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Throw Dylan from the Train (S.A.F.E. Detective Agency)

Page 4

by Piper Davenport



  “Baby, I’ve said your name three times. You okay?” he asked.


  He chuckled. “You spinnin’ a story in your head?”

  “Don’t talk to me like you know me.”

  Jake grinned, turning right off Alberta and into a quiet, established neighborhood lined with midcentury modern ranches. It was lovely...and unexpected. He pulled his truck into a driveway and parked in front of the one-car garage.

  “This is the place?”

  “Yep,” he said, and climbed out of the truck, walking to my side and helping me down.

  I took in the brick exterior and smiled. “It’s really cute.”



  “It was my grandmother’s. She left it to me when she died.”

  This surprised me. I assumed he’d bought it, but to hear it was left to him gave it more meaning, and I wasn’t sure if I should feel happy for him...or sad. “Were you close?”

  “She raised me.”

  “What happened to your parents?”

  “Mom died when I was seven. Cancer. Dad died in a car crash three years later.” He spoke matter-of-factly.

  Okay, yeah, sad. And so Jake. He didn’t share. Ever. This was progress. “Ohmigod, Jake. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It happened years ago, and I’m over it.” He unlocked the door and pushed it open, standing back so I could precede him inside.

  “When did your grandma die?”

  “Two years ago.”

  Wow. He’d had such tragedy and heartbreak in his life...and this was the first I was hearing it. I didn’t like that he wasn’t a sharer, but, still, all of this news made me respect him more. He was funny, caring, and protective, and he didn’t seem to have a chip on his shoulder. But we’d only known each other for about six months, so I had no idea if I just hadn’t seen that side of him yet.

  Jake flipped on lights and I was pleasantly surprised by the small foyer that opened into a great room with a brick fireplace and comfy-looking furniture. To my right was a simple but updated kitchen, complete with an island long enough to accommodate three bar stools.

  “It’s lovely, honey.”

  “Thanks.” He closed and locked the front door. “Kick off your shoes, Addie. Get comfortable. I’m gonna start the grill.”

  “Do you mind if I change?”

  His eyes swept my body. “Kinda.”

  I frowned. “Really?”

  “You wanna take those panties off and leave the skirt on, I wouldn’t say no.”

  I licked my lips, laid my hand on his arm for balance, and shimmied my panties off, dropping them on the floor.

  Air hissed out of Jake’s mouth through his teeth, and he kissed me. “Fuckin’ sexy as hell, baby.”


  “Yeah, really?” He cocked his head. “What’s on your mind, Addie?”

  “It’s just I really want to get naked, and since you seem turned off by that idea, you’re making it impossible for me to stay sane.”

  “What the fuck are you talkin’ about?”

  “It’s been a week, Jake.”

  “I’m painfully aware of that fact, Addison.”

  “Okay. Are you gonna take care of that?” I challenged. “I have needs.”

  He dropped his head back and laughed, a deep belly laugh that echoed through the room. “Holy shit, baby, you’re fuckin’ hilarious.”

  “Not trying to be funny,” I grumbled.

  He smiled. “You feelin’ neglected?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  He chuckled. “Answering a question with a question is classic avoidance, baby.”

  “Yes, I’m feeling neglected,” I admitted. “Ever since our first night together, my vibrators just aren’t cutting it.”

  Jake kissed my nose. “You’re good for my ego, you know that?”

  “Well, you’re not good for mine,” I said with a huff.

  “I’m gonna take care of that right now,” he promised, and kissed me. Slipping his hands to my hips, he pushed me back, guiding me to the edge of the sofa, where he knelt in front of me and slid my skirt up to the top of my thighs. Pushing his face into my pussy, he pressed his tongue to my clit. “Spread, Addison.”

  I gripped the edge of the sofa and spread. My motion gave Jake better access and I found my skirt up and over my hips, which meant his hand slid between my legs and he sucked my clit as he slipped two fingers inside of me...then three.

  I wove my fingers into his hair and gripped tightly as he brought me to edge of climax, then back again.

  “Jake,” I growled.

  He continued to thrust his fingers into me and I was grateful when my climax built again, and he didn’t bring me down. Instead, he pressed his thumb against my clit and I screamed his name as I came. God, it was awesome.

  Before I could revel in my orgasm, Jake rose to his feet, unbuttoned his jeans, and shoved them down his thighs, boxer briefs and all. He slid his already rock-hard cock into me as he covered my mouth with his and fought with the buttons on my blouse. In the end, he ripped it down the front and I heard the buttons hit the hardwood.

  Deciding to let go of the fact he’d just ruined a thousand-dollar Carolina Herrera blouse, I wrapped my legs around his waist to take him deeper and slid my tongue into his mouth.

  He gripped my bottom and held me anchored to the back of sofa as he slammed into me over and over again.

  “Fuck!” he groaned, and his body locked as his cock pulsed inside of me.

  He slid his hand between us and worked my clit until I joined him in the beauty of a climax haze, kissing him as he held me.

  He grinned, stroking my cheek. “Better?”

  “Yes,” I breathed out. “I feel much less stabby now.”

  “God damn, you’re beautiful, Addison.”

  “Because I want to stab people when I’m horny?”

  Jake laughed. “Yes, because of that.”

  “I’m gonna get cleaned up,” I said as he pulled out of me.

  “Okay. Master bedroom’s at the end the hall. It’s got its own bathroom.”

  “Thanks.” I headed toward the back of the house and pushed open the door he’d mentioned. His bed was haphazardly made, but at least he’d made an effort.

  I closed the door and dug through my tote for my jeans and T-shirt. The day had been a warm one and his house either didn’t have air-conditioning, or he didn’t use it, so I knew I’d need the least amount of clothes possible. I tended to run warm, which drove Dylan nuts because I was constantly blasting the air-conditioning, either in my car or at home. She’d made more than one snarky comment about requiring a Sherpa to make it all the way back to her bedroom before she froze to death.

  After changing into the cutest pair of jeans I owned, I pulled on a fitted T-shirt and brushed out my hair. I shoved everything back into my bag and, after I grabbed my phone, headed out to the living room.

  “Jake?” I called.

  “On the deck, babe.”

  I headed toward the sliding glass door next to the dining table and hit pay dirt. Jake manned the grill but turned and smiled as I stepped outside. “I poured you a glass of wine,” he said, nodding toward the wooden bistro table by the railing.

  “Thanks, honey.” I grabbed the glass and wrapped an arm around his waist, taking in the yard. He must sit on over an acre, because his neighbors weren’t particularly close. He had a large yard with a six-foot privacy fence and even taller trees lining it. It was peaceful and very pretty. “Nice yard.”

  “Thanks.” He gave me a squeeze and smiled down at me. “You look cute.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled back at him.

  “Like the heels, tight skirt, and no panties look better, but this’ll work, too.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Perv.”

  “Your perv,” he said.

  I grinned, kissing him quickly. “Yes, most definitely my perv.”

  “You hungry?”

  “When am I not?”

  “This is true.” He kissed again. “Gotta admit, baby, love that you eat. Dated a few women who ate like birds and it wasn’t so cute.”

  My mind went back to cheater Greg telling me I was hippy. “Not your thing, huh?”

  “Not even close. I like a soft woman.” He grinned. “Inside and out.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “So I’m failing on at least one of those, then.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “No one has ever called me soft on the inside. Well...except Dylan maybe.”

  He dropped his head back and laughed. “Then they’re idiots.”

  “You think?”

  “Hell, yeah. You’re just a badass, Addison. Some people can’t handle strong women, but you’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, so fuck ’em. Well-behaved women never get anything done, anyway. I have a feeling you’re going to do something huge and change the world.”

  I let that settle in my bones for a second, unused to that kind of adoration. “That’s a lot of pressure, Jake.”

  “Nah. You won’t even know you’re doin’ it, you’re that much of a badass.”

  I bit my lip and dropped my head to his chest. “I really need you to stop being nice to me right now.”

  His free hand slid into my hair. “How come?”

  “Because it’s disconcerting.”

  “Yeah, why?”

  I wasn’t ready to admit that I loved him, at least out loud, so I shook my head and forced a smile. “Because it makes me all squishy inside. Ruins my hardass cred.”

  He leaned down and kissed me. “Sorry, not sorry.”

  I giggled. “Okay, come on. Your woman needs food.”

  He rubbed my back. “I’m on it.”


  ADDISON AND JAKE left, allowing me entirely too much alone time to worry about my friend’s upcoming date with Greg. Addison and Jake had a great thing going, and I didn’t want to see her throw it away for this job. But she was as desperate to prove herself as I was, so I knew she’d go through with it.

  Unless I get the evidence we need tonight.

  I stared at the camera sitting on Addison’s desk and weighed my options. If I went after Greg without Addison, she’d probably be ticked. There’d be ranting and raving, and some colorful swearing, but she’d forgive me. And angry at me was better than her fighting with Jake. Resigned, I grabbed the camera and headed out.

  Driving Addison’s car always gave me mixed feelings. I loved the comfort, lack of annoying noises and embarrassing leaks, and the looks people gave me when I was behind the wheel. I even enjoyed the double-takes they did when they realized I didn’t belong in a car this nice and had probably stolen it. But despite Addison’s reassurances that she was more concerned about my safety than some vehicle’s, I also drove each mile in fear of totaling it.

  I made it to Greg’s office building about a half hour before he got off work, parked, and pulled out the camera. Addison had gone over all the settings with me, but I played with it and took a few practice shots to make sure everything worked. By the time Greg left his building, I had almost convinced myself I could adequately use the complicated piece of equipment to save Addison from ruining her relationship.

  “Piece of cake,” I reassured myself as I followed Greg out of the parking lot, this time staying right behind him. We ventured through five o’clock traffic, pulling into the same grocery store he’d stopped in before. I watched him go in, wondering what I should do. Acting had never been my forte. Unlike Addison, I couldn’t walk up to the guy and start flirting, because I sucked at hiding my emotions and my disgust with him and myself would be written all over my face.

  But maybe I didn’t have to throw myself at Greg. Why was he back at this store? He told Addison he had the good wine sent to him, so maybe he just came here to pick up women. If that was the case, I might be able to catch him in the act.

  Just as I was summoning my courage to head in, my phone rang. Asher’s face appeared on the display and I groaned. It was like the guy was my own personal protector Jedi, sensing a disturbance in the force every time I was about to do something stupid. There was no way I could take the call and risk sounding guilty, so I let it go to voice mail and headed into the store.

  Sure enough, I found Greg once again lingering in the wine aisle, but this time he was stalking a brunette who looked lost and confused. I pretended to peruse the selection as I set my phone to record.

  “What are you pairing with the wine?” Greg asked, sidling up to her.

  She gave him a tentative smile. “My boyfriend and his mom are coming over for dinner and I’m trying to impress him by grilling steaks. He gave me the name of a few wines she likes, but I can’t seem to find them, and I know nothing about wine.”

  Greg instantly lost interest. He pretended to glance at the phone she extended toward him before shrugging. “You should probably find someone who works here to help you,” he said before turning his back to her.

  The woman’s eyes narrowed. She shook her head and went back to staring at the white wine selection. I stopped my phone recording, silently cursed Greg for being such a douchebag, and stepped up to help her.

  “You need to look in the red wine section,” I said. Unlike Addison, I didn’t know much about wine, but I knew most of the good stuff was red, and I’d read enough labels to know red was traditionally paired with steak.

  She thanked me, and I helped her find the first selection on her list. Just as we were putting it in her basket, my phone rang. It got Greg’s attention. He turned around and stared at me, recognition lighting his eyes. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but I pulled out my phone and put it to my ear, heading for exit.


  “Hey,” Asher replied. “I stopped by the office to whisk you out to dinner, but you’re not here.”

  It was possible that my boyfriend was the sweetest man on the planet, which was extremely inconvenient at the moment. I felt someone watching me, so I glanced over my shoulder as I headed out the door, and confirmed that I still had Greg’s attention. No doubt he’d recognized me from when Addison was in here. I got the hell out of there before I wrecked our chances for catching the slime-ball for good.

  “I’m at the grocery store, but I’d love to be whisked away for dinner,” I said, climbing into the car. “Want to meet me at home?”

  So much for saving Addison from her date with Greg.

  * * *


  “I really don’t think this is a good idea,” Dylan said from the doorway of my bathroom.

  “We don’t have a choice.” I spritzed a little hairspray on and faced her. “It’s going to be fine. I’ve got the camera hidden.” I tapped the necklace I wore. The small lens looked like a dark gemstone in the center. It was perfect. “I’ll get in, get the evidence, and then get the hell out.”

  “At least let me come with you. Uh...we could offer him a two for the price of one special?”

  “No.” I slid past her and grabbed my bag, throwing my gun, pepper spray, and phone into it. “If he recognizes you from the grocery store, we’ll never get the evidence we need.”

  “But letting you go in there alone doesn’t feel right. What if he makes a move? What if he slips you a date-rape drug?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Dylan, please don’t think I’m stupid enough to eat or drink anything Greg gives me. I’ll get in, get him to say something incriminating, and then get out.”

  “Do you have your emergency key fob?” she asked. Jake had issued Dylan and me emergency call buttons during Dylan’s trial, and had insisted we keep them. As much as I felt I was “woman hear me roar” and could take care of myself, I was also smart enough to know that sometimes we’d need help. My man was all alpha, all bossy, but mostly a sweetheart and motivated by the need to protect me, so I was fine with having the key fob—and if I was being honest, it made me feel safe.

  “Yep. But you know I’m not going to use it.”


  “Dylan, stop,” I ordered, gently but firmly. “I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m going to follow you.”

  “You’re having dinner with Asher.”

  “We had dinner last night.”

  “You can’t blow off my brother,” I said. “You know how intuitive he is. He’ll know something’s up before you even get the excuse out of your mouth.”

  “So I won’t blow him off and I won’t talk to him. I’ll text him that I’m running late,” she said. “If this is as quick as you say, then I’ll barely be half-an-hour behind schedule.”

  I started to argue, but she cut me off.

  “Addison. For the record, I think this is a really bad idea, and there is no reality in which I let you go on a fake date with Portland’s sleaziest loser alone. Are you smoking crack or something?”

  I sighed, but couldn’t deny the relief I felt at knowing Dylan would have my back. “Fine. Follow me. But at a safe distance, okay? I don’t want him to see you.”

  “Not my first rodeo.”

  “But it is only your second...”

  Dylan snorted and stalked out of my room. We met at the front door and headed down to the parking garage together. I climbed into my car and programmed the GPS, frowning when I noticed Greg’s office address listed as the last address visited. I checked the date and car had been to Greg’s while I was at Jake’s last night. Ergo, Dylan did something wholly stupid.

  Turning off my car, I climbed out and stormed to Dylan’s vehicle. She cranked down her window (seriously, I had to figure out how to get her a new car without her freaking. She at least needed to come into this century).

  “Hey...why does it look like lightning bolts are about to come out of your eyeballs?” she asked.


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