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The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869

Page 9

by Barbara Svetlick

  “Then tell me James, what has made you so mad?”

  You could see James struggle before he responded. “Everything. There was no reason why those young kids were able to get a jump on us in an ill conceived attempt at robbery. We have never been that careless but all of you know that she has no experience, she was unarmed, injured and yet she was left alone in the dark during a gunfight. It was unacceptable to leave her alone.” He flipped his cigar before storming away.

  Garnett mounted his horse. “You know he’s right. Anyone want to see the working ranch?” They all mounted and headed south to the stables.

  DOMINIC was sitting on the table drinking coffee and thinking about the ranch and what they wanted to accomplish. It felt so good to be outdoors. James was sitting next to him and Meeks was standing in front of them talking about what they needed to do next. They were expecting a shipment of wild horses sometime in March and had a lot of work to do before then. Dominic had decided he would stay through the spring.

  “Ross has decided to buy the acreage just across the highway since it is flatter and will be better for raising cattle.”

  “How is the water on that parcel?”

  “Well, there are several large tributaries that cut through our property from the river and there is a small lake so if he fences it off correctly he can rotate his herds without depleting the grassland.”

  Mirisa walked out to the fire pit and Meeks poured her a cup of coffee. He reached over, put his arm around her waist as he talked to her quietly. “I didn’t think you would make a year.”

  “I don’t think anyone thought I would.” She had missed having him and Garnett around the house. “I want to thank you for being there.”

  “Anyone would have been…”

  “No, the rest of them were too busy to worry about me and I know that it is not the first time I have actually put someone in harm’s way because I am so inexperienced.” She looked up in Meeks’ eyes as he searched hers. “I know you’ll just brush it off and pretend like it was nothing but to me it was…” She diverted her eyes as the tears brimmed over her dark lashes. “I’m sorry.” She turned and walked away from the tents.

  Dominic watched and wondered what he said to upset her. Her emotions had been fluctuating since the loss of her brother but she so seldom talked about her life or her family that he wasn’t sure if it was the death or what the war was doing to her family.

  She came back to the tent and sat down next to Dominic. They were in a conversation about the predator problems in the area and the wild long horns. Quite a few coyote, bobcats and other wild dogs had been spotted and killed. They discussed getting herding dogs to help around the ranch and had a long discussion on the type of dogs that would work best.

  Mirisa passed her plate to Meeks who gave it to James. He didn’t put a lot on it because they had given up on her eating habits but he did give her a lot of bacon. Tom brought over the pot of coffee and joined them. Her mind wandered as they went into another long discussion about horses and cows. She never knew men could talk so much about uninteresting things.

  In mid-sentence, something caught the edge of Dominic’s vision but when he looked there was nothing there. Mirisa took a piece of bacon off her plate and when he was in conversation she leaned over to the edge of the deck and held the bacon out. James leaned back and looked at her and Garnett drew his gun. A small scrawny dog slowly crept up always watching them but responding to her talking. It finally took the bacon and disappeared into the brush. She sat up and started to eat.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Eating breakfast.” She picked up a piece of toasted bread.

  “Mirisa, you do not feed wild animals.”

  “He’s not wild, he’s hungry.” Garnett re-holstered his gun and sat down.

  “If I tell you not to do it, will you listen to me?”

  “Of course, I will.” She looked at him and he knew that didn’t mean she would follow his advice.

  “But you will do it anyway?”

  “Of course, I will.” James laughed hysterically and Dominic shot him a look.

  “Mirisa, I do not tell you these things because I merely want to but because it is important that you know that danger comes from a lot of things especially out here.”

  “Once he trusts me, he will protect me when I am out here.”

  “And how do you know this? How do you know he won’t bite you and make you sick?”

  “I asked him.”

  “Well, Dominic, she does talk to that damn horse.” Meeks lit a cigar and straddled the bench.

  Garnett stood up finishing his coffee before setting his cup down on the table. “Ross and I are going into Austin this morning to start the paperwork on the property he wants. Alexander, do you want to ride along?”

  “Works for me.” He stood up and put on his hat.

  “Let’s ride.” They all headed for the pen to saddle their horses. James said he and Meeks were heading south to check on the work and would probably not be back until dinner. Dominic nodded knowing they were all leaving on purpose.

  “If you go change your clothes we’ll ride north for the day.” He got up from the table as Mirisa put her plate on the ground for the dog that was just out of sight.

  They rode north along the creek and took their time enjoying the day and just being able to ride. When they came to the northern hills, Dominic dismounted and helped her walk up to the top. The buffalo herd was still in the valley feeding. He put down a small blanket for her to sit on and took out a small package handing it to her. She opened it to find a new journal and pencils. She thanked him and sat down to sketch. He watched her for hours as she sketched the valley. Every once in a while he would ask her something and she would lean back and kiss him. Mirisa finally pushed herself to her knees and stood up to stretch. He stretched out on the blanket as she read the look on his face. The sun felt so good on the chilly day and it was so quiet away from the camp. He moved her braid out of the way and started to unbutton her shirt. She changed positions so that she was straddling him. He reached up and caressed her with such tenderness.

  “Thank you Mirisa.”

  She leaned down and kissed him. Dominic put his hand behind her head and rolled her over so that she was lying on her back. He ran his finger down her neck and looked up into her eyes. She responded to his every move with softness. There were so many layers to this woman that he was always perplexed at her reactions.

  Dominic and Mirisa returned to the camp right before dinner finding everyone’s horse in the pen but they took their time putting everything away. They weren’t ready to share themselves with others. He picked her up and put her on the railing. “I could spend my entire life alone with you.”

  Mirisa took a little box out of her pocket and handed it to him. “Happy Birthday.” Dominic opened it and looked at her. He took out the gold band and read the inscription that was around the outside of the band. “Always and forever”. He slipped it on his finger and picked her up setting her on the ground.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Of course I am.” They walked to the tents hand and hand finding everyone sitting on the back porch drinking and talking. Maria had already set the table but hadn’t brought over the food. Meeks opened the bottle of red wine and set it on the table. Mirisa whispered something to Dominic and went into the tent.

  Dominic had planned the entire meal and there was an enormous amount of food when Maria and Juan started putting it on the table. Everyone was hungry before the food arrived but no one made a move until Mirisa came back out. She was wearing dark blue gauchos, dark leather boots and a pink silk blouse. Her hair was pulled back at the nap of her neck with a piece of leather but the little curls were trying to get loose. Around her eye was still shades of black and yellow rings but the bump on her head was hidden by the curls and even though this should have made her look bad it actually made her look waif like. Mirisa sat down at the table and looked around wondering why no one was
talking or eating.

  Garnett looked at her seriously and put down his cigar. “You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on.” The statement shocked everyone at the table because he had no idea how much emotion was in his voice. She actually blushed and thanked him. Dominic looked over at him. “Garnett you are never allowed to be alone with my wife.”

  James snorted and started coughing on his cigar smoke. Meeks saluted him with a toast. “Well, I must say Garnett when you make a statement it is a good one. Mirisa, everything Garnett said except without the tone which I think even turned me on.”

  “Meeks do you want on the short list as well?” The ring on his finger did not get past anyone's attention but none of them asked about it.

  “Dominic, I actually plan on staying at the top of your list.”

  They had a great dinner before Dominic told Mirisa that he had decided he needed to stay through the spring but would send her back to the Plantation with Tom and Alexander. You could see the look of surprise on her face but she didn’t respond right away.

  “Alright. Alexander, when are you going home?”

  They all watched to see if she was bluffing. “End of the week.”

  “I will be ready.” Mirisa went in the tent as they turned to Dominic who was mulling over her compliant response. She knew without looking at him that he intentionally told her in front of the others to stop her from arguing with him but it deflated the happiness from the day.

  Ross purchased the large tract of land and in the spring would be returning to start working on his house and buildings with the hopes of corralling the unbranded cattle.

  “Dominic we’re going to Dallas day after tomorrow to pick up supplies we ordered.” Dominic nodded and said they would be up early.

  It snowed lightly overnight and the temperature dropped dramatically. Dominic came out dressed in his heavy jacket and fixed a cup of coffee before walking down to the stable to get his horse. James’ horse was already saddled and Meeks and Garnett were still in the pen.

  “Where’s Mirisa?”

  “She said there was no reason to go all the way to Dallas in the cold when she has to pack to go home.”

  James nodded. “Are you going to let her go?”

  “I think it was my intention to send her back so why wouldn’t I let her go?”

  Garnett walked out of the pen and tied his horse to the railing. Dominic looked at him as he mounted. “I don’t want anyone’s opinion. She needs to learn that the world doesn’t stop because she’s not happy with my decision.”

  “So you won’t be with her for her birthday or Christmas?”

  “James, you need to stop worrying about her.”

  “Dominic, it was your choice to bring her out in the middle of winter rather than waiting for spring or for that matter at least until after the holidays.”

  “And it’s not the first time I have changed plans due to circumstances.”

  Garnett mounted his horse. “What circumstances?”

  Dominic mounted his horse. “I’m glad I said I didn’t want anyone’s opinion.”

  James mounted his horse with the single thought that he really needed female companionship. They were in Dallas longer then they planned due to a small horse auction and when they returned Tom and Alexander were sitting at the table drinking coffee and going over the map of the land he bought.

  Dominic asked if Mirisa was packed and Alexander told him that they needed to have a talk. Dominic walked away with Alexander as Tom just shook his head.

  “What happened?” James knew if she were hurt they would have sent word.

  “She lost the baby.”

  They all stood stunned. “When?”

  “Yesterday.” He sipped on his coffee and watched as Dominic reacted to what Alexander was saying. “When she didn’t come out for breakfast, Alexander checked on her but there was nothing we could do to stop it so he brought down Maria. I can’t tell you how many times both of us have been through that with our wives. The poor child is so heartbroken. I think she should be back at the Plantation instead of out here living in a tent but she can’t travel.” Tom shook his head. “She really has been quite despondent and probably needs to see a doctor.”

  Dominic walked back to the tent and went inside. The rest of them headed for the stable to talk to Alexander and Tom before they packed up and headed for home. None of them knew how to handle this one so they watched and waited.

  Mirisa was very quiet and kept to herself though she assured Dominic that she just needed time to get her strength back. She took long walks while they were gone and worked in her journals as dog kept her company. They gave her space though it was hard on all of them not to comfort her especially those times when her expression was so distant and lost.

  James dismounted and walked up picking up the fallen post as Meeks looked over at him before digging the hole deeper so they could stand it back up. He used the shovel to pack the dirt around the post making sure the wire was straight.

  “When did you start building the house?”

  “A few months ago.” Meeks was taking off his gloves and lowered his hat to block out the setting sun.

  “Because you were tired of sleeping in a tent?”

  “More or less.” He put his gloves back on and walked over to his horse.


  “James, you keep making the same argument for the same behavior but this time it’s not the same and we both know it. She didn’t sign on for this.”

  “How he handles this is not our business. You are intentionally pushing and you know it.”

  “James, there are a few more posts down. Do you want to help or lecture me?”

  James shook his head and mounted his horse. They worked until sunset before heading back to the camp. Mirisa was sitting on the back porch with the dog curled up under the table when they came around the corner. The dog started to slink away but she reached down and scratched between his ears and he lay back down. They had all grown accustomed to him but still didn’t like him.

  “Mirisa, have you named that mutt yet?” Meeks straddled the bench next to her and looked at what she was writing in her journal. He took the pencil out of her hand and added to the plant she was drawing.

  “I didn’t know you could draw.”

  Meeks kissed her cheek before he pulled out a cigar. “There’s a lot about me you don’t know but there’s still time to learn.” He winked and Dominic walked by hitting him in the back of his head. “Dominic, bring out the whisky it’s been a long day.”

  Dominic threw the bottle. Garnett caught it and looked over Mirisa’s shoulder. “Meeks used to be our mapper.” Garnett sat down on the other side of her and took a swig and passed it to Meeks. She looked from one to the other. “Sorry, ladies don’t drink out of the bottle.”

  She reached over and took it away from Meeks but before she could do anything James walked behind her and took it away. “Sorry, it’s been a hard day for some of us.” He looked at her book and told her she needed to get something to color in the drawings. Dominic came back out and threw Garnett a cigar and sat down across from his wife. She got up on her knees and leaned over the table to kiss him. James raised his eyebrows. Dominic looked up at all three. “James.”

  “Alright but damn sometimes it’s just so sweet.” Mirisa sat back and turned to look at James. Meeks took the bottle and passed it to Dominic.

  “What is for dinner?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Oh right, you and dog have been sitting on the porch all day relaxing.” She batted her eyes at Garnett.

  “I believe you said you wouldn’t eat my cooking so I see no reason to work over a hot fire to have you complain anyway. This way I enjoy my day and you still get to complain.”

  “Garnett, why do you allow her to constantly bait you? You know even if she can’t win that she will. I gave up being in charge months ago.”

  “Yeah, we could tell by the fact that
you are wearing a wedding band now.”

  She slid her legs out from under her and sat down as Maria brought dinner around.

  The next morning Mirisa rode up to the hill because watching the house had become a calming obsession. The exposed beams were large round trees that had been stripped and rubbed down with something they boiled over an open fire. The porch was made of wood but the walls were an earth tone mud that was so smooth and the corners and walls were rounded which she loved. She would ride down during the siesta and walk through the house before she rode back to the camp so no one would know she was out by herself.

  The days were beginning to warm up allowing her to remove her jacket as she gathered plants for her book. She was drawing the flower she had dissected when she saw Meeks and James ride up to the house and dismount. Within a few minutes of arriving, smoke started coming out of the chimneys. The men came out and packed up their wagon before Meeks walked out onto the porch with an older man who was nodding and counting money. Mirisa packed up her sketchbook and slowly rode along the river down to the house. Meeks looked at her as she dismounted, tied up her horse and stood looking up at him. James walked out surprised to see her standing there.

  “What are you doing out here alone?”

  “Dog is with me.” She started up the steps and they parted as she walked into the house. “I love the warmth of the walls and how they curve.” She walked running her fingers along the walls when she turned around and they were both watching her. “Is it finished?”

  “It’s finished. The fires will help dry out any moisture still in the walls.”

  “Can we live here?”

  “That’s why I built it.”

  She nodded and walked back out onto the porch. “I need to get back to the camp before someone discovers I am missing.” They watched as she turned her horse and dog got up following closely behind her.

  “Aren’t we somebody?”

  Meeks was watching her before he turned to James. “Sometimes I get the impression that she feels removed from everyone else. Almost like a memory that whispers to you in the middle of the night.”


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