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Light Bringer (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 2)

Page 25

by Power, P. S.

  "It's a bit much to ask, isn't it Maria?" There was a real coldness to the words, and it was clear, to Dare, that these two ladies, while family didn't always get along perfectly.

  Yet there they were, sharing a meal, instead of avoiding each other. There was probably a lesson about that kind of thing that he needed to take from the situation. About being there for your relations, even if you weren't close. It was the kind of thing that he'd never really thought about before, not having had people in his life like that to bother, personally. Except that now he really did, it seemed.

  Maria waved the concern away.

  "Oh, I'm merely joking, Col. Dareg knows that, right Prince Dareg?" It was an odd way to use his name. Personally first, like they were friends, then with his title, as if reminding others of who he was.

  He smiled back at her, and then looked at Collette and shrugged.

  "I was actually thinking that it wouldn't be hard to set up, actually. Is that something that would be fun for you, King Dorgal? We can invite your friends, and the other world leaders for a day or two. Maybe people from the new fleet too, if you get on with them? Hess and his team? It would be a good excuse to get people together, and we can let people know that, you know, the world is a bit different than they thought? Not that we shouldn't just announce that we have friends."

  Dareg fought off a desire to shake his head, since there were difficulties in such a grand plan, but the idea got a nod from Count Ward, who seemed very serious about it. He glanced at his wife, but then locked eyes with Dorgal.

  "That... Isn't a bad plan, to be honest. If it can be managed safely. Would that be allowable with you, Dorgal? It's your birthday we're talking about potentially overshadowing here."

  The man at the head of the table covered a tight smile with his left hand, pretending to rub at his mustache. His smooth skin crinkled just a bit at the eyes.

  "Why not? It would be a treat, just for the location. So, who should we ask to attend? I was thinking of having Marco in, but..." That got a look around the table.

  Everyone looked away, as if not wanting to talk about the issue, which meant that Dareg had no clue what it was all about. Even trying to clear his mind, all he got was that this person, Marco, was a slight problem.

  Rather than make him ask about it, Maria actually seemed to work out that Dare wouldn't know the topic or problem with it, and explained. Subtly enough that he didn't have to feel too badly about her doing it.

  "Marco Sorvee is a famous musician, but he mainly works and lives in Austra. There's always a problem with transportation for such things. We can hire the Fast Travel Service, but he lives away from the main port there, so it's difficult to arrange pickup. It can take days for him to travel to the right point by ground car, and he's actually busy enough that sitting in a coach, or their version of it, isn't a good use of his time according to his handlers there. Not that Marco isn't willing. He loves his cousin. They were best friends, growing up."

  There was enough there for him to work things out he decided. This Marco was important to Dorgal, and he wouldn't want to leave him out, since that would be rude on several levels. At the same time there were some small issues with getting him around, because the slavers that held him wanted non-stop work from him. Which, if you were going to have someone like that, made sense. A pet musician would only have value if he was there to play and sing for you, after all.

  "Let me see if I can set something up? If nothing else, we can get his people to send him along to play music in the void, can't we? Then let the people of Austra see his concert? That will mean having his whole group with him, no doubt, but it isn't like the space will be too hard to come by." The ship could be made incredibly vast after all.

  Dorgal nodded, which got the rest of them too as well.

  "That might work. If it isn't too much to ask? I suddenly feel like my offhand comment is making work for you, and we've only met a few times, even if we are family."

  That got him to blink, in real shock, trying to work that relationship out. Collette and Tor dated, he thought. They were close enough that the woman, and her husband, lived full time at one of Tor's palaces. So much so that they were able to take the head of the table without it being out of place. Still, that wouldn't make them family.

  So he asked, hoping that being foolish wouldn't be that bad of a social miss-step at the moment.

  "I missed that one? We're related?"

  Dorgal smiled then, openly.

  "Second cousins? Douglas Baker changed his name, but was originally a Sorvee. He's my uncle, as it turns out. In fact, I should contact him soon, just to make certain we hold to strong bonds. People get lost if you don't find them occasionally." Those words got agreement from everyone, which was also a point, Dare decided. A thing to learn, even if not meant as a direct lesson for him.

  "Oh? Well, that's interesting then! Here I thought I was just pushing my way into your special celebration for my own ends. Family though... I don't know how to really do that part of things. That gives me a good enough reason to liberate Marco however, doesn't it?" If he was enslaved, or under a contract of indenture, Tor would probably be willing to help. Buy out the payment needed for freedom, or whatever.

  If not, then he could steal the man away, if he were clever enough about it.

  Collette dimpled at him, as if he were being charming. It was lightly flirtatious, but probably in that way that the noble women seemed to use to set up their plans with people, rather than a real attempt to get him to do anything with her directly.

  "That does sound right. I can get you an introduction to him, in a few days?"

  They chatted for a bit, and when the food came he mainly took his time eating. It was a lot, but his middle didn't pain him when it was done. There were ten courses of food, but the plates had been made up to have more of it for him, and Count Ward, than for the others. Since they were using the food manufacturing magics, that had to have been on purpose and he knew that no one would be stinted so he could have extra.

  At the end of the meal, feeling full, but not stuffed, he was surprised by the sudden change in demeanor coming from everyone there. Marvin stood up almost immediately.

  "I need to contact some people, and inform them of this trip. King Richard, if he'll take my message this late."

  Dorgal did much the same.

  "I need my crew mates. If anyone is around at this hour." They both hurried off, as Maria and Collette stood as well.

  Maria smiled, though it seemed dark inside, somehow.

  "For my portion, I need to see to a few things. Prince Dareg... I'd invite you to come with me, but I fear it won't be thrilling at this point. Collette?"

  She looked annoyed suddenly. At first Dareg didn't get it, but she glanced at him, sharply.

  "I need to connect with some others as well, if we're taking a dangerous trip to a far off place such as this. I..."

  He got it and smiled.

  "I should do something similar, actually. I hadn't thought about it, but all this talk of family reminded me of some obligations of my own."

  That was enough for the woman to take a deep breath and sigh.

  "Ah? Very good. It's incredibly rude of us to all jump up from the table and leave a guest like this. If you need to work as well, then... At least we can spread the blame around?" She sounded really worried about it, like he might have said what he had simply to be polite.

  Standing he nodded to her and then Countess Ward.

  "Good plan? I can bear my part. Plus, I didn't even know that was a rule, so, as you might imagine, I'm not going to be bothered by it. I need to call my... Sister."

  The word felt strange to him, but it was a real and probably good point.

  Through some strange, unwholesome and possibly illegal fashion, the fifty-odd year old Queen of Noram was his half sister. Worse, she seemed to be taking that part of things as real. The thing there, as he'd thought of at the meal, was that he didn't really know what his part in things were
supposed to be. She didn't seem to know what to do either that way, or at least hadn't been reaching out to him every ten minutes with tasks for him to perform.

  Pulling his handheld Dareg moved to an empty, but large room near the front door. It was possible to see him, from there, he thought, as long as he sat in the second chair away from the opening to the room. That way he wouldn't seem to be in hiding from everyone else if they needed him.

  He tapped the device into play, and then waited, trying to make his face seem polite. It took a while for an answer to come, though it was the Queen herself, looking youthful and pretty. She had a disguise amulet on, since her age seemed to distress her, more than a little.

  "Dareg? Is there something?" She was whispering, and looked around carefully. There were manly voices in the background, and from the tone of the words one of them was the King. The other was more distant, but seemed to be Count Ward. The speech was slow and measured in pace, but he couldn't make out all that was said. "There seems to be an event here... I don't wish to be rude to you." Her voice became a little louder, and it was clear that she'd moved away from where the King had sat, talking.

  He let himself stare at her for a bit, searching for some commonality between them. Some bit or part that was the same, like family. The oddest thing was that there, in the nose and around the eyes, it really did seem to exist.

  "Hess is coming to sweep Count Ward and about ten others away to the new fleet? They're going to show them how to use the food units that Timon provided for them. We kind of forgot to do that part. Not that they won't work it out, but it might be easier for them if they're just shown. I helped set it up, then realized that I've been dodging out on you, so thought I could use filling you in on it as an excuse to not be a horrible little brother. That's a good plan, yeah?"

  She lit up then and sighed.

  "Ah? Is that the plan? Marvin Ward is being a bit... Official with it all. I can see that, since there have been troubles in the past with County Ward. You know of this however? Are you going as well?" She seemed to be hinting that might be for the best.

  Dare shook his head.

  "Not the plan. I need to sleep tonight. I started training, fighting and magic, so rest is important now." Not that it hadn't been for him, but the words got her to light up again, as if it were good to hear.

  "Oh? How wonderful. I've been working to get tutors for you. I hear from Countess Printer that you intend to attend her school, past this winter season? You'll still need to learn courtly graces, and social aspects of things. I can send someone for that... Yes. I know just the man. He can cover Austran rules as well." She looked away, but didn't move. From the direction of her gaze, and the concern there, she was looking at what her king was doing.

  The thought of the king got him to recall the plans for Dorgal's birthday, in a month.

  "Oh! Can you and King Richard get free next month? I don't have a date for it yet, but Dorgal Sorvee is having his birthday celebration in orbit around Jupiter, and wishes you both to be there. We're asking all the ancients and the world leaders. Plus family, and a group of scientists... You know we should get some builders and others in too, just to keep it all in balance."

  That was going to make things too large, too fast, so he decided not to do that kind of random thing. Still, the Queen looked impressed, the thin circlet on her head, on top of her slightly red hair, glinting a bit as she moved back toward her husband.

  "That sounds incredible, Dareg. We'll need the date, but given who you plan to invite, I think we can at least make an effort to be there as well. Jupiter... That sounds amazing. I wouldn't even credit it as being real, if I hadn't seen the Saturn mission." She looked up, and then back at him.

  "I think I should go and share this. Do you think we should send a representative?"

  That one was baffling.

  "We are. Everyone going is a representative of Earth. I think that the people we have can handle things. It won't take more than a few hours. Even if Hess doesn't want to bring them back, I can do that in the morning. Not that he won't. He's a wonderful being."

  She bowed then.

  "I'll pass your words along then. Thank you Dareg. I've been... Not pushing at you on purpose. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do in regards to you. I fear we're in uncharted territory here, you and I."

  He bowed back.

  "I know! Well, I guess we just do things and try not to annoy each other too much? You'll probably be better at that than I am. I mean so far you haven't actually bugged me at all."

  That got a polite chuckle instead of a scowl, which was nice of her.

  "Good. I need to go, I fear. I can get with you on this? How late will you be taking calls?"

  "For you, always. But the real answer is that I want to be in bed inside three hours, if I can. Don't let that stop you however, if you need me."

  That got a nod, and the handheld went dark suddenly as some voices started to rise in the background. Which was interesting, since his sister normally took at least five minutes to say goodbye. Hopefully something he'd said would smooth and explain. No one else was walking around, except two of the servants, one of whom looked into the room, then came in all the way, once Dare was noticed. It was the dapper man in black, Stephen, the butler.

  "Sir, would you like a refreshment while you wait?"

  Dareg thought about it but wasn't hungry or thirsty any longer.

  "No, thank you. If anyone needs me, I'll be in here? I need to..." He had his handheld out, so hefted it, not knowing what he was supposed to do.

  The butler didn't make him lie however.

  "Very good, sir. I'll make sure that is known. Please call if you need anything?"

  "Thank you."

  The man moved off with purpose. Looking at the focus stone piece in his right hand, Dareg worked the massive list there, and noticed that he settled on Jan, from the Austran media team. Then he checked the time where she was, and found that it was actually nearing ten in the morning there, so he tabbed her name, wondering if she actually kept the device near her all the time like he did.

  Less than ten seconds later, her plain, un-made up face appeared. The tattoo that had been on her cheek, of Saturn, was gone already, but her hair was streaked with purple and blue. She tried to be plain as a rule, which wasn't her land's way, or at least she used to do that, months before.

  Seeing his face, she let her chin come up, and looked professional.

  "Prince Dareg. How may I help you today?"

  He was almost at a loss, for about five seconds, then shrugged.

  "King Dorgal, the former king of Vagus, is holding his birthday party in orbit, around Jupiter, next month. I'm inviting most of the world's leaders and... Revered ones. Also some aliens, from the incoming fleet. We're planning to get the word out about that." He waited, and got a funny reaction from the woman.

  "Um, sorry? Aliens?"

  "Right. You haven't heard about that one yet. It's a known thing, but hasn't really been announced. They're friendly. Three fleets. Two of them left Earth about three thousand years ago. One of them is really alien though. So we'll want you and your team with us. All of you. I'll try to set up some meetings before then, with them? So you can ask questions and get interviews."

  She... Laughed.

  "Are you kidding me?"

  He shook his head, and nearly suggested she get with Hess, but didn't want to bother the poor Ambassador more than he was that day.

  "It's real. Also not scary or frightening. Not that part of it. There are other things... Can we meet to talk about that? In a few days? Oh... I also need to find a man that's in Austra. I don't have any contacts there though. Marco Sorvee? I can get you the spelling on that." He was just a musician after all. One that wasn't allowed to come and go on his own accord it seemed.

  Instead of asking him to kindly soak his head, the woman whistled. It was a single, but long, note.

  "I'd ask if you were doing drugs, but you are a Prince. He might come an
d play for you, and this former king of yours. Vagus? That sounds exotic. Can we afford to hire him?"

  That shouldn't be a problem, but he nodded.

  "We can, but shouldn't need to. Dorgal is his cousin and best friend. I don't know about his handlers, or what kind of control they have over him? Slavery isn't really legal there is it?"

  There was a bit smile at the words.

  "Nope. Not even a bit. I think he's under contract with one of the big three music companies here, but they'll want to get people in place for this. We could probably charge them for the honor. I can see about setting that up? At least with his people. You might want to get with him, being famous yourself. I have to imagine he wouldn't talk to me."

  Dareg didn't know about that, but nodded.

  "I'll do that. Now, actually. If he has one of these handhelds... Not everyone does, after all."

  Jan asked a few more questions about the party portion of things, and who was going to be invited, then gracefully, and politely, got on with her day.

  Most people were hard to find on the devices, he'd noticed, since the names they gave him day to day, were different than what had been put in the devices originally. They'd have titles or different last names due to marriages, and things like that.

  Marco Sorvee was just under that name. Not certain what to say, Dare got in touch with him, and while it took longer for the device to pick up than with Jan, it happened after about half a minute. It was a woman that did it, and she had bright pink hair that looked to be shaved on one side. That entire portion of her head glittered in silvery waves, which was interesting to see.

  "Hiya." She looked to be in her twenties or so, and had a thick Austran accent.

  "Hello! I'm trying to contact Marco Sorvee?" He was about to give his name and title, when the woman started shouting.

  "Marco! Some kid is on the phone fer ya. Sounds foreign. Cute though. I like his fake beard." Her accent was familiar, but thick enough that it took actual concentration to pick up what she was saying.


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