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Catching Kate (Scenic Route to Paradise)

Page 9

by Andrea Aarons

  No one was up yet, so the two of them sat with their plates of eggs, potatoes and tortillas at the galley table. Having already eaten her breakfast, Coco fell asleep under the table.

  Kate said a prayer before she ate and Zeff closed his eyes with diffidence. He thought to cross himself when she said “amen,’ but then changed his mind, keeping his left hand in his lap and taking up his fork with his right. He could see that Kate had table manners that came almost second nature. It was Zeff’s experience that those who were raised in wealthier families learned certain etiquette by instruction but also by immersion. This was a seeming contradiction with Kate and her sister, Merry. Both behaved above the norm for the most part. That was easily seen on board at close quarters and yet, they were raised on the mission field which meant a lean life and most probably few luxuries. Poverty had not produced mean-spiritedness or worse, conniving personalities that climbed as crabs from a bucket pulling down family and friends as they ascended. Since she had come aboard he had been watching Kate, unnoticed by her, especially since he had overheard her conversation with Merry which revealed her as a virgin.

  Sex fascinated Zeff. He understood the central importance “sex’ was to mankind on several levels and also, for himself personally it was very important. Still, Zeff was yet to figure out the mystery of the emotional and spiritual link to the physical act called sex, deliberated by men and women time immemorial.

  Last night, Zeff studied Kate’s responses to Roger who took great care in making himself humorous and solicitous toward her. Kate took Roger’s hospitality in stride. Zeff realized later, her response was because she was beautiful, educated and easy going. The same traits attractive to confident single men like Roger and himself.

  Now as they ate in silence, Zeff thought about asking Kate what she thought about sex between a married couple, for surely that is why she remained a virgin. It wasn’t that she didn’t like men or that she was frigid. Zeff decided she was simply abstaining until she found the right guy and they were committed by the marriage contract. Instead of asking her that question Zeff said suddenly, “Roger Cowels has vicious Boerboels running loose on his ranch.”

  It was a lie. Zeff didn’t know if Roger even owned a ranch but he assumed he did, even on this small island. Furthermore, Zeff didn’t know why he blurted the falsehood. He glanced around the galley as if someone had poked him in the ribs and then whispered the words for him to repeat.

  Kate was chewing placidly but she quickly wiped her mouth and said, “What? Does he raise the beasts? Why are they running about on his ranch? Do people on this island have ranches? I would have never guessed!” Anyone who raised Boerboels must be odd, she concluded. Then she changed the subject as Mr. Cowels’ perverse pastimes were no business of hers.

  Thinking about dogs, reminded Kate of the cat she had seen running from the shadows last night. She said, “Zeff, last night when you and the others were lingering on the pier, after Merry and I came aboard, I saw some guys standing in the dark. I got the idea that they followed us from the Tungi Pub and were watching us.” She took a bite but when he said nothing, she asked, “Why would they be watching us?”

  Zeff pulled his mind from his previous thoughts to concentrate on Kate’s last question. Mac had told Zeff not to mention the danger that lurked the western African waters. He had purposely sailed far from the coast. Lately, the islands along the western shoreline of Africa and especially, the Gulf of Guinea were rife with pirates. They weren’t the old school privateers that Mac’s forefathers had tangled with but these were modern day money hungry, high-tech, terrorists. Eastern Africa had its fair share of Somali pirates but the weather had been stormy and not only the Serendipity but all small ships and boats were busy fighting nature when they plied the waters on the other side of the Dark Continent, last month.

  According to Roger, even as far south as St Helena yachts and small cargo ships were being attacked. Last night, as they spoke on the dock, Roger mentioned strange tourists coming to the island more frequently but also, nefarious looking sailors. Roger dubbed this second group as pirates, plain and simple.

  Now Kate was asking questions...

  “I don’t know but Mac will be up soon enough and you can tell him what you saw,” Zeff answered noncommittally. Changing the subject, he said, “I’m going to have another tortilla!” It was his fourth.

  Saturday morning...

  Just a quick scribble before Roger Cowels arrives to take us on a brief tour of his island.

  I dreamed... Me? I never dream but it seems significant so I’ll make a note here.

  I came to a lovely garden gate but it was locked. Flowers and English ivy grew about the stone wall on either side of the white gate. A deep sadness came over me so I looked around to see if there was a key to open the beautiful gate. As I searched, I saw a message scrawled on the stone surface. It read, “Love is the key”

  Then I woke up!

  Tomorrow morning we are going to church with Roger...

  A few hours later, the sisters along with Mac, Junior and Roger Cowels hiked the path on the east coastal bluffs which were damp from an overnight shower. Now it was sunny and warm with the typical steady sea breeze blowing across the island. Roger loved his island and enthusiastically expounded on the history and present day circumstances.

  “No, we don’t have ranches but there are coffee plantations and estates,” Roger said in answer to Kate’s question. He pointed to the fortress that they were hiking toward. It looked formidable especially from a distance. Mac and Merry sat down in the shade of the High Knoll Fort while Roger and Kate pressed toward them and then beyond following Junior’s lead. They climbed the wall and the view of the island interior with its vineyards, orchards and clusters of sheep and also, the surrounding sea was spectacular.

  Sitting down in the sun, a mild wind blew cool but not cold although Junior continued climbing about the stonework. Roger pulled a flask from his hiking pack. “Besides growing coffee, we have vineyards too,” he told her.

  Kate pointed and said, “Yes, I see that. Your little island is full of surprises. Is that wine you’re offering? I don’t drink alcohol although I use it periodically when I cook,” Kate said with a gentle laugh.

  “I noticed you weren’t sipping from the wine glass last night at dinner. As for this, we Saints call it wine but in reality it is only grape juice... really tasty grape juice. It isn’t fermented,” he took a sip and offered her a drink.

  Kate took a drink. She had enjoyed fresh grape juice from South African wineries as a child and teen but this juice hit a homerun. She grinned and said, “Wow. Yes, that is a smooth juice. It is slightly dry but it doesn’t have the aftertaste that fermented wine has.”

  Roger frowned mockingly and replied, “I thought you said you didn’t drink... but you know what wine taste like? That sounds like someone saying they smoke but don’t inhale!” He laughed and winked at her.

  “I never said, I hadn’t tried alcohol but only I don’t drink it as a practice,” she told him and then said, “But I think you know what I mean.”

  After a few quiet minutes, Roger stood up and offered his hand. Pulling her to her feet, they went to find Mac and Merry, as Junior had already started back the way they had come.

  “Come on you two love birds! If we leave now we can stop at my competitors on the way back to town and get an early dinner,” Roger called to Mac and wife after finding them strolling along a grassy bluff, hand in hand. He turned to Kate, “Mac is more relaxed than I have ever seen him. They seem very happy.”

  Mac whistled to Junior as Kate shifted her gaze to watch Mac and Merry as they veered course to meet up with her and Roger. Merry was content and the fears Kate had initially had about Merry choosing to wed during a time of duress as it were, no longer seemed viable. Mac was in love, Kate observed. It wasn’t the sloppy, mind sucking infatuation that Kate had observed in many young couples but a calculated attentiveness and gentleness he reserved for his interactions
with Merry. Mac was sowing seeds of confidence and love for a lifelong relationship, Kate had concluded after watching them since she boarded at Elands Bay.

  “Yes,” Kate said with a nod and a grin. She would have said more but she didn’t want to lead Roger on. As Merry had inferred that Kate was notorious for so-called falling in and out of love; therefore, Kate decided she would no longer do so... Not with Zeff, not with Roger and certainly not with young Tino. The loneliness emanating from Roger was tangible. Perhaps, he had been content in the past living as the island playboy. Kate didn’t know but now he was ready to settle down to have a life learning the language of God’s love with a Christian woman. This Kate did know. Not in words but in action and insinuation, Roger had set his sites on Kate. Besides, he had “vicious Boerboels” and that fact in and of itself was enough for Kate to escape on a one-man raft to the mainland.

  The now hungry group stopped at a tiny restaurant on the edge of town. Hours earlier when passing the place, Roger had run in to tell the proprietor that they would be back later for dinner. The island wind was blocked from this corner of town and three sidewalk tables proved the point. Roger went inside as Mac, Merry, Junior and Kate sat down in the waning sunlight.

  “Scenic, isn’t it?” Mac said looking at the Georgian style town below them and the bay stretching open toward the sea. “In another time, this would have been a great spot to honeymoon.”

  Merry giggled and said, “Mac dear, you have said that at least a dozen times about places we’ve been, including Puerto Vallarta!”

  He nodded, “Of course, I have! Being married to you makes me want to spend the rest of my life honeymooning. It’s your fault,” He sighed. Kate began to fiddle with her hair, rearranging her ponytail. Had they forgotten she was here? And Junior? She wondered and then looked to Junior. He was oblivious.

  Mac said, “But this isn’t another time... This is now and as far as I can tell, we are on the cusp of the Lord gathering his saints at what we have labeled, ‘The Rapture.’ You know Merry... Kate... Junior, I’ve been around. South America, Asia... the US of course, and it seems there is a curtain descending. I sense it when I pray. These are dark times. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to frighten you and keep in mind as the night darkens, morning nears.” Junior nodded seriously. Kate and Merry looked at each other, both contemplating what the future held and how to respond to it as it arrived.

  Roger came out with the owner at his heels. Kate said to Mac, “Perhaps, you’re more sensitive to the spiritual realm now that you’re a Christian. Before, you might not have noticed the spiritual darkness.”

  Mac looked at her thoughtfully. He stood to greet the restaurateur but he said to Kate, “No doubt. No doubt.” The owner was of Indian descent and Roger introduced him as “Val.”

  Mac pointed out that they had met some years before at Roger’s house and both Roger and Val agreed that they had. Mac had met all of Roger’s St Helena friends at one time or another as he had sailed into James Harbour at least 10 times since his teen years. Usually, Mac stayed 3 or 4 days and this visit would be no different unless inclement weather hindered their departure.

  Val presented them with a fabulous dinner. There was only one meal served each night to customers. The menu was seasonal and dependent on the catch of the day. Tonight it was grilled Yellow-fin tuna and Malay Briyani. The local non-alcoholic wine was served as Roger had emptied his flask into a carafe in the tiny kitchen to be served with the fish.

  There were few lights on and the sky was overcast when they came down the hill towards the pier. Junior ran ahead, scampering aboard. As the others stood in front of the sloop, Kate was reminded of the two men slinking about in the dark the night before and she mentioned this to Mac and Roger.

  Roger said nothing but nodded.

  Mac said, “Yes, Junior saw them from the crows nest. He said they seemed to have followed us from several streets over. There’s quite a view from up there.”

  “I wouldn’t know... Heights!” she murmured.

  Roger continuing to nod, threw his hands behind his back and said, “Dark and dangerous times. People will do anything for money, notoriety and even entertainment, as some of the younger criminals are simply bored - directionless.”

  The foursome talked on for several minutes before Mac reached over and shook Roger’s hand. “See you tomorrow morning. I’m interested in seeing this church you’ve told us about,” he told Roger.

  Roger said, “It’s not the building but the people that make up this church.” At this, Merry took both Roger’s hands and thanked him for a wonderful day and for dinner at Val’s Place. “Well, you’ll see me tomorrow morning Miss Merry. And afterward as Mac knows I always have him and his crew to my house for a little R and R before they cast off,” he said smiling at her and then he turned to Kate. “We had a great day didn’t we?”

  Kate nodded. “Your beautiful island here is a hidden jewel and you’re an example of a stellar host. If you treat every visitor the way you’ve treated us... This place would be overpopulated, I’m sure!”

  Roger took her hand as he looked to Mac saying, “Ah, but I don’t treat every visitor like I treat my special friends.” He lifted her hand to kiss it and at the last moment he turned her wrist, putting his lips lightly at the center of her palm. His kiss sent shock waves through Kate’s body and her coy smile froze on her lips. When Roger looked up as he brought her hand down, he saw the effect he made written across her face. He smiled and handed her off to Mac.

  “Mac, I’ll drop by tomorrow about ten,” Roger said. Mac agreed. “Goodnight my dears,” said Roger to the women and he turned striding off into the checkered splotches of light and dark along the quay.

  Kate heard Mac say, “Oh Zeff, I was just about to call up to you. Go aboard and throw down the Jacob’s ladder, will you.” Zeff had come walking up from the other end of the pier. There were half dozen boats and small ships anchored in the harbor and as many or more secured at the docks.

  After Zeff, Mac helped Kate aboard. Zeff took her by the forearm to bring her on deck. He was strong but gentle with her. When she stepped past him, Kate smelled alcohol. He said in Spanish, “Was it a beautiful day, hiking? I hope so.”

  She answered, “Yes,” but continued below decks to wash-up in the head. Her heart pounding after Roger’s farewell, she closed the bathroom door and she looked in the mirror asking herself what had just happened on the dock. Was it all the fresh air and exercise or so-called non-alcoholic wine? Maybe the Briyani... with the exotic Malay spices? Kate didn’t know. She felt strange – lightheaded. The bathroom light was dim but she didn’t look any different than she had when she left that morning except maybe her hair needed a combing. She did her nightly hygiene and then before exiting she said to her mirrored self, “Never mind his Boerboels! That man, Roger Cowels is dangerous. Steer clear, my dear.”

  Merry was in galley. Kate went to say goodnight before heading to her own cabin.

  Merry talked about how paradise-like the island was and Roger’s congeniality. “He’s a great guy, don’t you think Kate?”

  Not trusting her words, Kate smiled and bobbed her head in agreement. She gave Merry a peck on the cheek before turning to go forward to her cabin. As she passed through the salon, Kate saw Zeff sitting under the lamp of the settee reading. He hadn’t been there a few minutes before when she came out of the head.

  The book before him was quite obviously a Bible. When he looked up at her, Kate asked, “What are you reading?”

  Zeff held up the book. “The Bible,” he responded.

  “Yes, I can see that,” Kate said with a genuine grin.

  Zeff frowned and asked, “What? You asked me!” And then he said, closing the big book, “You know, I think females can be very confusing.” All day he had been thinking about Kate and remembering Merry’s instruction to her about leaving Zeff and Tino alone. What had Merry said? “Don’t go falling in love with these guys... just leave them be!” Merry should have
kept her mouth shut! Zeff concluded. After all, he wanted Kate not to leave him be. He wanted to talk to Kate again like they had the other night. He was just as frightened as she had been when they saw the UFO but her confidence in him made him feel good about himself and something inside of him stepped up to the plate, pushing the fear aside.

  Zeff wasn’t positive but he thought perhaps Merry made Mac feel that way too. Zeff wanted what Mac had in his relationship with his wife, Merry. Wasn’t Kate, Merry’s sister?

  Tonight as Zeff approached them standing before the sloop, he watched Roger say goodbye taking Kate’s hand. Jealousy took charge of the boardroom of his soul. He had been envious and jealous before but nothing like what he experienced watching Roger with Kate. Zeff prided himself on his logical approach to life but these rash feelings that overtook him occasionally reminded him that life was not logical. Watching Mac and Merry together revealed that logic was not always the best course to take, either.

  Mac had said that all the answers to life’s questions were found in the Bible. Zeff had come into the salon to see if he could find some answers. The Bible was so thick. It reminded him of one of his graduate course text books and he approached it as such. It would be all Greek to him until he began understanding the basics of the study. This approach to learning had worked for some of the most difficult classes he had taken, so why not with this study and this book, he surmised.

  Kate had hesitated at his confession, thinking about the alcohol she had gotten a whiff of when she came aboard. Zeff said quickly as he held up the Bible once again, “Kate, where do I start?”

  Kate was positive she was not the one who should be giving Zeff spiritual instruction but tonight she would give him something to hold him over until he could speak with Mac or perhaps, with Roger tomorrow.


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