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Activated: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams Book 1)

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by Dee Benson

  The thought put a smile on Axel's face.

  "If we had powers, nobody would dare to mess with us," Zanda said.

  That was Zanda's problem. She was insecure and low in confidence. She thought having powers would make her special. "Like Mom always says, we're beautiful and unique even without powers—"

  "And if we're not complete without them, we'll never be complete with them," Zanda finished, mimicking Mom's voice and rolling her eyes.

  "Hey, that was a pretty good impression. Maybe that's your superpower: doing great impressions. You can be called Impersonator Girl."

  Zanda shot Axel a glare as she walked away.

  FRIDAY EVENINGS WERE BUSY for Axel. After school, she had rehearsals with the school orchestra and then an hour of basketball. The girls' basketball team had won the state championships for seven years running and they were determined to keep up that tradition.

  After basketball, the girls invited her to go out with them but she declined. She was exhausted. Besides, her mom and dad were going on vacation tomorrow. They were leaving early tomorrow morning, so tonight was the last time she'd see them for two weeks.

  She jumped into her car and hurried home. It was almost seven p.m.

  She knew something was wrong as soon as she pulled into the driveway. Her dad was standing outside and Zanda's car was missing from the driveway.

  Axel jumped out of the car. "Hey, Dad."

  "Hey. Is Zanda with you?" he asked, looking through the car windows.


  Mom appeared in the doorway to the house. "Are they back?"

  "Only Axel," Dad replied.

  Most parents wouldn't worry over a sixteen-year-old not being home by seven p.m. on a Friday night, but Zanda always came straight home after school. And if she was going anywhere she would let Mom and Dad know.

  "Did she call?" Axel asked her parents.

  "If she did, we wouldn't be worried?" Mom replied, taking out her cell phone. She tapped the screen and then held it to her ear. "It's going straight to voicemail. It must be switched off."

  Axel dug into her purse to check her cell phone. Zanda might have texted her. She took out her cell phone and shot her parents an apologetic look when she saw all the calls and messages she'd missed from them, asking if she knew where Zanda was.

  Axel found Zanda's number and called her. It went straight to voicemail.

  "Maybe she decided to go out," Dad said.

  "She would have called us," Mom replied. "This isn't like her."

  Axel opened her car door and jumped back in.

  "Where are you going?" Mom called.

  Axel lowered the window. "To find her."

  Sometimes, when Zanda was feeling down, she drove up to the mountains and went for a walk.

  If Axel didn't find her there, she'd go to Lizzie's place. She didn't have Lizzie's number but she knew where she lived. If Lizzie wasn't in, she'd tell her parents to contact her.

  Axel didn't think Lizzie would have done anything to Zanda, but this was the first time Zanda had hit her. Lizzie might have tried to retaliate.

  Chapter 2

  THE MOUNTAINS WERE KIND of creepy at this time of day.

  The sun was setting and night was falling. The trees cast long shadows over the well-worn trail that snaked through the mountains.

  Axel had always loved walking in the mountains. She had hiked in the ranges with Zanda and friends from school many times. Usually, it was a beautiful place to be. But she'd never been there alone.

  She figured she had about thirty minutes of daylight left before darkness descended. She didn't want to still be here when it was dark.

  "Zanda!" she shouted. Her voice echoed in the stillness.

  She hesitated on the edge of the mountain forest. The forest was one of Zanda's favorite places up here. Beyond the forest was a collection of caves. Another of Zanda's favorite spots. They'd built campfires in the caves with friends and toasted marshmallows many times. In middle school, Axel had participated in treasure hunts up here.


  Only her echo responded.

  She was going to have to go into the forest. She hurried in, weaving her way through the trees. Suddenly, it seemed darker. Tall trees blocked out the waning sunlight. The density of trees increased the farther she went until branches clawed at her clothes and she had to duck to avoid low branches.

  A drop of water hit her nose. She looked up. She could barely see the sky through the canopy of branches.


  Not much of an echo this time, now that she was in the forest.

  Axel walked through to the other side of the forest. As she stepped out from among the trees, she expected light, but it was still semi-dark. And it was raining. The trees must have sheltered her from the downpour.

  Rain beat down upon her, stinging her skin. Around her, the evening seemed to be growing darker by the second.

  Axel pulled her light jacket tighter around her. She looked up. Angry clouds filled the sky. It'd been vibrant with the colors of sunset only a few minutes ago.

  "Great," she muttered. A storm was brewing and she was too far away from her car. She'd never make it back in time.

  "Zanda!" she yelled.

  Lightning flashed across the sky.

  Axel's heart leapt into her throat. She hated storms. She needed to get away from all the trees before she got struck by lightning.

  A strong itch tickled her forehead. She scratched it.

  Where was Zanda?

  Thunder groaned in the sky. The patter of rain was growing louder as the downpour grew heavier. Her hair was already wet and hanging in a stringy mess around her shoulders.

  Axel ran towards the caves. Lightning flashed as she went. I'm going to kill Zanda when I find her.

  Unless, of course, there's a good reason for her switching her cell phone off and disappearing.

  It was almost completely dark now. Axel took out her cell phone and pushed the button to make it light up. The feeble light was enough to help her find the caves.

  Another itch raced across her forehead. Maybe she'd been bitten by an insect in the forest.

  She ran into the first cave and sighed.

  It was pitch black inside. Axel tried not to freak out. She'd hide out in here until the storm passed. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too long.

  Water trickled from her hair and down her neck. She squeezed her hair to get rid of the excess water and then removed her jacket. It was soaked through.

  Water drops spat in through the mouth of the cave. Axel moved further back.

  A shiver worked its way down her spine. She'd never handled darkness well, but her eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness of the cave, so that was good.

  I'll be fine.

  She looked around the cave, and noticed a shadowy bulk near the very back.

  She squinted at it, assuming it was just a large stone.

  It moved.

  She wasn't alone.

  A scream tore up Axel's throat.

  Why did I have to choose a cave with a wild animal in it?

  The shadow straightened. The silhouette belonged to a powerfully built man, not an animal.

  Great. A dozen fearful scenarios raced through Axel's mind.



  Rape and murder.

  She immediately clamped down on her fear. He could be just another mountain explorer, taking shelter from the storm. Why was she assuming he was some kind of criminal?

  "Hello, Axel."

  Axel froze in shock. How does he know my name?

  "Hello," she said. Her voice sounded like a squeak. "Do I, uh, know you?"


  He knew her but she didn't know him? She was curious, but not curious enough to stay and get answers. She needed to get away from him.

  Axel's gaze shot to the mouth of the cave. She stepped towards it. Lightning flashed, illuminating the ground just outside the cave. She jumped backward.

"The last time I saw you, you were a tiny baby." The man's voice was closer. He must be just a few steps behind her. His voice was a deep rumble that filled the cave.

  Axel turned. "Who are you?"

  "I'm Desmond Platt."

  It didn't ring any bells.

  "How do you know me?" Axel asked.

  Desmond moved further into the cave. He crouched down and Axel squinted to see what he was doing.

  There was a bunch of twigs, leaves and small branches on the ground. When he finished arranging them into a neat pile he stared at the pile for a moment. Then light shot from his eyes and ignited the pile.

  Axel went cold, instantly. Desmond had superpowers. And not just any power. Fire.

  Was he The Firemaster: The legendary Supervillain that her parents had told her and Zanda about? If so, she was in grave danger. In fact, she'd better run out into the storm and take her chances rather than stay in here with him.

  She paused. The Firemaster's name was Dresden Devin, not Desmond Platt. Her parents had never mention Desmond Platt.

  Desmond looked up at her from his crouched position on the ground.

  With the flickering light of the fire filling the cave, Axel could see him properly. He was much older than she'd assumed. His dark hair was graying at the temples. He had lines around his mouth. And he wasn't as bulky as the darkness had caused her to think he was. Maybe her fear had magnified his physique.

  But he definitely looked strong enough to overpower her and hurt her if he wanted to.

  "You're the image of Katie," he said quietly.

  Katie was her mom's name.

  Maybe she could pretend he had the wrong girl.

  It's too late for that. He'd called her by her name and she'd asked how he knew. She felt like kicking herself.

  "You even got her hair color, although she dyes hers black these days."

  How did he know her mom always dyed her hair the minute her dark blond roots began to show?

  "Do you know who you are?" he asked her. "Do you know what you are?"

  Axel didn't know what to say. He must be alluding to her 'Super' heritage, but she'd lived in denial of it for so long that to acknowledge it now was impossible. Besides, she didn't have any powers. She didn't get the right genes, so she wasn't 'Super'.

  "A-are you The F-Firemaster?"

  The man smiled and his eyes crinkled at the corners. Firelight made his dark eyes glow orange. "No. But I have learned a lot from The Firemaster."

  As he looked at her, Axel hoped her wouldn't send light from his eyes and set her ablaze. She wondered what other powers he had that he could use against her.

  "How did you find me?" she asked. "How did you know I'd be here?"

  Desmond didn't reply.

  A horrible thought struck her. Zanda. Had she gone missing because she'd been tracked down by a Super, too? "Do you know where my cousin is?"

  "We're not interested in your cousin. She's a Netherling. But you are a Super."

  Axel exhaled. At least, wherever Zanda was, she was safe from strange Supermen.

  "You didn't ask me what a Netherling is," Desmond said. "I take it you already know. Your parents must have told you a lot about our ways. Have they also told you about our land?"

  Axel didn't reply. She was giving nothing away. She'd already given away too much.

  Desmond waved a hand, and a large, shiny, mirror-like structure appeared in the air.

  Axel jumped, and then took a step back. The only Supers she'd ever been around were her parents and her parents' best friend, Brett, and Brett's wife. She was used to their powers. This man was strange.

  Images appeared on the structure, like holograms. She saw people flying, lifting buildings, running faster than cars, and blazing fire from their eyes.

  "I have been sent to invite you to the Land of the Supers," Desmond told her. "There, you will have the freedom to be who you are. You will no longer need to hide your powers—"

  "I don't have any powers," Axel cut in.

  "You do." A building appeared in the hologram. 'Super High' was written in large bold letters across the front of the building.

  "Super High is an academy where gifted young people like you learn how best to express their powers—"

  "I said I don't have any powers. I know I don't."

  Desmond smiled, but there was nothing friendly about it. "You have powers. You just haven't activated them yet."


  That was a new concept. Axel's parents had never told her that powers could be activated.

  "What are my powers?" Axel asked slowly.

  "How are we supposed to know if you don't?"

  Axel shook her head. "I'm almost eighteen. Wouldn't my powers have come to me—activated—by now, if I had any? And why do you want me anyway? What are you going to gain from me coming to the Super Land?"

  "We are recruiting gifted Supers for a special assignment. You will be told more when we get to our land."

  Axel shook her head. "I haven't said I'll go—"

  "Don't you want to live among your own kind?"

  Axel didn't know. She'd never manifested any powers so she felt at home among Netherlings. She was a Netherling. Her parents had told her so. They would know.

  "Here, you are nothing. In our world, you'd be held in extremely high regard. Your mother is an aristocrat."

  Axel knew that. Still, the answer was no. She couldn't go.

  She glanced towards the mouth of the cave. The storm was still raging outside. When was it going to end? She needed to get out of here.

  "The storm won't stop until I make it stop."

  Axel looked at Desmond. Really? He was behind the sudden storm? It had come more suddenly than seemed natural.

  "I imagine your parents must have told you lots of horror stories about us," Desmond said. "None of them are true. We do good things. There are Supers who work on technology. With technology, anybody can become a Super. For instance, in the past, only a Super could travel at more than a few miles per hour. Now, with cars, anybody can. With planes, anybody can fly. We do good work in that area. The mission that you will be involved in is extremely prestigious. The Firemaster has sent me to invite you, personally, back to the Land of the Supers. If you come, your parents' offense will be forgiven and they will no longer have to hide from us."

  "My parents have committed no offense."

  The only offense they'd committed was deciding that they wanted to leave The Firemaster who'd made them pledge allegiance to him when he was fighting against his brother, the Super king. They hadn't wanted to get caught in the middle of the battle between the two brothers. They'd had to flee the Super Land in order to find peace.

  "We know where you are. We have known for a long time. If you move, we will find you."

  Desmond's soft words filled Axel with panic.

  "If you come with us, we will overlook the offenses of times past."

  Axel didn't know what to do. If she said no, would she and her family be in danger? Her parents had told her a lot about how ruthless and bloodthirsty The Firemaster was. She couldn't accept until she'd spoken to them. And she knew what they would tell her to do. They'd insist that she refuse to go, and they would leave New York immediately.

  They'd moved thrice as she was growing up. Each time, it was because her mom had suspected that they'd been discovered. They'd lived in small towns. However, the last time her mom had decided they should try a big city. That was four years ago, just before Axel started high school.

  She looked at Desmond, trying not to show her fear. "I, uh…I'm not going."

  Desmond stared at her for a moment. "And that is your final answer?"


  He smiled darkly. "If we were as bad as you've been told we are, I would take you with me against your will. But I will not. You will come to us of your own volition."

  What does that mean?

  "By the end of this week, you will gladly hand yourself over to us."

esmond rose to his feet. Axel shrank back as he walked towards her. Was he going to hurt her?

  He stepped around her and continued to the mouth of the cave. He looked up and lifted a hand. "Be still."

  The contrast was spectacular. Immediately, the sound of rain and thunder ceased. It was replaced by the tweeting of birds and the call of insects beginning their nightly chorus.

  The air brightened from pitch darkness to twilight.

  Desmond turned to her. He gestured towards the cave entrance and bowed his head slightly.

  Axel hurried out. She ran through the forest, stumbling on stones and fallen branches. She couldn't get out of here fast enough.

  She needed to get home. Needed to warn her parents.

  The Firemaster knew where they were.

  They had to leave immediately.

  Chapter 3

  AXEL WAS GLAD TO see Zanda's car in the driveway when she got back. She burst through the front door and ran to the kitchen. Judging from Zanda's flushed face, it looked like Axel's parents were in the middle of lecturing her for going AWOL.

  Zanda jumped to her feet. "I told you I was hanging out with Gareth after school."

  Axel frowned.

  "I thought you'd tell your parents for me," Zanda accused.

  "Oh," Axel said. "Did you say you were hanging out with him today?"

  "That's beside the point," Dad said. "Your phone was switched off. Why did you switch it off?"

  "We went to the arcade. I don't get a signal in there."

  "Guys," Axel cut in. "Zanda's safe, so it's fine. However, we're all in danger. I was just approached by a Super in the mountains. He told me that The Firemaster wants me to come to the Super Land."

  The blood seemed to drain from Mom's face.

  Dad frowned. "What?"

  "I was looking for Zanda. I entered a cave when the storm started—"

  "Storm?" Zanda asked. "What storm?"

  "There was a horrible storm. Thunder, lightning, torrential rains. When I entered the cave, there was a man inside who said his name is Desmond Platt."

  Mom's face paled even further. She looked at Dad who seemed frozen to the spot. Obviously, the name rang a bell.

  "What did he say?" Dad asked.


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