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Activated: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams Book 1)

Page 23

by Dee Benson

  She hadn't exactly been happy to give up her healing power. But it had been a bargain. She'd thought that she and Zanda would be released in return. What a fool she'd been. But she'd had no way of knowing that Zanda wasn't worth the sacrifices she was making.

  "I understand that."

  Axel frowned. Did he know what she was thinking? How? She hadn't felt a tickle across her forehead to alert her to the fact that her mind was being read.

  "You are not immortal, Axel."

  Axel felt a sense of relief. Death was scary. But so was immortality. Who wanted the burden of living forever and having to pretend otherwise so that nobody found out?

  Axel still couldn't speak, but if this man of light could see her thoughts, then she would think instead: If I'm not immortal why didn't I die when I was shot?

  "Because you have seven chances."

  Seven lives?

  "Yes," he replied.


  Because you have a big job to do and I want to make sure you're able to finish it before you die.

  So I had seven lives and I now have six remaining?

  "You have five remaining."


  "You have died once before yesterday, and been resurrected."

  Axel felt someone shake her. She was distantly aware of Nigel calling her name. Axel felt herself begin to surface from wherever she was.

  She tried to block Nigel out. She wasn't ready to leave yet. She wanted to know more.

  "Go," the man of light said. "You will learn more in due time."

  The man vanished, taking his light with him.

  Axel snapped back to the present. She batted Nigel's hands away.

  "She's awake," Nigel told Angelica, who was tapping away at the computer on her desk.

  "About time," Angelica murmured, still typing.

  "How long was I…gone?" Axel asked.

  "Two minutes," Nigel said.

  "It usually only takes about thirty seconds," Angelica murmured. "Were you asking questions?"

  "Yes." And now she had even more questions.

  "Tell us everything," Angelica said.

  Axel told them. Angelica continued to type the whole while. She stopped when Axel finished. She turned to face Axel. "How many colors glowed on you at Merspool conflux?"

  "Three," Axel said. She didn't need to think about it. It had been such a strange experience that it was burned into her memory forever. "Blue, green, and gold."

  "Did that not make you realize that you have three gifts?"


  Angelica looked at Nigel.

  "No," he replied too. "We don't know enough about the Gifts and Graces to know how they operate."

  Angelica turned back to her computer and began to type. "The blue represented your healing power. But you say you have given that away?"

  Shame filled Axel again. She said nothing.

  "However, there is still a power there. Usually a scorching takes it away, but I sense that you still have something, although I cannot tell what it is."

  Now, wasn't that helpful?

  "The gold is your power to resurrect," Angelica continued. "Gold usually means the power has been with you since birth. That makes sense since you've just been told that you've already used one of your lives in the past. Do you remember ever dying before yesterday?"

  "If I did, yesterday wouldn't have come as such a shock to me."

  Angelica shot her a look and Axel quickly pressed her lips together. Angelica seemed powerful. She shouldn't be snarky with her. "What does the green represent?" Axel asked meekly. She hoped it would be an amazing superpower that she could use to keep her enemies at bay for the rest of her life.

  "The green," Angelica said, "represents a grace, not a gift."

  "What is it?"


  "Resilience?" Axel didn't intend her tone to sound so flat.

  Angelica looked at her, and then stopped typing. "People tend to focus on Gifts instead of Graces, because the Gifts are more showy, while the Graces concern character and what's on the inside. We fixate on external things, but that's a mistake."

  Axel nodded quickly. She didn't want to seem shallow, but 'resilience' didn't seem like that big a deal.

  Angelica looked at her computer screen. "Listen to this: The resilient continue when others give up. They continue to run when others are weary. They keep walking while others faint. They experience a constant renewal of strength, and gain clarity while others are confused."

  She looked at Axel, a bright smile on her face.

  Axel quickly smiled too.

  Angelica sighed. "You don't appreciate this now, but believe me, this is a highly useful grace. It will be invaluable for the big job ahead of you."

  "You know what the big job is?"

  Angelica said nothing.

  Axel looked at Nigel. He looked none the wiser. "What is it?" she asked Angelica.

  She shook her head. "I suspect it will become clear to you before long. I hope you will choose to do it."

  "I have a choice?"

  "Of course you do. You always have a choice." Angelica steepled her fingers. "If you decide to fight and you need our backing, you know where we are."

  AXEL FELT CHARGED AS she and Nigel left the CFC building. She took Nigel's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Thanks for making me come here."

  Nigel's brows twitched upward almost imperceptibly.

  "It's good to know what exactly is going on."

  He said nothing.

  Axel noticed that his eyes were strained. "What are you thinking about?"


  Axel stopped walking.

  Nigel stopped too. "What?"

  "Maybe you should just tell me where I can find the portal and I can go by myself. I don't want you to get into trouble for helping me."

  "How will you operate it?"

  "You can speak into my mind when I get there, and tell me what to do."

  Nigel folded his arms across his chest. "Seems like you're getting pretty comfortable with me speaking into your mind these days."

  "Only when necessary."

  He snorted softly. "The portal needs a hand print."

  "Oh. Is it programmed to accept only The Firemaster's?"

  "It also accepts mine, Desmond's, and Serloyd's."

  "Right. So you'll be coming with me, then."

  "I guess I will."

  Chapter 29


  A million stars twinkled overhead, and the full moon was like a big glob of ice shooting chills into the night.

  It was the first time Axel had ever felt cold in the Super Land.

  A chill worked its way down her spine.

  The Super High campus was dimly lit with streetlights. Not a single light shone behind the windows of the school office building.

  The Firemaster's office, being on the roof, had no windows. The roof seemed to be in darkness. "Are you sure The Firemaster won't be in his office now?"

  "It's midnight," Nigel replied. He squinted up at the building. "Ideally, we would just teleport onto the roof, but we need to switch off the sensors first. We'll teleport to the top floor." He took Axel's hand. "Ready?"


  The world blurred, and then Axel and Nigel landed in an empty hallway. Nigel pointed to a window. Axel walked silently to it and looked out into a garden. It was in darkness except for beams of light roving around randomly.

  When she turned back, Nigel was unlocking a small cabinet on the wall. It swung open, revealing dozens of buttons. Some of the buttons had lights beeping above them. Nigel pushed numbers on a keypad below the buttons. With each number he pressed, there was a faint beep. One of the buttons in the cabinets lit up green. Nigel shut the cabinet.

  He gestured to Axel to follow him. They hurried silently down the hallway until they came to a large, floor-to-ceiling, glass door. Nigel unlocked it and then stepped out into the roof-garden. Axel stepped out after him. He shut the door a
nd led the way through the garden.

  Axel looked around as they walked. There were rows and rows of rose bushes—all of different colours. The trees were in full bloom with blossoms. She noticed a cluster of apple trees and some grapevines. A lake of fire meandered through the bushes and trees, glowing an eerie orange in the night.

  It was like stepping into Paradise, except for a strange ambience that seemed to hang in the air. Axel couldn't quite explain why, but she felt like a dozen snakes were slithering over her skin and would continue to do so until she got out of here.

  I'll be back in Netherium in a few minutes. She crossed her fingers as she followed Nigel around a corner.

  A large fire fountain hissed and spat in the midst of a circle of trees. In the middle of the flowing fire was a large, round object that shimmered in the orange light of the fountain. Fire jets shot streams of fire around it.

  That must be the portal ring.

  Axel's heart began race. It was magnificent—as everything in The Firemaster's territory was. Magnificent but strange. Axel couldn't wait to leave.

  All Nigel had to do was activate the portal and Axel would be out of here. Hopefully, forever.

  Tears filled her eyes.

  Home. She was going home.

  A probe ascended out of the low wall that ran around the fire fountain. It beamed out white light.

  "Stand back," Nigel said, stepping into the light.

  Axel stayed well away from the beam of light.

  A sensor the size of a computer tablet appeared in the air before Nigel. He placed his hand on it. It flashed red and a loud siren wailed.

  Nigel turned frantic eyes to Alex. "Hide."


  "Anywhere," he said urgently. "Go!"

  The siren continued to blare. Axel ran away and hid behind one of the trees that circled the fire fountain. Her heart beat up into her throat.

  There was no way somebody wouldn't come to check. Would Nigel just make them invisible?

  Angelica was able to discern our presence when we were invisible.

  The siren stopped suddenly.

  A pinprick of light appeared in the air before the fire fountain. It rapidly expanded into a man-sized sphere of light. Axel's heart lurched as The Firemaster's image materialized. A hologram.

  There was a tickle around the corners of her mind. Then Nigel's voice filled her head. Stay out of sight, Axel. Our lives depend on you staying well out of sight right now.

  As if Axel didn't already know that!

  Nigel was bowing his head.

  "Where are you going?" the hologram of The Firemaster asked.

  "I have been meaning to go to Temsah City and spy on the government for you. You asked me to check on what they're planning."

  "You're going now?"

  "Yes. Under the cover of the night."

  "Where have you been all day?"

  "In preparations for tonight."

  The Firemaster seemed to be considering that. The hologram looked around the area as though searching for something. He focused back on Nigel. "Why not just teleport?"

  "I want to conserve my mental energy, sir."

  "Very well."

  The hologram disappeared. The spot it had been in still glowed for a few moments. Axel wasn't sure whether to come out of her hiding place.

  Nigel didn't beckon to her. He didn't even look in her direction. He tried the sensor again. This time Axel saw the green glow emanate from it once he placed his hand on it. Immediately, the fire jets around the portal ring stopped.

  Nigel looked over at her. He nodded.

  Axel hurried over.

  "Let's do this quickly," he said.

  "Quick is good." Axel wondered how they were going to get across all the fire flowing between them and the portal ring. Then, she noticed that a path was appearing. The fire was parting. Soon, the path reached all the way to the portal ring.

  "Go on," Nigel said.

  Axel looked at the fire hissing and crackling on each side of the path. Would it flow back once she stepped onto the path?

  Nigel took her hand, sensing her hesitation. He led her down the path.

  Axel's chest tightened as they stood before the portal ring.

  "New York?" he asked.

  "Yes." It came out as a whisper. She couldn't believe this was happening. Couldn't believe she was finally getting to go home.

  Nigel opened his mouth, and then stopped.

  "What?" Axel asked.

  He shot her a brief glance. "I'm not your teacher anymore."

  Axel frowned. "Huh?"

  He turned to her.

  Axel almost shrank back at the dark look in his eyes. It wasn't the kind of darkness she was used to seeing from him. It was dangerous for much different reasons than his status as The Firemaster's personal assassin.

  He reached out and traced her lips with his finger.

  Axel's sucked in a sharp breath. She quickly forced her breathing to be normal. No need to give away how deeply he affected her.

  The heat in Nigel's gaze intensified.

  Axel couldn't stop her gaze from drifting to his lips if she tried. She'd never allowed herself to think about what it would be like to kiss him. Such thoughts were dangerous—especially when they were about a dangerous man.

  "I'm going to kiss you."

  His words sent a storm of emotions raging through her.

  I shouldn't.

  Why shouldn't I? I'm never going to see him again anyway.

  Great. Now she was having conversations with herself.

  Nigel's gaze was on her. Hawkish.

  Axel licked her lips.

  Nigel dipped his head.

  She didn't expect his lips to be so soft. And she didn't expect his kiss to be so languid. His hint of a beard grazed her chin. The mixture of softness and coarseness was tantalizing.

  His lips moved over hers slowly. Savoring.

  Axel's knees weakened. Her arms went around his waist of their own accord.

  Her heart fluttered when Nigel's hands cupped her face. Once again, his fingers grazed her scalp and she was reminded of her shaved head.

  Suddenly, she didn't feel so hot.

  Nigel pulled away abruptly. It was so sudden that Axel almost fell backward. She frowned. Then she realized why.

  They were surrounded.

  Chapter 30

  DOZENS OF SUPERS HOVERED in the air around them. Many of them Axel didn't recognize. Some of them she did. Angelo, Candy, and many more of her classmates were among them. Axel was surprised to see Jasper. The Firemaster must have broken him down, made him fall back in line.

  Axel looked at Nigel.

  Nothing of his thoughts was evident on his face. His mask was in place. He must be peeing himself though.

  He was staring over her shoulder. Axel followed his gaze and saw The Firemaster hovering in the air behind her.

  Nigel was in deep trouble.

  "I made him do it," Axel said, turning to face The Firemaster. "I blackmailed him into this."

  The Firemaster wasn't looking at Axel. He was staring at Nigel. Axel glanced at Nigel. His gaze was on her.

  She turned to The Firemaster again. "Punish me. This is my fault. I talked him into this."

  A shiny, blue, translucent force field appeared in the air, sheltering Axel and Nigel.

  He cursed softly.

  Axel figured that nobody outside the force field could hear them.

  "Thanks for trying to help me," Nigel growled, turning to the portal ring. "But my fate is sealed whether you talked me into this or not." He pushed a button on the portal ring. "New York," he said. He cast a troubled glance towards The Firemaster.

  Axel looked at the portal ring. "Should I step through?" She didn't like to leave him to clean up the mess. "Maybe you should come, too."

  Nigel kicked the portal ring in frustration. "He's disabled it."


  Nigel pinched the bridge of his nose. "We're dead."

nerves began to jitter. She couldn't endure any more torture. After yesterday, she was precariously close to her breaking point.

  She wasn't afraid to die; after all, she had seven lives. But torture, in many ways, could be worse than death.

  Axel frowned. Actually, she was afraid to die. All they had to do was shoot her five times and it'd be over.

  Just yesterday, when she'd thought all was lost, she'd wanted to die. But now, so close to escaping, being caught was heart-breaking, and the thought of death was horrible.

  She rounded on Nigel. "Didn't you tell me that you've been building up power and think you can defeat The Firemaster now?"

  Nigel just looked at her.

  "Was it all talk?" Axel asked.

  Nigel barely twitched a muscle. Half of the Supers around them fell to the ground. Or, more accurately, to the rooftop. Including Candy.

  Axel gasped. "Was that you?"


  "Are they dead?"

  "You don't want me to kill them?"

  "No. They've done nothing wrong. It's The Firemaster you need to—"

  "I will need all my focus to defeat The Firemaster. I cannot face him if he has helpers here fighting with him."

  Axel stared at Candy's body. She looked at Nigel. His eyes were stony. His face was a granite mask.

  Why the hell had she just kissed a guy who could kill without even lifting a finger?

  Since he could kill with his mental powers, why had he used a gun in The Dome when he killed Trojan? She suspected it was to scare them. Pointing a gun at someone had a certain dramatic quality to it.

  Tears filled her eyes. "Are they dead?"

  "All of them except Candy." Nigel's voice was as hard as the look in his eyes. "I know you're friendly with her."

  Another bunch of Supers dropped to the ground, including Angelo.

  The only evidence that Nigel had done it was the sheen of sweat on his forehead like he was engaged in some intense mental battle.

  Axel punched his chest. She'd rather let The Firemaster capture her than have Nigel kill people for her. "They're only here because The Firemaster has made them come. They're not the real enemy."

  "I didn't kill them this time," Nigel snapped. He sounded irritated with her. "I'm just holding them down."

  Axel opened her mouth to express her preference for the 'holding them down method' rather than the 'kill them' method, but Nigel touched a finger to her lips. "I need to focus," he whispered.


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