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Scorched - Book Four - The Surrender Series

Page 24

by Anne, Melody

  She knew she was making the situation worse, but if he’d just allow her to go, she told herself, she would stop saying hurtful things — and start worrying about what she was going to say to him next.

  Would he even want her love, this gift she was willing to give him for no more than the small price of him allowing her access to his heart?

  “If it weren’t for the fact that I’m carrying your twins, you never would have called me again, would you?” she asked, needing to hear him say it.

  He hesitated as if he knew this was a trap, but his honest nature wouldn’t allow him to lie.

  “We won’t ever know that, Rachel. The fact is, you are carrying my babies and you are here with me now. Why don’t we just focus on that?”

  “I can’t, Adriane. I can’t…” she said, almost on a sob. “I need to go,” she said again, this time moving up the beach, bending down to grab her shoes and then making her way to the path that led to his palace.

  This wasn’t her home.

  It could be if she accepted his proposal, but though she’d be his lawfully wedded wife, wasn’t that all she’d be? They’d have great sex and she’d give birth to his babies, and then what? Without love, he’d lose interest and she’d become bitterly alone.

  “Rachel, we need to talk more,” he said, quickly catching up to her as they entered the palace.

  “Can you ever love me, Adriane?” she asked, stopping him cold as she faced him in the cool, dark hallway.

  He weighed his answer before opening his mouth. “Love doesn’t matter, Rachel. Why do you keep bringing it up? Haven’t these past nights been good for you? We can have that every night.”

  “Yes, Adriane, love does matter. Since I do keep bringing it up, don’t you think that it’s important?” she argued, angry and hurt-filled tears blurring her vision.

  He didn’t say anything to that, which Rachel felt was an incredibly painful slap in the face.

  She walked away from him again, and this time he let her go. When she reached her room, she knelt beside her bed, and said a fervent prayer.

  “Please help me to make the right decision, no matter what that decision may be. And please help me not to be such a fool as not to listen when I am given the answers.”

  Her prayer finished, Rachel stood up and crawled into bed.

  Adriane had to think she was crazy now. One minute she was holding him as if she would never let him go and the next minute ranting at him to leave her alone. Had she not had that revelation while with his mother, her day would have gone a lot more smoothly.

  She’d most likely be lying in his arms right this very minute.

  Damn her stubbornness, and damn her inability to decide what she should do next.

  Chapter Forty-One

  They were back to the real world, and Ari was scared.

  Disaster had to await them, didn’t it?

  After all, their honeymoon had been perfect, everything she’d ever imagined and then some, thanks to all of Rafe’s romantic surprises. They’d played on the beach, watched as whales and dolphins danced in the waters, lain in the sun for hours, and made love more times than should be physically possible.

  But their jet had landed, and they were already back home. Would everything change now that the honeymoon was technically over? Would the honeymoon truly be over as they resumed their normal lives? Whatever the reason, Ari’s nerves were gnawing away at her.

  As Mario drove them toward Rafe’s house, she felt a little sick.

  This was his home, the home he’d had before she was a part of his life, the home he’d built for himself. The home he’d broken her heart in. She knew she shouldn’t be upset, but they were starting a new life together and she wondered whether she’d always feel that this was his place, never feel that it was equally hers. Never get over the night she’d bared her soul to him and had been so completely crushed.

  She would never say anything to him of the sort. It was petty of her even to think of asking him to move, but although it was a fine home, it wasn’t a place she would choose for herself.

  She wanted something with a large yard, a place where she felt comfortable getting to know her neighbors. She knew Rafe needed a large home, since he entertained clients in it, and he worked from his home office at times, but this setting, his bachelor mansion, was just not what she envisioned spending the rest of her life in.

  Maybe at some point she would feel safe in bringing up the subject.

  Not today, though. Today was their homecoming day. Today was their first day back in the real world — as man and wife.

  They pulled up to the house with all the lights burning bright, a welcoming gesture from Rafe’s efficient staff. As she emerged from the car, Ari looked at the imposing front door and hoped to feel a modicum of pride — a feeling that this was her home now, too.


  “Welcome home, Mrs. Palazzo,” Rafe said before scooping Ari up into his arms and carrying her across the threshold. At least he didn’t stumble, but she didn’t expect him to.

  Her worries temporarily forgotten, Ari laughed with delight as he nuzzled her neck and made his way to the kitchen. Then she melted a little when she saw the gigantic bouquet of stargazer lilies waiting for her on the table.

  “My favorite flowers,” she sighed.

  “I could never forget. I will have a bouquet for you every week for the rest of your life,” he said before kissing her breathless while letting her body slide down his as he set her on her feet.

  “Did you order them yourself, or have Mario do it?” It shouldn’t matter, but it did. If they were from him, the gesture meant so much more.

  “I ordered them,” he said, and kissed her again.

  “I love them, then,” she said before kissing his neck, tasting his skin as she reached toward one of his buttons.

  “I’m starving, woman, so quit distracting me,” he said with a grin as he pulled back after leaning in for one more lingering kiss.

  “Mmm, I’m not the one who started this,” she reminded him while looping her arms around his neck and nibbling on his lips.

  “I can’t seem to keep my hands off you,” he said before deepening the kiss, making them both lose sight of the meal they needed to have.

  “I like that very much,” she told him when he came up for air.

  “You are going to have to sit on the other side of this island so I’m not tempted,” he said, finally extracting himself from her arms.

  Ari pouted as she took her seat, but quickly lost her moue as she watched him take food from the fridge. She hadn’t seen him cook before. This would be interesting.

  “What are you making?”

  “For our first night together, I thought a salmon-topped salad, lots of wine, and ice cream for dessert.”

  “That’s not very creative,” she teased him.

  “I’ve never claimed to be a culinary master,” he said, unwrapping the already prepared items and putting the salad together.

  “You have many other talents, so I suppose I shall forgive you.”

  “Why, thank you ever so much,” he said as he set a plate in front of her. It was so nice to be alone with him, with no staff interrupting them as they enjoyed their first meal back in the States as man and wife.

  It still seemed unreal, even after their time on honeymoon.

  “I love you, Rafe,” she said, halting the progress of her fork halfway to her mouth.

  “You are my world, Ari,” he said as leaned over, gently caressing her lips with his before lifting his hand and running his thumb across her swollen bottom lip.

  “Who needs food?” she asked. The bedroom beckoned, saying “Now!”

  “Oh, woman, don’t tempt me,” he scolded gently. “Eat up. You will need the fuel,” he continued with a wink, making her stomach tighten in anticipation.

  “You have a strenuous night planned?”

  “Oh, yes, yes, I do,” he promised.

  Further anticipation filled her as she
picked her fork back up and nibbled on her salad. They’d had romantic, amazing, take-her-breath away sex on her honeymoon, but now that they were home, she couldn’t wait to see what he had planned next.

  “Before we retire to our bedroom, I want to show you something,” Rafe said as he cleaned up the dishes and set a bowl of ice cream in front of her, topped with extra whipped cream.

  Ari filled her spoon with vanilla ice cream and syrup, enjoying the cold on her tongue. He grabbed a folder and placed it before her.

  “What’s this?” she asked, picking it up and opening it.

  Then her eyes widened in delight. Listings. Home listings.

  “I wanted to surprise you with a new house, Ari, but then I thought this was something you would want to be involved in. I know you haven’t said anything, but I want us to start our life together with a home you can love. Here are some choices for you to thumb through. If you hate them all, then we’ll meet with the Realtor and keep looking. I spoke to your mother and she told me what she believed you would like.” Rafe spoke almost nervously.

  Ari glanced through the listings, and on the third one, she stopped, entranced by the pictures of a beautiful colonial-style home with a wraparound porch and bamboo flooring. And then the pièce de résistance, at least where she was concerned: a giant backyard, with a pool and a variety of giant trees providing shade and privacy.

  It fulfilled her dreams.

  “Oh, Rafe, I don’t know what to say,” she gasped, feeling as if it were already home without ever having set foot inside the double front doors.

  “Do you really like it? This was my pick. I put down earnest money to hold it,” he said, smiling as if he’d done well.

  “I love it, but are you sure? You’ve lived here a long time.” She suddenly felt guilty over not loving the place he’d called home.

  “This is just a house, Ari. It’s just a place I have rested my head. I’ve been waiting for you to come into my life to actually have a home — the place I can see myself living forever. You are what will make it a place of comfort, you and our children. If you’re happy, then I will be too.”

  “Oh, Rafe, I am going to make you a very happy man tonight,” she said with a watery smile as she rose from her seat and positioned herself between his legs. She leaned forward and kissed him.

  “Mmm, it’s too late, Ari. I’m already the happiest man alive,” he said, when speaking was possible.

  She grasped his face, her thumbs rubbing over his high cheekbones. “I can’t believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you.” She kissed him again, trying to convey all the emotion she was feeling, and she held on tight as his hands drifted down her back and cupped her behind, pulling her against his already aroused body.

  When he pushed her back, she whimpered until he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bright red sash.

  “What’s this for?” Though she asked, she already knew, and her body tingled as she realized the games were about to begin.

  Without saying a word, Rafe turned her around and lifted the sash, securing it across her eyes and tying it behind her head. Then he leaned forward and ran his tongue along her throat, making her core heat up. He wrapped his arms around her, and slid his hands up her stomach to surround her breasts, making her breathing deepen and her nipples harden painfully.

  Ari felt herself being lifted. She quickly looped her arms around Rafe’s neck as he made his way through the house and began ascending the staircase.


  “No speaking,” he said, leaning down and silencing her with a hard kiss that made her body throb. Mmm, she loved this commanding Rafe, loved it when he came out to play. He’d been too afraid to for a while, too afraid of frightening her after the way things had ended for them before she’d taken him back. She didn’t want to admit how much this man turned her on when he took control, but when he was in full command, her entire body pulsed with arousal.

  He reached a room and laid her down, but not on their bed — the surface was too hard — and within seconds, he’d stripped her clothing away. Curiosity made her want to reach up and pull off the mask, but as she thought about doing that, Rafe grabbed her hands and lifted them above her head, quickly securing them.

  “Rafe…” Ari’s voice was unsure. Nonetheless, she realized that not even an ounce of fear was flowing through her veins, just pure desire. Whatever this new game was, she was enjoying it immensely.

  “Shh,” he said. After running his tongue across her lips, he spread her legs and secured them, too, leaving her wide open for his pleasure. And hers.

  When she was fully tied up, he climbed back up her body, then let his mouth blaze a heated path down along her skin, grazing her jaw, kissing her neck and then in between her breasts. She shook with need. Her inability to see anything heightened her other senses.

  He reached her stomach, gently nipping the skin below her belly button, and then his hands gripped her thighs and he lowered his mouth. As he kissed the outer edges of her core, she struggled to shift, wanting his mouth everywhere at once.

  He gave her what she wanted, moving his mouth further down, kissing the inside of her thighs, while he moved his hands up to caress her hips and then smooth along her shaking stomach.

  “Please, Rafe,” she begged.

  He said nothing. His tongue swept out and caressed her core with only one slow lick, making her back arch in the air. Then he began to move upward again, making her whimper.

  This time he planted kisses up the slope of her breast and circled his tongue around the outside of her pebbled peak before sucking her nipple into his mouth and gently clamping his teeth down, making her cry out.

  His hand found her core and he thrust two fingers inside, making her juices flow as she came close to falling over the edge.

  Begging him did no good. He took his time kissing her all over; his hands followed the path of his mouth and he glided across every surface of her skin.

  Finally, he bent down and opened his mouth to her core, sucking her throbbing pleasure point into his mouth and making her scream as an orgasm ripped through her, pulsing on and on, endlessly.

  His tongue soothed the area, drawing out her pleasure; but then, suddenly, he was gone. She wanted to see what he was doing, but she couldn’t shake off the blindfold.

  “Rafe?” she asked when several moments passed and he didn’t touch her, didn’t slide his body into hers.

  The room was utterly silent and she started to grow nervous. Yes, the orgasm had been insanely good, but she wanted more — she wanted his body to sink into hers now, needed him to join them together to make everything complete.

  When she was really starting to worry, she felt something silken and velvety against her lips, and she swept out her tongue to taste his excitement as he pressed his arousal against her mouth.

  She gladly opened to him, her core beginning to pulse again as he slipped his manhood into her mouth, sliding slowly deeper as he grasped the back of her head.

  She hadn’t done this before — hadn’t sucked him inside her mouth while tied up and blindfolded, with him in complete control.

  She was amazed at how turned on she was.

  He still said nothing as he pushed himself deeper, quickening his movements as he touched the back of her throat, his pleasure lubricating his thick staff and dripping on her tongue.

  Pulling out, he ran the head of his arousal across her lips and she swept out her tongue to taste him again, to feel his texture. The only sound in the room was a mixture of their excited groans.

  He pulled away from her and she whimpered until he leaned down and kissed her, his tongue possessing her mouth, demanding her submission.

  She was his. Unquestionably his.

  He moved again and she whimpered until she felt him pressing against her core.


  She was more than ready for him to fill her. With a solid thrust, he drove inside her body, rocking her forward on the table as he groaned. “So hot
,” he called out as he stilled, buried fully inside her.

  Then Ari blinked as he ripped off the blindfold and looked into her eyes. “I want to see your eyes dilate when I send you over the edge again,” he gasped as he began moving.

  Ari couldn’t take her eyes from his as he thrust in and out of her, building her higher and higher as his body possessed hers.

  She shook as he brought her close to the brink before slowing down and pausing, making the orgasm so close but just out of reach. “Please don’t stop,” she begged, and he sped up again.

  Rafe smiled at her as he lifted a hand and cupped one of her swollen breasts, taking her nipple between his fingers and pinching hard.

  That was all it took. As he thrust against her while squeezing her swollen peak, she came apart, her body holding his manhood tight as she convulsed around him.

  “Ari,” he cried, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back inside her, then shaking with the power of his release.

  He now moved slowly within her, squeezing her hip bruisingly hard with one hand and her breast with the other. She didn’t care about the marks he was sure to leave. All she could focus on was the pure pleasure in his face.

  When the last of their orgasms eased, he gave her a look of complete satisfaction, then leaned forward and kissed her lips.

  “I will never get enough of you, Ari.”

  “But it will sure be fun if you try,” she told him.

  Rafe released her from her binds and picked her up in his arms. She turned her head to look at the newest toy he’d bought, a wooden table with movable areas for the arms and legs, and with soft leather straps that he’d used to bind her with. Oh, the fun they would have with that.

  One of these times, she’d turn the table on him. She was already plotting the wicked things she’d do to him once he was tied up there.

  That was for tomorrow, or maybe the next day. With a contented sigh, she nestled against his chest as he carried her to their bedroom.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Ari ran toward her mother with her arms out. There was so much to tell her, so much to fill her in on.


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