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Page 10

by Poznanski, Toby

  “Please. Oh, please.”

  “Please what?” He teased softly and squeezed the cheeks of her butt, then gently bit her nipple.

  Jennifer went wild, her body arched off the bed. Her hands grabbed his shoulders tightly as she cried out and tried to pull him to her. Trying to press her pelvis against his, she moaned in frustration. Why couldn’t he understand what she wanted? What she needed so desperately?

  “Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” he teased again.

  The affectionate name didn’t register in Jennifer’s dazed mind. All she knew was that somehow she had to tell him what she wanted before she went totally crazy. “Make love to me!” she demanded. But Ryan only laughed softly and continued his quest to kiss every inch of her. That he stalled at her breasts was of no consequence, except that he was sucking her nipple and slowly driving her out of her mind. Jennifer was panting, tossing her head from side to side. Those noises, they must be coming from her. Tiny little squeals of delight and passion. Tiny little groans of rapture and ecstasy.

  Suddenly the world turned quiet and still. The only sounds she heard were coming from the balcony---the tranquil sounds of the ship slicing through the water. As her perception broadened, she became aware of the gentle rolling motion of the ship and the breeze fluttering the sheer drapes from the open balcony doors.

  “Protection,” he whispered while he tore open a foil packet and sheathed himself.

  With that final thought, his patience disappeared and he kissed her, a long, passionate kiss that rekindled all the fires and made more rash promises. Promises he knew he would have to keep.

  Keep them he would. “Spread your legs so that you straddle me,” he coaxed.

  Jennifer needed no further encouragement. She slipped over him and positioned her vulva against his hard length. His hands moved from her breasts to her hips where he began to move her gently over his sex. The motion caught her off guard and she cried out in ecstasy as her body quivered with pleasure.

  “Easy, Jenn, easy,” he whispered. “Guide me in,” he coaxed gently while she eased the tip of his penis inside her.

  At the feel of him, she whimpered with delight and need. Not willing to wait any longer, she pushed herself down and sheathed him completely. A quick hot pain shot through her, then subsided. Jennifer looked down at Ryan and saw compassion and regret in his expression. “Don’t worry,” she whispered, “I’m okay.”

  Happily, she started moving, aggressive little strokes at first, teasing Ryan while sending herself into a state of helpless need. Then Ryan took over, holding her hips while he thrust inside building the flames to a fever pitch. She cried out at she felt herself slip into a mindless passion that sent her over the edge.

  “Kiss me, Jenn,” Ryan commanded hoarsely. Still in the throes of passion, she seized his mouth and devoured him, sucking him, biting him, and crying out with him when he came beneath her in violent thrusts of passion and need.

  Limp and boneless, Jennifer relaxed against Ryan’s chest. “I could get used to this,” she sighed. Ryan didn’t answer, but hugged her and began stroking his hands across her back. Words weren’t necessary to fill up the silence. It was already filled with the beating of their hearts. Jennifer instinctively knew she would always remember this wonderful moonlit night with the sounds of the sea, the breeze floating across her body, and the man she loved holding her in his arms.

  Ryan breathed deeply enjoying the feel of the warm woman spent so delightfully in his arms. Jennifer was so responsive. Her enthusiasm made love-making so much easier and spontaneous. Amazingly enough, he felt satisfied. Not just physically, but emotionally. That was a new experience for him. Ordinarily, he was always ready to be on his way after the passion, but being a gentleman first and proud of his reputation for satisfying a woman second, he always hung around to talk. This was a first for him. He felt the same way she did. He could really get used to this, but he wasn’t ready to admit it. He had issues that needed tending and the woman in his arms needed a man who was emotionally willing.

  Ryan tugged the bed sheet up so that he could cover them. A short nap, and he’d be going back to his cabin. It wouldn’t do for Mike to get wind of this romance. Ryan lifted Jennifer off and turned her on her side. She scooted that enticing butt of hers against him and he gently caressed her breasts. Ah, yes. Seni bei.


  “I told you he would be here, so you’re going to have to pay up.” A woman’s voice, filled with soft laughter, broke the silence and edged into his consciousness.

  “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.” The incredulous tone of the man’s voice cut through his sleep with a familiar nudge.

  Ryan awoke to the words. He wasn’t sure just who they belonged to, but he knew he wasn’t dreaming them. Slowly he opened his eyes. The cabin was flooded with bright sunlight and a tousled-haired woman lie sleeping in his arms. Jennifer. Details of the warm wonderful night before came flooding back. Jennifer in his arms while she begged him to make love to her. Jennifer sobbing when he sucked her nipples. Jennifer’s ecstatic expression when she sheathed him and tightened her muscles. In the next moment he was hard and ready. Ready for his delightfully passionate Jennifer.

  Ryan looked past Jennifer to the sliding glass doors leading to the balcony. The doors were completely open and a cool Atlantic breeze gently teased at the edges of the sheer curtains he had pulled back the night before so they could enjoy the moonlight. The coverlet to the bed had fallen off during the night. Their clothes were strewn across the floor in haphazard disarray. One sexy high heel shoe sat on top the counter of the dressing table, next to an open bottle of perfume.

  Ryan noticed there was no movement of the ship, so he knew they were sitting in port. Off in the distance he heard the noise of traffic and a steel band playing Calypso for the tourists who would soon be disembarking. Obviously, they had slept late. But what about the voices? Had they come from the balcony of the next cabin or had he imagined them? When he heard a slight rustle, he glanced down toward the foot of the bed to see two people standing there, quietly watching him as if he were a laboratory specimen. Mike! No, Mike and Sheila, he corrected himself.

  “I can’t believe, after all the lectures, after all the orders to stay away from the passengers, you are in bed with Jennifer. You’re late. We were supposed to meet twenty minutes ago.” Mike looked suspiciously calm for such angry words. “I’ve got some things to say to you, big brother, and you’re going to listen.” His eyes danced with unspoken humor, but Ryan failed to notice.

  “Not now, Mike,” Ryan groaned and rubbed his hand over his eyes. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll meet you up at Neptune’s Court for breakfast.” He felt Jennifer stir and held her tightly. If she sat up, the sheet would fall, and she was deliciously naked underneath. There was no way he was going to give Mike an eyeful, not to mention allowing Jennifer additional embarrassment.

  “What’s wrong?” Jennifer asked sleepily while fighting with the covers to sit up. What was holding her tightly in place? Then she realized where she was, and who she was with, and what they had been doing. She turned her head to see Mike smiling down at her. He looked like a fair version of Ryan, all muscles and trim good looks. Then she noticed Sheila standing just behind Mike with a smug victorious look on her face. How could this happen? She could feel a warm flush cover her chest and face. On top of that, she felt Ryan’s warm hard body against her and instantly knew he was ready for love. Of all the rotten luck!

  “Hi, Mike.” Jennifer smiled and tried not to think about the incredible male lying next to her with his testosterone filled body pressed next to hers. “Hi, Sheila. I guess we overslept.”

  “Hi, yourself,” Mike answered with a winning smile. “You’re doing just fine. It’s that brother of mine that’s running late.” He winked at Sheila and asked, “Could you take Jennifer to breakfast this morning? I’ve got business with Ryan.”

  “Sure thing,” Sheila answ
ered returning his smile. “Just don’t forget that I won the bet.”

  “What bet?” Ryan growled.

  Mike laughed and explained. “When I couldn’t find you, Sheila bet you would be here. I didn’t believe her, but here you are.”

  “Now you have to pay up.” Sheila kissed his cheek. “You owe me big time.”

  Mike grinned and kissed her back. “It will be my ever-loving pleasure, you imp!” Then he turned to Ryan. “Neptune’s Court in fifteen minutes, big brother. You’ve got some major explaining to do.”

  “Don’t push it,” Ryan growled.

  “Why not? Right now I’m holding all the cards.” Mike glanced at Jennifer before winking at Sheila again. “Have a good day ladies.”

  As he walked out of the cabin, Sheila looked to Jennifer then to Ryan. “I’ll be back in five minutes.” She grabbed her purse from the vanity and left them in stunned silence.

  Right now Ryan wanted nothing more than to turn and make love to the voluptuous woman lying in his arms. She was ready and more than willing, and at this point, he had little control left. He was hard and wanting. He could feel her soft smooth skin beneath his hand and her shapely hips against his groin. But he knew better. The ship was in deep port and he had plans to go diving. At the moment, he was in no mood to deal with Mike and whatever he wanted to dish out to him. But deal he must. As owner and CEO of Exercisetech, he was still in command and control, regardless of what Mike might think.

  Ryan pressed his face into Jennifer’s sweet smelling hair and kissed her. “Good morning, Beautiful.”

  “Good morning to you too,” she answered cheerfully.

  “How are you feeling after our night of lovemaking?” he asked, concern lacing his voice.

  Jennifer rolled over to face him and caressed his cheek, feeling the soft morning growth on his skin. “Wonderful,” she smiled, “and hungry.”

  “Well then, I guess we’d better get going.” He kissed her sweetly, then reluctantly climbed out of bed and began gathering his clothes. After pulling on his slacks, he walked over to Jennifer and kissed her again. “Enjoy St. Kitts,” he said gently, trying to hide his anger and frustration at Mike. “Talk to you later.”

  Jennifer nodded and watched him leave with the rest of his clothes and his shoes in hand. Nothing like a nice family feud to start off the day, she thought, as she scooted out of bed and headed for the shower. She was absolutely certain that Ryan would have made love to her again, if not for the early interruption. Naked, he was beautiful. All that masculine energy ready for her, desiring her . . . the attraction was almost overwhelming. If only he had turned the security lock last night. Now he would have time to regret their lovemaking and time to build his defenses again.

  Fighting back tears, she turned on the water for her shower. She wanted to be dressed and ready when Sheila came back. It was easier to answer questions and defend herself fully dressed she decided. Not that she would have to with Sheila. Sheila wanted her to find love, to experience the wonder of sex with a tender, caring man. However, this was one time that she should have minded her own business.

  Slipping off her robe, she stepped into the shower. After soaking herself in the hot water, she grabbed the shampoo. But before she even had the cap off, she heard a knock at the door. It must be room service, she decided. She shivered as she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower into the air-conditioned bathroom. Quickly, she threw on a robe and dripping wet, opened the door for the steward. “Balcony, please.”

  She picked up a few bills from the vanity drawer and handed them to the steward on his way out. This time when she stepped into the shower, she didn’t have interruptions. Jennifer wasted no time in showering and dressing. In fact, she was pleasantly pleased to find the coffee was still hot in the thermal carafe. After eating her fruit, she fixed her corn flakes. She might as well eat since she didn’t know when Sheila would come bouncing back.

  She had just finished her first cup of coffee when she heard the door open.

  “Eating without me?” Sheila’s voice inquired.

  “Join me, if you like.” Jennifer smiled and poured another cup.

  Sheila scooted the lounge chair across from Jennifer into the sunlight, adjusted the back to a half reclining position, then sat down and relaxed. “Well, I am glad to see that you and Ryan finally got together. Mike was upset, but I don’t understand why. Just because Ryan warned him not to get involved with the ladies on this trip is no reason for Mike to be so bent out of shape. After all, I’m sure Ryan has enough sense to realize that Mike and I are an item and he’s not giving Mike any grief about it.”

  “Thanks, Sheila.” Jennifer picked up a plate of pastries and passed them over to her. Sheila picked out one and nodded when Jennifer gestured to the coffee. “Why did you bring Mike to our cabin?”

  “We had a bet.”

  Jennifer stiffened at her friend’s casual statement, then settled deeper into the lounge chair. From the balcony she could see the shoreline of St. Kitts with its white beaches and sparkling blue waters. Sailboats dotted the bay, tossing lazily in the waves created by the incoming tide. The sounds of “We had a bet” were still ringing in her ears, portending an outcome she didn’t want to know. But still her curiosity drove her. “Just what was your bet?”

  “I bet him Ryan would be in bed with you this morning after a hot night of making love to you.” Sheila took the coffee carafe from Jennifer and poured herself a cup.

  Emotions hit Jennifer hard---surprise, betrayal, embarrassment---in rapid fire sequence. Hurt and confused, she picked up her coffee. It had been the most wonderful night of her life and her best friend was embarrassing her by making bets over it. “That’s it?” Anger laced her voice as she tried to calm down. “Anything else?”

  “You’re getting upset over nothing, Jenn. Mike thinks you are adorable.” Sheila took a bite out of her pastry and leaned back in her chair. “Anyway, I won. That’s what counts.”

  “You are so smug,” Jennifer groused. “What’s your payoff? A hot night in the sack?”

  Sheila laughed. “No, I’ve already had that. Mike is paying for a full day of water sports when we stop in the Bahamas. A full day of play free—for me and you.”

  “What!” Jennifer jerked and spilled some of her coffee down the front of her shirt. The heat from the liquid seeped through the thin material and warmed her skin. She set the cup down and brushed at the spill with a napkin.

  “Mike was so sure I was wrong, that he actually came up with the idea, not me.” Sheila was grinning from ear to ear. “Obviously, he approves of you or he wouldn’t include you in the payoff.”

  “I don’t believe it,” Jennifer groaned. What could Ryan be thinking right now? Probably not sweet memories of last night, that was for sure.

  “Believe it.”

  “Didn’t you stop to think, to wonder why Mike was so certain?” Jennifer did. Now the pieces were starting to fit. Mike knew that Ryan didn’t want to get involved with anyone.

  “Not really. I knew that I had inside information, but I wasn’t sure he would still be here. So, I focused mostly on the bet and hoping I would win.”

  “Well, you won.” Jennifer answered, still angry about the light-hearted bet. “But you could have just as easily lost.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ryan didn’t want to make love to me. He didn’t even want to kiss me goodnight.” Jennifer took a deep breath and continued. “I’m the one who threw myself at him. It was the wine that weakened his defenses, not me.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Sheila finished off her pastry and wiped her fingers. “I’m not going to fall for that line. You are a beautiful and desirable woman, and he wants you. I see it in his eyes, the way he watches you, the way he smiles at you. Jennifer, you are blind when it comes to men.”

  “Sheila, he is attracted to me but he doesn’t want the involvement. He made it quite clear. After I forced the issue, he told me that all he could give me w
as a shipboard romance.” Embarrassed, she put her face in her hands for a moment, then looked back up at Sheila. “Do you really think that after Ryan learns his brother is betting on his sexual exploits that he will want to make love to me again?”

  Sheila looked contrite. “Well, he’s a man. He’ll definitely want to make love to you again.”

  “I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but how do you think I feel right about now?” Jennifer stood up and brushed the wrinkles from her slacks.

  “Awful?” Sheila offered.

  “Awful just about covers it.” Jennifer made her way over to the glass sliding doors then turned to look at Sheila. She was beautiful lying there in the morning sun. She would never have trouble attracting men. Not like Jennifer, who resorted to begging to get male attention.

  “What are you going to do?”

  For a brief moment she studied Sheila. “You needn’t worry. You’ve won your bet with Mike, hands down, just as I won the bet with you.” She stuffed her hands in her pockets and turned to leave. She needed to change her shirt and get away from everyone for a while. Then as an afterthought, she turned once more to her silent friend and added sadly, “In the future, don’t make me a subject of any more of your bets.”

  * * *

  Ryan made it in record time to Neptune’s Court where a lavish buffet breakfast was just getting under way. Mike fell in behind him at the fruit line and hummed the whole time they made their selections. Row after row of freshly sliced cantaloupe, honeydew, papaya, and guava were spread out before him. In the middle of the large display, bowls of fresh strawberries sat waiting to be spooned out. On either side, individual bowls with fresh orange segments or grapefruit halves were lined up for the taking. Ryan took some of everything, including the watermelon chunks at the end. He would come back later for the rest of the breakfast.

  After finding a table next to the windows, Ryan signaled the waiter to bring coffee. Mike settled in next to him, facing the windows and the ocean. Ryan noticed the waiter and other food service personnel were dressed casually in black slacks with tropical print green and beige shirts, adding a festive air to the atmosphere of the dining area.


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