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Scorched - Book Four - The Surrender Series

Page 26

by Anne, Melody

  He was sure his strange reactions were really nothing — a temporary spike of insanity brought on by the strange and fraught circumstances.

  If only he could convince himself that’s all it was.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Taking a breath of courage outside of Rachel’s door, Adriane felt his irritation grow. Why should he fear speaking to her? They were both adults.

  Maybe if the two of them had been more honest with each other from the start, he wouldn’t be standing here afraid she was going to leave. He’d tried to be honest, surely he had, but what he was feeling was overwhelming. He didn’t understand it, didn’t trust it.

  The two of them would have a wonderful existence together, raising their children, and enjoying a healthy sex life. They had that department nailed down. Why couldn’t that be enough? Why did these strange emotions have to seep in and make him worry?

  When he opened the door, she was in the middle of the room, her eyes slightly puffy — he assumed from lack of sleep. It certainly couldn’t be attributed to crying. She was strong and had nothing to cry about. Up until their fight earlier, they’d been getting along perfectly, for the last few days, at least.

  As he moved near her, the scent of her shampoo drifted around him, making him lose track of what he’d just been thinking about.


  Focus, he ordered himself silently.

  Rachel didn’t say anything; she just waited to see what he’d come to her for. Her expressive eyes seemed almost haunted, afraid. He couldn’t understand what had happened this afternoon, why she’d had such an about-face in moods.

  He could understand her silence after their fight, though he still didn’t understand the fight itself, or how it had started. Why was she so angry with him for caring about how she was feeling? If she was sick, he wanted her treated. It was ridiculous that she should take offense at his concerns.

  “Your brother is here.”

  That isn’t what he’d intended to say, but it came out anyway. Walking to her wide windows and looking down at the grounds below, he told himself to breathe deeply and remain calm. It didn’t behoove a king to feel such a lack of control.

  When he turned back to face her, she wore an impenetrable expression. Normally, he could read her fairly easily, but not now. Fear still shone in her eyes, but he didn’t understand what she was afraid of. Surely not him.

  “I know. I just got done speaking with Ari, but I appreciate that you came here to tell me,” she finally said, with just the slightest hitch to her voice.

  “I’m sure he would enjoy your company when you feel up to it.” They were both being so formal, it was ridiculous.

  If killing someone with nothing but a look happened outside myth, his problems would be over. Her eyes flashed lethally, and yet he was almost grateful to see light coming to them.

  “Thank you. Let him know I’ll be down in thirty minutes.”

  With that, she turned away.

  Adriane’s shoulders stiffened as he faced her back. This had to stop; it was time she got over her snit.

  “I’m sorry if I offended you this morning. I still don’t understand what went wrong, but upsetting you was certainly not my intention.”

  There. He was being the better man and apologizing, though he didn’t see what he needed to apologize for. Still, if it would get this fight over with, his apology was worth it.

  “There’s no need to apologize, Adriane. I just need some time to think,” she said, walking to her closet and grabbing a coat.

  “Where are you going?” He hated the anxiety that kept assailing him. With her brother there, it had grown worse.

  “I’m going to walk on the beach. I need to clear my head — make some decisions.”

  The decisions had to be whether to leave with her brother or not. Adriane couldn’t let that happen. If he did, he knew he would always regret it.

  “A storm is brewing and the wind’s picking up, so please don’t be gone long.”

  “I’m not worried, and I won’t go far,” she said.


  She paused as she turned to look at him. What did he want to say? Was he going to beg her not to leave? He took a step forward, but his pride prevented him from acting.

  “What, Adriane?” She seemed impatient.

  “We’re going to be fine, Rachel. I know you’re upset today, but everything is fine between us. I enjoy being with you.” He was almost surprised by his confession, but he wasn’t unhappy he’d said it.

  She paused as she looked at him, gazing into his eyes as if trying to read into his words, trying to see if there was a deeper meaning behind them.

  She said nothing, so he continued. “Our marriage will be good. We will please each other. I won’t have another woman in my bed — I won’t cheat. And I will be a good father.”

  “What exactly are you telling me?”

  What was he telling her?

  He didn’t know. He was giving her all he knew how to give her. He was trying to make her stay.

  “I don’t want you to leave.”

  It was unbelievable how hard that was for him to say.

  Her face grew sad, as if he’d disappointed her. What was he doing wrong? What would make this all better?

  “I know, Adriane,” she finally whispered as she came close to him and lifted her hand, rubbing her fingers against his cheek. He lifted his own and pressed her fingers to his face, not wanting to lose her touch. It was almost as if she were saying a goodbye. “I need to walk.”

  With that, she pulled away and stepped past him, and he found himself alone, enveloped by her scent.

  Unable to stand being in there without her, he left the room and closed the door. He had to collect himself and figure out what he was going to do if she decided she just couldn’t be with him anymore.

  It was an unbearable thought.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  As if on cue, the storm picked up speed. As Rachel stepped from the warmth and security of the palace, she was hit with a gust of wind so strong, it nearly blew her over. But she had to think, had to get away from the stagnant air she’d been breathing inside.

  What was he saying to her? Did he care? It seemed that way to her each time they made love.

  She’d been a fool to think she could ever just be Adriane’s friend. She’d wanted that for the sake of the children she carried, but how could she not fall in love with the man when she made love to him? Though some women might be able to have meaningless sex, she wasn’t built that way.

  At least she had accomplished her goal — so to speak. She’d gotten to know Adriane about as well as anyone could. He wasn’t easy to know: he was too closed off to the world. Maybe that was from being born royal. Too many people sought only to use him.

  She wasn’t one of those people. But did he know that?

  And how long could she continue hoping he would give her all of himself? She deserved that; she didn’t deserve to be kept there waiting, waiting, and waiting for the day he’d profess his undying love.

  But at this point could she simply walk away? Give in so easily? He seemed so close. If she hadn’t realized her heart was involved, the decision would be so much easier. She was terrified, though, that if she stayed now and he never felt anything more than a fondness for her, she would slowly wither away.

  Her gloomy thoughts accompanied her to the beach, where she looked out at the ocean as the waves crashed dangerously close to the shore. She didn’t care; the looming tempest matched the way she felt. As she drew farther and farther from the palace, the storm clouds grew angrier and blacker in the sky.

  Just as the first drops of a pounding rain started, Rachel was pushed to her knees by a large gust of wind. She fell to the sand, her hands digging in as she fought to find her breath.

  When she looked back and realized how far she’d wandered, she decided it was time to go back. The sea was tossing and flailing about, and the wind blew strongly, strongly enough to carr
y her off into the waves if she wasn’t careful. No matter how emotional she was right now, she couldn’t put her babies in jeopardy. Now was a good time to face Adriane and demand answers from him.

  He was going to give her all or nothing. And all was the only thing she would accept.

  Pushing against the wind, she struggled to her feet and turned. Her breath hitched when she discovered a man looming nearby. Feeling strangely afraid, she looked for the path, seeking the palace in the distance. She really had walked too far.

  When this new fear clawed at her chest, she had to remind herself that this was Adriane’s private beach — no one who didn’t belong could be here. This was most likely a new guard.

  Still, she just wanted to get away from him.

  “Hello, Rachel. I’ve been waiting to get you alone.”

  The sound of his voice sent a chill straight through her body.

  “Who are you? How do you know my name?”

  She automatically took a few retreating steps from him.

  “I know all about you and the children you carry — the supposed heirs of this kingdom. You are an inconvenience that must be disposed of if I’m to gain my throne.”

  It took a few seconds for his words to sink in.

  “You’re…” her words failed her.

  “Yes, I’m Adriane’s brother, Gianni. You and I are going to take a little trip together, Rachel.”

  He reached over and grasped her arm, tugging at her.

  Hell, no!

  Rachel kicked at him, and in his surprise, he released her. She took off running, screaming at the top of her lungs for help, but she knew it was a long shot that her voice would be heard over the thunder and lightning roaring across the sky. Add to that, the crashing of the waves, which were only growing in violence as the storm gathered force.

  Suddenly she was flying through the air, her feet kicked out from under her, and she fell hard against the wet sand. A slicing pain ripped through her abdomen and side.

  “No!” she screamed as her stomach cramped. This man wasn’t going to make her lose her babies. Pain almost consumed her, but she still fought him, trying everything in her power to escape.

  He bent down to grab her, and her hand shot out, scratching his face. The look of hatred in his eyes frightened her; screaming again, she kicked out, despite the pain she felt lancing through her stomach. She knew that if she gave in, if this man captured her, she didn’t have a chance.

  When he reached for her again, her foot connected, forcing a shout of rage from his throat. She got to her feet and stumbled a few steps before he grabbed her hair and yanked her back. Tears leaked from her eyes at the pain, and she lost her ability to fight. When his fist shot out and struck her cheek, it was all over. Rachel succumbed to a vortex of blackness as dark as the waters crashing around her.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  The people who took care of the inlaid wood flooring wouldn’t thank him for the punishment it was receiving as he tried to sort through his conversation with Rachel. Approaching his window, as if to find answers there, Adrianne looked out at the flashing thunderclouds and the leaves being thrashed around by the angry wind. The branches of the trees were bending dangerously low, and worry rose high within him. Surely she had changed her mind.

  She wouldn’t be so foolish as to stay outside in this storm.

  His guards would be smart enough to go after her and bring her back if she hadn’t returned quickly. If not, they would be let go for endangering her life and that of his children.

  As he was reaching for his phone to make sure she was inside the palace, a knock sounded on his door. Pausing, he turned angrily toward the intruder. He wasn’t up for visitors right now; he couldn’t even seem to think straight, much less talk civilly to someone.

  “Leave me,” he snarled.

  “Sire, I need to speak to you.”

  Adriane turned to see his adviser practically shaking. It wasn’t often that the man disobeyed a direct order. With the phone clutched in his hand, he gazed at Nico and lost his train of thought.

  “This isn’t the time,” he snapped again. He had to pull himself together so he could find Rachel, speak to her before she decided to leave the country with her brother. The thought of it made his chest ache. He took his free hand and massaged the offending area.

  But he had just a muscle in there, for God’s sake. The thought of her leaving him shouldn’t make the inside of his chest hurt. He let the phone dangle in his other hand as he pondered the riddle.

  “Sire. There is news I need to tell you.”

  Adriane turned incredulous eyes on Nico. The man had never defied him to this extent.

  “I said this isn’t the time, Nico. Leave.”

  He didn’t even bother turning to face the man, expecting his orders to be followed this time.

  He felt as if he were being kicked in the gut. What was happening?

  He couldn’t focus, couldn’t think straight. Nothing seemed to be holding a place in his mind except Rachel’s face, the look in her eyes right after he pleasured her, the laughter that spilled from her when something delighted her, the display of pain in her expressive eyes when he hurt her.

  Adriane realized that he thought about her all the time. During his meetings with his council, while he was awake and asleep, she haunted him. Her smile, her touch, her voice...even her smell. There wasn’t a moment that went by when she wasn’t on his mind.

  Not just as the mother of his children, not just as a lover. He cared about her as a person. The thought of her leaving him was like taking a knife to his chest. Was this love? Had he found this thing he had never believed in being real? Was this what his mother had spoken of? Was this what Rachel was demanding of him?

  Suddenly, the aching in his chest and midsection vanished. What a fool he was. Why would he fight against something that felt so right? Why had it taken him so long not only to take the advice of his mother, but to listen to his own heart?

  He could have saved a lot of pain, pain for both him and Rachel. Surely it wasn’t too late, though. He just had to catch her before Rafe whisked her off to America.

  “I love her,” he said aloud. He needed to put his emotions into words.

  If Rachel left him for good, if she ran away, he would lose a part of himself. He wouldn’t have the same purpose in life — just empty days and lonely nights. This must be what people meant when they professed their love. Without the person you loved by your side, a vacant nothingness of days lay ahead.

  He turned, surprised to see Nico still standing uncomfortably by. The man obviously wasn’t leaving until he said whatever he’d come in to say.

  “It’s about Rachel.”

  Adriane’s heart stopped for a beat before resuming at a much faster pace. Had she left with Rafe? Was he too late?

  No! Even if she had left, he would find her — beg her to come back to him, humble himself before her.

  “Tell me,” he said.

  “One of the guards saw her running from the palace out to the beach. With the weather so turbulent, he grew concerned, and after she didn’t return right away, he followed her path. He got there just in time to see her being tossed into a boat and taken from the island.”

  Nico’s voice trembled as he spoke. Adriane was afraid to ask the next question.

  “This wasn’t consensual?” Whether it was or not was a moot point. No one should be out on those rough waters at this time. The sea was a dangerous place at any time, but during a storm, it was practically suicide to be on the ocean.

  “No, Sire. She was being carried over the man’s shoulders, and was placed in the boat in a rather unpleasant way. The guard called back to the palace and immediately began a foot pursuit after the kidnapper, but it was too late. The boat was long gone before they were able to reach the dock.”

  “Who took her?”

  Everything in Adriane froze as he stared at his trusted adviser. There was deep worry in the man’s eyes.

  “The g
uard made eye contact with the man. There’s no doubt about who it was,” Nico said, hesitating.

  “Tell me!” Adriane shouted, fury filling him because he already knew the answer.

  “Gianni.” The name was barely a whisper from Nico’s lips.

  Adriane felt his face drain of color, felt his blood turn cold. She was out there with his brother now because he’d been unable to speak to her — unable to tell her how much she meant to him.

  He was a coldhearted bastard and Rachel was going to be the one to pay for his sins. Gianni was making the ultimate play in a long struggle against Corythia, and Rachel was nothing more than a bargaining chip. His brother would have no problem killing her and the children she carried.

  “Get Rafe up here immediately,” he said, the dead sound of his voice unrecognizable even to him, and he picked up the phone to call his guards.

  Seconds ticked by like hours as Adriane stood before his large windows, looking out at the thrashing ocean, praying that the boat wasn’t overturned, that Gianni was able to navigate to a place where Adriane was sure he had a crew waiting for him.

  “What is it, Adriane?”

  Rafe sounded irritated. He was about to become enraged.

  “Rachel has been kidnapped.” Adriane was barely able to get the words from his mouth.

  Suddenly he was being pressed up to the glass he’d been looking out as Rafe’s eyes flashed before him.

  “You’d better talk fast,” Rafe thundered, fury transforming his features, fear just as apparent behind the fury.

  “My brother was seen grabbing her on the beach less than an hour ago. My guards were too far away to get to her,” he said, his throat closing at the thought of what could be happening to her.

  “Do you have any idea where he’d take her?” Rafe asked, his fury dissipating to be replaced with anguished concern. He released Adriane and began to pace the office. Adriane almost wished Rafe would just punch him. He’d rather feel the ache from physical pain than this strange burning in his chest.

  “I think so. I’ll have the guards prepare transportation right away.”


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