Laird Wolf
Page 12
Some of the tension drained from his shoulders, and he took a deep breath, nuzzling his nose against her ear. Then he looked her in the eye, and she knew this would never be over, this thing between them. Not ever.
He linked his fingers in hers, turning to face the room. “Grandmam Susanna. You speak about love as if you know it well.”
Glenn stiffened, but Grandmam nodded, pouring a cup of tea for Damon and bringing it to him, her sunshiny smile beaming on them all. “I did know love, and he was magnificent.”
“A mate?”
“No. We fox don’t take mates, not like you wolves. In some ways I’m jealous, because I understand it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced.” She patted Damon on the shoulder as if he were a child. “But then, I’ve truly and deeply loved more than one man, and that’s something you wolves simply can’t understand, so we’ll call it even.”
“Grandmam.” Glenn sounded scandalized.
“Oh, hush, boy. I know I’m old and dried up now, but I wasn’t always.” She met Addie’s eye and offered a wink. “Children think they’re the first ones to ever have discovered sex. I don’t know how they think they got here if that’s the case.”
Glenn dropped his face into his hands, his shoulders shaking as he laughed.
Damon’s voice rumbled up from deep in his chest as he gently questioned the old woman who’d returned to her seat. “And did you have a lover at the manor?”
She nodded, pulling a locket from beneath her lace shawl and holding it in the palm of her hand. She stroked it with her fingertips. “My Lachlan gave this to me. He wanted to marry me, you know, but I didn’t want all the troubles that would cause, him and I being so different. It was best for both of us to stay where we were. But our brief time together was delightful. My heart and home are full of memories.”
“What if you have to leave the manor?” Damon asked cautiously.
Glenn cleared his throat. “I’m hoping whoever takes ownership might find it in their heart to keep us on for a little longer.” He slammed his lips together but looked beseechingly at Addie, as if begging her to read his mind.
“Oh dear, we have guests.” Grandmam brushed her hands together then straightened her skirt as she rose to her feet and came forward, offering her hands to Addie and Damon. “So good to meet you. I’m Susanna, and this is my grandson, Glenn. Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea?”
Without a word Damon gently placed Addie on the ground, standing and accepting Grandmam’s hand. “It’s wonderful to meet you,” he said. “I’m Damon, and this is my mate, Addie. We’ll be working at the manor for the next while.”
She clasped her hands together in delight. “Oh, the manor. I have a job there, you know. I might see you.” She tucked a stray grey hair behind her ear and winked at Damon with a touch of sauciness. “I hope I see you around, young man. I do like pretty boys.”
Then she marched away, disappearing into a back room, singing all the while.
Glenn stood, clutching his cup and looking embarrassed, and then frightened as if he realized there was no shield between him and Damon. “I’m so sorry about that.”
Addie waved away the apology. “Sometimes she remembers more than others, right?”
“And sometimes her memory vanishes when I least expect. Or she’ll behave in unpredictable ways.” His hands twisted before him as if he were begging. “Please, you’re not upset with her, are you?”
Damon snapped up a finger, pointing to the chair behind Glenn and he rushed to obey, sitting instantly. Addie thought she’d take the third chair but Damon was having nothing of it, tugging her into his lap as they settled back in place.
“I think you’d better tell us the whole story.”
Glenn swallowed hard, glancing between the two of them before nodding, his chin rising as if he had sucked in all the bravery possible. “After Lord Sterling-Wylde died, and we found out what the sons’ plans were for the estate, I overheard Grandmam while she was visiting his grave. She told him she had to share their secret.”
His eyes flashed as Addie jerked upright in surprise.
“My father was a by-blow of that love affair she mentioned, but until that moment, I’d never known. And our family never had any issue working for Lord Sterling-Wylde. Lachlan was a good man, very different from his sons.
“My grandmother showed me the locket and a box of papers he’d given her once upon a time. I thought they were all love letters, but the one on the top turned out to be a will he’d given her shortly before he died.”
Under her, Damon stiffened. “And does this will name a different inheritor?”
Glenn nodded slowly. “I was afraid to give it to Niall or Alastair for fear they’d destroy it.”
“But why didn’t you give it straight to the authorities?” Addie asked.
Damon stroked his fingers down her arm again, the sense of wonder and rightness of the motion sinking in like intoxicating wine. “Because the love affair was secret,” he murmured. “It would raise more questions than you had answers, and you wanted to protect your grandmam.”
The other man hesitated. “It doesn’t help that Grandmam doesn’t always know what day it is, or what year. It’s one thing for a new, mysterious will to appear, giving the entire inheritance to the workers who cared for Lord Sterling-Wylde during his last twenty years. That will create gossip all on its own, and that’s fine. But for it to show up in the hands of a man who looks suspiciously like a relative, especially next to the pictures in the grand hallway… There’s no way her secret could possibly remain hidden.”
Damon chuckled. “I wish I would’ve met Lord Sterling-Wylde. He sounds like a very sneaky man. That’s brilliant, you know. Give the estate to a group of people, and not the one person he doesn’t want to draw attention to.”
“But is it legal?” Addie asked.
Damon hesitated. “I wouldn’t know even if I looked at the will, but I can promise to get it to the right people to find out.”
Glenn reached under his shirt and pulled out a linen envelope. “After Addie arrived and handed over the wills she discovered, I thought that was my solution. I tried hiding it where you would find it, but I had to keep moving it out of fear that Niall or Alastair would discover it first.”
Of course. “You put it in the yellow leather journal I found scattered all over the house. I can’t believe I didn’t figure it out sooner.”
Damon caught her by the chin. He pressed a brief kiss to her lips, a wave of comfort and a hint of laughter wrapping around her like a warm blanket. “Don’t blame yourself. It was a good attempt by Glenn, and you would’ve found it eventually.”
The other man smiled ruefully. “Except Grandmam got tired of my ‘sloppy attempts’ so she decided to go herself.”
“Over the rooftops?” Addie asked in astonishment.
He made another face. “Told me she knew all the secret ways in and out of the manor. I don’t want to think about why. But she planned to put it right where you would be sure to find it.”
“Let me guess. She spotted Niall and changed her mind?”
Glenn nodded.
The entire story was twisted and crazy, and made complete sense.
Damon offered a hand. “Why don’t you give me the will? We should get it where it belongs as soon as possible.”
The precious papers were passed over, and Addie took them with a sigh of satisfaction, rising to her feet and waiting for Damon.
Glenn picked up a folded tartan from a nearby shelf and tossed it to him. “You’re welcome to this. Along with our thanks.”
“Nothing is guaranteed, but we’ll do our best,” Damon promised, and then they were gone, rushed from the cottage so quickly Addie barely had time to wave goodbye.
Wearing another borrowed kilt around his hips, Damon kept a firm grip on Addie’s fingers as he all but raced down a secret passage he’d found that led from the nearby watchtower ruins to the library. There they paused. He had one detail to deal wi
th before they could get to the most important discussion of his life.
“Phone number for the executor.”
She found it for him on her iPad, waiting quietly as he used the manor’s landline to leave a message on the law-office answering machine. Then she came willingly as he led her back into the darkness of the tunnels, taking the shortest route he knew to the base of her tower.
“I had no idea this was here,” she whispered into the still of the morning.
“I found it the other day. There must be dozens of others I don’t know about yet. I wonder how many we’ll find in the end?”
“We could ask Grandmam Susanna.” Addie sounded impressed with the secret liaison. “That was my favourite part of the story.”
“Seems we’re not the only ones who’ve heated up parts of the manor in scandalous ways.” Keeping it together until they had privacy took most of his concentration, and talking about tunnels was better than nothing. “I don’t want to chance running into the boys. Why didn’t you warn me they’re nothing more than a common house cat?”
Addie blinked in surprise. “That’s what Highland Tigers are. I thought you knew.”
Damon shook his head. “I want to kick their furry butts for all those times I didn’t realize they were the ones hanging around being annoying.” They were halfway up the stairs, and she kept squeezing her fingers around his as if trying to confirm he was really there.
He led her through the bedroom, dropping the will on the dresser before heading onto the east balcony toward the oversized chairs he’d put there a few days ago.
When she made a move toward the second chair he spun her, holding her tightly. “Not so fast. We have some talking to do.”
Addie nodded. “I’m not sure where to begin.”
“I do.” He cupped her face in his hands and drew her in for a blistering kiss, taking her mouth as if he owned it, which, hello, he totally did. Just like she owned every bit of him, from then till forever.
It was the wolf inside that gave him the strength to pull away, the beast nudging him apologetically while insisting the talking thing might be a good idea before the claiming began.
Damon sighed. “I don’t know why all of a sudden he decides he has to be the reasonable one.”
She curled her fingers against his chest. “Your wolf?”
That side of him rushed upward, trying to reach Addie. Damon got ready to fight the beast back, but before he could say a thing she responded. She whispered soothingly, petting his chest as she led him to the nearest chair and somehow ended with her curled up in his lap.
His wolf settled into a bundle of contentment, and Damon eyed her with trepidation. “That was…weird.”
Addie offered an apologetic smile. “Get used to weird. Since we’re mates, and all, it seems we’ll have plenty of time to learn each other’s little foibles.”
“How can that be?” It still made no sense, although… “I mean, I’m so glad, and I’m not giving you up, but how the hell did I miss something as big as this between us?”
She stroked his cheek, resting her head against his shoulder. “I’m not sure, not completely, but I have a couple of ideas.”
As long as she didn’t stop touching him, he could talk this out. “It’s karma rewarding us?”
“Maybe it has to do with what you told me about with Caitlin.”
It was a good thing she was still petting him, because his wolf was too calm to fly off the handle like he normally would have at the mention of that night. Instead, Damon held her, and thought it through.
“I can feel what you’re feeling,” she whispered.
He froze. “Am I hurting you?”
She laughed, sitting up and meeting his gaze. “I knew that would be the first thing you’d ask. No, I’m not being overwhelmed. It’s as if your wolf side and mine, now that they know we have each other, they’re running just enough interference I can touch you without repercussions. But I can sense far more from you than before.”
Damon hesitated. “You feel my wolf, as well?”
Addie nodded, a smile breaking free. “I told you I looked forward to meeting him.”
Son of a gun. “You couldn’t sense my wolf up to now.”
She shook her head, golden sparkles in her eyes dancing back at him.
“That’s it. My wolf was hiding,” Damon muttered. “Damn beast refused to let me know why, and all this time it seemed he was hiding from you.”
“And because he was hiding, we didn’t know we were mates.” The little crease between her eyes deepened. “Which explains the how, but I don’t understand why. Why on earth would he do that?”
Damon swore lightly, realization sinking in. “He was protecting you, but not because of anything you’ve done, but because of me. Because of him. Oh damn, it all makes sense.”
He was tempted to pull away to save her the rush of sorrow that was about to arrive as he revisited the past and the night he’d lost Caitlin. Another wave of guilt struck, one he would never be free of.
He’d never wanted to forget because his mistake had cost Caitlin everything, but now it seemed it had almost cost him Addie, and that was unacceptable.
“That night when she died, I got reckless, and let the wolf take control. That was why I didn’t step back when I should have. And since then we’ve never gotten along, him and I. Always fighting for dominance, and because we fight, I’m not a complete wolf. If I can’t control myself, how can I be there for others who need me? Like you, or a pack, or…” He trailed off, lost in her whisky-coloured gaze.
“Oh, Damon.” She whispered his name, fingers stroking his cheek as she tipped her lips toward him and pressed her mouth to his briefly. A sweet benediction that offered forgiveness and a future, all at the same time. “I’m so sorry you lost her, but I’ll never be sorry I get to have you as mine.”
Emotion choked his throat. “My God, what if I did something that hurt you?”
She squeezed his arms as the flecks of gold in her eyes grew brighter. “You can’t hurt me except if you give me less than all of yourself. You’re an amazing wolf, Damon, and I look forward to getting to know you better during the years we have ahead of us. I will not let you hide your wolf away ever again. I want all of you. I deserve all of you.”
So perfect for him, this complicated woman full of fury and laughter and…
That’s what was missing.
He caught her chin in his hand and stared at her intently. His wolf rushed in, wanting to help this time. Willing to do anything to make sure Addie was safe, but more than that, that she was happy.
Since she was theirs.
Mate his wolf insisted.
Yes, our mate. And we will protect her, and care for her, Damon answered back, the battle between them easing as they united behind one goal.
That’s when his wolf gave him the rundown on what happened only hours earlier. Damon’s heart stuttered at hearing she’d suffered while helping him—and why the fuck hadn’t she told him?
She was keeping secrets, and it was time for all the secrets to be out in the open.
“Let’s make this clear, right here and now, Addie MacShay. I’m your mate, and I want all of you, as well.”
Her face lit up like sunshine.
He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers. “Which means no more nighttime martyr-tricks.”
“Shit.” She blinked guiltily. “How did you know? Did you remember…?” Her eyes narrowed, her fingers tightening on his shoulder where her hand rested. A cool sensation brushed his mind, like the sweep of butterfly wings. “Your wolf. Bastard. He snitched. He’s as much trouble as you are!”
“You were going to tell me, weren’t you?” Damon demanded.
“Yes, but…”
“Then what’s the problem?”
She opened her mouth and then closed it quickly. “No problem.”
He kissed her again, deepening his touch as he satisfied just a hint of his craving.
> A sigh of pleasure escaped her, fading as he pulled back and stared into her eyes. “Tell me. Tell me what you’re still not saying.”
She nodded slowly. “I eased your pain last night. I can do more than that.”
“Not if it’s going to hurt you.”
“It won’t. I mean, it shouldn’t.”
He glared at her.
She glared back, then pulled a funny face and set him laughing in spite of everything that was going on.
Amazing woman. Amazing, and just as stubborn as he was—their life was never going to be boring. “I want all of you, Addie. Every single bit, and whatever gifts make you unique—I accept them. Don’t hold back on me.”
It was her turn to stare wordlessly for a moment. “Are you sure?”
It was like a gate opened on a dam, and he felt her touch not just where her hand rested, but inside, as if the edges of their souls were meshing together while Addie swept in.
He recognized her soft, caring caress as it soothed the ragged edges of his memories. She petted him, comforted him, then slapped him around a little for the guilt he still carried. But she didn’t try to tug it away, and he was glad because he needed to remember. He never wanted Caitlin to completely be gone, yet Addie left him the good memories while softening the pain.
And then he sat, head spinning as she breathed out a happy sigh.
“Holy shit, that was amazing,” he said, wonder in his voice.
“When I mess with someone’s emotions, I really mess with them, right?” She didn’t give him time to respond, instead pressing her lips to his and leaning their bodies together. “I want to…” she whispered against his lips, “…know what it’s like to be with my mate.”
Damon shook as the intensity of her statement sank in, as her sheer love and acceptance met him head-on.
He rose, carrying her into the bedroom.
Chapter Twelve
Talk about life-changing experiences.
Somehow between the last time she’d gone to bed and being lowered carefully onto it now, she’d tracked down a missing will and heirs, soothed a man who’d suffered for years…