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One Wild Night

Page 47

by Vivian Ward

  Whenever I was with her, nothing else seemed to matter. Life felt perfect.

  The two of us were spending nearly every day together. When I wasn’t working, I was at her place. Most of our time together was spent in bed, but I was more than okay with that.

  We spent the holidays with Curtis and Kim, exchanging a few small gifts and having the first real holiday meal I’d ever had. It was by the far the best Christmas of my life.

  As Shay and I spent more and more time together, I was really able to get to know her well. The more I got to know her, the more I realized what a great person she was.

  Not only was she gorgeous but she was also the kindest person I’d ever encountered. On top of that, she was a hell of a lot of fun. She was someone I could be completely silly with, and I loved that.

  We were always making each other laugh. She was also so caring and generous. No matter what she was feeling or doing, she always made sure that I was happy and completely satisfied in every way.

  Being with someone like her was strange. I’d never had the opportunity the be with someone that I wanted to treat so well and I sure as hell had never been with someone who treated me the way the was treating me.

  Women in the past just wanted what they wanted, and that was the end of it. Sure, they all wanted different things but in the end, they were all the same. Not one woman I’d ever been with put me first.

  When it came to wants and needs, mine were always an afterthought. Nobody had ever cared about what I thought. That’s why Shay was different. She made me feel like I actually had value. She made me feel like I mattered.

  I’d already had strong feelings for her to begin with. Even when I didn’t know her that well, I knew there was something about her that I wanted to know.

  Now that I knew her on a much deeper and intimate level, I felt as though I couldn’t get enough of her. During the rare times we weren’t together, I wasn’t able to get her off my mind. I hated being away from her.

  When Shay and I weren’t together, I couldn’t turn my mind off and couldn’t help but let my insecurities get the better of me.

  No matter how hard I tried to fight them off, the bad thoughts would always come back to cloud my mind. Did she really feel the same about me as I felt about her?

  Neither of us had said I love you to the other. Was it too soon for that? Would that freak her out? I definitely felt it for her. Why hadn’t she said it to me? The only thing I could think of was that she didn’t feel the same way. When we weren’t together, was she with somebody else? Did she wake up one morning and realize she could do better than me?

  That was the thing about her and I. Even though I was falling hard for her and wanted her more than anything, I was smart enough to know that I didn’t actually deserve a girl like her.

  She was way out of my league.

  A woman like Shay deserved the best out of life. She deserved to be with someone who had loads of money and could give her flowers and jewelry on a regular basis. She deserved someone who could take her on trips to lavish and luxurious places. She deserved someone who could give her anything and everything she could ever possibly want.

  I knew that, when it came to most of those things, I wouldn’t be able to give her what she deserved. No matter how hard I worked, I was going to be stuck working construction for the rest of my life.

  My criminal record would ensure that most of the better-paying jobs would stay out of reach for me. I had to put the thought of my criminal record coming to light out of my mind.

  I hoped that Shay would never come to find out about my record because if she did, I had serious doubts that she would love me enough to not care about the trouble I’d been into.

  After I was able to buy my truck, I was saving most of my money to get a place of my own. Finally, the day came when I was able to move out of the room Curtis had been letting me stay in and into my own place.

  The apartment wasn’t anything to write home about. It was a pretty small studio apartment on the wrong side of town, but it was mine.

  It was cheap, and it included most of the utilities so I didn’t have much to complain about. I didn’t plan on being there all that often anyway.

  When I wasn’t at work, I was usually with Shay so the apartment would be empty most of the time. Still, it was going to be nice to have a space of my own when we couldn’t be together.

  Work had been particularly hard for about a week, and I was looking forward to getting off. I had plans for the evening.

  I was going to swing by my place, take a hot shower, and meet Shay for dinner. I’d found a button that said “If it doesn’t scan, it is NOT free” and I couldn’t wait to give it to her.

  It was a great cashier pun, and I thought it would go great with the buttons she wore on her vest when she was on cashier duty. I hoped she’d like it.

  Those were the kinds of gifts I was able to give her. It wasn’t expensive by any means. As the day went on, I started to develop a bit of a complex about it.

  What was I going to do if she didn’t like what I got her?

  What if she saw the small box it had come in and was hoping that it was something else. Maybe she expected it to be something nice like jewelry. Was she going to be disappointed? The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint her.

  By the time I was clocking out at work, my mind was spiraling into madness. I wished I had the ability to turn my brain off when it came to over thinking but I couldn’t. It was something I couldn’t help.

  When I got to the parking lot at her apartment, I debated whether or not I should give her the button. Eventually, I grabbed it out of the truck and made my way inside.

  When I entered her apartment, I found Shay sprawled out on the couch, enjoying one of the romance novels she liked to read. Before the door was even closed behind me, she’d already jumped off the sofa and ran over to me for a hug. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her chin on my chest, looking up at me with the biggest smile on her face.

  “Hey you,” she said as she looked up at me.

  She had an adoring look in her eyes. Whenever she looked at me like that, all the doubt and insecurity flew out the window.

  That look made me realize how ridiculous I was for ever questioning her feelings about me. I grabbed her by both sides of the face and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

  “Hi baby,” I whispered to her as I ran my hands through her hair.

  I leaned in a little closer and gave her a kiss on her forehead. As always, she smelled fantastic. I loved standing there, inhaling her scent as I held her in her arms.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  I was a bit surprised by the sudden concern in her voice and her face as she pulled back a bit to look up at me.

  “Yeah, I’m good. It’s just been a rough week at work.”

  I followed her into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of beer from the fridge while she jumped up on the counter and started telling me about her day at work.

  I always thought it was cute how much she seemed to love her job. I wished I was able to be so enthusiastic about mine. Her eyes lit up when she talked about one of her co-workers or some of her regular customers.

  Since she was already talking about her job, I figured it would be the perfect time to give her the gift I’d brought for her. I pulled the small red box out of my pocket and stood right in front of her, holding it out for her to grab.

  “I saw this the other day, and I wanted you to have it,” I told her. She smiled as she took it out of my hand, obviously not expecting me to bring her a gift.

  My stomach was twisting and turning itself into knots as she opened the box. I remember thinking how ridiculous it was to be getting myself so worked up over something as simple as a button.

  “It’s not much really,” I continued. “I hope you like it.”

  Shay slid the top of the box off, and I studied her face, waiting to see what kind of a reaction my gift was going to induce.

; She looked down and smiled as she read it before she started laughing out loud. The sound of her laughter was a welcome one. She grabbed my shoulder with one hand as she leaned in to give me a kiss. When she pulled away, she still had a smile on her face.

  “Where in the world did you find this?” she asked. “I love it. I’m pretty sure it’s my new favorite button,” she told me as she grabbed her vest from the back of the chair next to us and pinned it to it. “Thank you so much. I can’t wait to wear it at work. You have no clue how many times a day someone makes that dumb joke to me. Maybe the button will make them think twice.” She gave me another hug and a kiss.

  “You really like it that much?” I asked her.

  “Yes, silly. I love it. You know how I am about my buttons. I love this one because it’s personal and thoughtful. Oh, and because it’s from you.”

  Even though she seemed happy and thankful, I couldn’t help but feel stupid about the fact that I’d given it to her at all. Instead of making me happy that I’d given her a gift, I just felt like an idiot. Shay had never done anything to act like a materialistic person, and I knew she wasn’t, but that wasn’t the point.

  “I don’t know,” I started. “I guess I feel like I should have gotten you something better. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and if I buy you a gift, it should be better than a three-dollar button,” I exclaimed, taking a step back and looking down at the floor.

  “Where is this coming from Nick?” Shay asked, surprised at the way I was acting. I knew she didn’t care about the price. She seemed to actually like the button a lot. “I want you to stop thinking that way. I love the button a lot,” she said as she grabbed my shirt and pulled me back towards her. Her hands began to wander, running over my chest and causing my muscles to tense up under her touch. “It was very sweet,” she told me, running her hands up to my face, letting her fingers skip over my stubble.

  “I don’t know, Shay. I just can’t get over the feeling that I’m not good enough for you,” I blurted out. As surprised as she looked, I was even more surprised that I said what I’d been feeling out loud. Shay’s eyes were wide, and the expression on her face made it seem like I’d just hurt her badly.

  “What would make you say something like that to me?” she asked with her eyebrows furrowed at me, visibly upset by what I’d said.

  “Well, it’s just that you’re so,” I began, not sure where I was actually going before I opened my mouth. The thing was, I never even meant to say what I said. Yeah, those were my thoughts but I sure as hell never intended to let her know about it. Now I was even more worried because she’d know how fucked up my way of thinking was. “You’re so perfect,” I continued. “You’re so beautiful and sexy and just perfect while I’m pretty much a nobody. I have no clue what I even have to offer you.”

  When I looked up at her, she had the saddest look in her eyes that I’d ever seen. I knew right then and there that I shouldn’t have said anything.

  “Nick, I don’t ever want you to think that way. Believe me, I am far from perfect. As for you, don’t ever refer to yourself as a nobody. The time that we’ve spent together since we met has been nothing short of amazing. You’re one of the sweetest men I’ve ever met.”

  Shay pulled me in closer to her, getting rid of any space between the two of us. She wanted to make sure I understood what her feelings were.

  “You’re so fun to be around,” she continued. “You’re so funny. You keep me laughing all the time. You are a gorgeous man. You make me happier than anyone has made me in a long time. I love the things you say to me. I love the things you do to me. I love the way you touch me.”

  From out of nowhere, she grabbed my hand and put it between her legs. I took the hint and started rubbing her through the sweatpants she had on. She leaned into, giving me a soft kiss before moving her mouth to my ear.

  “I love you, Nick,” she whispered.

  Time seemed to stand still as I heard those words come out of her mouth. My mind raced, and I thought that my heart actually stopped until I realized that I could hear it pounding in my chest.

  My chest tightened, and my stomach felt like it was twisted into knots. My head was spinning as I stared at her, unable to respond. I watched as Shay inhaled, waiting for some kind of reply from me.

  I could tell that she was getting nervous. I was sure she thought that she couldn’t take back what she said.

  “You do?” Yeah, those were the two words I managed to choke out of my mouth. Shay smiled a bit and nodded her head up and down. “I love you so much,” was my response to her as I began kissing her neck lightly, allowing the happiness of the moment and the joy in her words take over.

  I grabbed Shay and lifted her off the counter and to the floor. Taking her by the hand, I led her into her bedroom where I laid her down on the bed and pulled her sweatpants and panties right off of her body.

  She sat up and took off her top. She hadn’t been wearing a bra so her breasts jiggled with her movements. I couldn’t look away from her as I was reminded once again just how lucky I was. I looked her up and down, making sure to pause and get a better look of my favorite parts of her body.

  Eventually, I met her gaze, and we began to kiss with me leaning into her, ensuring that she was going to lie back down on the bed.

  My kisses were all over the place. They began on her sweet, soft, succulent lips before making their way to her neck and then down to her collarbone.

  Her body shook slightly as I kissed her there, having recently learned that it was her favorite place to get kisses. Shay whispered my name as I moved my hand to her inner thigh, caressing it gently. I wanted to tease her for a bit, much in the same way that she teased me during our first night together.

  I wanted the anticipation to build. I wanted to make sure she was as wet as she could be before I made my next move. I wanted to hear her begging me for my cock. I wanted to hear her telling me that she loved me over and over again.

  From her neck, I moved down her body, kissing my way down. When I reached her tits, I took a moment to lick and suck on them. I made sure to take my time, enjoying every second of what I was doing.

  I loved the feeling of her skin. I loved the way her nipple got hard every time I ran my tongue around it. I loved the way her entire body arched up when I lightly nibbled on her sensitive skin.

  “Take me, Nick,” she moaned into my ear, her fingers grabbing onto my hair as I continued to suck and lick on her nipples.

  I could tell that Shay was getting close to her breaking point. She wanted me. She needed me badly. I thought back to what she’d said to me just a few minutes before. She loved me. Damn, it felt so good to hear her say those words.

  Listening to her moan my name and beg for me to take her made me happy. I loved the effect I had on her. The way she wanted me was amazing. I knew it would never get old. Every single time I was with her, it still surprised me. It also excited me and made me rock hard.

  I moved from her breasts and made my way down to her stomach, running my tongue along her soft, smooth skin. I kept moving south to her pelvis and towards the inner parts of her legs.

  She groaned, almost growling at me. The sound was filled with raw desire. I was getting a kick out of teasing her and hearing how much she wanted me inside of her.

  Sliding down, I knelt down on the floor next to the bed. With my arms wrapped under her thighs, I pulled her to the edge. Her pussy was just inches from my face, her lips shiny and glistening with her wetness, her clit was perfectly pink and swollen with desire.

  I wasn’t ready to stop teasing her just yet, so I took a single finger and ran it up and down across her pussy, allowing it to lightly touch her clit for only a moment. Shay made a gasping sound when I touched her there while she pulled my hair, trying to direct my face towards her wetness. To give her a little taste of what was to come, I slid my finger down inside of her slit and slipped it inside of her.

  She was so wet that it slid right in. As I mass
aged her insides, I could feel her muscles tensing around my finger. It was a feeling I could never get enough of.

  With my finger still inside of her, I lowered my head and flicked at her clit with my tongue, looking up at her to watch what her reaction would be.

  She had her eyes closed tightly while her body wiggled around. I nibbled at her clit before sucking it into my mouth and nibbling on it. It was something I’d done before, and it always drove her crazy.

  At the same time, I kept working my finger in and out of her. As I could feel her getting closer, I slid another finger into her pussy.

  I was all over her, sucking her clit, keeping my fingers busy inside her and using my free hand to caress and pinch at her nipple.

  She loved being touched and as her breathing started to get heavier and more shallow, I realized she was getting close. Pulling my fingers out of her, I spread her legs apart and pulled her even closer to me.

  I dipped my tongue inside of her beautiful womanhood before making long strokes upward towards her clit. Shay gasped at the sensation and within seconds, she was cumming all over my face.

  Although her legs were shaking, she arched her back and brought her pussy up to my face, leading me to dive back in for more as she wrapped her legs around my neck. I could feel her orgasm through her legs as she shivered and shook. I continued licking her pussy, lapping up as much of her sweet juices as I could.

  I couldn’t get enough of the way she tasted. I loved it. I continued licking and sucking as she came over and over, each orgasm seeming to be more intense than the last.

  When Shay couldn’t take it anymore, she squeezed her legs tighter around my neck and did everything she could to push my head away.

  She always got extra sensitive after she came a few times. I got in one last lick as she cried out in a combination of ecstasy and agony.

  She may have gotten off really well, but I wasn’t even close to done with her yet. Shay was still breathing heavily as I crawled up onto her, straddling her and kissing her neck.

  She reached down, yanking at my pants, already wanting more of what I had to offer her. My cock sprang to attention as she tried everything she could to get me out of my clothes. I finally decided to help her so I stood up and undressed as fast as I could.


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