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Forbidden: A Sinful Shares Romance

Page 11

by Suzanne Halliday

  “Oh, shut up,” she groaned, “and kiss me.”

  He did. Thoroughly. And when she was ready to scream, he put two fingers inside her and grunted out a filthy narration that sent her flying.

  After that, time slowed to a crawl. She could barely think, much less speak. He quietly and very solemnly washed her body top to bottom and even rinsed her hair.

  The toweling off had a reverent feel to it. They didn’t talk. There wasn’t much to say.

  She let him dress her and dry her hair. Sometime later, they were reset back to normal, dressed and rinsing their coffee cups in the sink when he took her hand and kissed it.

  He held her eyes for the longest time and then said the three words she longed to hear.

  “I love you.”

  “Oh my god. I’m so fucking nervous. Did you remember to bring the envelope? The one for Harry’s school fundraiser?”

  Robert checked his jacket pocket to make sure before he answered. “Got it. Take a deep breath, babe. We’ve got this.”

  Kristal did not look or sound convinced by his certainty. If not for the fact that Harry was waiting to be picked up, he would gladly turn the car around, take her back to his house, and make love to her until all the doubts and worries she clung to were vanquished once and for all.

  She spoke her greatest fear because that was her style. He knew that in her mind, hedging and equivocating equaled being a wuss, so more often than not, she simply went for it.

  “What if he’s disappointed in us, Robbie? He’s so young. I couldn’t take it if Harry got upset.”

  “What is there to be upset about? Nothing changes—not really. Harry is a great kid. He’ll understand, Kristal. The only thing that’ll matter to him is whether we’re happy.”

  She mumbled and turned her face away to stare out the window at the weekend traffic. “Yeah, I guess.”

  When they slid to a slow stop at a red light, Robert glanced her way and made the mistake of zeroing in on her boobs. For too many years, he would not allow himself to consider the audaciousness of her breasts. Doing so might have driven him mad. But now that he was in a position to openly admire her bountiful assets, he almost couldn’t help it. Some women had perky tits. Some preferred custom made boobage. Others strapped ’em up and in. His high school girlfriend was so flat chested that when he reached into her bra, nothing stopped his hand from shooting out the bottom of the unnecessary garment.

  But Kristal’s breasts were a goddamn work of art. She gave new and glorious meaning to tits and ass with her bodacious body and drool-worthy curves.

  “Like what you see?” she murmured.

  He looked into her smirking face and offered up a cheeky wink. “You know damn well I do.”

  She blushed and dropped her eyes to his lap. Being in a near constant state of arousal guaranteed she had something significant to look at.

  “Mmmhmm,” she growled. Her arched brow let him know she wasn’t thrilled with him at the moment. “I’m still mad at you.”

  In the most mind-boggling switcheroo of all time, sucking his cock worked better than a tranquilizer for his wanton lover. Nervous? Anxious? Upset? All he had to do was whip out his dick and she calmed right the fuck down. He was a lucky man. But this also meant that when he denied her, she pouted up a storm. Or got back at him by sending filthy video quickies of her devouring a banana. He was in a faculty meeting one time when she texted him something particularly lewd that almost made him choke on his tongue after viewing the message.

  “Now, come on. Cheer up, babe. I’ll make it up to you.” He teased her by making faces until she laughed.

  “And how exactly, may I ask, do you plan to make it up to me?”

  She really wanted to know—the question was not rhetorical. He sniggered. If only more guys knew the delights waiting for them in a committed relationship with a kinky lover. Surely, there’d be more happy marriages and less dicking around.

  Kristal’s mind equaled and sometimes challenged his when it came to a reading on the filthy scale. Their emotional lovemaking was off the charts and just kept getting better. The things he felt for her still blew him away.

  But when it came to fucking, she had a wild streak he was thoroughly enjoying, and one of the things she got off on was the control game. His sexy lady liked being told what to do. And she really liked a bit of manhandling—what she called the alpha mating call. Keeping up with her would be a lifetime pleasure.

  In this instance, she wanted him to make it interesting, and he had the perfect plan to do just that.

  Before turning at a stop sign, he looked at her. “Have you ever played, When Least Expected?” He kept his expression and tone innocent.

  “Is that what it’s called? I don’t think so.”

  She shrugged and seemed to be giving the question real thought. Kristal was a natural competitor and that rare individual who cared less about winning than playing.

  When she said, “Least expected what?” he mentally danced in the end zone.

  “Use your imagination.” He chortled. “Least expected mystery meat for dinner or least expected team to win the World Series.”

  Her amused snicker before she spoke was his favorite backing track. “Does this have anything at all to do with making things up to me?”

  “Indeed, it does. We’ll be playing a very special version of When Least Expected. Don’t have the specifics just yet, but it’s no spoiler to say, when least expected, you’ll be sucking my dick.”

  She gasped and grinned at the same time.

  “And for shits and giggles, I thought you might enjoy getting on your knees someplace where we could be discovered.”

  “You’re a bad man.” She giggle-snorted. “But I like how your mind works. Do I have any input?”

  “Absolutely not.” He snorted. “You’ll do as you’re told or no cock for you.”

  Leaning across the center console, she playfully put her head on his arm, looked up, and batted her eyelashes.

  “Nice try.” Robert laughed. “Now that I know for sure that it’s your bad girl calling the shots, pretending to be innocent or demur.” He snickered. “Yeah, that ship done sailed.”

  His very own naughty nurse slipped her hand into the space between his legs. “Are you trying to make me your cock slut?”

  “Oh, fuck yeah,” he confessed. “And thank you for being the one to bring that term. I very much like the idea of you slutting for my cock but saying it seemed dangerous.”

  They were just blocks away from the family home. He’d done a good job of redirecting her anxiety, but unfortunately, his hard-on became more insistent. He was going to say some supportive shit, but Kristal had other ideas.

  “Time-out for a quick clarification. I’ll talk, you drive.”

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  “Tell me if I have this straight. When I least expect, you’ll be demanding a blow job. Probably in a coat room or the back of a movie theater because you’re a bad man.”

  He grinned. “Sounds good.”

  “And if I weigh in, you’ll make me suffer.”

  “I don’t recall anything about suffering, but you still got the point.”

  “Do as I’m told,” she cooed in a voice that mocked and seduced at the same time.

  “You’re a fast learner.”

  She came back at him with a question that made him stand on the brakes. Luckily they were on a residential street, a block and a half from the Peyton home.

  “Are you going to marry me, Robert?”

  He threw the car into park, unsnapped his seat belt and then hers. Without stopping, he put a hand on the back of her neck and pulled her close for a demanding, slightly punishing kiss. She was trembling when he finished and covered her mouth with her hand.

  “What was that for?” Her hand muffled her shaken voice.

  “That, young lady, was because I will do the asking. Understood?”

  She blinked slowly and stared at him. He saw the mischief dancing on the edges of
her expression.

  “Of course, I understand,” she huffed. “So, are you asking or what?”

  He couldn’t believe how fast he got cornered. Goddamn, she was awesome!

  But he had a trick or two up his sleeve along with a surprise guaranteed to melt her panties. This wasn’t how he planned to ask, but the wench was asking for his best, so why the fuck not?

  With a leering eye waggle and a deceptively silky tone, he asked, “Are you sure you want to do this right now?”

  She balked for a nanosecond. He translated every expression in real time and knew the moment she decided to call his bluff.

  Silly woman.

  “Robert Peyton! Cut it out. Do not sit there and pretend you have this whole thing under control.”

  Aww, god but she was cute.

  “Get out of the car.”

  She jerked in her seat. “What?”

  He opened his door, climbed out, and dashed to her side of the car. Holding his hand out as he held her door wide, he growled, “Out of the car. Now.”

  “Oh, Jesus,” she muttered. “We are gonna have to talk about this alpha bullshit.”

  The humorous complaint accompanied her struggle to get out and stand. He dropped a fast kiss on her surprised mouth.

  “Okay. The details. Important shit.” He stepped back and eyeballed her. “Love the dress. What do you call the color? Purple or lavender?”

  She smiled and rolled her eyes. His heart literally tap-danced in his chest.

  “You are beautiful, Kristal.”

  Her sly smile was quickly covered by a snarky smirk. “We had to get out of the car for this?”

  Robert laughed. “Just remember you asked for this.” He reached into his suit jacket and withdrew a small, square jeweler’s case. He heard her loud gasp a second before he dropped to one knee on the sidewalk, a block from their childhood home.

  He cranked open the ring box and held it up. The stone glittered in the sunshine. “I love you with every part of my being. You are my best friend and the only woman I could ever imagine loving. Will you marry me, Kristal? Will you be mine forever?”

  “Oh god, Robbie.” Her voice shook. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m telling you that you are the only woman I have ever loved and asking you to be my wife.”

  The shell-shocked look on her face was the whipped cream on the ice cream sundae. All she had to do was say yes and there would be a cherry on top.

  “Robbie, I, uh … what? Marry you?”

  She looked at the ring. Then at him. “Yes. Yes, you bad, bad man down on one knee on the sidewalk. I will marry you and probably drive you crazy but yes!”

  He plucked the diamond ring from the velvet cushion and slid it onto her finger. The joy filling him up was overpowering.

  Some neighborhood kids rode by on their bikes. A reminder that they were on display.

  Sealing the moment with a gentle kiss, he promised to take care of her till the end of time and quickly assured her that he’d secured her father’s permission before asking.

  Then, because he could, while she stared blissfully at the ring, he swatted her bottom and told her to get her ass back in the car. She laughed like hell and made an insolent production out of doing as she was told.

  “Alrighty then,” he crowed when they were rolling again. “Let’s go get Harry! Can’t wait to tell him he gets to be my best man.”

  She ate everything in sight and did not feel bad about it at all. Robert did justice to a steak the size of her ass while Harry went to town on a plate of ribs and the restaurant’s famous macaroni and cheese. The chef worked culinary magic on custom macs made with a variety of add-ins. Harry’s favorite cheesy delight involved crispy bacon and cut up hot dogs. The combination was gag worthy and such a guy parody that she ended up laughing.

  “Mom has a secret,” Harry informed them.

  She and Robert exchanged quick glances. Didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out they were thinking the same thing—that her secret had to do with them

  “Asked Dad,” he continued.

  Robert pushed his picked over dinner plate aside and made a burp that earned Harry’s smirking nod. “What did he say?”

  Kristal sat forward, anxious to hear what Pops had said.

  “He said one thing at a time. What do you think that means?”

  She tossed in her two cents. “Probably that whatever it is can wait till after your birthday. We have a big day planned!”

  “Yeah,” Robert chimed in. “Um, about that, little bro. There’s something me and Kristal wanna talk to you about. Before the party.”

  “Hey.” Harry chortled. “Guess what? Mom says I can get a dog.”

  There was a second when Kristal wondered if she and Robert came off like a couple struggling to understand English. Mara Peyton saying okay to a dog was one of those things on the never gonna happen list.

  “Mom said you could have a dog?” Robert’s stunned question mirrored the riot going on inside her.

  “Whatsamatter with you two?” Harry shook his head at them.

  Robert recovered first. “Uh, bro. We need to talk.”

  A set of ten-year-old eyes inspected them. Kristal squirmed.

  Harry relaxed in his seat. “You’re being weird.”

  “Yeah, about that,” Robert said.

  She hung on his next words with skin-prickling anticipation, but the cat must have gotten his tongue. Without thinking, she blurted out a shitload of nonsense about boyfriends and girlfriends.

  Harry looked completely perplexed. “You got a boyfriend?”

  When her little brother’s eyes flew to Robert, she had to wonder what he was thinking.

  “Are you okay with that?” he asked.

  Robert was definitely startled. “Uh, well, sure. We want Kristal to be happy, don’t we?”

  She was missing something. That was the only way to explain Harry’s weird reaction.

  “But I thought you liked her,” Harry whisper-muttered to Robert.

  “I do,” he answered.

  “Then you should be her boyfriend.”

  Okay, this was too weird for words. She started to respond, but Robert held his hand up to stop her.

  “Dude,” he said. “Why do you think that?”

  Harry scoffed at them with a disbelieving smirk. “Seriously?” he mocked in that way that only a ten-year-old could. “You’re always together, and you make me crazy with that thing Mom and Dad do.”

  “What thing?” she asked.

  “You know,” he said with a kid shrug, “finishing sentences and stuff.”

  Robert’s eloquence must have taken a hike along with her hold on reality because they just sat there, stunned.

  Harry grinned at them and tackled his milk. “Was the straw cup necessary?” he grumbled. His eyes darted around the restaurant—maybe checking to see if anyone was witnessing the affront to his superior age. He sucked it dry and made sure to exaggerate the final slurping noises.

  “You two gonna say anything?”

  She shook her head, and Robert inspected his glasses.

  “Oh, and you wanna know what else was really funny?” Harry chuckled. “The Fourth of July picnic. Remember?”

  Kristal immediately squirmed and cleared her throat. She’d done a bad last summer, and in a moment of desperation driven by denial, she’d turned up at the parade for the family get-together with a pharmaceutical sales rep she knew from work. Steve Willis was as interesting as cardboard, but it was a bad time, and she had been dealing with a persistent case of jealousy over a colleague of Robert’s who was throwing herself at him. Her answer was to pretend it didn’t bother her. Enter Steve and forevermore that damn parade would be a reminder of how stupid she was.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Harry continued. “You brought some guy, remember, Kristal? Dad thought it was funny, but Robbie got mad.”

  She blushed scarlet at the memory. Mad? Shit. He’d been close to apoplectic.

  Harry lowered his v
oice to a conspiratorial level. His laugh however, seemed overly loud. “Did you know Robbie dropped the guy’s hot dog on the ground?” He howled with laughter. “Yep! And picked it right up, slapped it on a bun, and handed it to the guy.”

  Harry’s rollicking chuckles finally made her and Robert smile. “I’m never eating another hot dog from the grill!”

  The visual Harry created was incredibly funny. She supposed from his kid viewpoint, their grown-up antics had been quite the sideshow.

  That was the moment Robert came to his senses. He lightly bro-punched Harry’s arm. “You’re making me look bad,” he teased.

  Their little brother’s immediate comeback was a glimpse into his adult self and the glimpse was gold! “Nah, bro. You do that all by yourself.”

  “Okay, smartass. Zip and listen. Kristal’s boyfriend? Yeah, it’s me. And not only that, we …”

  “Wait!” Harry barked. “For real?”

  His joy was startling, but she had never felt more relief in her whole life.

  “Yes, for real,” she informed him. “And we wanna get married. If that’s okay with you.”


  She showed him the ring Robert had slipped on her finger earlier.

  The next instant was like a switch was flipped. “Are you gonna have kids? That’d be way cool. I don’t like being the only kid in the family. Hey! Maybe you can get a dog too!”

  “Slow down, slow down.” Robert laughed. “Back it up, okay? First things first. Is this okay with you, Harry?”

  “Sure, why?”

  Kristal believed in being honest. Mom and Pops made a big deal about knowing your truth. It was a phrase even Harry had heard many times.

  “The family thing might mean people will talk about us.”

  “Oh, pfft,” he replied. “So what? It’s dumb, anyway. Tony’s mom got married to his aunt. I like them. They’re cool. And who cares what anybody says? Dad explained this to me. He says you guys are best friends whose mom and dad got married. What’s there to talk about?”

  Man, she thought. Kids are so badass.

  “Well, fuck.” Robert sniggered. “That was a lot easier than I expected.”


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