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Scorched - Book Four - The Surrender Series

Page 6

by Anne, Melody

  “I don’t know…” he said, then took the top button of her shirt into his teeth and tugged, ripping the white circle off and spitting it out.

  “Rafe…” she warned, done with the game. Now, she just wanted sweet relief.

  “Yes, Ari?” he asked as he reached her next button and quickly tore it away, opening her shirt so he could see her chest straining toward him.

  “Lick my nipple,” she begged, not even caring that she was giving in to him.

  The next button came off and then the rest, her shirt parting for him, her chest barely contained in the lacy bra she’d bought just for the push-up effect. It was obviously worth the extravagant price, because his eyes darkened as he gazed down at her.

  Without another word, he bent and ran his tongue along the upper edge of the bra, wetting her skin, but still not giving her sensitive peaks the relief they so desperately needed.

  Then his tongue ran just under the lace, coming so near her peak that she cried out when he retreated. She wondered if a body could actually shut down from frustration. When the tables were turned, it would be her delight to repay him in kind, even if she also caused herself pleasurable pain in the process.

  After what felt like an eternity, he released her wrists, and her fingers tingled slightly as blood flowed through her hand again. He reached down, unclasped her bra, and gazed at her breasts.

  “So unbelievably beautiful,” he sighed before filling his hands with them, and running his thumbs across the peaked tips.

  “Not half as stunning as you,” Ari said as she moved her arms, threading her hands into his hair and tugging him down, demanding his lips on her nipples.

  His mouth engulfed one hardened peak and sucked it into the heat of his mouth, making her cry out as she arched into him. She was desperate to lie with him without clothes, without barriers.

  “I could play with your body day and night, Ari. You turn me on even more now than the first day I met you, and I didn’t think that was possible. Every time I touch you, it feels like the first time. Every chance I get to sink inside you, it feels like coming home. I always want you, and discovering new ways to make you quiver in need is my new mission,” Rafe said before sitting up and removing the rest of her clothes.

  He shed his own clothing, standing at the side of the bed in all his magnificence, his erection standing proudly, making her mouth water with the desire to taste him.

  “Wait,” he said as he suddenly turned, making her moan in frustration.

  “I’m done with games,” she warned him. “Get back here and fill me!”

  Rafe turned with a shocked smile on his face. “I love this new, demanding woman,” he said before turning back and walking to the closet. Ari groaned as she threw herself back against the bed, thinking she might just have to take care of her ache herself if he didn’t hurry.

  What a sadly unappealing thought. No one, including herself, could give her body the relief that Rafe could. His touch was better than magic.

  He came back, holding something in his hand, and sporting an almost shy smile on his face. It was enough to tamp down her sexual frustration.

  “This was supposed to be a wedding gift, and I should wait, but I want to see you wear it,” Rafe said, sitting next to her on the bed as he reached out a hand and helped her sit up.

  Ari was a little self-conscious sitting there in the buff with him now that they weren’t touching, but when she tried to grab the blanket, he stopped her.

  “No. Don’t cover yourself. Perfection like yours needs to be on display,” he said, leaning over and kissing her again, reigniting the fires in a single heartbeat.

  “Then, cover me with you,” Ari said, forgetting all about the box he was holding.

  “In one minute,” he promised as he opened the box. Ari’s eye filled with tears as she looked at the stunning necklace placed on midnight-blue velvet.

  “I found this in a shop in Italy when we were apart. I walked past the window and there it sat, and several minutes later, I was still rooted to the spot. I had a vision of you wearing this necklace and nothing else, with your beautiful hair spilling across my pillow while the gems gleamed on your porcelain skin,” he said as he took the sapphire-and-diamond necklace from the box.

  “I…it’s…oh, Rafe, so beautiful,” she gasped, barely able to speak.

  “When I heard the story behind the necklace, I knew I had to get it,” he said as he drew her against him so he could see behind her neck. Ari lifted her hair as he clasped the necklace and then ran his hands down her shoulders.

  “Tell me,” she requested as she leaned back against the pillow, no longer self-conscious as his gaze traced every inch of her.

  “It was a necklace passed down in a royal family of Italy, dating back to the early fifteenth century. A prince passed the necklace down to his son to give to his bride on their wedding night, as had been done for generation upon generation. Most of the royal weddings were arranged marriages between royal families, marriages of advantage, not of love. This one was no different, except the prince knew his bride. A few years before they were to be wed, he’d been out riding and his horse was spooked by a snake, throwing him down a ravine. The princess was out walking and saw it happen. She rushed quickly to the mountain to see if she could help, though she feared it was hopeless. This same cliff had taken many lives.”

  “She saw him below, and heard the cry for help, but she could also hear that his voice was weak. So, risking her own life, she scaled down the cliff, and reached him, tearing pieces of material from her dress to stop the blood from escaping his wounded and broken leg. There was no way for her to carry him from the spot, and she feared attempting to climb back up the cliff, as her journey down had been dangerous enough. She knew her maid would search for her, though, so she held his head in her lap, calling out every hour or so, hoping someone would come to their rescue.”

  “Is this true?” Ari gasped as she hung on his words.

  “Yes; now listen,” he said before kissing her nose. “The prince was in horrific pain, but the sound of her voice gave him something else to focus on. They spoke the entire night, and he fell deeply in love with her without knowing his father had plans already in place for their union. When the morning light came, search parties found both of them, safely pulling them from the ravine. They were only fourteen at the time, but that was nearly marrying age back then.”

  “That’s horrible,” Ari said, shocked at even thinking of a fourteen-year-old marrying.

  “It was the way things were back then. It was a different time. They weren’t scheduled to wed for three years, though. Over the next three years, they spent much time together, falling even more deeply in love. The day of their wedding, the prince held the necklace in his hand, anticipating placing it on her neck and finally making love to his bride. It wasn’t often that royalty married for love, and he felt truly blessed that he would get to have it all.”

  “Oh, this is special,” Ari sighed, running her fingers along the necklace.

  “So they wed, and he was even more in love than ever.”

  “Is there more?” Ari asked, almost afraid to know. She didn’t want her necklace marred.

  “The rest of the story doesn’t matter,” he hedged.

  “Now, I must know,” she insisted.

  “She grew pregnant almost immediately, and their marriage was happy even when war broke out within their country. The prince went to defend his land, and she was so afraid he wouldn’t return, but he did the night she went into labor. He was filled with joy to be there for the birth of their first child.”

  Rafe turned for a moment, and Ari’s stomach tightened, knowing she didn’t want to hear the rest. Let the story just end on a happy note, she prayed silently.

  “She didn’t live through the birth, but a healthy baby girl was born. The prince was devastated by the loss of his wife, and at first refused to even hold his child, blaming the baby for taking his beautiful wife. Then his daughter cried out,
and as he looked down at his wife, at her flawless skin, a slight smile on her lips, he knew he would love their daughter as much as he would always love his wife.”

  “Breaking the tradition of passing the necklace down to the oldest son of the family, the prince gave their daughter the necklace when she reached the age of fourteen, the same age he’d met her mother. He told her the story of their love, though he was now remarried and had sons. He told her to pass it down to her oldest daughter and never to forget the story of their love, never to let his princess die. She would live forever through this token of his love for her. The owner of the antique jewelry store received the necklace from the last heir, along with the story, which was written down. The final woman in the line had not married, had not produced a daughter to pass the necklace down to. The only stipulation she’d given the woman I purchased the necklace from was that it go only to someone truly in love. It must be a wedding gift, and the story must live on, she told me.”

  Tears streamed down Ari’s cheeks as she touched the precious gift around her neck. She felt connected to the princess who’d died far too young. Nothing would ever compare to this present.

  Yes, there had been tragedy connected with the necklace, but there had also been great love. The love is what she would focus on — what she needed to focus on.

  Her relationship with Rafe was similar. There had been heartbreak and pain, but also pleasure and love. The love — the passion — the comfort she felt in Rafe’s arms was what was important. If she thought back to the pain, her heart would tear open.

  As she looked in her lover’s eyes, she pulled him close. “Now, where were we?” she whispered.

  “Mmm, I think right about here,” Rafe said. His fingers drifted across the priceless necklace around her beautiful neck and then he slowly sank into her body. As he brought her to completion, he watched the glimmer in her eyes outshine the sparkle in the necklace.

  Chapter Ten

  No more stress, she thought with a sigh.

  Rachel drifted in and out of sleep in the scented bath. In this luxurious prison, she could almost forget she was being held against her will.

  Yes, this tub could take her to another world, a place where tyrants didn’t exist and she wasn’t facing the toughest of choices. While she soaked her tired body, Adriane became nothing more than an inconsequential figment of her imagination.

  After some time, she reluctantly climbed from the tub and stood for a few moments in the room-sized shower, rinsing the bath oils from her skin. She’d almost forgotten what it felt like to be spoiled, and being here was a clear reminder that it was OK to take care of herself — to pamper herself emotionally and physically.

  Since she was trapped in Adriane’s castle, she might as well take full advantage of what he had to offer. That didn’t mean, however, that she wasn’t going to seek her freedom. No. She’d just let him think she was being compliant, as much as her temper would allow her to pretend.

  As she wrapped herself in the satin robe, a rumble sounded from her stomach, reminding her she hadn’t eaten in hours. Her nausea was gone and she was ready to do what the doctor told her — eat her fill. A nice meal and then a full night’s rest and she would be back to herself, ready to take on Adriane, and ready to find her way from this hideaway.

  As she opened the door to her room, a divine aroma accosted her nose, unleashing more vicious growling from her stomach. At least Adriane wasn’t planning on making her seek out his dining room in the vast castle. She might never find her way back to her room if she left it tonight.

  In the morning, when she was ready to escape, she didn’t care if she couldn’t find it. She had no intention of sleeping in this bedroom for more than a single night. Whatever Adriane’s plans were, he’d just have to learn to adjust his expectations.

  “I was wondering if you’d gotten lost in the bathroom.”

  Rachel froze for a moment, then turned in the direction of his voice. Her hand reached up, automatically gripping the lapels of her robe, ensuring that the front stayed closed. She should have known he wouldn’t just go away and leave her in peace.

  That would be too kind of him. Too un-self-centered.

  “You aren’t welcome in here, Adriane,” she said when her voice returned. Looking down her nose at him, she stiffly approached the set table in the corner of the room, doing her best to freeze him out.

  It didn’t help that at just the sound of his voice her body heated. She was also very aware that she had nothing on beneath the thin fabric of her robe, and it wouldn’t take him long to see how easily he affected her.

  She crossed her arms against her chest and sent him a withering stare, daring him to argue with her. Of course, he wasn’t able to resist the challenge. She would do better to freeze him out, not challenge him — even unconsciously.

  “I’m welcome in every room of my castle, Rachel. Why don’t we put aside our differences for the night and enjoy the meal my chef has prepared?”

  Oh, the arrogance in his tone, the expectation that she would just roll over and do as he commanded without thought. He truly didn’t know her if he expected easy compliance.

  “I don’t care if this is your home, or at least your castle. You forced me to be here, so for this night, at least, this room is mine. I get to choose who I want to join me in it,” she informed him, wanting desperately to unfold her arms, sit and lift her fork. The food looked exquisite and her stomach’s incessant protesting would become apparent to Adriane soon enough with its ever-growing volume.

  “I wish to have a nice meal with my fiancée. Deal with it, as you Americans like to say.” He sat down and lifted his wine glass, taking a sip as if they were having a normal meal and discussing mundane subjects. The lout even leaned back and crossed his ankle over his knee as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “You’re either incredibly dense or unbelievably arrogant. From what I know about you, I would say both. I told you earlier that I’m done being with you tonight. Do you have so little pride that you always show up where you are so obviously unwanted?”

  “Let’s eat. We need for you to have your energy for later…activities,” he said with a wicked smile.

  She had no doubt what activities he had planned. Wanting to refuse anything he suggested, even at the expense of going hungry, Rachel shook her head. Then she thought of the child she carried. It wasn’t just herself she would be denying. Still, if he were any kind of gentleman, he would leave and let her have the rest of the night to herself.

  That wasn’t going to happen, so why even attempt to kick him out again? With luck, if she just ate the meal and remained firm in her denial, he’d leave.

  Sure, sure. But she could dream.

  “If you expect me to eat in your company, the least you can do it offer me some fresh clothes,” she said, proud of her haughty tone.

  In answer, his eyes took a leisurely stroll from her neck to her feet and back up again, and he spent far too much time on her neckline before he met her furious gaze. “You look just fine to me,” he finally said, and heat flowed between the two of them.

  Spinning around to break the connection, Rachel paced the large room. It was obvious she wasn’t going to get rid of him, more than obvious he wasn’t going to be a gentleman and get her something decent to wear, which meant she was eating a meal with the cad in too short a robe.

  It would be so easy to fall back into his arms, and that was the worst thing she could do. Even in his arrogance, though, he had a way of drawing her toward him — making her desire run rampant.

  It had to be the baby.

  She’d read that during pregnancy, a woman’s body went through all sorts of bizarre hormonal ups and downs. Obviously that was happening to her, because if she were in her right mind, she wouldn’t feel the slightest emotion for him except utter disdain.

  When she turned back to face him, he’d risen from his chair, but his gaze hadn’t left her as he waited at the table for her to rejoin him. With a
defeated sigh, she walked stiffly over to him, then took the seat he was holding.

  “I love this color on you. The blue brings out your eyes,” he whispered, his mouth grazing her ear as he spoke.

  Unable to hide her body’s betrayal at his nearness and the warmth of his mouth, Rachel chose to say nothing. He would just call her on her lie if she denied wanting him again. The thin material wasn’t hiding a single thing from his view and she couldn’t keep her arms crossed forever.

  Fine. Let him look, because that’s all he was going to get to do.

  After a moment, Adriane circled the table and sat down. He waited until she picked up her fork, then he joined her in eating. With her stomach in knots of indecision, Rachel was at first barely able to get much of the meal down, even with her hunger nearly at supernova levels.

  Her anger had at least squelched any remnants of desire. Refusing to look up and meet his gaze again, she speared a moist piece of meat, taking a bite and nearly sighing as the flavor hit her taste buds. The tender morsel fell apart in her mouth and slid effortlessly down her throat, answering the distress signals her stomach had been sending in droves.

  “I have decided you’re simply playing hard to get,” he said with a careless shrug, instantly making her blood boil. She had to remind herself not to allow him to get a reaction from her. “From my experience, there are some women who enjoy being chased, who like keeping their man dangling on the end of a rope. It’s OK. I’ll give you your excitement, play along with your little game, since that seems to be what excites you so much.”

  Rachel nearly choked on the vegetables she’d just swallowed. She lifted her head and stared at him, her mouth agape. Did he honestly believe the crap he was spouting, or was he trying to push her buttons?

  She didn’t know and tried not to care. Either way, she was close to flinging some steaming-hot potato gnocchi at his smug face. So much for her good meal.

  Before she made one more decision she might regret, she closed her eyes and took a long, deep breath, then counted to ten in her head.


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