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Page 23

by Meagher, Susan X

  "I think it might be your workouts, Honey," she opined, laughing to herself at Ryan’s inability to acknowledge that she'd had a killer of a week.

  Ryan gave her a little smirk, acknowledging that she had been putting a different kind of stress on her body. "Maybe I'm too old to do this."

  "Yeah, right. You did three major workouts this week, Baby, and two of them were on the same morning! That would knock most people out. I think you should be pleased that you’re just a little slow today."

  "I didn’t say I was slow." Ryan shot her a nearly petulant look, a bit offended by the mere suggestion. "I said my legs felt dead. Just because they didn’t feel right doesn’t mean I demanded any less from them."

  Jamie took her hand and tugged her into the kitchen, smiling to herself at her partner's stoic nature. She urged Ryan to sit at the counter while she poured her a large glass of juice. As she handed it to her, Jamie leaned over and kissed each of the cool, damp thighs. "I’m sorry she’s so rough on you, guys. I’ll try to make it up to you later with a nice massage."

  "Don’t spoil ‘em," Ryan laughed, slapping at each muscled leg. "They’ll start expecting it." She laughed at her own inability to go easy on herself, but she had a genuine worry that she might not be able to perform as well as she used to, and she felt like she needed to give voice to that fear. "I know you’re teasing, but I have to be realistic, Jamie. I don't have the same body that I had in high school, and I think I'm going to have to learn to demand a little less from myself."

  Once again wishing that she had known her partner years earlier, Jamie said, "That works for me." She walked over to Ryan and slid her arms around her wet body. "I have a lot of demands to make on this gorgeous body, and I'm not willing to accept a poor performance. I need you to get as much rest as possible to meet my high standards."

  "You have really turned into a stern taskmistress, haven't you?" Ryan smiled up at her grinning face as she returned the hug.

  "You have a coach to keep you motivated in your other sports. I'm just taking over in the bedroom."

  "Now those are the outfits that I really like," Ryan said with a big smile.

  Conor came barreling into the kitchen, stopping short when he saw the embrace they were locked in. "Jeez, do you two ever give it a rest?"

  "And you were out doing what all night?" Ryan asked innocently.

  "Aahh, good point," he admitted. "Who's making breakfast? I'm starved."

  "Let's get ready and have breakfast at the club," Jamie suggested. "They have a really good buffet."

  The siblings exchanged quick glances as they each took off for their respective showers, leaving Jamie standing in the middle of the living room. "I guess that was a yes?" she called out to the empty room.

  At 7:50 Jamie tried to drag the siblings away from the breakfast buffet. "All you can eat isn't necessarily a challenge," she finally said in exasperation.

  "Almost done." Ryan grinned up at her, cheeks still as full as a chipmunk’s.

  "Maybe we could just skip golf and stay here and eat," Conor suggested hopefully.

  "Do they have doggie bags?" Brendan’s eyes wandered up and down the lavish buffet, truly upset that he did not have the opportunity to sample each dish.

  "Let's go, you gluttons." Jamie’s chiding tone did not match the fond grin that covered her face, and the O’Flaherty siblings knew that she was merely teasing them. "I thought you wanted to warm up this time, Ryan."

  "I'm plenty warm from jumping up every two minutes to get more of these little muffins," she admitted with a grin.

  Conor was finally allowed his long-held wish to witness Jamie's swing. But after the match, he admitted he should have been happy to merely hear about it. "If we'd been playing for money, you would have cleaned me out!" he moaned as they sat in the Grill waiting for their lunch to be delivered.

  Jamie just smiled and soaked up the praise. She was extremely pleased with the way she had played, and she felt confident about her plans to try out for the team. She reached over and patted his hand as she said, "I just had a good day, Conor. I'm sure you'll take me next time."

  "I don't think so, Jamie. I'm going to have to get used to my sister beating me in almost every sport and my sister-in-law beating me in golf. It's a darn good thing I'm secure in my masculinity."

  Brendan chuckled at that. "Does my kicking your butt threaten your masculinity?" His bright blue eyes were filled with mirth, and it made Jamie smile to see how the gentle teasing never seemed to bother any of the O’Flaherty children.

  "Not a bit," Conor insisted. "You’re my older brother—you should have some of the privileges of seniority."

  As Jamie got up to go wash her hands, she leaned over and wrapped her arms around Conor from behind. She gave him a playful hug, rubbing her cheek against his 12 o’clock shadow. "You just ooze masculinity, Conor," she teased. Her hug had mussed his hair a bit, and she neatened it up, placing another kiss atop his head when she was satisfied. As she turned to walk away, she felt a hand upon her back. Spinning around, she stood face to face with her father. "Daddy!" she cried as she threw her arms around him.

  "I had no idea you were playing today, Honey," he said as he squeezed her back. "We've missed you, Jamie," he added softly.

  "I've missed you too, Daddy," she said sincerely. "Can you sit with us?"

  "I have a few minutes," he said as he moved around to meet the boys. "I'm Jim Evans," he said, shaking Conor's hand. All three of the O'Flahertys had risen when Jim appeared, and Ryan extended her hand also.

  "These are my brothers, Conor and Brendan," she indicated as he shook each man’s hand in turn.

  "I think I would have guessed that if I’d had a moment, Ryan," he said with a grin. Looking between Ryan and Conor he asked the inevitable. "Are you twins?"

  "No, sir. Conor is significantly older than I am." She gave her brother a playful pat on the back as he rolled his eyes dramatically.

  "Ryan insults me, and Jamie humiliates me on the course. I'm beginning to get a complex."

  Sitting down, Jim smiled at his daughter and asked, "I take it your game is doing well?"

  "Yeah, it's coming along pretty well," she said modestly.

  "Don't let her get away with being modest, Mr. Evans," Ryan began, but was quickly interrupted.

  "You agreed to call me Jim, Ryan, remember?"

  "Right. I’ll do that, Jim." She returned his friendly smile and relaxed a bit, the tension starting to fade from her body.

  Conor joined in, "I play pretty well, Jim, and Jamie thrashed me today. We played from the white tees and she out-drove me on every hole. I've never played with a woman who can hit it like she did today."

  Jamie blushed furiously under the weight of this praise. "Since I've gotten stronger, I have a lot more power," she said frankly, but humbly.

  "Well, I can't wait to play tomorrow," Jim said. "Nothing would make me happier than to have my little girl beat me at my own game."

  "Unless you're ready for the Tour, you should be downright giddy by tomorrow afternoon," Conor warned.

  Jim got up to leave when he saw his playing partners enter the room. He gave them a wave and held up a finger, indicating that he would be right with them. "Did everything go well down at the beach, girls?"

  Both women nodded enthusiastically. "I had a marvelous time, Jim. I can't thank you enough for your hospitality."

  "Did you give my cars a little workout?" he asked with a smile.

  "I sure did. I spaced them out over two days to prolong the pleasure," she admitted. "Conor came down to give me a ride home on Saturday, and he got to share a little of the enjoyment."

  "Excellent! I love being able to share them with people who appreciate them."

  "I've never met anyone who appreciates cars more than Ryan," Jamie said.

  "But I taught her everything she knows about them," Conor said as he patted his sister's hand.

  "You'll have to come down and hang out in my garage someday, Conor. I'm always look
ing for another aficionado."

  "That would be a thrill," he said sincerely, his eyes dancing at the thought of being able to hang out with someone who could afford the toys he had always dreamed of.

  "Well, I’ve got to get moving, but it was a pleasure to meet you both and to see you again, Ryan." He shook each sibling’s hand, and gave Jamie a kiss on the cheek. "I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Cupcake. Is 11 o’clock okay?"

  "Sure. I’ll see you then, Daddy."

  As he walked away in search of his playing partners, Conor stared after him with the lovesick look of an adolescent girl. "Gosh, he’s dreamy," he said wistfully, just managing to duck the quick backhand his older brother sent his way.

  "I hate to disappoint you, Conor," Jamie teased, "but if he was going to be a sugar daddy I think he’d choose a woman."

  Keep you face neutral, Ryan. Don’t you dare let on how much truth there is in that statement!

  By three o'clock they had showered and were resting in their room. Ryan had on her board shorts and one of her undershirts, this one in white. Jamie was wearing a tiny little cotton batik dress in shades of tangerine and white that showed off her tanned, toned legs. They had taken a power nap as soon as they got home, so they were rested as well as clean. "What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Jamie asked over the whine of the blow dryer as she finished her hair.

  Ryan was lounging on the small chintz love seat that sat opposite her bed. She had both feet up on the cushion, with her arms wrapped around her shins, the pose vaguely reminiscent of Caitlin. "I don't know. I guess we should get to work on our graduate school applications. I have all the stuff here." Her tone conveyed her lack of excitement at the prospect, but Jamie knew that Ryan rarely let her feelings about a task be a factor in whether she tackled it or not.

  "That doesn’t sound like much fun. Is that really the best that you can come up with for a Saturday afternoon?" She went over to sit next to Ryan on the love seat and rested her hand on Ryan’s knee.

  "No, I can think of lots more. We could go get the baby and take her for a long walk--I’m sure she misses both of us. We could take Duffy to the park and throw his tennis ball for a while--he’s got to have a lot of excess energy stored up. We could wash Da’s truck—I usually do that if I’m free on a Saturday. We could take our bikes out of the shipping cartons. We co…" but she was cut off by a pair of lips plastered against hers.

  "Can't you think of anything we could do inside?" The invitation was plain in Jamie’s voice, as well as in the way that her hands began to slide slowly up and down Ryan’s bare arms.

  "We could start dinner," she said, being intentionally obtuse, just because she felt like playing.

  "Think harder," Jamie purred as she pulled her head over for another deep kiss.

  Ryan blinked as she sat up, and smacked her lips together to get her mouth working again. "We could do some laundry."

  "Uh-uh," Jamie purred in her deepest voice. "Let's do something down here."

  "I haven't dusted down here in weeks." Ryan’s innocent look encouraged Jamie to continue the game—now determined to wipe that look off her partner’s face.

  "Nope. Doesn't appeal to me," she whispered, her breath tickling Ryan’s neck as she leaned over and sucked on a tender little earlobe.

  Ryan drew in a sharp breath, and she felt her nipples tighten, but she kept her focus. "I have the fall schedule on my desk. We could make sure our course work fits together well."

  "Not even warm," Jamie breathed as she started at her exposed collarbones and licked a wet path up to her chin.

  The trail beneath Jamie’s foraging tongue not being the only place that was getting wet, Ryan gulped audibly, but she managed to squeak out, "Clean the bathroom?"

  Jamie pushed Ryan’s feet to the ground as she slid onto her lap, straddling her. She was not wearing a stitch under her dress, and Ryan gasped as she felt silky, damp curls slide over her thigh. Jamie grasped her head with both hands and held it steady as she devoured her mouth with deep, probing kisses, not lightening the intensity until Ryan began to whimper under the assault. Jamie pulled away with an audible "smack" as she broke the suction between their mouths. "I want to do something where we get hot, and wet and messy," she whispered seductively, her warm tones causing chills to run up and down Ryan’s spine.

  "We could give Duffy a bath," she replied weakly, her voice quavering from the strain of her arousal.

  "No dogs. Just you and me," Jamie murmured as she bent to lick her way across Ryan's collarbones and down her shoulders, stopping to suck in a bit of skin as she blazed her trail.

  "Hot and wet and messy, huh?" she rasped out. "I'm stumped." Ryan was nearly ready to hurl her lover to the bed and ravish her, but she enjoyed being seduced in such a playful way. She was doing her best to hold on as long as possible, but she knew it wouldn't be too much longer.

  Jamie gave her a final kiss and slid off her lap. She sat down on her side of the love seat and raised her legs, imitating Ryan's earlier position. "Do I have to spell it out for you?"

  "’Fraid so," she said regretfully, as she grabbed her shorts to pull them away from her throbbing vulva, her fingers lingering just a moment longer than was absolutely necessary. "I don't have a clue."

  Jamie gave her a sultry look as she slowly spread her legs apart. Ryan practically spasmed from the completely erotic vision of her lover in that tiny little dress with her legs splayed apart lewdly. Jamie's gaze commanded Ryan's attention and she watched, transfixed, as her normally more conventional partner slid one hand between her legs to hold herself open, while the other slowly trailed up and down her deep pink folds. Her half-closed eyes stayed locked on her lover's but she was obviously having trouble maintaining the gaze. "Does this give you any ideas?" Her voice was rough and deep with need, and it took every ounce of Ryan’s self-control to slowly shake her head, finding it devastatingly erotic to watch Jamie excite herself this way.

  "No ideas at all?" she whispered, her eyelids fluttering closed as she sucked in a ragged breath. Her index finger was drawing teasing patterns all over her shiny pink skin, and Ryan leaned over a little to be able to watch more closely, fascinated by the way her partner was touching herself. Her long, dark hair brushed against Jamie’s thighs and green eyes shot open at the contact. Seeing Ryan’s fascinated stare brought a smile to her lips and she asked again, "Still not coming up with anything, Baby?"

  Ryan cleared her throat and murmured, "I must be hungry again, ‘cause all of a sudden my mouth is watering."

  "You go get something to eat," Jamie gasped, as her index finger was joined by two more of the lucky digits, and her pace picked up noticeably. "I’ll be right here when you get back." Her hips tilted just a bit, and she bit her lip and let out a ragged gasp as her finger slipped lower and played lightly at her opening.

  All resolve left Ryan’s body and she jumped to her feet and yanked her shirt off, then unlaced her shorts in a blur and kicked them off roughly. As she sat back down next to Jamie she started to place her hand next to her lover’s to join in the exploration. But Jamie pushed her away, gasping out, "I've got it, Honey. You can go wash the dog."

  Ryan sat up in surprise at this development, but she was more than willing to alter the rules of their little game at any time. She immediately snatched the bait. "Let me touch you," she begged. "I promise you'll like it."

  "I'm sure I would," she got out with some difficulty. "But...unh, I'm doing fine," she said as her fingers began to stroke a little more quickly.

  "C'mon, Baby," Ryan whispered in her ear, stealing a quick taste of the sweet earlobe. "Let know you love my touch."

  "Sure I do," she gasped, "but I'm almost there..."

  "C'mon, Jamie," she said as her arms slid around her waist and nuzzled her neck. "Let me touch you. Give it up for me, Baby."

  "UUUNNNNNHHH!" she huffed as her hips began to thrust firmly against her blurring hand. Ryan dove for the floor and grabbed her legs, pulling them towards herse
lf until the pulsating flesh was pressed against her mouth. She dipped her head and began to firmly lick and suck on the now throbbing clit. Within moments she felt the second climax build in her lover's body. She held her tight and kept up the pressure until she exploded again, much more vocally this time. But Ryan was still not satisfied. She waited until the spasms had stilled, and then she bent to taste her again. She started off much more slowly, gently laving every sensitive inch of flesh. Jamie urged her on enthusiastically, grasping her head and grinding it against herself as her hips jerked and thrust. Ryan focused her attentions on the center of her pleasure, loving the little nub with her determined tongue. After she sucked her entire clitoris into her mouth Jamie's body became rigid for mere seconds. Her voice started low in her chest and increased in volume and pitch as she screamed, "Oh baby, oh baby! Yes! Yes! YES! OHHHHH GOD!!"

  Her body shook and quivered as she continued to move her hips against Ryan's face. The crinkly hairs tickled the larger woman’s nose, but she doggedly fought the urge to sneeze. She held completely still and let Jamie control the pressure, smiling inwardly as her lover continued the gentle movement, just barely rubbing herself against Ryan’s happy mouth.

  After a long while, she relaxed completely, and Ryan tried to imagine how they must look. Jamie was slumped down so completely that her hips were no longer on the seat. Her legs were hanging over Ryan's shoulders and her dress was pooled up under her breasts. Ryan was completely naked, kneeling on the floor with her face still trapped between Jamie's thighs. She was almost certain that her lover was spent, but just for good measure she ran her tongue up her swollen inner lips. The soft tongue was nearing the locus of Jamie’s pleasure when firm hands grabbed Ryan’s hair and held her head in a vise grip. "Don't even think about it," came the stern command. Ryan chuckled and delicately dried her mouth on Jamie's wide-open thighs.


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