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Page 15

by Poznanski, Toby

  So . . . Mr. Gorgeous wasn’t so detached after all. With quick movements she unzipped his pants and captured him in her hand. At his moan of protest, she felt his hand slide up the side of her inner thigh until it reached her vulva, where he caressed her, then slipped his fingers inside her. She froze, unable to finish her onslaught of his senses. Before she realized what had happened, her dress was off, and she found herself in mid-air being carried into the cabin, then gently dropped onto pillows piled high in front of the fireplace.

  Jennifer blinked. It seemed to her that just moments ago, Ryan had been fully dressed. Now he was spreading her thighs and situating himself on his knees between them. Naked. Buck naked. She looked at him with such longing that she thought she might die. He was gorgeous. His firm body glistened in the light from the fire. He was perfect, with broad shoulders and slim hips. His thighs were hard and muscular, just like his arms, and his abdomen was flat and taut. But, his masculine face was what held her attention. His cheekbones were high, hinting at a Native American ancestry, and his dark eyes with their sooty lashes danced with emotion.

  Jennifer closed her eyes and sighed. He was everything she’d ever wanted and so much more. She wished she could have him and these moments forever. Then she felt a strange sensation around her breasts. She opened her eyes and to her surprise, Ryan was dripping something on her.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing?” she asked.

  Ryan smiled and continued pouring the brown liquid straight down the front of her to her vulva. Ignoring her look of protest, he grabbed her ankle and pulled her foot in front of him. “I’m about to have dessert.”

  “You can’t be serious,” Jennifer replied and started to get up.

  Ryan pushed her leg back against her and pressed her back into the pillows. “Just lie back and enjoy. You’ll get your turn.”

  “Ryan,” she giggled. “No. It feels gooey!”

  “Of course, it does, Jenn. It’s chocolate!” Ryan laughed and covered her toes with the sticky substance, then slipped her big toe into his mouth and sucked.

  Jennifer shrieked and laughed as sensations rioted through her body. His tongue seemed to be everywhere—on top of her toes, around her toes, between her toes, licking up the sweet milk chocolate syrup. But it was when he sucked each toe that she thought she might faint from the sensual overload. Then he gave her feet a much needed reprieve and started licking the chocolate from her breasts. First he licked between her breasts, teasing his way to her nipples. Everywhere his tongue touched, he seared a path of fire and sensation. This time, when he sucked her breasts, she could only moan in pleasure. “Now, Ryan. Please, now,” she begged.

  “Not yet, Jenn. I’ve got places to go, chocolate to eat!” he laughed and began making his way down her body, licking away the chocolate, making sure he didn’t leave any behind. When she started to whimper softly, he stopped, looked up, and grinned.

  “Ryan,” she scolded softly, “you have chocolate all over your face.”

  “You, sweet Jennifer, have chocolate in all the right places.” Ryan laughed and went back to his ministrations, following the chocolate to her inner thigh, where his tongue sought out her tender clitoris and teased it with maddening persistence.

  Jennifer screamed as she felt the pulsating sensations begin to overtake her tenuous hold on reality. Suddenly, Ryan was there, inside her, rocking her, pleasuring her beyond her wildest beliefs. Her body took over and met his rhythm, climbing higher and higher, until the spasms overtook her and her mind went blank.

  Ryan felt her spasm around him and gave into the overwhelming sensations that gripped his body and took away his control. With a shout of joy he reached his peak and braced himself so that he wouldn’t crush Jennifer. He shuddered in ecstasy and collapsed on his side, pulling her against him, enfolding her in his powerful arms. When had it ever felt this good? He couldn’t remember.

  “Jenny, Jenny,” he whispered, then closed his eyes, falling into a light sleep.

  Jennifer rested against Ryan and thought about the moments they had just shared. He wasn’t going to get away with what he’d just done to her. The night was still young and they hadn’t used the hot tub yet. She was sure she could think of something to have him begging as well. She smiled to herself. After all, there was still plenty of chocolate!


  Chocolate had taken on a new meaning for Jennifer by the time the ship reached St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. Not only had she found new and exciting ways to torture Ryan, she had accepted the fact that she found making love much more enjoyable than eating. A good thing, too, since she hadn’t eaten much these past two days.

  Jennifer looked out over her balcony at Charlotte Amalie, the capital of St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. From the red roof tops painting the picturesque town with color, to the sparkling turquoise waters, St. Thomas was one of the most beautiful islands she had seen on her trip. At 5:30 this morning, a local pilot boarded the Ocean Goddess and guided the magnificent ship into its berth here in the harbor. Only a few steps away from the pier lay the charming Havensight Mall with all the distinctive stores that were also downtown.

  Right after breakfast, Jennifer and Sheila went on an early morning tour of the island. They came back to the ship to shower and change. Jennifer was finished, but Sheila was taking a shower and taking her time. They only had thirty minutes before they were to meet Ryan and Mike downtown at the Hard Rock Café for lunch.

  After lunch, they would go shopping, finally! St. Thomas was a shopper’s paradise with a number of retail stores situated in the original buildings used by pirates to sell their bounty in the 1700s. According to one of Jennifer’s friends, the real deals in St. Thomas occurred before Hurricane Andrew wrought havoc on the Island. After Andrew, prices went up. Saving the duty was really no big deal to Jennifer. From what she could tell from shopping the other islands, at least with jewelry, there were better prices to be found on the Mainland. But she still wanted to look and enjoy the sights.

  Grabbing her glass of iced tea, Jennifer sat back down on her lounge chair and waited for Sheila. It wasn’t as if the guys wouldn’t wait for them if they were a few minutes late. After the moments she and Ryan shared, she didn’t doubt his affection or desire for her. She’d just spent two wonderful nights and one incredible day with him in a plush suite with anything she wanted at her fingertips. What more could she ask for? Ryan was sweet and attentive. Playful and arrogant. And totally male!

  Ryan’s love making left her mindless and satisfied. It was a good thing she’d finished her book before his wonderful seduction started. As it was, she still had to prepare that dinner for the Captain on Friday night. This was the last island on the cruise where she could do any research for special recipes, so she planned to fit research in while they were in town. She was sure Ryan wouldn’t mind a few detours.

  “Okay, Jenn, I’m ready.” Sheila stood at the balcony doors straightening her flowing slip dress of white georgette. Her sandals hung from her fingers. She looked like she’d just been made love to with her damp hair and pouty lips.

  “You know, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” Jennifer said.

  “What? Let Mike have all the fun after he kept me up all night? You can’t be serious.” Sheila settled onto a chair and slipped her sandals on. “Besides, our cruise is almost over. I want to pack in as much fun as possible.”

  “Do you still think Mike has someone else on this cruise?” Jennifer asked.

  “Absolutely. His brooding has gotten worse, but he tries not to show it.” Sheila stood up. “I guess whoever she is, she doesn’t want him. That’s what I find amazing.”

  “It doesn’t bother you?” Jennifer wondered how Sheila could stand knowing he wanted someone else.

  “No. This cruise is just a fun vacation. Meeting Mike and enjoying his company is a plus that I intend to keep enjoying just as long as he does. Don’t worry about me Jenn, I’m not looking for the man of my dreams. Not yet, anyway.”

  Jennifer smiled and entered the cabin, bringing along her iced tea. She thought about what Sheila just told her, but she couldn’t envision having such a cavalier attitude toward a relationship with a man. Her feelings ran far too deep to just play around for fun. She was hopelessly in love with Ryan and hoped that he was starting to feel the same for her. While he hadn’t made any commitments, he showed all the signs of a man getting serious.

  Jennifer paused at the vanity long enough to study her reflection. She had dressed comfortably in soft beige cotton twill cargo pants. Her coordinating burnout lace top was cut low enhancing her breasts. She also chose to wear flirty little sandals. Ryan would love the look. Especially the lace. Just as he seemed to love everything about her.

  Jennifer sighed and finished her iced tea. Romance was definitely in the air. They needed to talk about their feelings—it was time. She wanted him to know how she felt about him. He needed to tell her that he loved her. She couldn’t be that wrong about their relationship, could she?

  * * *

  On the second floor of the International Plaza, situated between Main Street and the Waterfront Highway, the Hard Rock Café overlooked the bay dotted with sailboats and whitecaps. An ocean breeze blew through open windows and breeze-way doors. Jennifer nibbled on a French fry while Ryan and Mike talked about their morning of scuba diving. Ignoring the three of them, Sheila watched the latest videos on a nearby screen.

  But Jennifer’s mind wasn’t on videos or scuba diving; instead, she thought about cooking and the dinner she would soon be preparing. Most of the planning was done, however, she was thinking of changing the dessert. An orange and rum brûlée might be nice. The brûlée could be made the day before, allowing her to join the Captain and her friends at the table for dessert. The more she thought about the idea, the more she liked it. When she got back to the ship, she would approach Chef Ruscelli for his permission.

  “Earth to Jenny, Earth to Jenny.”

  At the sound of Ryan’s voice, Jennifer glanced his way. Both men were watching her with amused expressions.

  “Whatever it was you were thinking about, it must have been really good.” Mike teased.

  “Sorry guys. I didn’t mean to drift off that way,” she answered.

  “It’s okay.” Ryan assured her. “As long as you’re thinking about me.”

  “I hate to disappoint you, but you were only incidental to what I was thinking about.” Jennifer laughed and picked up another French fry. “I was thinking about Friday night’s dinner. Did you get your invitations yet?”

  “No, not yet.” Ryan answered, shaking his head. “Do you think the Captain has forgotten us?”

  “Not hardly. I suspect that if you don’t find the invitations when you get back to your cabins today, you will find them in your cabin mailboxes tomorrow. From what I understand from Chef Ruscelli, the Captain is also inviting Helga Swensen to dinner, so you guys should have a good time.” Jennifer reached for her Coke and took a drink.

  Mike frowned. “Why is he inviting her?”

  Ryan looked at him thoughtfully before responding. “Helga has been very instrumental in encouraging the passengers to try our new machines. She would make an excellent saleswoman for Exercisetech.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” Mike answered dryly. “I would hope she’s a better saleswoman than she is a masseuse.”

  “Goodness, Mike,” Jennifer exclaimed. “Why would you say something like that?”

  “Let’s just say that she is a little rough,” he hedged.

  “With me, she was wonderful!” Jennifer beamed. “It was a great experience.”

  “Well, I’m not into women beating up on me.” Mike finished his beer and turned to Sheila. “Ready to go Sweet Cakes?”

  “Sure thing, Honey Bun!” Sheila laughed and rose from the table. “I want to go to H. Stern’s jewelry outlet. Join me?”

  Mike rose from the table. “I’m right behind you,” he answered.

  Ryan studied Mike for a moment, then tossed a few bills onto the table. “Come on, Jenn. I think H. Stern is as good a place as any to start.”

  Jennifer preceded Ryan to the door, then turned to him when the other couple was out of hearing range. “What was that all about?”

  “I’m not sure,” Ryan answered truthfully. “I guess he just doesn’t like the way she gives men massages. What else?”

  “I guess you’re right, but that’s the first negative comment I’ve ever heard from Mike—about anything or anybody.”

  Ryan had a pretty good idea where Mike was coming from, but he didn’t feel like telling anyone about it. Mike had fallen hard for the Swedish beauty queen. Too bad she didn’t return his affections. A five or six-year gap in age couldn’t make that much of a difference, so he didn’t see that as a real problem. Mike was a genuinely kind and loving man. His loyalty was unquestionable. If Helga didn’t want him, she was missing out on someone really special. Ryan caught up with Jennifer and grabbed her hand. “Let them wander ahead of us. H. Stern Jewelry is just ahead on Main Street.”

  “Okay.” Jennifer smiled and reveled in the knowledge that he wanted to be alone with her. They walked slowly through the crowded walkways, down Main Street to the jewelry store. When they entered, Sheila and Mike were nowhere to be seen.

  “They’ve probably gone upstairs,” Ryan answered her unspoken question. “Let’s browse down here first.”

  For a few minutes they browsed the showcases filled with unique jewelry. Rings with precious stones, sapphire watches, bangle bracelets and necklaces with an attitude. A back room housed designer pieces and a coffee bar. Jennifer rested at the counter and sipped a cup of vanilla flavored coffee while Ryan browsed again in the front of the store, speaking in hushed tones to a young saleswoman. Before she knew it, she had company. Sheila and Mike joined her at the coffee bar.

  “What’s going on?” Mike asked.

  I guess he’s shopping,” Jennifer answered. “But I don’t know for what. He asked me to wait here for him.”

  “Oh, Jennifer,” Sheila exclaimed. “You should see the jewelry upstairs. It’s unbelievable! I bought a bracelet and a matching pair of earrings. You should really go look at the bargains.”

  “Maybe I should. Let me tell Ryan.” Jennifer slipped off her bar stool leaving the small back room for the front of the store. Three seconds later she stopped, mesmerized by what she saw. Shock registered throughout her body, and she was only vaguely aware that her ears were ringing and her head pounding. Ryan stood in the front of the store, but he was not alone. A beautiful woman with long black hair was kissing him—deeply. Her arms were thrown around his neck, and her body, her tall voluptuous body, was pressed against his.

  “Jennifer, what’s wrong?” Sheila called out.

  Jennifer couldn’t answer for the pain. She was too busy staring. The woman looked her way, her eyes quickly narrowing with suspicion. Clutching her purse, Jennifer raced out of the storefront, unnoticed by Ryan. With a blinding flash, it came to her as she ran down Main Street—the way he always kept them in public, his unwillingness to make love to her, Mike’s anger when he found them in bed, Sheila’s suspicions, Helga’s warnings. Ryan had a girlfriend! Ryan had a girlfriend all this time! She had no one but herself to blame. She’d thrown herself at him, and this was exactly what she deserved. Calm down, she told herself, calm down. The whole thing was just to win a bet. She won. She ended up in bed with Mr. Gorgeous.

  Jennifer pushed through the crowds, turned down Palm Passage, and headed toward the water. Palm Passage was like most of the side streets, far too narrow for vehicles. The original buildings, made of limestone and mortar, still stood, their insides gutted and renovated. The merchants had turned Palm Passage, into a palm-filled, pedestrian walkway with storefronts and a small outdoor café. When Jennifer found the café, she discovered a secluded corner, settled herself at the table, and ordered a glass of wine.

  For a while she sipped her wine and tried not to think. It was all she could do
just to hold back the tears. Ryan should have told her that he had someone else. While she was busy falling in love, he was playing, enjoying a cruise. It wasn’t as if he’d set out to seduce her, for heaven’s sake. Jennifer had set out to seduce him. Why wasn’t the woman on the cruise with him? Of course, he didn’t know about the bet, but it shouldn’t have made any difference to him.

  Jennifer finished her wine and paid her tab. She should go back to the ship and talk to Chef Ruscelli. Maybe it wasn’t too late to cancel the dinner, since the invitations hadn’t gone out yet. She slipped the strap to her pocketbook over her shoulder and headed down Palm Passage to the Waterfront Highway. Just before she reached the taxi stand near the Hard Rock Café, she felt a hand on her arm.

  “Excuse me, Jennifer. Do you have a moment?”

  It was her. The woman she’d seen kissing Ryan. How in the world did she find her? Jennifer frowned, but turned to face her. “How do you know my name?”

  “Ryan told me,” she answered. “Ryan tells me everything.”

  “Everything?” Jennifer gasped, silently questioning just what “everything” meant.

  The woman smiled and nodded. “Everything.”

  Jennifer didn’t answer. The subject was entirely too broad for her own comfort. She just looked at the woman and wondered why the woman had gone out of her way to find her.

  “First let me introduce myself. My name is Diane Wilde and I’m Ryan’s fiancée. When Ryan gets back to the Mainland, we’re going to set a date.”

  “Set a date?” Good grief, she couldn’t seem to stop repeating Diane’s words. “You’re planning on getting married?”

  “Yes. He knew I would be looking at rings at H. Stern.” She paused. “The rings have to be really special.”


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