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Stoking the Embers (New Adult Romantic Suspense): The Complete Series

Page 27

by Johnson, Leslie

  My jaw tightens at that and then releases. They’re just doing their jobs, I know.

  “Stephanie has no family, so that was pretty easy to cross off the list. We crossed your parents off pretty quickly too. But, your sister, we needed to do a little digging on her. She wasn’t very welcoming when we went to question her.”

  That surprised me. “You saw my sister?”

  Grimes nods and steps into the conversation. “Yes. When was the last time you saw her?”

  I swallow, remembering how shocked I was at how she’d changed. She’d grown so hard looking and appeared so strung out. “It’s been about five years now. When I first moved here.”

  “Are you aware of her legal issues? Drugs? Prostitution?”

  I nod. “Yeah, she was messed up way back.”

  “Now she works in a dungeon. It’s technically legal.”

  I look up. “Technically?”

  “Yes. She works at the dungeon a couple nights a week, but she lives in a brothel up in Nye County. Prostitution is legal there.”

  A fucking brothel. How didn’t I know that?

  “I take it this comes as a surprise to you?”

  “Yes. I thought she had an apartment somewhere.”

  Grimes sighs. “Did you visit her apartment?”

  I shake my head. “No, I waited outside her, uh, place of business and spoke to her on the street. We went to a little coffee shop. Essentially, she didn’t want me to be any part of her life. It was the last time I saw her. I check her Facebook page about once a month to make sure she’s alive.”

  “Did she look healthy at the time?”

  “No. Wait, what’s all this about. Just tell me.”

  Grimes sighs again, causing her brown bangs to float up and then settle on her forehead. “We’re really just trying to get additional information at this point. It might not mean anything. This is a tough city, with layers of crime on top of layers of crime. The hustle and bustle along with the tourism makes Vegas the perfect place for all sorts of illegal activity. Vile stuff.”

  “But what does that have to do with me and Stephanie?” I yell, glancing over to Gage who hasn’t said a word this entire time. “Even if my sister is the biggest prostitute in the city, how does that connect to amber alerts and videos and guns being waved in our faces? This doesn’t make sense.”

  Grimes gives me a ‘settle down’ look and I want to stuff her badge up her ass. “A couple things the perp said to you last night was particularly disturbing. Miss Vonnegut mentioned that he looked directly at her and said ‘there are things worse than death’.” I nod and Grimes goes on. “He also said that she was a favorite.”

  “Yeah. So? Wasn’t that just trash talk because he’d gotten caught?”

  Grimes rocks her head side to side. “Could be, but maybe not. That’s why we need to travel down any trail of crumbs that comes our way.”

  I nearly snarl. “Quit talking about leads and crumbs. Just tell me what the hell you’re getting at.”

  Ramsen steps back in. “Over twenty-seven million people are abused each year in what we call human trafficking.”

  The hairs raise on the back of my neck.

  “About a million of those are children, leaving twenty-six million adults who are being used for sex and treated in unimaginable ways. The videos taken and distributed of you and Miss Vonnegut where the tip of a very large iceberg.”

  “And you think…?”

  “Ken, we don’t know what to think yet, but we’re going to find out. In the meantime, we are going to be keeping Miss Vonnegut under surveillance.” He takes a phone out of his briefcase and hands it to me. “This phone is for her to use only to connect with us. It’s encrypted. Secure. Safe. She needs to keep this on her person at all times. If she leaves, she needs to call us with her destination. We’ll be visiting her today with additional instructions and show her how to use this phone.”

  I stare at him. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”


  Gage pipes in. “What about her friend, Beth? Is she at risk?”

  It’s Grimes this time. “We have no evidence that she is. The scene at the hotel was intended for Ken and Stephanie. You and Beth just happened to be there. We found no video cameras in Miss Richard’s apartment. Her life hasn’t been threatened.”

  “But they’ve tapped her computer, took pictures of her,” Gage argues.

  “Yes, but those pictures were used to further torment Stephanie. Besides, these types of people target those at risk. Stephanie has no family whereas Beth comes from a prominent family who would rip the world apart looking for her.”

  Ramsen pipes in. “There’s also coloring. Stephanie is of the most sought after color combination. Blonde hair and green eyes. It’s unique. Other countries would kill to have a girl like her in their menu of services.”

  Menu of services.

  What in the name of God has our world come to?

  I stuff the two business cards into my pocket after saying goodbye to the agents. I’m still stunned and I need to take off to think about everything I’ve been told. I head toward the door.

  “Not you two. Take a seat.” Captain Frank points at Gage to close the door. He waits until we’re back in our seats. “Gage, you first. I know it was just a coincidence that you were involved at the hotel, but watch out for yourself. You might be on their hit list now.”

  Gage’s knee pumps up and down and his hands clench on his legs. He’s pissed, I can tell. I don’t blame him.

  “Another thing,” Frank continues. “I need someone to cover this shift, if you want the extra work.”

  Gage looks at me and then back to the captain. “Sure. I’ll donate today’s salary to Bill’s ‘get well’ fund. Plus, it’ll help get my mind off things.” He frowns and looks back at me. “I left Beth at your place. She doesn’t have a way to get home.”

  “I’ll take care of that if you want to stay. One of us will need to pick you up tomorrow morning anyway; your truck is at my place.”

  Gage stands. “Is that all, Cap?” Frank nods. “I’ll grab a uniform and call Beth, let her and Steph know the plans.”

  Once he’s gone, Frank leans back in his chair and links his hands behind his head. He looks at me for a long moment before he starts talking. “Ken, I have a real dilemma here.”

  Shit. This doesn’t sound good.

  “You’re a part of this firehouse family, and family takes care of each other. As you know, I’m not going to stop until this mess is cleaned up. What I’m about to say…” He pauses and his hands clench into fists.

  “Go ahead, Cap. You can say it.”

  He blows out a breath and leans forward, his elbows on his desk. “We’ve already had some sharks from the local news come by, wanting more information and a quote. It won’t be long before this place is a press circus; probably will be at your apartment building too.”

  Double shit. I hadn’t thought of that.

  “Plus, you’re hurt and I’d imagine you’re stressed as hell, I know I would be. I want you to take some time off. Heal your leg and your brain. We need total focus on this job and…”

  “But Captain, I’m fine. You heard the doctor, just as long as I change the dressing if it gets dirty, there should be no problem. My mind is fine. It would help…”

  Frank interrupts me this time. “This is an order, son.” He drops his hands onto a paper on his desk and flips it around for me to see. “You need to take a week off.” He winks at me. “On the job injury, so it’s with pay.”


  “There are no ‘buts’ here, Ken. I need your head clear and your body healed. There’s something else too. Agent Ramsen is a little more concerned than he led on. Not just for Steph, but for you. He still can’t figure out all the pieces. You need to be with Steph, if that’s what you want, and hide away for a bit.”

  “I hear you, Captain. I know you’re probably right, but I just can’t imagine staying home for a week. What the he
ll am I supposed to do? Watch soap operas? I’d go crazy.”

  He smiles and points for me to sign the document. “You should have more to do than watch TV. Save the sitting around ignoring each other for your 20th anniversary, if you know what I mean.”

  I grin. Yeah, I got it.

  “How are you doing? Seriously? A man died last night after playing a game of mental torture. I know you didn’t pull the trigger, but he was in your face.”

  Why does everyone keep asking me this? Am I supposed to feel bad that the world is minus one psychopath today?

  “You know, I didn’t lose a wink of sleep last night. The situation was crazy, but the only reason I regret he’s dead is because I couldn’t torture the name of the ring leader from him.”

  “That’s one of the reason’s Ramsen is concerned. The typical practical jokester wouldn’t have taken his own life like that. He was a professional, Ken. Hired by that Jerome fellow or not. The man was serious about his role. Dead serious.”

  Ice cubes crawl up my spine. Sweat pops out on my forehead. I reach for my phone. Shit. It’s turned off back at the apartment. I’m suddenly very worried about Stephanie and Beth. I want to get out of here. I pull the paperwork to me and sign the bottom.

  “Thanks, Cap. I’ll touch base in a few days. I’m going to stop and get me and Steph some disposable phones so we aren’t totally out of the loop. Neither of us want to have our phones on or any computers sitting out.”

  Frank motions toward his screen and, for the first time, I notice a piece of black tape secured over the built-in camera lens. I can’t help but laugh. “Good thinking.”

  “Before all this went down, I’d never considered the curse behind the technology blessing. It’s like we walk around with our asses hanging out 24-7.”

  I nod. He’s completely right. “I’ll call you later and give you my new number.”

  Captain stands and extends his hand. “Sounds good. Take care of yourself, son.”

  “Thanks, Captain. I really appreciate everything you’re doing.”

  He claps me on the back. “That’s what family does.”

  As I open the front door, Beth looks up, worried. “Where’s Gage?”

  “Didn’t he call you?”

  She shakes her head, but grabs for her phone. “Yeah, I guess he did. It’s on mute.” She tosses the phone on the table.

  “He was asked to take over the shift today and tonight. We’ll have to pick him up in the morning.”

  Beth stares at me, looking annoyed.

  “That’s how we fire fighters roll, gotta get used to it if you plan on hanging around.”

  She narrows her eyes at me, her brown eyes throwing daggers. “He could have at least called.”

  I stare at her and point to her phone. She blushes and I decide to badger her. “What are you, his wife now? Is that where you were last night, getting married on the strip?”

  Her eyes narrow further and her hands clench at her sides. “You should have told us,” I egg her on. “We could have celebrated with you, been the bridesmaid and best man. Would have saved a little bit of drama in our lives.”

  She holds up a finger, crooking it up and down. “Watch it, buddy, or I’ll be the one sticking something up your ass next time. Preferably my foot.”

  I whirl toward Stephanie, who turns bright red, jumps up from her chair and runs into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Women! Are there no secrets between them?

  While I’m still dealing with the finger issue, Beth deflates and sinks to the couch. “I’m sorry for being a bitch, but this really isn’t a time for joking.” Beth gushes out a string of words. “We aren’t even officially dating, we’ve only been together once, well twice now, okay, four times, it was really really great, wonderful actually, when we...”

  “Oh my god,” I interrupt her, waving my hands into a time-out. “I have a dick. I don’t do details.”

  Stephanie sticks her head out of the bathroom and has her hand plastered over her mouth. It’s so good to see her happy again, laughing, her eyes dancing in that beautiful green that glows so bright when she’s totally cracked up.

  No way in hell can I stay mad.

  I crook my finger at her and she slinks her way into my arms. She looks up and says, “Forgive me?”

  Beth rolls her eyes and walks into the kitchen. “I don’t know what the big deal is, it’s just a prostate massage. I did it to Gage too, and he…”

  “Beth,” I growl.

  She rolls her eyes again. “Geesh.” She walks into the kitchen and pours herself a glass of water. “Considering how hard it makes guys come, I’d think men lucky enough to have a partner do it would be yelling ‘hallelujah’ from the rooftops.

  I look down at Stephanie. “I’m seriously going to kill her.”

  Chapter 7 - Stephanie

  The past week has been bliss. Except for going to class in the afternoons, it’s just been me and Ken for the most part, with a big dose of Beth and Gage nearly every day. I’ve almost stopped looking over my shoulder. Almost.

  Stepping outside of the movie theater, I slip on my sunglasses to hide my swollen eyes. I cried like a baby at the end of Fast and Furious 7. I still can’t believe that gorgeous man died so tragically young.

  “You okay?” Ken’s being supportive although I can tell he just doesn’t get why I keep bursting into tears.

  “He was so young. So gorgeous,” I blab and blow my nose again. “So…”

  “Hey now,” he teases, stroking his fingers through my hair.

  I wrap my arm around his waist and give him a little squeeze. “Sorry. It’s just so sad.”

  Opening the door of his truck for me, he gives me a little boost to get inside. Of course, his hands grab at my ass. I have no idea why he likes it so much. Sometimes I think he’s addicted.

  One night he had me lay over his lap naked so he could play with it to his heart’s content. I’d kept waiting for him to bring a hand down, give me a playful, or not so playful, slap. He didn’t. He just rubbed the skin, up one cheek and then the other, then tracing the birthmark with gentle fingers. After a while, he’d drawn a finger down my crack. I tried not to squirm.

  “Ever had sex here?” he’d asked.

  I shook my head and glanced around at him to see if he was serious. He just kept stroking up and down, not saying a word.

  “You can do anything with me. To me,” I had said, meaning it.

  “More nipple clamps?” he’d asked and laughed out loud.

  I’d gotten up and straddled him. I’d stroked my hands through his hair. “For you. Anything.”

  Then we’d made love for about the third time that day.

  Ken’s diesel roars to life and I’m brought back to the present. “Want to cross a fantasy off your list?” I’ve asked him this question before and we’ve checked a few of them off. I’m feeling reckless tonight. Really alive. I want to be pushed past my limits.

  “Let’s see… we’ve had sex on the Harley. We did the thigh cuffs that ended in disaster.” We look at each other and fake shiver, then laugh and say ‘jinx’. I laugh because we’re becoming one of those disgustingly cute couples who finish each other’s sentences.

  “You’ve tied me up,” I add. “And flogged me.”

  “True. That was fun. What about that threesome we keep talking about?”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Don’t you mean the threesome you keep talking about?” I consider it for a minute. “Sure. Let’s do it.”

  He swerves in the lane a little and I laugh, holding onto the ‘oh shit’ handle. “Are you serious?” he asks.

  “Totally serious.” Wait for it. Wait for it. “Know any guys who’d want to join us?” My punch line was delivered perfectly.

  He snarls. “Not the type of threesome I envision.”

  “What? Afraid his pee-pee will be bigger than yours?”

  He takes a quick glance at me. “Nah. I just don’t want some other dude’s pee-pee touching my girl.�

  “But a girl can? Is that what you’re saying?” I lift an eyebrow. “You’d want another woman to touch me, make love to me? You’d want me to make love to her?”

  “Oh hell yes.” He pauses and then adds, “I think. I love the idea of it, but I don’t know that I want anyone between the two of us.” He reaches over and takes my hand. “Besides, there hasn’t been anyone I’ve been attracted to lately, for some odd reason.”

  That makes me beam. I hope it can always be like this. Is forever a possibility? With so much still hanging over our heads… I just don’t know.

  “Hey, why so serious? I’m just kidding about the threesome.” He grins. “Mostly.”

  I grin back and pull myself out of the muck of despair I’d suddenly found myself sucked in to. “Don’t freak out, but I was thinking of forever.” I hold up a hand. “Not that I’m asking for forever, but you know, I wonder how long forever will be for me. And if the detectives are right and someone wants to hurt me or take me away, I wonder if I’ll be like my dad and wish the pain would end. If I’d make it end.”

  Ken whips the truck into a hotel parking lot, shoves it in park and gets out of the truck. In a few long strides, he’s at my door. He opens it, pushes the button for the seatbelt and pulls me out.

  Once I’m on my feet, he tilts my chin up. “Don’t talk like that, you hear me? Never ever talk that way again.”


  “There are no buts, Stephanie. There are no promises for anything. Nothing. Even without Jerome hanging over our heads. Or the Chinese. Or the Russians. Or whoever. It can all be over like that.” He snaps a finger. “That’s why we live in the moment. We love. We laugh. We take advantage of the good times and we deal with the bad ones if they show up.”

  I look into his chocolate eyes and smooth away the furrow in his brow with my fingers. “How’d you get so smart?” I ask.

  “I watch Oprah on my days off.”

  I laugh and push my hands under his shirt, touching his warm skin.

  He looks around. “Wish list. Public sex. Up for it?”


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