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A Need So Insatiable

Page 25

by Cecilia Robert

  “Shut the hell up!” Rafael doesn’t look away as he minces the words through his clenched teeth. “Sophie?”

  I look over his shoulder to the rails on the second floor. Kravic’s men are everywhere. If Rafael unleashes himself, he’ll be outnumbered. I switch my gaze to his. “Nothing happened. Let’s find Jace and leave this hell.”

  “Oh, no. No. No one is leaving. I want to show you Master Arie’s true colors. What he’s been hiding from you.”

  Rafael tenses and I quickly grab his face. “Don’t do this. Please. Let’s just go.”

  “No one touches what’s mine and lives to talk about it. No one.” The softness in his eyes hardens. He locks his jaw and slowly rises to his feet, turning to face Kravic. “Bring the girl.”

  Kravic sighs dramatically, like the task exhausts him, and sits on his throne before waving his hand to his right. Shadows move behind dark curtains and moments later, Jace is hauled into the room. I leap to my feet and race toward her as she barrels toward me. We collide midway.

  “Are you okay?” I whisper in her ear. “Did anyone . . . do anything to you?” She quickly shakes her head, her arms fastened around me.

  Thank God!

  “There. You have her. Now, where’s the boy?”

  We turn to watch the scene unfolding before us. Within seconds, Rafael stands beside Kravic’s seat, his arm raised. He grabs Kravic by the collar, drags him to the floor, and punches him in the face. One. Two. Three. For some reason, no one moves to help Kravic, and Kravic makes no attempt to defend himself. In fact, he seems to be enjoying it, smiling with every blow.

  “No one can touch him,” Ben says behind us. I spin around, taking Jace with me. Ben stands, his gaze fixed on the fighting. Or rather, on Rafael pummeling the living daylights out of Kravic. “He’s still the Master until he fights. No one can touch him. Even the ones loyal to Kravic. These people live by different rules. Mastership before loyalty.”

  “Then how come Josef stabbed him?"

  “He was punished for that. Look at his right hand.” I quickly dart a glance to Josef, pacing the sidelines. A white bandage covers the place his thumb should be. Holy freakin’ animals! Did Kravic take off his thumb?

  Something cracks in the air, and I whirl back to find Rafael raining blow after blow on Kravic.

  “God, he’s going to kill him! Do something, Ben.”

  “My hands are tied, Miss Sophie. I can’t.”

  “Tied, my ass. I’m not going to let him kill that man and live a life of regret.” I drop my arms from Jace and dash forward, halting a few feet from Rafael.

  “Rafael!” He grunts, launching fist after fist like Kravic’s a punching bag. “Rafael! Look at me. It’s me. Sophie. Please, stop and look at me.”

  His bloody fist freezes mid-air. He looks over his shoulder, face covered in sweat, then glances at his hand and the man smiling up at him through a bloody face. He lets go, leaning forward. “Here’s the deal, you piece of shit. I will fight you and lose. You can have your Mastership. Tony is mine to protect. Touch Sophie, or any friend of mine ever again, and I’ll be in your face so fast. You think you know me, but you fucking don’t. I’m the monster that lives under your bed, the fucking storm waiting to slam you to the ground. Got it?”

  “That’s all I ever wanted. The fight,” Kravic says from the floor. Still, no one moves to help him.

  Rafael straightens, his chest rising and falling, and spins on his heel. “Anyone else want to fight me?” Silence. He grabs me by the waist, hauling me toward the door. Ben turns, his arm around Jace, and follows.

  “What did you mean by ‘you’ll lose’?”

  “I meant just that. I will lose. It’s the only way Kravic will agree to let me go.”

  “Losing means letting someone beat you to a pulp? What the fuck, Rafael?”

  “We’ll talk about this later.” He tightens his grip when I try to wiggle out of it, and I feel the power still thrashing through his body.

  “Fine. But I’m not letting you get beaten to a pulp. I won’t lose you like that.”

  He growls under his breath, flips me around and I’m up against the wall, his body pressed against me. He crushes his mouth on mine, the kiss so powerful my knees buckle, unable to support me. I taste the salt from his sweat, the violence still racking his body, but his hands, dear God, they twine oh so gently into my hair, holding me in place.

  “You won’t lose me. I’m invincible, remember?” he murmurs against my lips, then ducks down to look at me. “Hey, hey, look at me, Sophie.” I do as he says. He brushes a thumb across my cheek, and kisses the corner of my eye. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, Sophie. I was so scared when I got to the restaurant and you weren’t there. Christ, I’ve never been that scared in my life.”

  I cradle his face in my hands. “I was scared too. For me, for Jace, for you. Come on, let’s go home. I need to be kissed and cuddled and fed after all this.”

  He grins, transforming from the god of vengeance to the Rafael I know and adore. “Your wish is my command, my queen.” He scoops me into his arms and runs out of the building, toward his Jeep.


  “THIS DRESS is a dream, Dani,” I say, staring at the full-length mirror. She’d designed this heavenly creation for me to wear to the “Adopt Me, I’m a Pet” dinner gala. Lilac silk with a drooping back, it hugs every curve of my upper body, and flares around my knees, making it possible to take long strides if I need to. “I love it!”

  As usual, Dani fusses with her measuring tape, avoiding eye contact. She doesn’t take compliments very well. “You’ve gone through a lot, and you deserved something beautiful. Tonight, you’ll be the gala’s show-stopper.” She stops fussing and smiles, taking a step back. “You deserve to be happy.”

  “Can I hug you now?” I ask. She looks up and shifts on her feet before finally nodding. “Come here, you.”

  The doorbell rings and Jace dashes out the door, dressed in a knee-length, sleeveless, black gown with ruffles around the neck, and suede heels. She darts back to her room to collect her purse.

  Hawk walks in, dressed in a black tux, white button shirt, and black cravat. His gaze darts around the room and settles on Dani. “Hey, Dani.”

  “Hey,” Dani says, turning to focus on my dress again, her lip between her teeth.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to join us?” I ask her.

  She glances at Hawk, then quickly turns away. “No. I have a project I need to finish before next Wednesday.”

  Jace returns, grinning, seemingly oblivious to the two people playing cat and mouse. Hawk stares, Dani looks away. Dani stares, Hawk looks away. Watching these two is going to be so much fun.

  After saying goodnight to Dani, we head out to the Hotel Palais in the first district.

  COUPLES DRIFT in and out the area set for ballroom dancing. Even Alejandro flew in for this. Dressed in red and black, he looks as dangerous and sensual as, I’m sure, he looks when he’s thwarting a bull. Maria’s dressed in a black gown, managing to look elegantly pregnant, her arm loped with Rafael’s.

  Hawk takes my hand, kissing the back of it, and I roll my eyes. “I’m on a mission to prove something to Rafael, so please bear with me, Soph.”

  “What’s the mission?”

  His gazes settles on Rafael, and he grins. “Just bear with me. Doesn’t Maria look stunning?”

  “You two live to torture each other, don’t you?” I say, staring at the couple. She does look stunning. They make a spectacular couple. He turns his dark head and tilts it, staring down at her with an expression that borders on gentle.

  I wonder if he looks at me that way when we’re together.

  As if reading my mind, Hawk says, “Rafael has practiced that look for a very long time. He can make even a nun feel special.” He shakes his head, half-disgusted, half-amused. Pulling my hand, he starts to walk around the room, away from Rafael and Maria. “I’ve known him for years. I know when he’s b
ullshitting, and I know when he’s real. He can’t hide anything from me, even though he plays tough to the world.” He grabs two glasses of wine from a passing waiter and hands me one before holding his elbow out at me.

  “He’s not the little boy you knew all those years ago. He changed a lot after his parents died. But there is a part of him that still cares.”

  “He told me.”

  “And you’re okay with his past?”

  I nod. “Everyone makes mistakes. That doesn’t mean they’re not redeemable. He’s worked hard to be where he is now. I’ve seen how he suffers from what he did, and I’m not about to reject him because of it.”

  Hawk stops and stares at me, then shakes his head. “I’m just looking out for him.”

  “You’re a good friend, Hawk. Thank you for taking care of him all this time.”

  He nods and sips from his glass. “Where’s Jace, anyway?”

  I spot her mingling with the crowd, laughing at something one of the women said. “She looks fine.” I turn around to see Rafael speaking to a beautiful, dark-haired woman. “Who’s that?”

  Hawk sputters his champagne, then wipes his lips with his palm. “Someone from his past.”

  Suddenly, I feel jealous, and blink furiously. I shouldn’t feel this way. I knew he had a past, but still.

  I’m so frazzled by the feelings bombarding me that I don’t see Rafael walking toward me with Maria on his arm and the other woman by his side.

  “Sophie, I’d like you to meet someone. Brenda, this is Sophie. Sophie, Brenda.”

  “The Sophie,” Brenda says, smiling, but I don’t sense any malice from her. I extend my hand in greeting.

  We chat for a while, and I realize that even though Rafael’s life had been difficult during his teen years, he’d later found friends in Brenda and my mom.

  The wait staff make their way through the throng of people, informing us that dinner is about to be served.

  Hawk leads me toward the huge dining hall. Three chandeliers hang from different places in the room, illuminating the entire space. The tables are decked in white tablecloths with gold runners that seem to run for miles on either side. Right ahead is the raised podium. A gigantic banner with the words “Adopt Me, I’m a Pet”, and pictures of the different organizations that adopt mishandled pets, hangs in the background.

  I sit down, and when I turn around to face Hawk, I find Rafael sitting in Hawk’s place, his gaze fixed on me.

  “You look very beautiful tonight,” he says. I fight a smile, feeling tingly and warm. “What, no snarky comments?” He laughs.

  “I just want to bask in that compliment. Don’t spoil it for me.”

  He leans into me. “My celibacy ends soon. Any special requests?” His warm breath heats the side of my face.

  I suck in a breath. Oh, god! Two days, and I’ll have him. All of him. “Are you making a list, because mine’s pretty long.” I draw out the last word.

  This time, he inhales sharply. “What if I am?”

  I fix my gaze on his. “Then sharpen your pencil, sweetheart, you’re in for a long night.”

  He hasn’t touched me since I arrived, other than the soft kiss on my cheek, so when his hand suddenly closes around my thigh, I almost leap off my chair. A few heads turn our way. Jace winks from five seats down.

  I drop my gaze, fighting to control my breathing. “Christ, Rafael, what the hell are you doing?”

  His fingers inch up my thigh. “Priming you. I need you nice and ready in two days.”

  Holy shit! “Can’t you do that later?”

  “No,” he says, slipping the cloth napkin from the table and placing it on my lap. He then slips his fingers under my dress, caressing the dip on the back of my knee. “This is much better. Don’t make a sound, or everyone will know how naughty we are.”

  I squelch a groan in my throat, grab his hand, and yank it away from my body. “Don’t start what you can’t finish.” I pull his hand to my mouth, kiss his palm, then bite and lick it. His eyes grow darker and he shifts on his chair, subtly adjusting the front of his trousers, his eyes fixed on my mouth.

  “Christ, you two are going to blow this place apart with the level of heat coming off you.” Hawk appears between our shoulders. “Two more days, Rafael.”

  “Fuck off,” Rafael growls. The moment is broken, but the air between us continues to buzz with electricity.


  BY THE time dinner is over and done with, I’m a walking, dancing hard-on. The dull pain in my side has long vanished, replaced by an ache so strong, I don’t know if I want to sweep Sophie off her feet, or dunk my head in cold water.

  I opt to take an exhausted Maria home, and then head back to the gala. I should stay away from Sophie, cool off a bit. But I can’t bear to look away from her, so I hover at the edge of the ballroom and watch her dance with Hawk, Alejandro, and a few other partners. When my time comes, I latch onto her like she’s my life line.

  Two more days. Two more fucking days and she’s all mine.

  Afterward, I drive her home to my place. I don’t trust myself not to rip her clothes off, so I don’t touch her. I slump in my chair and watch as she heads for the bathroom to take a shower. I glance up, staring at the starless sky. It’s already raining, a great night for cuddling--and other things.

  She walks back into the room twenty minutes later, but the ache inside me hasn’t eased. And I’m not sure I can stay here anymore. “I have some things to discuss with Hawk. Will you be all right?”

  She nods and yawns. “Come back home soon.” She crawls into bed, and swings those hypnotic eyes over me. She looks so sexy all sleepy, and her lips look so kissable right now.

  I shoot off the chair, and quickly press a kiss on her forehead. Tonight, I’m sleeping in the guest room. Or better, in Hawk’s hotel.

  I PULL up outside the hotel, and head up to Hawk’s room.

  “You and I are going to spar.”

  Hawk looks at me like I’ve sprouted a third head. “I’m not that stupid. You’re too charged up to think clearly. Where’s Tony?”

  “What does he have to do with anything?”

  “You’re a fucking time bomb right now. Wouldn’t want the kid scarred for life.”

  “At Ben’s,” I say, watching him pour scotch into two glasses, as if the world is damn perfect. “You,” I snarl, stabbing a finger in his direction, irritated by his calmness when I’m about to explode with need. “This is all your fault. You brought this hell on me. I can hardly think straight. Everything, every nerve is centered around her,” I say, words spewing out of my lips.

  Hawk grins and I want to punch him. “Spare me the details. Learn to play poker, my friend, and you’ll be fine.”

  He hands me a glass “Hmm. Just to make sure I understand what you’re saying, you can’t resist her?”

  “Yes.” I ground the word out.

  “Which means somehow, love, or whatever feeling is thrumming through your heart right now, snuck up on you?”

  I glare at him and down the drink in my glass. It doesn’t dampen what I’m feeling. In fact, it increases my desperation. I slam the glass on the table in front of me.

  “Thirsty? Want a second glass?”

  I ignore his question and say, “Yes. I like her. I love her. She is ‘the One’. She’s always been ‘the One’. Satisfied?”

  He studies me for a moment with narrowed eyes, then takes a swig from his glass. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  I nod, curtly. I love Hawk like a brother, and he’s done so much for me, but right now, I’m not feeling that love.

  “Never thought I’d see this day, but whatever,” Hawk says, strolling toward the nightstand next to the huge bed. “Go forth and make merry my friend. The ban has been lifted.” He grins. “Should I expect you at the office tomorrow?”

  I turn to leave, my body vibrating with the knowledge that, in less than twenty minutes, I’ll have her in my arms.

  “Raf?” I halt and turn arou
nd. “Here.” He tosses something at me. A condom pack. Man, how messed up am I that I couldn’t remember a basic thing like protection? Not getting laid has done this to me.

  “Thanks, man. I owe you.”

  “The only thing you owe me is keeping her heart intact.”

  Outside, I dash to my car, not caring about the pouring rain, and hightail it out of there.


  I JERK awake at the sound of my phone ringing, groping around in the dark for the damn thing. My fingers brush its cool metal, and I check the screen. Rafael.

  “Get naked, now,” he growls as soon as I answer.


  “Get. Naked. Now. I need you ready for me. I’m on the way.” He disconnects the call.

  I glance at the black screen for a full minute, trying to process that command. Goosebumps prickle on my skin as his words crash around in my head.

  Holy sweet kittens! My nerves finally get the memo and my body starts shaking. I drop the phone on the nightstand, blinking in the dark. Isn’t he still bound by that bet? Maybe Hawk had finally let him off the hook.

  I leap out of bed, and spin around. How does he want me? Plastered on the bed? Sex pose? My mind is so burnt out by the thought of being ravaged, and probably swallowed whole, that I can’t think straight. I remember what he’d said a few weeks ago, when we’d played Three Truths, and I almost crumble to the floor in anticipation.

  After few moments of panic, I give up and hop back onto the bed, scooting to the headboard to wait for the storm that is Rafael.


  I PARK and leap out of the car, shoving my hand inside my jacket, fumbling for the keys. My hand is shaking so bad, I can’t open the door. This is ridiculous! I’m behaving like a damn virgin.

  Would she be naked like I’d ordered? Or stubborn like I liked it?

  What am I doing? Sophie isn’t like any other woman I’ve ever met. She deserves better than this. She deserves candlelit dinners and flowers and bubble baths before being made love to.


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