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Full Circle (Shattered Lives, Book Five)

Page 29

by Rissa Blakeley

  “Suffering fuck. Let’s get out of here.” He took her hand and walked out, shaking his head at all the whistles.

  They approached his truck. He opened the door and held her hand as she hopped in, smiling. “Thank you.”

  “I can be a proper gentleman…occasionally.” He winked and walked around, getting into the driver’s seat. He turned to face her. “I want to make us official. Not just this sneaking into each other’s beds at night, or having fun in the shower on occasion. Making love on the porch during a thunderstorm, and remember the time we christened the counter in the kitchen? So… Will you be my girlfriend?” His cheeks flushed. “That sounds so elementary at my age, but I already view you as such. We’ve just never said the words.”

  Cora laughed. “It does sound funny, and yes, I am your girlfriend.”

  “Maybe you will marry me someday?”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you asking me now?”

  Panic trickled through his body. “Ahhh… No. Umm… Shit.” He slapped his hand over his face. “I already fucked this up.”

  She reached out and pulled his hand down. “You haven’t done anything to mess this up.”

  “Oh, thank fuck. I just… I want you to understand how serious I am about us. I’m ready to shout it out in the middle of the gym.”

  “I think we just did,” she said, winking. “Gunther, you don’t have to prove anything. You already have.”

  He furrowed his brows in confusion. “How?”

  “By stepping up and acting like a man. Taking care of your responsibilities. Picking up responsibilities that weren’t yours to take on.”

  “I’m still sorry it took me so long to get there.”

  “Water under the bridge.”

  “Good. This is good.” He started the truck.

  “I think we may have gone about this completely backwards.”

  Gunther laughed. “Now that is the understatement of the century. Baby, house, relationship.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “Where would my girlfriend like to go for lunch?”

  “I would love to try that diner at the edge of the village. Elaina says it’s great.”

  “Then that’s where we’re going.”

  He put the truck in gear and drove out of the lot. He glanced over at Cora, admiring his woman, reaching out to rest a palm on her thigh.

  “There used to be this lovely restaurant in the city. Christiano’s, if I remember correctly. If it’s still open, I’d like to take you out to dinner there sometime.”

  “What was it like?”

  “Fancy-pants, bird. Very uppity. Suit for me, sexy dress for you.”

  “I’m not so sure I would fit in.”

  “At this point in my life, I’m not sure I would, either, but you deserve something nice like that for putting up with me.”

  “I don’t need you to do that. I already have everything I want.”

  “It can only get better from here, yeah?”


  He gave her thigh a squeeze and grabbed her hand as they pulled into the parking lot of the diner.

  Gunther did a double take when he passed a sporty red BMW leaving the lot, someone who looked like Elaina sitting in the passenger seat.

  “What’s wrong?” Cora asked.

  “Was that Elaina?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see.”

  “Anne said she was going out. Is she dating?”

  “I know she met someone.” She shrugged. “So maybe.”


  She tapped him on the thigh. “Don’t worry about it. She’ll be fine. She’s a grown woman who can make decisions on her own.”

  “Right,” he said with a sigh.

  They got out of the truck and headed to the entrance. As he held the door open for Cora, the smell of greasy cheeseburgers filled their nostrils.

  “Seat yourselves!” a waitress hollered, waving them toward an open booth.

  Gunther acknowledged her with a wave and placed his hand on the small of Cora’s back, steering her to a booth. Once she slid into one side, he sat across from her, gazing at her face.

  Wiggling and squirming under his heated stare, she tugged at the front of her flowy shirt, then tucked rogue strands of hair behind her ears.

  “Stop it,” Cora said, pushing a menu toward him.

  “I can’t help myself. You look stunning.”

  “Thank you.” She curled her fingers around the laminated edge of the menu, flipping it open. “So… What looks good to you?” she asked, running a finger over the lunch specials. When Gunther let out a low rumble of laughter, she looked up and scowled at his half-smile. “Pig.”

  He barked out a laugh and flipped open the menu. “Hmm… I don’t see tasty tacos or peachy pies on here anywhere, but I bet I know where I can get one.”

  “Oh god.” She slapped her hands over her face, making him chuckle once more. She dropped her hands and smiled. “I like it when you’re flirty.”

  “Good.” He reached across the table and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand.

  The waitress came by to take their order. The words between Cora and her faded away to a mere whisper in his ear. He couldn’t take his eyes off his woman the entire time.

  When her shirt slipped off one shoulder, exposing a black, lacy bra strap, his attention went right to her chest. God bless the booby fairy. He loved the bonus peek the already deep V-neck top offered. Although if he saw anyone else stealing a glance, he’d kill them on the spot.

  Focusing on her lips, he watched her perfectly smooth skin move as she spoke. He shifted his gaze to her eyes, observing her brown lashes fluttering as she looked back and forth between the menu and the waitress. Her slender finger, nail painted with a deep burgundy, tapped a picture on the menu. He wondered if her toes matched.

  Gunther smirked when she noticed him staring, a beautiful rosy tint blooming on her cheeks. It took every ounce of control he had not to reach out and stroke her face.

  His heart palpitated, his mouth went dry…

  Yup, head over heels for this bird, he thought, startling himself. He did his best to keep the look of mild shock off his face.

  Do I love her more than I loved Quinn?

  I think…but how would I know? Would Cora know?

  He spent a second reassessing the situation, gazing at this perfect, naturally beautiful example of a female.

  Maybe it was her soft demeanor. The sassy edge she had in private was a complete turn-on.

  Or maybe it was the feminine quality to her. The slight hand gestures, her poise in public…minus the laughter at the gym.

  He pursed his lips, thinking really hard, waking up the carnal need he so fiercely buried. He was proud of his newfound self-control, but he still had so much to learn.

  Too bad his mind and cock weren’t on the same page.

  I cannot believe JT has joined us for lunch.

  Settling back into the seat, all he knew was this little quiet, almost perverted observation made him feel that flame of life in his soul again. It was no longer a flicker, but a five-alarm fire for all to see, and he was goddamn proud of himself for coming so far.

  “And for you, sir?”

  Jolted back to reality, Gunther panicked. “Uhh…” He looked down at the menu. “I’ll have what she’s having, but doubled.”

  “Oh,” the waitress said with a surprised tone. “I’ll put that right in for you.”

  He nodded and looked back at Cora, whose hands covered her mouth, stifling a giggle. “What’s so funny, bird?”

  “I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and fries, plus a large chopped salad for me and the kids for dinner tonight since you’re working late.”

  “Oh, well, I suppose that’s what I’ll be having for dinner tonight, as well…and tomorrow night.”

  Cora let out a hearty laugh. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sure you are.”

  “This is just one reason why I love you.” He furrowed his brow as she leaned forward
and whispered, “Your insatiable appetite.”

  “Bloody right! Never forget that,” he said, knocking on the table.

  She leaned farther forward, her top showing more plump and fleshy overflow than he could handle in a five-minute span. “Trust me. Someone so—”

  “You best stop.”

  “—sexy, so amazing—”

  He waggled his finger at her. “I’m warning you, bird.”

  “—so hard—”

  “If you make me come in my shorts, you’re cleaning it up.”

  “—will never be forgotten.” She bit down on her lip and let out a subtle, almost inaudible moan.

  “Fuck me.”

  Like nothing ever happened, Cora sat up straight, adjusted her top, and folded her hands on the table. “Later, big boy. I gotta work off this lunch somehow.”

  “You are naughty.”

  She shrugged. “We shall see…”

  “Oh, we will. Don’t you worry about that.”

  When the waitress brought their food, they fell into the comfortable and enjoyable pattern of talking about the kids and all the new things going on at Edge, treasuring the moment of alone time. Something they rarely had.

  Chapter 38

  -Just outside Gamebridge, New York-

  Staring at the ceiling, Elaina circled her hand around her belly. The baby was awake, kicking and moving around. So many thoughts swirled through her mind, but she felt content for a change, even though a little guilt had trickled in. It was nice to work out some of the pent-up sadness and frustration.

  The bed shifted, making her glance over at Will. She smiled, thinking how attentive and careful he was, taking his time, ensuring she was satisfied and the baby wouldn’t be hurt. Definitely a good lover.

  He rested his hand over hers. “Who woulda thunk a lunch date would turn out like this.” He snuggled closer, picking up her hand, bringing it to his lips. “Best burger I’ve ever had.”

  Elaina smiled. “And a nice dessert.” She sighed and stared back at the ceiling.

  “Hey, look at me.” He touched her chin, turning her face toward his. “You doing okay?”

  “I will admit, this situation is…difficult.”

  “Talk to me.”

  “I feel a little guilty.”

  “I suppose that’s a natural feeling for someone who has had to deal with everything you have.”

  She rolled onto her side. “I think it will take some time.”

  “Babe, I’m completely okay with slowing things down. You tell me what you need and we’ll work on it.”

  “Don’t take any of this the wrong way.” She smiled and ran her finger over the stubble covering his jaw. “I am okay with this. With us. It’s just…”

  “I’m the first guy since his passing.”


  He pressed his lips to hers, then said, “Sex with you… Amazing. I’ve never been so turned on, and it has never felt so good. I’m glad to have been able to share this moment with you.”

  “It was very good,” she added. Then she smiled again. “The good news is you can’t knock me up.”

  Will let out a hearty laugh. “Yeah, that definitely is good news. I’m not sure I’m ready for any Will spawn.” He rolled onto his back, resting his hand on his abdomen. “I’m hungry. You feel like grabbing a snack before I take you back home?”

  “Will, I’m pregnant. I’m always hungry.”

  Laughing, he hopped out of bed and pulled on his boxers and jeans. He grabbed his shirt. “I’ll be downstairs. Just come down to the kitchen when you’re ready. The bathroom is right across the hall.”

  “Perfect. Thank you.”

  Feeling his heart flutter, he smiled and headed out of the room.

  After tossing his shirt onto the counter, Will stood quietly for a moment, leaning against the island, arms crossed over his bare chest, unable to make the cheesy grin go away. He felt so silly, but his current life situation made him feel overcome with happiness.

  Elaina made him genuinely enthusiastic about the daily grind, and he hadn’t been so happy since before the outbreak, even when New York finally came back online.

  It was nice not to have to live in traffic, commuting to Wall Street daily, choking in a tie and suit. Being a financial advisor never prepared him for life. He’d only loved numbers and dollars, dating women who felt the same.

  Day in, day out. Nothing changed. There was no end…until the world turned upside down, shaking everyone to their very core.

  After so much hardship and sadness, not to mention stupidity, he felt true happiness. Seeing Elaina’s struggles made him realize this life was not just a stepping-stone to the next. There was so much wonder outside his little bubble that he wanted to explore, enjoy, accomplish. He wanted to treasure it, every minute of it. In his heart, he knew being with Elaina was right.

  And, by god, she felt so good, so tight around him, moaning his name as she peaked. He hadn’t come so hard in ages. With other women, lovemaking was very stunted, but this was more fluid, harmonious, tender, affectionate. Not the “fuck me harder” vibe the others possessed, demanding all the control.

  He was no one’s toy.

  Smiling, Will pushed off the island and opened the fridge. Not sure what Elaina liked, or even if she were on a restricted diet, he grabbed produce, dips, and cheeses.

  Humming a little tune, he flitted around the kitchen, grabbing plates, utensils, glasses, and napkins.

  Just as he laid out the last of the cheese, Elaina walked around the corner.

  “Hey, babe,” he said. “How are you?”

  “Famished.” As her gaze wandered around the food, her mouth watered. “Fancy spread.”

  He shrugged. “Got paid yesterday. Decided to get the good stuff for a change.” Elaina watched him pour sparkling water into champagne flutes.

  She began to feel a little overwhelmed with all the feelings flourishing inside. She was happy, so happy. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. She swiped them away before Will could see.

  Quietly clearing her throat, she said, “Thank you for this.”

  He looked up, holding out the glass to her. “For the food?”

  “For everything.” She walked around the island, accepting the fizzy, lime-flavored drink. She plucked a grape off a stem and popped it into his mouth.

  He moaned in delight. “So good, babe,” he said between chews.

  She smirked and lifted a brow. “The grape?”

  “Mmm…nope. Everything.” Setting the glass down, he leaned in, wrapping his arms around her waist and brushing his lips across hers. “Being with you makes everything good.”

  “What if I had smelly feet?”

  “I’d tolerate it. I would even rub them.”

  “How about bad breath?”

  “Still would kiss you.”

  “Then maybe—”

  He pressed his finger to her lips. “I don’t care. I love you.” Elaina’s eyes widened. “I would hold your hair if you were sick. I would wipe away your tears and snot. I would take care of you, even in your darkest hour. I will withstand time and be here for you.”

  “Will…” Elaina trailed off, the whisper clinging to her lips. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say a goddamn thing, babe. That’s just how I feel about you.”

  “I can’t say I’m there yet, but I do feel good about our relationship. In fact, I think it’s time to introduce you to my son.”

  “That’s all I need to hear right now. You have no idea what that means to me.” He wrapped his arms around her again, enjoying the warmth.

  He knew this was his second chance at life, and he didn’t plan to waste another moment of it.

  Chapter 39

  When the doorbell rang, Nicky squealed as he bolted from the kitchen, his stuffed frog clutched in his hand. Elaina laughed as she followed behind.

  He stopped at the front door, pointing up toward the window at Will. “Mumma!”

“I’m coming, monkey.”

  It had only been twenty-four hours since she spent the afternoon at Will’s. Elaina grew nervous about him meeting Nicky, but he said he was in this for the long haul. If he truly wanted to be in her life, he would have to understand her precious boy came first.

  Elaina picked Nicky up, settling him on her hip as she opened the door. “Hey. I just told him I invited a friend over.”

  “Hey, sweetness.” He gave her a peck on the cheek, then focused on Nicky. “And who might you be?”

  “Boy!” he said, pointing to himself.

  “Very good. High five.” Elaina raised her hand and Nicky slapped it, giggling.

  “He’s adorable. Looks like someone I know,” Will said with a wink.

  “He’s definitely a Cooper. That’s my maiden name. Henry and I named him after my deceased brother, Nick. The moment he came out, we said Nicky.”

  “Me!” Nicky said.

  “I’m Will. How about a high five for me, too?”

  Nicky studied Will carefully, lips puckered, brows deeply furrowed.

  “It’s okay. Remember? Will is mommy’s friend.” She bounced him a little, then he slapped Will’s hand.

  “All right!” Will said, smiling.

  “I’m going to go tuck him in.”

  “Oh?” Confusion replaced the smile on Will’s face.

  “Just a little at a time. That’s how this will go.”

  He nodded. “Gotcha.”

  “Say night-night to Will.”

  “Goodnight, buddy.”

  “Night,” Nicky said. He pressed his chubby finger to his lips. “Shhh…quiet.”

  “Oh, right. Okay,” Will whispered with a nod. He put his finger to his own lips. “Shhh…”

  “That’s right. It’s quiet time.” Elaina winked at Will. “I’ll be back in a few. Make yourself at home.”

  Will felt a little bummed. He was under the impression they would hang with Nicky, but he had to respect the boundaries. Elaina was protecting her son. Understandable, but still disappointing.

  Sighing, he walked into the living room, glancing around, noting the casual, lived-in look—toys here and there, books and magazines strewn about on the table. He smiled, checking out the family photos on the walls, having a giggle at one of Elaina in her awkward teen years. He knew all too well about that.


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