d be back and would ask about the massive container.

  I rip through my closets trying to find something light show appropriate. It’s supposed to hot tonight which means there’s no way I’m wearing pants. I grab a thigh length cream tank with black paint splatters and a black corset that’s more like a fitted wide belt than a bodice. Paired with black velvet thigh high boots, and a matching glittering mini bag, my reflection doesn’t suck.

  Grabbing my keys, I run down the stairs. Gram is sitting on the couch rocking Tommy, my youngest brother.

  “Where’s Mom?”

  “She went to check on your father,” she whispers back.

  “Okay. I’m going out with Nelly. I shouldn’t be home too late.”

  Gram gives me an air smooch. “You be careful.”

  “I will.”

  When I get in my car, I grip the steering wheel What am I doing? I punch in the store on my screen and the car drives out onto the road and into town. The on good thing about automatic cars is you can do anything while it drives.

  Right now, I panic.

  I look at my outfit and my stomach knots.

  I’m dressed for a boy who want care how the corset accents my waist or appreciate how the velvety smooth boots cost me almost three hundred dollars.

  None of it will matters.

  After tonight, I’ll explain everything. I’ll tell Nelly and then Uncle T.

  When I get to the store, Zane is propped up against the building with his hands in his pockets, head down. His spiky hair is different, floppier before. I wonder if I’m supposed to be treating it. The fitted black shirt hugs his peeks and toned arms.


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