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Peyton’s Price: A Singular Obsession Novel

Page 16

by Leroux, Lucy

  Both of their hands on her was sensory overload, but then Liam dipped his head, determined to taste her.

  His dark hair brushed the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, and she gasped. “No, no. I don’t want you to do that.”

  It had been different with Matthias. Not knowing him as well had helped her get over her embarrassment, but this was different. This was Liam.

  His mouth didn’t move. Instead, his tongue snaked out, licking her from top to bottom. Peyton whimpered and writhed, but she couldn’t move under Matthias’ restraining hold. “Just relax, baby. I promise you’ll enjoy this.”

  By the time he finished the sentence, Peyton could barely process words. She was moaning aloud as Liam licked and probed, using his hands and mouth in a plundering invasion.

  Peyton whimpered as her pussy began to heat and swell. She lost all sense of time and space as he lathed her clit, tasting her intimate flesh until she was seething and rocking, almost grinding into his face. Long minutes passed. Shameless in her abandon, she gloried in his every caress as the waves built, one upon the other until she was pulsing down there. Aching and swollen, she felt the warning stirrings of an approaching climax.

  Liam must have sensed the change. He increased his tempo, but it wasn’t until Matthias whispered in her ear, cupping and kneading her breast, that she arched, convulsing in a splintering orgasm as he pinched her nipples.

  Liam didn’t give her a chance to recover before he moved up her body. Bracing himself with his hands, he shifted between her legs, his thickly muscled thighs coming to rest between her still-spread legs. She felt him against her, thick and hard, and then he was pushing against her.

  The burn wasn’t unexpected, but the intensity took her breath away.

  “Easy,” Matthias said as she heaved, her chest pumping up and down a bit too fast.

  “Are you okay, Peyton?” Liam’s voice was strained. The muscles in his arms shook as he held himself, the effort to go slow and gentle taking a clear toll.

  “I’m okay. Don’t stop.” She had waited too long for this for Liam’s innate chivalry and concern for her to stand in the way.

  Peyton couldn’t move much, but when Liam held himself still, she pushed her heels against the mattress, pumping up and down a little without meaning to. It stung, but the slippery hard heat was too compelling. She wanted more.

  “Peyton,” Liam groaned. He flexed his hips, and his hard length pushed in another inch.

  It was his turn to gasp. “Shit, how are you this tight?”

  “Virgin,” Matthias reminded him.

  Liam swore, muttering something unintelligible as he inched forward, sliding home with a loud groan. Peyton’s mouth gaped as her body tried in vain to adjust. The sense of fullness was indescribable.

  “Let go of my arms,” Peyton begged. Matthias obliged with a murmur, but she didn’t let go of him. Waiting until she had wrapped her arms around Liam’s neck as he buried his face in her neck, she grabbed Matthias’ hand. Both men’s breath was hot against her skin.

  She was too warm. Being covered by Liam was like being wrapped in a blanket stuffed with hot coals, but she reveled in his heat and the rough satin of his skin too much to let him go.

  Liam took her mouth again, his tongue imitating the movement of his hips. Each time he surged, she had to bite back a gasp. It hurt, but the pain was nothing compared to the pleasure.

  Her body slowly adapted to the foreign invasion. Peyton flexed her inner muscles experimentally, squeezing his hard cock inside her. Her rhythm wasn’t quite right at first, but he guided with little murmurs and a hand on her hip. Soon she was moving in concert with him, taking his entire length and squeezing around him at the right time.

  Recognizing the signs of another orgasm, Peyton clutched at Matthias’ hands for support as Liam drove deeper, his hips slapping against hers as he took her hard and fast. All too soon, those little flutters became spasms as she let go, surrendering her will and body in an intense climax.

  “Oh hell.” Peyton arched and whimpered. Her vision blurred, darkening as rapture burned through her.

  Liam groaned aloud when she went hot and slick around him. He swore again, his hips pistoling hard before he shouted. Inside her, his cock swelled and contracted as he emptied his heat, pouring his seed into her. He collapsed on her. This time, the tears did come. They broke past the barrier of her lids, sliding down her cheek as she shuddered in the aftermath.

  Liam took several minutes to recover, but then Matthias nudged him, and he raised his head.

  The way Liam looked at her made her heart contract, but it was over too soon. He rolled off her, stretching out on the bed next to them with a rumbling sigh that almost rattled her bones.

  His eyes were drifting shut when Matthias moved, adjusting her until she was lying high against his chest. And then she felt something else.

  “Oh fuck,” she squeaked as Matthias flexed his hips, driving his hard cock into her from behind. Peyton’s arms flung out. She was splayed against him, impaled on his cock.

  Laughing Matthias covered her mouth, kissing the soft skin next to her ear as she twisted to check Liam’s reaction.

  He was still lying motionless next to them, but he was tense as if he were holding his breath. Matthias didn’t care, however. He continued to pump, holding her pressed against his chest, fucking her relentlessly as her other lover watched. If Peyton had a chance to think, she would have said her over-sensitized body was too drained for another climax. But Matthias’ hands were on her breasts, kneading in time to his thrusts.

  Liam reached out, taking her hand. “Are you okay?” he mouthed.

  Peyton moaned in response, and the concern melted out of his expression. The corners of his mouth turned up as he scanned her body being played by Matthias’ talented hands.

  Liam wasn’t a man known for his sharing, compromising attitude. He’d built a hotel empire through ruthless cutthroat deal making. He was notoriously overprotective of those close to him, and he was more than capable of raining down hell if someone unworthy so much as got near them.

  She hadn’t had time to think about how he would react to another man’s hands on her, but her brain couldn’t have pictured him watching her with those burning eyes while another man took her.

  Thankfully, all she could read in his expression was lust. It had been briefly sated, but it was growing again. Stronger this time. However, he looked too exhausted to do anything about it.

  Matthias pinched her nipple, making her whimper under his hand. He was still covering her mouth, but she knocked it away to suck in a deeper breath. His hand moved down, stroking her clit with until she writhed, lost in the storm of a third climax as his member slid and surged, grinding against her as he came at the same time.

  When she regained her senses, Peyton was still clutching Liam’s hand. Matthias pressed a kiss to the back of her neck before moving away. He climbed off the bed, returning shortly with three warm wet washcloths. He tossed one to Liam, who quickly cleaned up. Too spent to move her arms Peyton allowed herself to be cleaned before he discarded the towels. Liam’s eyes were closed, but when Matthias returned, Liam opened them and gave them both a sleepy smile. Tugging her closer, he pulled her into his arms. Matthias cuddled against her back.

  Peyton was half-asleep when Liam moved his arm, throwing it across her waist. She cracked a lid to make sure he wasn’t pushing Matthias away.

  He hadn’t.

  Instead, he’d grasped the other man’s forearm, including him in their embrace before he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 27

  Liam was a machine. After sleeping sixteen hours that first night, he woke up refreshed and raring to go. His energy replenished, he threw himself into relaxing, his only goal to eat and sleep and to make her scream her head off with multiple orgasms every few hours.

  Matthias wasn’t much better. He spent those first few days like a hedonist indulging his favorite concubines. If he wasn’t holding her down as
Liam fucked her, then he was behind her, pumping his thick cock into her body like a gladiator set loose in a harem.

  At first, Peyton shamelessly indulged. After a lifetime of living on fantasy and self-pleasure alone, she was in the hands of not one, but two, sex gods. And despite what she’d assumed when she learned the two had been lovers, their focus had been fixed squarely on her and not each other.

  Of course, no woman could sustain that level of hedonistic gluttony for long. Especially when she’d been a virgin mere days ago. Though it pained her to do it, she had to ask Liam and Matthias for a day or two of recovery. She was too sore for more sex.

  Despite her fleeting concern, both took her news with good grace. In fact, Liam scolded her for not asking for a break sooner.

  “I should have realized,” he said one morning as he lay next to her in bed, engrossed in stroking the bare skin of her hip. “This was too much, too soon.”

  “She just needs a brief respite. But that doesn’t mean we have to stop all the fun,” Matthias said, tugging her away from him and moving down her body.

  With creativity like that, her brief period of abstinence passed very pleasantly indeed.

  Luxury was a byword on the Ormen Lange, but after Liam arrived, everything changed. Now the warm tropical air was brimming with fulfilled sensuality. Peyton was decadently pampered and pleasured to the point of indecency. Her every desire was satisfied, including a few she hadn’t even known she had—including the emotional ones.

  Once the dam was broken, Liam didn’t hold back. He told her he loved her every day. Matthias didn’t come forward with a similar declaration, but she didn’t mind his hesitancy. It was too soon for him. However, he did seem happy. At the moment, that was all that mattered to her.

  Whether they had sex or not, they all share Matthias’ massive bed every night. Peyton loved waking up with both of them every morning. But one morning, Matthias wasn’t there.

  “Relax,” Liam told her as he joined her for breakfast on the deck outside the main stateroom. “If he’s not here, he’s in his office. In fact, if you can’t find him, that’s the only place you ever need to look for him. The man never stops working.”

  That hadn’t been her experience, but Peyton was familiar with the long hours tycoons worked. The fact Liam was saying that about anyone else was a touch too much irony. She tore apart a flaky and buttery croissant. “Pot, meet kettle,” she said sarcastically before dipping a piece of the bread in her coffee.

  Grinning, Liam threw himself on the cushioned bench next to her. “At least I know how to relax. Work hard, play hard. You know it has always been my motto.”

  “Yes, I’m well aware,” she said drily, remembering his many former playmates.

  She threw her long legs over his lap in a territorial gesture. Now that she had him, she wasn’t going to let Liam Tyler get away. He was hers. He’d always been hers. It had just taken the jerk a long time to realize it.

  Happily, he wasn’t acting like an oblivious idiot now. He stroked her legs in between bites of breakfast. Sighing, Peyton let her legs part in silent invitation.

  “I think we’ve created a monster,” Liam said, but his eyes flared. Coughing, he pressed her legs back together. “But you’re still sore and I don’t need the temptation, no matter how much I want you—and believe me, after that last dry spell, I’m ready to go.”

  Peyton was about to tell him she had rested long enough, but she was distracted by what he’d said. “What does that mean?”

  “Hmm?” Liam hummed, his mouth full of bacon.

  “You said it’s been a long time.”

  He shrugged. “Before this weekend, it had been a long-ass time. In fact, the last partner was with this one,” he said, gesturing to Matthias as he appeared on the deck.

  “What was that?” the other man asked as he sat in a chair across from them.

  “Peyton was asking about the last time I had sex,” Liam said.

  “And it was with me?” Matthias was incredulous.

  Liam shrugged. To him, she knew, embarrassment was for peasants. “Yeah, so?”

  “Well, that was like a year and a half ago. Or two even.”

  Liam dismissed his lengthy period of celibacy with a wave.

  Peyton wasn’t ready to let it go. “But you got back together with Caroline not that long after. You even got engaged.”

  She wasn’t sure if she would get over that last part.

  “I thought I explained all this. Caroline wasn’t comfortable with a physical relationship after what happened with Matthias, and I respected that.”

  Her brow creased. “And you were going to get married anyway?”

  Liam put down the fork, clearing his throat. “She and I were planning to do our own thing,” he confessed. “Caroline was chiefly interested in the other aspects of marriage—mostly being a hotel-owning super couple. And we were friends…”

  He reached out for Peyton’s hand. “I feel bad for how things went down with her, but it was my fault for agreeing to marry her.”

  “So, I was the last sex you had?” Matthias gloated.

  “Don’t look so smug,” Peyton said, raising her glass. “I’m the one who broke his fast.”

  Matthias laughed aloud, reaching for the coffee pot.

  “Broke my everything else, too.” Liam groaned. “I am officially ruined for all other women.”

  “Good,” she said. “But speaking of your past…when am I going to see some hot man-on-man action?”

  Liam frowned, nonplussed. “I don’t know. When the spirit moves us?”

  Matthias couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from her legs. “I’m not in a hurry. I think we’re both consumed with other matters now. Namely you.”

  The sun was getting stronger. Peyton reached for the sunglasses she’d left on the table. “Well, I won’t complain about that, but I would like to add that I want this to work. And if that means I should make myself scarce so you two can have some private time, just tell me.”

  “I don’t see a need for that,” Matthias said, turning to Liam. “Am I right?”

  Liam nodded, then laughed. “Also, privacy might be counter-productive. If memory serves me right, this one is a bit of an exhibitionist.”

  “Only in places where no one can identify us,” Matthias replied before turning to Peyton. “Besides, this is about all three of us. Without you, none of us would be here.”

  “I agree,” Liam said. “But to be safe, I think we need to set some ground rules.”

  Matthias put down his coffee, his mouth tightening. “What did you have in mind? I thought we were all getting on just fine, going where the currents carry us.”

  “We are, or I am, at least,” Liam said. “But it’s inevitable that some things will change. We’re going to need to make sure we carve out enough time for each other. You and I both have demanding jobs. While Peyton’s not working now, I know her. She’s going to want to or she’ll feel unproductive, which will make her unhappy.”

  The man knew her well. “I am fine for now, but he’s right. Coding is like breathing. I haven’t gone this long without a computer—well, like ever.” She moved, tucking her legs underneath her. “What I’d like to know is what to tell people. I can tell Maggie about the three of us, right?”

  Liam grimaced. “Uh, yeah, of course. But you may want to consider leaving some stuff out.”

  “Like what?” she asked.

  “Like me,” Matthias interrupted with a smirk. “That is what you’re suggesting, right?”

  “He wouldn’t do that.” Peyton was incensed on his behalf. She turned to Liam for confirmation, but he winced and looked away.

  “This won’t work if we hide what we are,” she said in a clipped voice.

  Liam put his hands up. “I know. But I think you’re overestimating how accepting and open our family and friends are going to be.”

  “Who are you worried about? Calen?” His macho best friend was the only one she could see having an is
sue. But they had been friends for years. Calen would come to terms with Liam’s true sexuality.

  “It’s not him. In fact, Calen’s been a butthead for the last couple of years, urging me to come out of the closet.”

  “Oh.” Peyton blinked. “Then we have nothing to worry about. Unless you think it’s going to affect your business dealings?”

  “Of course not. Besides, I wouldn’t work with someone who had an issue with who I slept with. My concern is you.”


  His glance was a touch condescending. “Do you really think my siblings are going to be okay with this? They’re more protective of you than I am. Everyone is going to think I’m corrupting you or worse. They might think you’re only doing a threesome because I pushed you into it. Mags will kill me.”

  Perhaps she was being a little naive, but Peyton was too protective of this budding relationship to compromise. “Maggie will be fine. She’ll worry, of course. But she knows I can’t be pushed into doing anything I don’t want to do.”

  Liam reached for the as-yet-untouched champagne bottle chilling in a bucket of ice next to the table. He popped the cork, then splashed a liberal amount into his orange juice. “There’s still Trick. And let’s not forget about Ethan Thomas. Hell, that bastard will probably go after me with his gun.”

  “Who’s Ethan Thomas?” Matthias asked, his head bobbing back and forth like a spectator at a tennis match.

  “Ethan is my brother-in-law’s partner at the bureau. He’s in love with Peyton,” Liam said flatly.

  “No, he’s not!”

  Liam lifted a single eyebrow, a corner of his mouth turning up sardonically. “You’re in denial.”

  Matthias snorted. “Do we have competition?”

  “The contest is over. We’re all set now. Ethan’s out of the picture,” Liam said with satisfaction. He turned to Peyton. “But you have to be ready for his reaction. You know Ethan’s not going to take this well. He hates me, and he’s going to despise Matthias. I mean, look at him.” He gestured to encompass the Nordic man’s blond perfection. “He looks like Hercules with a haircut.”


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