The Dragon Within His Shadow

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The Dragon Within His Shadow Page 15

by Phyllis M. Rumore

  “Let’s drop this, James. I don't want to talk about Lauren, or my family with you.”

  “I love and care about our Dad. I think one of us should make sure things are going straight and that no one's fucking around!”

  “Yeah, well I'm glad you love the man. I guess that means you should go.”

  “Don't you fucking care? Don't you care about our father?”

  “Why the fuck should I give a damn about that old man? Huh? Why? Because he's my father? What the fuck does that mean? He was no father to me. At least I know things straight. The reason you get along with Dad, is because all you do, is kiss ass.” John knocked over a chair.

  “How the fuck can you say that? He's been a good father to both of us, you just never- -”

  “I never what?”

  “Appreciated him!”

  “Bullshit! I appreciated that old man plenty. He didn't have any time for me till I didn't need it! Growing up, I needed his love and attention and where the hell was this man called my father? Huh? Where? I'll tell you! He was here in the states with you and your mother. Your fucking mother stole my father, from my mother, and me!” John had had it. Years of pain broke through the thin wall built to shield his delicate inner self.

  “You don't know the whole story. I thought you knew,” said James.

  “Knew what?”

  “That our father didn't marry your fucking mother for love, but for the society. We all knew it here. I thought you knew it, too.” James tried to calm his voice.

  “How the fuck could I ever know anything about my father? Did he take you to any games? Did he spend time helping you learn things? Huh? Well? Did he?”

  “So, he spent time with me, but I'm sure he spent time with you, too.”

  “He didn't. I didn't even fucking know about you till you fucking showed up on the boat. How's that for a surprise? I didn't know my father had a second wife. It was no surprise that he had a mistress, but a woman who called herself his wife! Now that was a surprise. All these years when he was gone for three or four months at a time - - I believed in that fucking son- - I believed he was away on business.”

  “He probably was- -”

  “Bullshit and you know it! He was here! You know how I know? You want to know how I know,” he shouted at the top of his lungs. “Those god damned pictures you have all over the place. He's in every damn picture!!! Look! Look here,” he pulled a photo album off the shelf and randomly opened it to a page. “Look! Here he is at your birthday party! And, oh, how nice, here’s another shot of him teaching you how to ride a horse. You want to see my one and only picture of my father? Here it is.” John took the news-clipping photo from his wallet and shoved it in James’ face.

  James unfolded the paper and looked carefully at the formal portrait taken at an event.

  “Growing up, he was barely home. He never did anything for me. Once when he did come back home, I didn't recognize him. I asked my mother who he was. He beat the shit out of her for turning me against him. They were never together again. Maybe he was here for you, but he wasn’t for me, and I won't be there for him. He’s not my dad,” said John.

  “You must understand John, he does care. The two of you just don't know how to talk.”

  “Oh yeah and how the fuck do you know that shit?”

  “Because we've talked about it,” said James.

  “Well isn't that great! You and your Dad talked about me? You talked about the non-relationship I’ve had with him. What the fuck do you want? I’ve got to fucking work for- -”

  “You don't have to fucking work for me, if you don't want to work.”

  “Wanna bet on that? If I don't work for you and if I don't fucking prove my honor and regain respect, I don't inherit the money. Ain't that the deal?”

  “So, he's not good enough to be your father, but he's good enough to bank you. What bullshit, I can't believe it. You're a hypocritical asshole.”

  “Better than a kiss-ass phony like you!” John went quickly to his room and grabbed the pack of cigarettes that had been on the dresser by the door and lit one.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means you do everything his way, or no way. It means you're not your own man, because you can't think for yourself.” John pointed accusingly, at James.

  “I love our father!” James stated, rather sadly.

  “Good for you,” said John. “I don't. I don't care about anyone anymore.”

  “Bullshit! I think you do and you just pretend not to care. The question is why?”

  “Why???” John said.

  “Yeah. Why?” James softened his voice. “Why don't you care about him? Why do you pretend not to care?”

  “Didn't you listen to what I just said? I don't have to explain shit, to you!”

  “Then, I order you to tell me why!”

  “My little brother is ordering me, to tell him why.” John chuckled.

  “First, I'm not your little brother. I'm your older brother, the first-born son to George Choi. Second, if anyone feels injustice, it’s me for my mom. Imagine how I felt when I fucking learned about you and your bitch of a mother. And that you had a sister born five days before me, no less. How the fuck do you think I felt? He did both our mothers in the same fucking week! Now! Cut the crap and tell me why you hate him. Why?”

  “Why? I'll tell you why! It’s because your image of the perfect father is bullshit. Because he rejected me, told me to go away, or be quiet, or I didn't need to know. It’s called rejection, brother!” There was a momentary stillness in the room, as John took a long deep drag on his cigarette. Releasing the smoke slowly, he reached over to deposit ashes in the plant.

  “I'm sorry.”

  “Sorry? Sorry for what?”

  “That you didn't get to see his other side!”

  “Oh, get real! You don't feel sorry for me and you know it.” John paced the room.

  “I do feel sorry for you. Our Dad only rejects people who don't do things his way.”

  “Yeah, well at least I'm my own man.” John turned his back.

  “You resent me, don't you?”

  “Shouldn't I? You came between Dad and me and I never had a chance, never knew he was comparing me to you all this time. His order is the only reason I'm here and why I must remain here and the only hope I have to gain my inheritance.”

  “It was your stupid actions that pushed you out of Hong Kong, John. Dad did what he did to save your ass and to teach you a lesson. If he didn't, you'd be rotting in some Hong Kong jail for murder. If you don't want to be here, I'll release you. Leave!”

  “You’d love that, wouldn't you? Get me out of the way and you'd get the money.”

  “Money? Is that how you measure life?”

  “It's reality. If you have money, people like you. If you have money, you make the rules people listen and do what you say. It all comes down to money.”

  “Wrong! People do things, because they believe in you and respect your judgment.”

  “What do you want, James? What the fuck do you want?”

  “I want you to go back to Hong Kong and report what is happening with our father, investigate on your own and report to me any rumors! Is that understood?”

  “Perfectly! I'll leave as soon as you get me a first-class ticket!”

  “Coach and it'll be waiting at the airport Thursday!”

  “Make it Friday and first-class. I've got business to take care of Thursday!” He didn't want to miss his date. He liked the feeling he had with Michiko and wanted to see her again.

  “What kind of business?”

  “The personal kind!”

  “Then change your plans and go Thursday! I give the orders and you’ll listen! You'll fly coach, not first class John Chan. Since you've rejected our father, than that means you're just a servant, a sai low of my gang. You’ll do as I say, or suffer.”

  “You couldn't make me suffer the way I've already suffered.”

  “I've got the power to make
you suffer and you know it! The gang is behind me and if I give the order, you’ll hurt. You're the one on my turf, living by my grace. Do you think I was thrilled to discover I had to take care of you, brother?! I wasn't! You think you're the only one with,” but John started walking away. “Stop!” James ordered.


  “I said stop. I didn't dismiss you yet!”

  “Dismiss me? Who the fuck do you think you are? Who are you to dismiss me?”

  “I'm your Dai Low Dai, that's who! I'm your boss and you're my enforcer, my sai-low! My father is in stable, but critical condition. My half-sister is listed in stable condition- -” James stopped to respond to the doorbell.

  A guy came in that John had never seen before. James whispered something to the man, who nodded and went into the kitchen.

  “Who the fuck is that?” John asked.

  “That's Charlie.”

  “How the fuck did he get out of jail?”

  “My father's lawyer took care of things. Look, I've got too many fucking things to take care of here in San Francisco and can't just leave to investigate what’s happening in Hong Kong. Your role is simple! Go back and find out how to protect your ass, your rights, and your family. Now, you fucking son-of-a-bitch, I am your brother and believe it or not, I do give a fuck about you. Either we work together as a family, or our family, is destroyed. Someone is threatening our family and I want to know who it is! I want you to exert your right as a Choi son to take care of business and report back to me! If you don't, Richard is going to and I don't trust him.”

  “Richard? You don't trust Richard. Why, because Dad said so?” John asked.

  “When you become dai low, I'll tell you. Not now. You'll go to Hong Kong Thursday.”


  “Give me one good fucking reason why you can’t go on Thursday?”

  “I've got a date,” John sniffed and rubbed his nose.

  “A date is more important than our father?”

  “Yeah, I gave her my word that I'd be there for her Thursday. Friday's not a problem.”

  “Friday?” James didn't want to give in, but unless he compromised, they would continue going in circles. His brother was one stubborn ass, he thought.

  “Yeah, Friday!” John eased the tension in his voice and manner.

  “Fine, Friday. But coach!” James felt shaken that he wasn't able to exercise the same amount of control on John as he could so easily, with the other members of his gang.

  “You trust this guy?” John looked at Charlie, who emerged from the kitchen with a drink. They looked at each other, each trying to size up and figure out who the other was. It was going to be a long night, thought James, as well as John.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Doctor Leong got off the elevator and walked down the hall to the family waiting area to find the Choi party seated. He saw a distraught Catherine Choi, and Tang with furrowed brow watching everything intently. There was also a Mr. Chen, two other men and Richard who was pacing as far away as he dared, from Tang.

  Twelve hours had gone by and the wait was trying to Catherine, who looked up, responding subconsciously, to the soft step of the surgeon.

  “Hello, Mrs. Choi,” said Dr. Leong

  “Do you have any news? Lauren? George?” Catherine’s voice quivered.

  “Yes. I have status for both, but please follow me.” Dr. Leong led them down the hall to a small office.

  Looking over each person as they took their seats, he wondered who really cared about his two patients. There was Mrs. Choi, of course, trying to show the proper amount of concern. There was Tang who was particularly interested in Lauren. He had seen him around the hospital, constantly checking the men that he had stationed. And then there was Mr. Richard Cheng, along with a Mr. Chen, some business associate he was told. As a doctor, he had seen many types of people. Everything he knew told him to be wary of Richard, skeptical of Catherine and respectful of Tang.

  Doctor Leong’s silent examination of each person unnerved Catherine. She disliked it greatly when the doctor looked at her that way, over the rim of his glasses. It was as if he could see deep within her and know her intimate secrets without asking a question.

  “Dr. Leong, please. I must know. How are they?” Catherine pleaded.

  “Lauren took three bullets.”

  “Three? I was told of two.”

  “As I've said, I treated her for three bullet wounds.” Leong saw Richard’s smirk.

  “Tell me what I don't know.”

  “Lauren has three bullet wounds. Two were serious and one was a minor flesh wound. The first one was found lodged close to her appendix that we had to remove. The second bullet penetrated her upper arm. The third bullet struck her on the side of her face.”

  “Her face!”

  “Now Mrs. Choi, the bullet struck her as she was falling backward. The damage was not extensive, just a minor flesh wound, but there were some powder burns. The bullet came very close to the edge of her eye, but we don't think it touched her.”

  “Oh no! My baby! Where is she? I must see her! Doctor, will her eyes be all right? Is she going to be all right? Doctor?” Catherine’s eyes began to well with tears.

  “It’ll be a few days before we check her eyes again, but I’m sure they will be fine. Listen Mrs. Choi, she was very fortunate that the bullets hit where they did, hence I’m expecting a full recovery.” Leong looked at Tang, who seemed relieved at the news.

  “Will she be disfigured?”

  “No. I don’t believe so. Again, we will know more in a few days.”

  “Thank you. When can I see her?”

  “In about half an hour we’ll bring her up.”

  “And, my husband?” Catherine asked as she dabbed at her eyes.

  “Your husband’s condition, Mrs. Choi, is far more serious.” Dr. Leong watched the faces of those before him. Each became more attentive. Their eyes all focused upon him. He could only imagine what was behind Tang’s fearful, angry gaze, Catherine’s nervous, but anxious stare, or Richard’s cold eyes. Now with Mr. Chen, he thought, there was a man of mystery. Chen was alert and attentive, but should you not look at him directly, you would not recall his presence in the room.

  “What do you mean, his condition is more serious?” Mr. Chen asked. As the Fu Shan Chu, it was his duty to see to it that Choi's family remained safe and the Society secure from any additional hostilities.

  “Mr. Choi received four direct hits across his torso and one to his hand. The damage was very extensive and he is listed in guarded condition. While we’re grateful no vital organs like the heart were damaged, we’re not sure he will make it through the next day.”

  The room went deadly silent, save for the sounds of a nurse walking in the corridor. Catherine for all her passion didn't hate George. Her sense of social standing and the very structure of her life revolved around him. Without George, she would just be another rich woman. She had Richard, but he was no George. Richard couldn't command the same respect, nor could she ever marry a servant. Fuck a servant, yes. Marry a servant; no, that was beneath her dignity.

  “George is in serious condition,” said Richard. “Does that mean he'll survive?”

  “We don’t know yet,” said Doctor Leong.

  Tang, while having thoughts of his own, watched each person's reaction. Mrs. Choi was giving a good performance as a dutiful wife should, but he still didn’t trust her sincerity. He saw Richard’s face change and thought the man looked way too pleased with the day’s events. Chen just sat and his lack of emotion was typical, but still, Tang wondered what thoughts Chen really had concerning the hit. When he told him what happened, all Chen would say was ‘clean it up.’ Simple words that carried a lot of weight and expectations he hoped, he could fulfill.

  “We’re doing everything we can. He has a twenty-percent chance of living. The odds are against him. Everything will depend upon how strong George is, and whether at his age, his body can overcome the shock of being shot
five times.”

  “How extensive was the damage, doctor?” Catherine asked.

  “Two bullets were found lodged in his left lung, causing it to collapse. One bullet crushed part of two ribs. The fourth bullet removed caused only minor damage to his left shoulder and the fifth went through his hand.”

  “How soon before we can see him?” Catherine asked.

  “He’ll remain in intensive care for the next week, at least, and I will not allow visitors.”

  “My daughter, Lauren?” Catherine asked.

  “Yes, you may see her, but only for ten minutes. I’ll have her escorted to room . . .” He checked the chart. “Yes, here it is. Room number 489, but you must understand she is very weak. Besides the shock of being struck by bullets, she needs rest to recover from the extensive surgery. You’re not to make her upset, or give her any cause to worry.”

  “I understand. Thank you. When will you bring her up?” Catherine’s tone became softer as she calmed down.

  “If there are no more questions, I’ll go down now to get her. Tang, I need to speak to you concerning the guards. Will you please join me?” Dr. Leong stood as did the others.

  “Yes, doctor.” Tang followed Dr. Leong out of the room.

  “Let's walk, shall we,” said Dr. Leong.

  After getting on the elevator, Tang turned to Leong. “Doctor, now that we are alone, there is something I must ask concerning Lauren- -”

  “I know you're the father, Tang. Lauren told me, when I told her she was pregnant.”

  “Tell me, Doctor- - The baby? Will the baby - -”

  Dr. Leong faced Tang. “The bullet didn’t hit the appendix. She took one bullet in her abdomen. It hit the baby, a boy. I’m sorry, Tang. We had to abort the baby. There was no other choice. We had to do it to save her life. I'm sorry, Tang.”

  Tang swallowed hard and closed his eyes briefly, refusing to let his emotions surface. “Did you tell anyone else about her condition?”

  “No. The condition of my patient is privileged information. You had a right to know as the father. Did anyone else know?”


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