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Trusted Fate

Page 4

by Lara Jones

  “What the hell are you doing, Lily?” He saw her start to fall and reached for her. “Shit, I’m sorry, baby.” He held her high against his chest. “You need to call one of us to help, until you’re stronger. Okay?”

  Lily nodded as she gripped John’s shirt in her fists.

  “Do you need to use the bathroom, Lily?”

  She nodded and then tucked her head under his chin.

  John smiled tenderly.

  “Honey, there’s nothing to be embarrassed by.”


  John rolled his eyes. “Hold on, guys. I’m going to take her to the bathroom and then bring her back in.”

  He leaned her against the counter next to the toilet and started to raise her shirt.

  Lily slapped at his hands.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Lily, I’m helping you use the toilet.”

  “You can’t stay in here.”

  John smiled at the tide of red that overtook her face.

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed ab—”

  Lily pointed to the bathroom door. She wasn’t usually this daring, but she refused to have him in there when she peed. “Absolutely not. Granny showed me how to use one, and I’ve used one several times in the last few weeks.”

  John watched her for a moment. Damn, even sick she had a backbone, and he liked it. She wouldn’t let them run roughshod over her. He pulled out a new toothbrush and washcloth.

  “All right, I’ll be out here. Call if you need me.”

  Lily watched as he walked out and closed the door. She hurriedly pulled down her panties and relieved herself. She wiped, stood, and pulled up her panties. She looked toward the door then back at the toilet.

  She stepped away, reached for the lever, then moved as quickly as she could with an injured leg when it started to flush the water. She wondered if she would she ever get over her fear of the contraption?

  After washing her hands, she brushed her teeth and used the cloth to bath her face. She knew she had overdone it when she started to tilt to the side and had to grab onto the counter.

  Lily knew she needed John but was embarrassed to have to ask for help.

  “I’m done.” He was through the door before she finished. She was startled when he swept her up like she didn’t weigh more than a feather.

  John walked to the bed and sat her up against some pillows.

  She smiled when Alec made sure the blanket was over her before he sat down beside her.

  “Thank you.”

  “We want you to meet our friend, Sherice.”

  Lily’s eyes flew to the doorway. She didn’t realize she’d grabbed onto their hands as she nervously eyed the woman.

  “Hello, Lily. The guys here told me you were a healer also?” Sherice asked softly.

  Lily’s wide eyes stared at the woman and nodded. She was one of the most beautiful women Lily had ever met.

  “Good, you can teach me some things, if you don’t mind.”

  Lily’s lip tipped up. “I don’t think there’s anything I could teach you.”

  “Oh, I think you’d be surprised.”

  Lily relaxed a bit but made sure the men stayed near.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Sherice.”

  “It’s nice to finally see your beautiful eyes.”

  Lily was shocked. “You really like my eyes?”

  Sherice frowned, then looked at the guys.

  “Well, yes, I do.”

  “Most people who see them say they’re spooky or witch’s eyes.”

  “Well, I certainly don’t think that at all. I’ll admit they are unusual, but they fit your face. I have to say you’re very pretty.”

  Lily blushed and looked at both men and then down at her hands in her lap.

  “Thank you. I wish I had the color of your hair. It reminds me of the sunset in the mountains. Red with lighter colors mixed in. It’s beautiful.”

  Sherice laughed. “Well, I wish I had your hair.”

  Lily stiffened and shook her head. “No, you don’t. It’s ugly.”

  Sherice came farther into the room and sat down at Lily’s hip facing her.

  “It certainly is not ugly. It’s beautiful like you.”

  Tears welled in her eyes as she shook her head in denial.

  Sherice’s heart broke for this little woman. She looked so lost and fragile right then. She reached out and grasped one of Lily’s hands.

  “I know you don’t know me yet, but I’m guessing we’re going to be good friends. And you know what? I never lie to my friends.”

  A soft gasp escaped her before she sniffed. “Really? You’d be my friend?”

  Sherice smiled. “Absolutely.”

  “I’ve never had a friend before, besides my granny and my cousin Grace.”

  Sherice swallowed back her own tears and smiled brightly.

  “Well, now you do. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Lily felt a bubble of happiness expand in her chest and had to bite back her enthusiasm. Then she remembered, and the joy flew away. She didn’t know how long she’d be there. “But I might not be here that long.”

  Sherice looked at both men and saw the determination on their faces. She’d known these two for a long time, and if she had to guess, Lily wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. She opened her bag and took a little time to gain her composure before looking back at Lily.

  “Would it be okay if I looked at your injury? You can help me determine what we should do next.”

  Surprised pleasure crossed Lily’s face.

  “I’d like that.”

  Sherice drew in a breath. Lily’s smile lit up the room.

  “Guys, can you give us some privacy…”

  “I’d like them to stay, if it’s okay with you?” Lily didn’t know why, but they both made her feel safer than she ever had in her life.

  Sherice smiled. “Absolutely. Let’s pull the blanket down, and we’ll take off the bandage.”

  With the men’s hands getting in the way, Sherice good-naturedly let them try to help and eventually was able to unwrap Lily’s leg. She bent for a better look.

  “It’s less red and swollen today. What do you think, Lily?”

  Lily turned her leg out more and sat forward.

  “You did a good job of lancing it. I was going to do it myself when I got back to th—” She stopped suddenly and wouldn’t look at anyone.

  “I’m going to wash up before I touch anything.”

  Alec laid his hand on her calf.

  “Where did you stay at night, baby girl?”

  Lily bit her lip.

  “You can tell us. You’re not in trouble, Lily,” John said.

  “The feed store,” she said and looked at the others.

  “That was good thinking, Lily.” John smoothed back her hair. He wanted to pull the ribbon off the end of the braid and see the way it flowed down her back.

  Sherice pulled on a pair of gloves and then gently touched the area around the wound with her fingertips.

  “This is healing nicely, Lily.”

  “I think so, too.” There was no more swelling, and most of the redness was gone, and the wound had started to scar over.

  “What would you do with the injury now, Lily?”

  “I thought it might need to be stitched at first, but then infection started so quickly. Now it’s too late, I think. I tried to stop the infection. I had been looking for the herbs that I needed in the woods behind the store. I wanted to make a paste that would have helped, but you don’t have most of the plants I would have needed around here.”

  “We need to talk later because I have so many questions. I have always been interested in homeopathic medicine.”

  “Is that what I do?”

  “That’s what it’s called when you use natural things to cure people.”

  Lily’s smile widened. “I’d like talk with you.”

  “In the meantime, I’d like to put this cream on it.” Sherice held up a tube for Lily to

  She studied it. “Is that the antibiotic cream these guys were talking about?”

  “Yes. It helps speed the healing process.”

  “There are a lot of herbs that do that, too.” Lily nodded and watched as Sherice carefully put the cream on and wrapped her leg again.

  “Where are you from, Lily?”

  Both men froze. They had been waiting to ask the many questions they had until she felt better.

  Lily answered automatically as she watched Sherice tape the bandage in place.


  John and Alec shared a look.

  “How did you get to Wyoming?”

  Lily looked up at the serious faces surrounding her, and her nerves started shaking deep inside of her.

  “Um, I got a ride from a nice man that drove a large truck. This was the end of his trip, so we stopped here.”

  “And he just left you?”

  Lily looked shocked at John’s question.

  “Yes, of course, he did. He had a family to take care of.”

  “And what were you planning on doing here?”

  Lily looked down at her hands, embarrassed.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Are you planning on going to relatives?”

  Lily shook her head. “The only relatives I have are still on the mountain.”

  Alec’s jaw clenched, and his hands tightened as fear-filled anger rushed through him.

  “So, let me get this straight. You left the only home you’ve ever known and hitched a ride from a man you didn’t know, came to a town you’ve never been to, and have no plans on what you’re going to do next?”

  Sherice glared at Alec over Lily’s head.

  Her face burned in embarrassment as she hung her head. She had been extremely naïve, but her granny had always planned for her to go to her uncle’s, so no other plans had ever been made for her.

  “The only thing I was to do if Granny died was to go to my uncle’s. When I got there, he told me he didn’t want to deal with the problems that came with me.” She held her hands out as a tear slid down her cheek. “What was I supposed to do? Some men were already coming around. My granny hadn’t been gone a day yet. I hadn’t even buried her, and I had to run or end up with the first man to get me. I had no idea what he’d do to me. The men on the mountain are different. They’re all so superstitious and had always coveted me for what they thought I was and feared me at the same time.”

  Alec wiped a frustrated hand down his face.

  “I’m sorry, honey. It just terrifies me to know you were out there by yourself…and for how long, exactly?”

  “Three weeks.”

  Alec closed his eyes. “How in the hell did you survive that long?”

  “I slept during the day in an abandoned house on the other side of the woods. I tried to forage mostly at night and then spend the rest in the store.”

  “Foraged in a dumpster?” Alec said through gritted teeth.

  Lily heard the disbelief in his voice.

  Her eyes pleaded with him to understand. “I had no money, Alec.”

  “And you’d been taught to not trust anyone, especially men?” Sherice asked her gently.

  Lily nodded. “I didn’t know what else to do besides get as far away from the mountain as I could. I thought I’d have time later to make decisions for my future.”

  “Well, I for one am thankful that you ended up here with us, Lily,” Sherice said as she hugged her.

  The men watched as Lily clung to Sherice a little bit tighter than she probably realized.

  “Thank you so much,” Lily said and squeezed one more time. “I will never forget you.”

  “You won’t have a chance to.” Sherice grinned and tapped Lily’s nose with a fingertip.

  Lily looked confused and opened her mouth to ask when Alec started to help Sherice pick up the wrappers and old bandages.

  “One more thing. Lily, would you rather take antibiotic pills or have me give you a shot?”

  “I haven’t really swallowed pills, just a few the guys gave me, and I didn’t do very well, so I guess maybe the shot. That’s when you stick a needle in me?”

  “Yes, but I’m good at it. That way you don’t have to worry about it and it’s a little more potent than the pills, but it will have to go in your hip. Okay?” Sherice got the syringe ready as the men helped Lily onto her side. Lily pulled her panties over so Sherice could get to her hip.

  Sherice swabbed the area on her hip.

  “Okay, you’re going to feel a little prick, Lily.”

  Lily watched as the needle went into her skin. She’s never had a shot before, and although it smarted a bit, kind of like a bee sting, it was interesting to watch.

  “All done.” Sherice disposed of the needle and smiled when she caught the looks of discomfort on the men’s pale faces. “I’m going to put this Band-Aid on, but I want you to take it off right away if it swells, burns, or starts itching.”

  “We’ll take care of her.”

  “Of that, I had no doubt.” Sherice chuckled, walked to the door, and turned. “I will stop by tomorrow to check on you, okay, Lily? Have the men call me if you need me sooner.”

  “Thank you, Sherice.” Lily looked at both men in question and confusion. Fatigue was clearly pulling her down.

  John sat down beside her on the bed and stroked her back.

  “What’s on your mind, honey?”

  “I’m not sure where I’ll be tomorrow, and I think I’ve imposed on you both enough.”

  A blanket of tension filled the air.

  “I think this is my cue to leave. Bye, guys.” Sherice waved as she walked out.

  Alec sat on the other side of the bed and watched as John laid her back on the pillows and pulled up the blanket.

  “We’re going to get one thing straight right now. You’re not going anywhere, baby girl.”

  Lily bit her lip and shook her head.

  “I’m not your responsibility, and I don’t want you to feel obligat—”

  “Hush before you piss us off,” John growled.

  Her brows pinched together. “Piss? Like, urinate?”

  Alec chuckled. “It means angry.”

  Lily smiled then yawned. “As I was saying…”

  Alec lay down on top of the blankets and pulled her toward the middle against him to make space for John on her other side.

  “Let me ask you a question, Lily.”

  Lily fought to keep her eyes open. “Mmmkay.”

  “Do you believe in fate?”

  Lily looked confused for a second before he could tell she finally understood. “I’ve read about that. Yes, I think I do.”

  Alec kissed her forehead. “Well, we believe it was fate that brought you to us, or maybe your granny had a hand in it, or maybe both. We just believe you were meant to be here and stay here with us.”

  “I think that is a wonderful”—she yawned—“way to look…at it, but I still feel…I don’t know…”

  The men watched as her eyes slid shut and she mumbled something under her breath.

  John caressed her cheek with his thumb.

  “Rest now. We have plenty of time to talk after you wake up.”

  Chapter 8

  Lily woke slowly. Fear was the first emotion to seize her until she realized where she was. She wondered if she’d ever get used to living here. The bed was so comfortable she felt like she was sleeping on a cloud, the softness of the blankets, and the smells around the room were clean and masculine.

  “Hey, sleepy head. I’m glad you’re awake again. You got a good two hours of sleep, but we need to get you fed. I hope you’re hungry because we made a bit of everything,” John said and carried in a tray.

  Lily sat up and moved back against the headboard, pulling the covers up to her chest. Her mouth opened in astonishment. She’d never seen so much food in one sitting before. It looked more like a feast spread out on three large plates. There were eggs, hash browns, pancakes, sausa
ge, toast, juice, and milk.

  “John…you don’t expect me to eat all of this, do you?”

  John set the tray over her lap then lifted the glasses off and put them on the nightstand, so they didn’t spill.

  “I think it would be a good thing if you tried.”

  Lily burst out laughing. “You’re fooling me.”

  John handed her a fork and spread a napkin over her chest.

  “No, I’m not fooling you. Alec and I decided to feed you every couple of hours to get your strength up again.”

  Lily’s smiled died as she looked from the plates to John.

  “I’m sorry, John. But I won’t be able to eat much at all, and I feel bad that you wasted all this food.”

  John noticed the distress on her face.

  “Baby, we’re not going to force feed you, and we don’t care about waste. What you don’t eat, Alec or I will.”

  Lily relaxed. “Okay. But don’t be mad please.”

  John cupped the side of her face. “Honey, we would never get mad at you. I made so much because I didn’t know what you liked. The more we get to know you, I won’t need to make at much.” He watched as she poked at the food on the plate but didn’t take a bite.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Lily peeked up at him through her lashes.

  “I feel…self-conscious eating in front of you.”

  John pulled the fork from her hand and scooped up a bite of egg and held it up to her mouth.

  “Open.” He smiled at the blush that spread over her cheeks. He pulled the fork from her mouth and scooped up some more and brought it to his own mouth.

  Lily smiled and then giggled, and John knew deep in his heart that this was the moment he fell in love with her. Not only was she so darn beautiful, but she was also one hundred percent innocent sweetness.

  “What’s wrong?” Lily asked as her mouth turned down.

  John smiled. “Absolutely nothing, baby. Everything is pretty darn great right now, thanks to you.”

  Lily spread her hand over her upper chest.

  “Me? Why?”

  John reached up and used his thumb to wipe a bit of egg off the corner of her mouth.

  “Because you’re very special to me already, and I really like that you’re here with us.”

  Lily pressed her hands to her cheeks to hide her enjoyment and embarrassment.


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