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Sunday Funday

Page 4

by Annalise Wells

  His hard cock throbs and pulses, pounding in my grip. I watch my hand as my pace goes to a blur. “Fuck, Janey,” he mumbles.

  I slow my hand and caress his cock. I want him to cum, but not too fast. I masturbate him with slow, deliberate strokes. The head of his cock is fully visible. I feel myself get wetter as he continues inside me and I want him more.

  Owen gets to his knees and grabs hold of the shower pole. I lift one leg and drape it over his arm as I stand wide. “I wanna taste your pussy.”

  Owen reaches forward with his thick fingers and he pushes against the soft skin of my pussy. He bares my clit. The tip of his tongue pushes toward me, and I feel him touching the most sensitive part of my body.

  “Mmm,” I murmur as Owen’s tongue flicks like a bee’s wing, as fast as anything.

  I feel his hand on my ass as he pulls me in, closer to him. His tongue slides deeper inside my pussy. He darts it repeatedly as he makes swirling movements inside me. My legs quiver as sensations flood from my hardened clit deep into my core.

  I suck in breaths and spit out the warm water as it flows on my mouth. Owen is pushing my body closer and closer to a great finish.

  “God, Owen, finger fuck me and make me cum,” I squeal.

  Owen’s hand slaps against my pussy and sends shards of pleasure to the pit of my stomach. His fingers ram hard against my mound as he takes care of my need. Sensations flood through me as he uses his concerted effort to get me to my point of no return.

  “Almost there, I'm close,” I scream out, nearly breathless.

  Owen’s large fingers fill me. My moment is just seconds away. Owen pushes my body to its finality as my orgasm begins flowing. My legs quiver as overwhelming spasms starts to flood. I have never felt this perfect in any moment. He is the “one,” I know it.

  I rest my head back and close my eyes. I groan with pleasure as my body convulses wildly, slowly releasing itself. I plunge over passion’s crest and feel my full body tremble.

  I suck in wanting breaths. My body taking no more. “I'm there!” I scream.

  I rest my hands on Owen's shoulders. My head bows and my hair hangs in front of me. The final waves of pleasure ebb and flow as I lower my leg to the floor.

  “God yeah,” I say.

  “I'm glad you liked it, and next time you can pleasure me,” Owen says grinning.

  “Aha,” I say. I give him a seductive look.

  I wash my satisfied body. Owen runs the sponge across the back of my shoulders and I feel the lather running between the cheeks of my ass. I giggle as I turn back to him.

  “I said it was going to happen one way or another,” I say.

  “I'm going to do exactly as you say,” Owen replies.

  “No don’t do that. You have a mind of your own.”

  “I know, once half the guys have gone, things will be different, very different,” Owen comments as he steps from out of the shower.

  “Just for fun, we should have one massive orgy on the new stage. There are at least sixteen of us,” I say laughing.

  Owen grins. “Now I think that’s pushing the boundaries a little.”

  “But it’s in the script,” I say. I give him a sly wink.

  “It has been written. Whatever will be, will be, no matter what happens!”


  “Pulling the rug from under someone can leave them a little wobbly.”

  We had finished our shower, and now we had to explain what we had been talking about before Janey had exploded all over my wanting fingers.

  Everything she’d said made sense, it was as if no one could do anything wrong. Everything was kind of… perfect! There was also the point of view that there were too many of us in one place. Whoever was looking for us might find it easier to control the situation.

  I step back into Bob's office and Beau is tapping a stack of papers on the desk. “How is everything?” I ask.

  “I have, or should I say, ‘we have’ lots of proof here to substantiate that the councilors own numerous businesses. Ones where they don’t pay any bills or taxes against their earnings,” Beau explains.

  “Now, there is a first step that can be taken, and the timing is just perfect. Mike was recently walking around with someone from the fire department,” I say.

  “Hmm, I have a fire department thing here,” Beau says. “Get Mike to show him this.”

  Beau hands Janey a folder. We flick through it and see that they’ve had fire checks, or it appears they have, but that’s it. There have been no sign offs from the initial builds or any later tests done.

  “If this guy is with them, they’ll soon know. If he isn’t, he'll be asking questions,” I say.

  “They’ll drop their focus and become as confused as us.”

  “Speaking of confusion, Janey and I have just come up with a theory,” I say. “You wanna hear it?”

  We turn as the door to the office opens. “Do you know how hard it is to steal a fingerprint kit?” Shona says.

  “Quite hard, at a guess.” Janey answers.

  Shona rolls her eyes. “Very. What do you want it for? I thought the office was clean?”

  Bob holds up the note I received and shows it to Shona. “That just doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Now, look very carefully at the paper, see the subtle indentations where someone has been writing?” Bob hands it to Shona so she can look closer.

  Shona looks closely at the paper. “Well knock me down with a feather.”

  Bob takes the paper and Scotch tapes it to the table. He looks up at everyone. “Are you sure you want me to do this?” he asks.

  “Tina is out with Ty, and you're the technical guru around here,” Beau says.

  “I'll have a go, but don’t blame me,” he answers.

  We all stand and watch as Bob sprinkles the fine powder to cover the note on the paper. He stands and looks at us. “Just leave it a moment and let the dust settle.”

  “Are you nervous Bob?” Beau asks.

  “Crapping my pants. Nerves and excitement. I wonder who wrote it?”

  “That’s something we might never find out, but if we see what is written, we might just have a clue,” Beau says.

  Beau turns to look at Janey and me. “You told me you had a theory?”

  “Ah, yeah,” Janey says. “Well, up until when Owen walked in with Joseph, everything was sort of normal. Then all our plans went to shit.”

  Beau raises a brow, looking at Owen. “You can say that again.”

  “We were thinking, is it just a coincidence that everyone has come together? Seems that way, right?” Janey asks.

  “Yeah, it does,” Shona says. “Oh shit!”

  “So, we might have made everything a whole lot easier for whoever is behind all of this. You know… by all being here?” Janey explains.

  Shona points her finger at Janey. “I like your way of thinking. By thinking we’re building up a defense, we’re actually making ourselves weaker.”

  “You have it exactly,” Janey says. “So, half have to go home, then whoever is doing all this will have a lot to focus on. It won’t be as easy.”

  Beau stands up from the table. “Where are you going?” Shona asks.

  “Away from that fingerprint powder. Bob looks like he is going to blow a birthday candle out,” he says laughing.

  Bob blows the dust away from the paper. We stand and lean over to see if we can say what it means.

  “It doesn’t help much,” I say, slightly unimpressed.

  “I'll have to magnify it, somehow,” Bob says.

  “How about your scanner, will that do it?” Shona asks.

  “I can give it ago, but it will take a while. I'll have to join the missing bits in software.”

  “No rush, just this afternoon,” Beau says.

  I walk to the office door following Janey and the folder for the fire department. “Have a think and see who can go home without affecting the operation here,” I say.

  “We'll see you in a while,” Sho
na says, giving us a wave.

  I pull open the door to the club and can see Mike the builder showing the guy from the fire department around. Currently, he’s checking the pumping system for the sprinkler system.

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  Mikey smiles. “Nothing wrong from my side, but who knows what the government says,” he replies. “What’s that fire folder?”

  “It’s for the chief here,” Janey says.

  Mike looks at the folder. “That isn’t paperwork for here?” he says.

  Janey shakes her head. “No, it's paperwork for someone else to read.” Janey hands the folder to the fire inspector.

  His shoulders drop and he scratches his head. “What’s this for?” he asks.

  “You tell us. Does it look like a gift? Um, or does it look like blackmail?” Janey asks.

  The fire inspector gives a little chuckle. “It looks like you all know what the fuck you are doing.”

  “Are we going to be hearing from you again?” I ask.

  “I can come by with your certificate. In a day or so.” He shakes his head as he walks to the entrance of the club.

  “Yes, first one in the bag,” Janey screams with delight.

  I look at her. “Don’t get too excited, that one was easy.”

  Alex and Brooke come walking toward us. “What are you so happy about?” Alex asks.

  “Round one to us, the fire department is coming back in a day or so with our fire certificate,” Janey says.

  “Fuckin A,” Alex says. “Is he with the councilors, or what?”

  I smile. “Hard to say, but he knows all about the situation, that’s all that matters.”

  “Where is everyone, anyway?” Brooke asks.

  “All over, and we’ve got an update on that if you want to make your way to Bob’s office,” I say.

  We walk there together. Bob's office is starting to get a little cramped. “We’d better do this now because we can’t get everyone in here,” Beau says. “We’ve chosen the best ones to go home, so to speak,” he explains.

  “Go home?” Alex asks.

  “We can explain later. So, Shona and I are all but done here for the most part, and so are Alex and Brooke. We can be the four to go.” He looks at Bob. “Tina and Orlando better stay a while longer, this thing with the cops is important. Tina knows all about that sort of stuff so she can help Ty.”

  “What about Joseph and Stacey?” I ask.

  “To be honest, they pretty much float, they have no club to go to, so they can be around as needed. Alternatively, they can station themselves away from here. I hope that makes sense.”

  “So, we’re losing six. That will spread us enough to keep anyone guessing,” Janey says.

  Alex screws up his face up and runs his fingers through his hair. “Can someone explain why I'm being sent home?” he asks.

  “Just simply to spread the focus. To confuse or make it harder for whoever is doing all of this, or whatever they’re going to do,” Beau says.

  “Okay, that’s all I wanted to hear,” Alex says. “When?”

  “As soon as possible,” I say.

  Alex laughs. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  “I wish it could be different, and I hope to God we haven’t got any of this wrong,” I say plainly.

  “I have a partial image,” Bob says.

  “Can you see writing?” Beau asks.

  We all look to Bob, excitedly. “Yeah, but I don’t understand,” Bob says.

  “What? Don't you see it?” Beau asks, becoming impatient.

  “It, I don’t understand it,” he says.

  We huddle around his computer screen and look at the digital image. “Hmm,” I say.

  “What do you mean by ‘Hmm?’” Bob asks me.

  “That’s my handwriting,” I say.

  Everyone turns to look at me really strangely. “I know what you're thinking, but I have no knowledge of that at all,” I explain. “Why would I draw a map of the area where the police precinct is?”

  “That we don’t know. Maybe your handwriting has been forged?” Janey says.

  “No, there… look; read the note. I have another sibling, or so I have been told, and real parents,” I say. “So, the one who did this could be a member of my family.”

  “You have another sibling who is a sister. Shit, your dad isn’t The Kingmaker, is he? I mean, was he?” Bob asks.

  “Fuck off Bob, he burned and killed my other family,” I say plainly.

  “The fourth sibling, why are they in hiding?” he replies. I can see him thinking.

  “Who knows, and now I know we apparently aren't clones, this means there’s a good chance that my siblings don’t actually look anything like me.”

  “Well, you said you had a sister in a coma, and that your brother died. Where was this sibling when the fire started? I mean, was it even The Kingmaker who started the fire?” Bob asks.

  I look a Bob and then at everyone else in the room. They’re all mind blown. “Shit, this gets complicated,” I say.

  “Pulling the rug from under someone can leave them a little wobbly.”


  “Down, down, deeper and down.”

  We spoke about it, and then we put it into practice as soon as possible. The six were leaving us. Not that we wanted them to, it was because they had to.

  We had to know our asses from our elbows. With that many targets around, we had no idea who was being watched… or who wasn’t, or if anyone was actually watching us at all. One clue. That’s what we’d received, and it had come from Owen, himself.

  Ty was still out with Tina and Britney, and they would have a shock as soon as they arrived back at the club. It was best to react quickly; that in itself would cause confusion to anyone who might be watching.

  I see Owen walking from the office shaking his head. “Can you believe it? I’ve just found a note on the same as the paper in Bob's office. I bet this has a map on it as well.”

  “So, it's not your handwriting?”

  Owen looks at me. “The map no, but the note yes. And that’s been forged as mine, or someone who is related to me, somehow. Someone who appears to have the same writing style.”

  We walk toward the back of the club as we hear the sound of a motorcycle drive through the archway. It sounds like Ty and Tina have arrived home. And hopefully, Britney has managed to get out of the precinct with a decent video.

  Owen opens the door. Ty and Tina are busy brushing sand from their bodies. “We 're desperate for a shower,” Tina says.

  “You better just use the ones in the change rooms,” I say. “I'll grab you some bathrobes in a while.”

  Tina and Ty walk into the club and head toward the showers. I walk to the office and head to the bathroom in the back. I pick up two robes and start to walk around the desk. I pass the single whiskey bottle that stands on the side.

  Why not have a quick shot? All this stress and mystery is driving me crazy…

  I pour a shot. A large one. Tina and Ty will be a while before they’re finished, and they did look extremely dusty.

  I finish the whiskey and walk into the bathroom. I head to the stage and then to the doorway to the showers. It seems strange there are no dancers around. I step inside the shower room and see both Tina and Ty naked. They’re not as I expected, and are facing away from each other. Ty is caressing Tina’s naked body from behind.

  I open my mouth to shout and then step back and watch for a moment. They look like they’re really into this. Tina runs her hands over Ty’s muscular chest and slowly bends her knees. She gets to the floor and tightly grips the base of Ty’s wide shaft. Tina slowly massages Ty to an erection. I see her opening her mouth as she slides his massive cock deep inside her wanting lips.

  “Mmm,” I mumble as I watch. I feel myself becoming turned on.

  Tina spreads her legs, I see her finger frantically rubbing against her clit. “Ooh, this looks so good,” I whisper.

  Ty grabs hold of Tina’
s hair and drives his cock hard into the hot depths of her mouth. “Aah,” I gasp, feeling aroused.

  Ty and Tina look in my direction and see me standing with the robes. I step back. “Don’t go, join us,” Tina says.

  “It's not right,” I say.

  “Its fine, we're all in this together,” she says.

  I put the robes on the hooks and walk toward the jets of water. I step in as the water soaks my t-shirt and shows my nipples.

  “Wow,” Ty says as he tears my shirt from me.

  How beastly and hot is that?

  Ty lowers his head, I feel his large hands squeeze my breasts as he takes my nipple into his mouth. Tina pulls at my wet jogging bottoms. I step free and find myself as naked as they are. My hand lowers, and I feel myself taking hold of Ty’s hardened shaft. Tina caresses his sack as she drives her fingers deeper inside her wet pussy.

  I close my eyes and grip Ty’s arm as his finger pushes assertively against the soft, wet lips of my pussy. He pushes harder, and his fingertips part my wet lips. I sigh with satisfaction as his fingers push deeper. Ty’s rock-hard cock throbs and pulses in my grasp. I want to feel it inside me so much.

  “Give it to me,” I mumble.

  I rest my hands on the wall of the shower as Ty stands behind me. I feel his body rub close to mine as the head of his large cock pushes against the opening of my arousal.

  “Ooh yes. Just like that, harder. Fuck me harder,” I squeal.

  I glance around and can see that Tina has vanished. Now there is only Ty and myself. I spread my legs as he drives his body, now slamming his cock hard into me. I feel him slap the cheeks of my ass.

  “Ouch!” I squeal with pleasure.

  Again, Ty slaps me, and a stinging pain flows through my soft skin. The sensations mix with the rampant thrusting of his huge cock to the depths of my pussy.

  “Janey,” I hear quietly in my ear.

  “Janey, the bathrobes!”


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