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Full Circle (Shattered Lives, Book Five)

Page 41

by Rissa Blakeley

  He leaned against the counter, then put the mug to his lips, taking a sip. “So good. Jetlag is shitty.”

  Elaina raised a brow. “Need I remind you about your language?”


  He stared at his mother for a moment, wondering how she would react.

  Would she cry?



  Have a meltdown?

  Go batshit crazy?

  One of those reactions was inevitable…and understandable.

  He decided to do what Granny said. Just get it over with. “It’s about Dad.” He took another sip of his coffee.

  “Is he okay? He hasn’t called or anything.” She pulled her phone from her pocket to check.

  “Not Will. My biological father.”

  “Oh, right.” She pursed her lips. “If you have any questions about Henry, feel free to ask. I’ll answer the best I can.”

  He looked at her, expressionless. “He’s alive.”

  “I’m sorry? I’m not…” She stopped, flexing and balling her hands several times.

  She turned and grabbed a bottle of wine, pulled open the drawer, and took out the corkscrew. Fighting with it for a moment, she finally yanked the cork from the bottle. The corkscrew went flying over her shoulder from the exertion, landing on the tile floor.


  She held up her hand, shushing him, then reached into the cabinet, taking out a wine glass.

  Nick set the mug on the counter and took two steps toward her. “Mom…”

  Again, she threw up her hand. She poured a glass and brought it to her lips.


  Elaina held up a finger, then grumbled, “Nicholis Kenneth Jarvis, I need a minute.”

  He backed off like a scared puppy, knowing when she used his full name, shit was quickly getting real.

  Avoiding eye contact, he watched as she tipped the glass and guzzled the wine.

  Setting the glass on the counter, she let out a loud breath before curling her hands around the edge, knuckles whitening. Of all the things Henry had done, faking his death was never on her radar of mental fucking bullshit he would do.

  Taking one more deep, cleansing breath, and in the calmest of voices, she said, “Okay… You may start again.”

  “I didn’t go to Paris. I went to London.”

  Her gaze flickered to his. The rage bubbled up in her body, making her cheeks turn a shade of red he had never seen before.

  As she tried to form words, her lips twitched. “Why on earth would you lie to me? Something could’ve happened to you and I wouldn’t know where you were!”

  “I know. I’m sorry. It was completely stupid. I should’ve told you.”

  “Damn right. I can’t believe you would be so irresponsible, Nick! And why London? I hate that fucking place.”

  “Language,” he taunted. She glared at him. He knew better than to push it. “Mom, how can you hate a place you’ve never been? It’s actually a great city. It’s beautiful. I hope to take my girl there sometime.”

  “I will never go,” she muttered, disgusted. “I hate what it is to me and my past.”

  “Okay, fine. Harsh, but you win.” Nick sighed, thinking of where he should start. “After I read his journals, I became really curious, wondering if there was anything about him online. Maybe I could find something to reassure me that my father was a good man and just really messed up in the head.”

  “I’ve told you that.”

  “I know. I just… I wanted more, Mom. I needed to get to know him better. So I went online and looked up Henry Daniels. Nothing. Then I looked up his birth name, Luke Richards.” Elaina shut her eyes and exhaled again. “An article for a London news site popped up first. I enlarged the picture and, sure enough, it was him. Gray and bearded, but there was no doubt in my mind the man in the picture was Luke Richards.”

  “What was the article about?”

  “He and his girlfriend opened a bookstore. It’s the only one in the area. The media didn’t think it would survive, but it’s thriving. The amount of business when I was there was impressive. I think I’ll hear the tinkling door chimes in my sleep for the rest of my life.”

  Ignoring the rest of the insignificant details, Elaina’s lips moved, mouthing, Girlfriend? She tightened her hands on the edge of the counter before slapping them on the stone surface. She poured another glass of wine, draining it.

  “That’s nice for him,” she said, setting it down.

  “Mom, can we address the real situation here?” She nodded. “My father is alive. I went to London to beat his fucking ass.” She glared at him. “I know. Language. So I walked into his store, fully intending to knock him around and beat the answers right out of him.”

  “That’s not smart, Nick.”

  “I realized that when I saw him, but I let him know I meant business. He probably has twenty pounds more muscle than I do, but I’m taller. Anyway, he knew me the moment he laid eyes on me. I asked him why, determined to get answers. When we went into his office to talk, I threw him up against the door.” He paused, the emotions welling in his throat. After another sip from the mug, he cleared his throat. “I was so angry, Mom, it hurt to breathe. Every beat of my heart made my chest ache even more. I couldn’t understand why he would do such a horrible thing. Did he not love me enough? Was I not good enough? If he didn’t want to be with us anymore, he should’ve just left, not staged such an elaborate scene.”

  “He was sick.”

  “I know, and that’s one reason why…” He paused, eying Elaina carefully. “He’s coming here, Mom. He wants to talk to you and Granny about why he did what he did.” As if she didn’t comprehend what he said, she stared at him, mouth open, shaking her head. Nick waved his hand in front of her face. “Earth to Momma. Did you hear what I said? He’s coming tomorrow. He would’ve come back with me today, but the flight was booked.”

  “This is not a good idea,” she whispered, sticking her thumbnail into her mouth, chewing it. “Will isn’t going to like this.”

  “You don’t have to tell him.”

  Her brow rose. “He should know. Fucking hell.”

  “Mom! You can’t drop the f-bomb, then tell me I can’t.”

  “Sorry. I’m just little shocked. Did you tell him about Charlotte?”

  “I did.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He’s very angry with himself.”

  “Well, he should be,” she snapped.

  “I think once you hear what happened, you’ll understand. At least, I hope. I’m going to have a father/son relationship with him whether you or Will like it.”

  “That’s your choice. I’d advise against it because he’s a professional manipulator, but you’re old enough to make your own decisions. Just keep one thing in mind. Will may not be as understanding as you hope.”

  “I don’t give two…” He stopped. “I don’t care if Will is okay with it or not. Luke is my blood and we did some real bonding. I want to continue that, hoping the same happens for Charli.”

  “Do as you see fit, but don’t you dare disrespect my husband. You also need to keep in mind how fragile your sister is. I’m not even sure it would be a good idea for her to meet him. When will he be here?”

  “His flight gets in at ten in the morning. I’m going to pick him up. I’ll probably bring Evie with me.”

  Elaina slapped her hands over her face. “Gunther.” She dropped her hands. “Nicky, he’s going to freak out. I wouldn’t be surprised if he beats him into the ground.”

  “Yeah.” Nick picked up the mug and took another sip. “Soo… Good news then, yeah? Pops is alive. I’m going to go take a shower.” He set the mug in the sink and headed out of the kitchen.

  Elaina stood in silence, fearing what could unfold with Henry…or Luke…or whatever the hell he went by nowadays. She poured herself another glass of wine and walked into the family room. Somehow, she needed to try to come to terms with this new plot twist in
her life.

  She faced the fireplace, the urn practically calling out to her. Tears she never wanted to cry again filled her eyes.

  Betrayal… She wasn’t sure she could get past the feeling. The lies and deceit went far beyond anything she could ever imagine.

  “I’m such a fool,” she whispered, walking to the fireplace. “Why? Why would you do this to me?”

  She set the glass on the mantel and picked up the urn. As she ran her fingertips over the glossy white tree, her hands began to tremble. She tipped the rectangle-shaped piece of pottery enough to see the inscription attached to the bottom.

  “I love y-you whole, and I l-love you b-broken…,” she said, choking on the words. Raising her hand, she bit down on her knuckles as the sobs broke free.

  Then anger coursed through her body, pulsing at a staggering rhythm, bringing out a rage she had thought was long set free. She squeezed the urn, trying to fight the urge to bellow out a scream and throw it into the fireplace.

  If what Nicky said was true, if Henry were alive, someone else’s ashes were inside. Just thinking about destroying it made her think she had disrespected the person and the memories he shared with his family. Somehow, she would find them, returning the ashes to their rightful place.

  Shaking, she placed the urn back on the mantel. She gripped onto the wood, her fingers aching from the strain. Before she could get control of her body and emotions, she dropped to her knees, hitting the brick hearth. The pain in her legs was incomparable to the pain of her heart bleeding through to her soul.


  She gasped and looked over her shoulder.

  Pulling into the driveway, Will smiled when he saw Nick’s Jeep, happy to have him home. He parked his car and turned it off. Taking a quick glance around, he couldn’t believe how lucky he was. Surviving the outbreak, running into Elaina, being with her for twenty years… He had a life free from drama, full of love with a not-so-perfect family he adored no matter the circumstances.

  He got out and walked inside. The house seemed too quiet. An unsettled feeling rattled him. “Nick? Elaina? Charlotte? Anne?”

  He walked into the kitchen and set his keys, wallet, and phone on the counter. He furrowed his brows when he heard a whimper in the family room.

  Full-fledged anxiety punched him right in the chest. He ran into the room just as Elaina dropped to her knees on the hearth.

  “Elaina?” When their gazes connected and she whispered his name, he ran to her and wrapped his arms around her body. “Babe… What’s wrong? It’s not the kids, is it?”

  She could offer nothing but heavy sobs, gripping his torso.

  “Talk to me. Are you hurt? Help me out here.” He stroked her hair and pulled her closer. Looking for some sort of clue as to what the issue was, he noted the urn was not in the same spot, a glass of wine sitting next to it. “It’s Henry, isn’t it?”

  She nodded.

  “Babe, I’m so sorry.” He shifted and grasped her shoulders. “Even after all these years, there are times it’s still so fresh, isn’t there?”

  Elaina didn’t know what to say. All she knew was she couldn’t tell Will yet. She needed to work through it herself before even broaching a conversation that could change all their lives.

  Worry about how Charlotte would react to this new, unsettling circumstance spun through her mind.

  Once again, she fell into Will, unable to contain her sadness. She felt sick, hoping that Henry really was alive so she could shake him until she broke him.

  Chapter 60

  It had been less than twenty-four hours since Elaina found out I was alive and well. Nick had texted me, telling me she took it well…sort of. I couldn’t wait to face that good old-fashioned Elaina attitude mixed with a solid helping of anger.

  So there I was, staring out the window at JFK, waiting for Nick to show. I wanted to keep a low profile—ball cap on tight over my eyes, sunglasses, my usual nondescript tee and jeans. I knew it had been twenty years, but I was still a little worried someone would recognize me.

  “Pops!” I heard the shout behind me, but I didn’t want to see one of those made-for-TV reunions, knowing the one I would soon be involved in would probably be an epic disaster. “Pops.” Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, seeing my lad smiling at me, a beautiful girl at his side. “I was calling for you.”

  “Sorry,” I said, my cheeks heating. “I’m still not used to—”

  Nick held up his hand. “It’s cool, Pops.”

  “Yeah.” I smiled. Even though we had been together the day before, I was glad to see him.

  My gaze flickered to the familiar-looking girl beside him, but I couldn’t place her. Blonde wavy hair, willowy, a model’s face.

  Nick wrapped an arm around her waist. “This is Everette. You remember her, right? Gunther’s daughter.”

  My eyes widened, the realization hitting as she rested a hand on his chest. I waggled a finger between the two of them. “Wait… Are you two dating?”

  “Yup,” Nick said, squeezing her closer, kissing her on the cheek. “She is my girl forever…but only if she agrees to marry me.”

  She rolled her eyes, then focused on me. “Hi. It’s Luke, right? Or Mr. Richards? Sorry, I don’t remember you, but it’s nice to meet you.”

  “Luke is fine. No worries. I don’t remember much about you, either. You were still quite young when… Yeah.” I adjusted my ball cap.

  She smiled. “Well, we’ll have to get to know one another since I’m stuck with this punk.” She tapped Nick on the nose.

  Then I looked at my son. “Are you fucking batty, boy?”

  “What? Why would you say that?”

  “This is Gunther’s daughter… Mr. ‘I’ll Eat You for Breakfast if You Break Her Heart’ Erikkson.”

  “Please…” He waved his hand at me. “He tried to intimidate me.” Everette laughed. “Okay. Fine. When our friendship turned into something more, I was proper about it and spoke to him. We came to a very quick understanding.”

  “And what was that?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

  “He said if I didn’t keep my dick in my pants, he would skin me alive.”

  “Reasonable.” I nodded, smiling.

  “So, as requested, my dick stays in my pants.” He winked.

  Again, I raised a brow, knowing he covered his own ass so Evie didn’t know we had talked about them.

  “Daddy is overprotective. Mom thinks it’s adorable. Gag. Anyway, when Kate’s boyfriend asked for permission to propose, he about flipped his lid. You should’ve seen him at the wedding. He was an absolute wreck, crying as he gave her away. He’s even worse now because she’s due any day with her first baby. He calls her at least three times a day and makes Mom go stay with her, just in case. He said it makes him feel better. He cracks me up. I have no idea how he survives.”

  Hearing that Gunther was faring well made me happy. It was what he deserved. After all, he had been through just as much bullshit as I had.

  “Let’s get out of here. Mom wants to meet at Zom-beans.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” I muttered, rolling my eyes as I picked up my suitcase. “That place is still around?”

  “Yup. Let’s blast. My Jeep’s out front.”

  “You and that stupid Jeep,” Everette said, sighing as we walked to his vehicle.

  “Oh, can it, Evie.” Nick grabbed my bag and tossed it into the back.

  “You need to broaden your horizons and topics of discussion,” she added as we got into the vehicle. “All you talk about is working out, your Jeep, and now your father.”

  I had to laugh. They reminded me of Elaina and me when we first started dating. I shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”

  We fist bumped, then he started the Jeep.

  We pulled up about a block away from the coffee shop. My leg bounced, full of nerves. I wasn’t sure what to say or do…or even why I agreed. I knew I needed to do this, but I wanted to take off and not face the situation at all.

  “Nervous?” Nick asked as he parked.

  “A little.” I swallowed hard. Rubbing my palms together, I gazed out the window, watching people walking around, wondering if they were related to someone I used to know.

  Nick’s phone rang. “What’s up, my favorite momma? Are you on the way?”

  “Not yet. Charlotte’s nervous. It’s taken me some time to talk her into going. We should be heading out soon.”

  I could hear her. That unforgettable raspy voice. The one that initially attracted me to her. I loved it. I bit down on my lip, trying to keep my emotions in. I could only pray to whatever god there was that coming here was the right thing to do.

  “How about Will? Is he coming, too?”

  Relieved to hear him say “Will” and not “Dad”, I knew I didn’t want to face him. Not that I feared him. Conflict was not me anymore. That part of my life had ended. I’d have enough to deal with when Gunther saw me. To be honest, I was frightened of that one.

  “I still haven’t said anything. He thinks I’m dragging her out shopping.”

  “Shit,” I whispered. Nick glanced at me and patted my arm.

  “Okay. We’ll go ahead and grab a table at the patio on the side. Let me know when you get here. I’ll come out and get you.”

  “All right. See you in a bit.”

  “Bye.” Nick hung up. “So… As you probably heard, she hasn’t told Will yet.”

  “Yeah. This isn’t a good idea, mate. I just… I don’t want to cause an uproar in her life. That’s the whole reason I didn’t stay twenty years ago. I made her life crazy. This is what I wanted for her. Happiness and stability. Something she couldn’t have with me.”

  “I know. And when she hears why, she’ll understand. I promise you.” A sad, but nervous chuckle came out of me. “No, really. Mom is super relaxed. She’s great.”

  I looked at him, eyes wide. “Are you sure we’re talking about the same woman? Elaina Leigh Cooper? Black as night hair, sky-blue eyes, and an attitude no teen could rival?”

  Nick laughed. “For real, Pops. Trust me. She was a little alarmed, as you can imagine, but she handled it well, considering. Mom has changed a lot over the years. To be honest, Will has been good for her.” Evie reached between us and smacked him on the head. “Ow, woman! Jesus.”


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