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Hell to Pay (Blood for Soul Book 1)

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by Alvin Atwater

  Hell to Pay

  (Blood for Soul book 1)

  A novel by Alvin Atwater


  To my mother, my siblings, and my friends.

  Thank you. Without your support, I would have never achieved my dream.


  Copyright © 2018 by Alvin Atwater

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

  Alvin Atwater

  PO BOX 6721

  Miami, FL 33256

  Table of Contents




  Part I

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Part II

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Part III

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-one

  Chapter Forty-two

  Chapter Forty-three

  Chapter Forty-four

  Chapter Forty-five

  Chapter Forty-six

  Chapter Forty-seven

  Chapter Forty-eight

  Part IV

  Chapter Forty-nine

  Chapter Fifty

  Chapter Fifty-one

  Chapter Fifty-two

  Chapter Fifty-three

  Chapter Fifty-four

  Chapter Fifty-five


  About The Author

  Other Books By Alvin Atwater


  Yes, I’m giving you a prologue, so put down your coffee and hear me out. My childhood is what got me thrown into Hell—yes, the real “mythical” place of torture and demons who don’t know how to shut up with the wailing and moaning in the background—preventing a simple prisoner from getting a second’s worth of rest. Yes, that hell your grandmother warned you about if you continued to be a rotten little twat.

  Looking back, my confusing “adventures” began at age ten. Father decided to test me with some crappy trial of his and soon, I found myself enrolled at a human world elementary school. Fast forward a few months and I dreaded every day. Gods and their tests—so annoying, am I right, or am I right? It’s not worse than living with humans.

  Project day is supposed to be the chance for children to show off their smarts or spend parents’ money on batteries, mediocre gadgets, and gizmos. A fun time, right? Oh, the potential.

  The teacher took us to an auditorium suspiciously located in the back of the school and sat in the front row as we lined up to go on stage. For some unexplained reason, this was a class-only day and parents weren’t allowed to show up. The teacher made up a bad excuse to deter any outraged parents, though I was sure more than ninety percent of them were pleased.

  “Get in line and when I call your name, step forward, present your crap, then take a seat,” the teacher barked. “Little shits.”

  As we scurried to the stage, someone brought out their leg. Yep, of course I tripped over it. An explosion of stars clouded my vision as I faceplanted onto painful, solid steel stairs. If I were human, I’d be bleeding right now. My classmates laughed as they strolled past me, no one offering to help. In fact, I felt a kick or two. The teacher simply sat there, small smile, on her makeup-plastered face. Someone had to pay for this, but I digress.

  I had to be better than these pesky humans—just had to be. Imagine going overboard to beat the hell out of a four-year-old for stomping your foot. Anger inducing, but unnecessary. I just had to get through the day.

  The line dragged on for what felt like hours. When it was finally my turn, the teacher yawned loudly.

  “Mister perfect grade student, let’s see what you can grace us with today,” she said, snark in her tone. “Will it be another attempt to insult me as a teacher, or a jab at putting your fellow classmates to shame? Mr. know-it-all, goody two shoes.”

  What in the flip was she talking about, I barely talk to any of these savages. How can you communicate with a pseudo-primate that would rather beat you in the face than listen to any helpful word that came out of your mouth? The monsters had no idea just how many lessons Father made sure I attended in addition to going to our realm’s highest school. The education on earth was a complete joke. Still, I never once rubbed my knowledge in their faces.

  I only explained what needed to be explained when pointed to in class and then sat down. For some reason, that left the others with their mouths agape, which I assumed was the default-state of a surprised human.

  Anyway, I presented my project at a slightly dumbed-down college level as usual, ignoring any boos, yells to get off the stage, or other insults. The teacher looked bored when I finished. “I’m failing you.”

  “What?” I said, straining against the anger that wanted to explode from me.

  “You heard me you little shit, I’m failing your ass,” she barked. “All of your grades will be null and void. I’ll recommend you up for expulsion in account of constantly disrupting my goddamn class. The principle loves my little gifts to him and will oblige without question.” She threw an apple, some kid left for her earlier, catching a good blow at the center of my face. The apple hit with enough force to explode. Everyone around laughed. This was really happening—no dream, no premonition. Reality. My blood boiled. Forget Father’s stupid trials, forget trying to fit in with the human society, forget learning about them, forget making friends. I wasn’t just a demigod, I was the Son of Conus, the heir of the universal throne.

  I wanted to like humans, but this humiliation wasn’t worth whatever Father tried to achieve. I wanted no more bruises, cuts, black eyes, shoves to the floor, trips, lockers filled with smelly matter, death threats written about me on desks—no more of that! Two can play the asshole game.

  Power surged through my body in an instant. As an unexpected and unwanted bonus, my anger forfeited any control. The warmth of what I knew to be golden, heavenly light outlined me. I laughed, then issued out divine punishment.

  Let this be a lesson: do not piss off a demigod. Starting with the teacher, I simply blinked a whiff of power into the air she breathed. I imagined her as a giant deck of playing cards. She screamed seconds before the transformation happened.

  I didn’t stop there.

  My wrath was just beginning. With the snap of a finger, the cards exploded into flames. Still unsatisfied, enraged, I pointed at the floor and released more strands of power. That caused the entire place t
o burst into flames, students included. I shook my head.

  Everything burned in rhythm like an orchestra. The room blackened of thick smoke. Powers still out of control, I rose maybe five feet into the air, eyes glued to the screaming students. They tried to run, but I had already immobilized them.

  The part of me that was simply a backseat consciousness did not wish for this. I wanted to help the people, not hurt them. I tried to undo the damage, but couldn’t regain control. Memories of the cruel treatment solidified the wrath.

  “You may be wondering why you’re dying right now,” I said…or was it really me talking? “Let it soak in. Burn, baby, burn.”

  I released enough power to create a hundred suns and then some. The entire classroom turned into space. Literal space.

  That’s when I snapped out of it, comprehending that I had just destroyed reality. Shit…not again. These uncontrollable powers.

  There wasn’t a single excuse that would work. Warnings were done. Father’s severe punishment awaited…

  Part I

  Chapter One

  Eight years later…

  I held a cup through the bars of my cell and watched with slight glee as the filthy water from a corpse tree fell into it, drip by drip. Three hours to fill. Oh well. It’s not like I had any plans aside from being cooked alive. Though I was used to Hell’s annoying heat—it felt like a nuclear oven in this goddamn place—thirst didn’t go away. The corpse tree perched outside of my cell was my only water source. It tasted like rotten shit. Maybe fleshy dumpster water with a side of dead rat, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers.

  Today’s a special day. Conus visited every two years and asked if I had improved my attitude and some other “wise man” nonsense. Normally, I’d give him the middle finger before walking to the other end of my cell, barefoot in my filthy jeans and t-shirt, all while enjoying the howls of agonizing demons in the distance. He’d watch me for a few minutes, then disappear back to Paradise Realm, unaware of my plans.

  The asshat was due to show up today for his routine. It’s an understatement to say I had something prepared for him this time. He had sealed my power back then, but age somehow had worked its wonders. I felt it slowly unlocking, barely, faintly—definitely not enough to even scratch Conus, but with it, I drew an invisible deity-trapper onto the dirty floors of my cell.

  I had masked the magic circle’s power and charged it for years. Now it’s so strong that I’d probably die too, if I used it. Yes, a spell that can actually kill an immortal. Developed it myself.

  How do I know it kills immortals? Well, I tested it on the immortal demons that flocked to my cell to fuck with me. Douchebags.

  Almost once a month, (I drew a calendar to track time) a group of them in all shapes and sizes would show up, uninvited, mind you, and walk through my cell bars like ghosts. Ignoring physics aside, they’d beat the ever-living shit of me, break my bones, crush my balls, pop my eyeballs, chop me into pieces, restore me and do it again for days.

  When they grew tired, one of them often pitied me enough to restore my shredded body while gloating, with “next time” threats. I tell you this was the most agonizing shit ever, but my plan set into motion. Once I activated my trapper, payback felt sweet.

  It was now just me, the corpse tree, and patience. So much patience.

  I felt a nine hundred-degree wind blow this way, scorching my face as it passed. It still hurt like hell but barely fazed me. My skin took no physical damage —I only felt amplified pain. That’s how this shithole seem to work.

  Honestly, I wasn’t sure. After spending eight years here, I almost grew compassionate for the humans sent to this shithole for a goddamn eternity. At least for those who died a noble cause such as trying to feed their family. Conus and the House of Judgment are damned harsh, though, for the most part, mainly murderers, rapists, and the corrupt got sent to Hell. And well, since I destroyed Earth like twice, it came as no surprise to why I’m here. Conus can rewind time, yet he still condemned me.

  Asshole. Why not seal these goddamn uncontrollable powers? He’s like, “son, you must learn to control your powers, you’re next in line for the throne.”

  Screw that! I didn’t ask for them, nor did I give a shit about the throne. It sounded cool at first, until he explained the responsibility. And believe me, you don’t want me to get into that. Afterwards, he sent me to live among the humans, to learn about them and what not. Sure, there were probably noble intentions behind the terrible idea, but it obviously didn’t work. I get it: live with them, learn their culture then you’ll learn to rule the evil creatures, blah blah blah. It’s tradition.

  Something unseen triggered mankind to treat me like the worms lower than dirt. It’s human nature to be complete dickbags. Nothing new there, move along.

  I shook my head at my murderous thoughts of Conus.

  While not the only judge in the House, he’s the one who’d punish his son by condemning him to live in Hell. I’m surprised that Demon King Ghost, Lucifer, or any of the big-dog devils of royalty didn’t pay a visit these years. Well, Hell is an ever-expanding place and this tiny corner isn’t exactly popular, except for thugs. Lucky me.

  I checked my deity-trapper, charged more power into it, and sat on a stool made of some kind of bone. Probably demon bone, since it didn’t heat up at all. Or was it the remains of some demon I tortured? Fuck if I remembered. The fiery red sky began to fill with clouds, a sign that Conus was preparing his dimensional warp. Hell’s sky normally consisted of a constant, bland, blood-red void. It’s similar to Earth’s blue sky, just uglier, and often polluted with fiery balls of brimstone and flying demons.

  I prepared to make this Conus’ resting place whether I could bust out or not. I already heard his echoes whispering my name like ghosts of the past.

  “Epex…Epex…Epex…” The echoes briefly surrounded me before roaming off into the nine hundred-degree wind. My hatred for Conus intensified. I didn’t like to think of myself as crazy even if I was bat shit insane after being here for eight years. No, I’m composed, clever, cunning, charming, careful—five C’s of brilliance. Educating myself wasn’t exactly a walk in the park, and nearly impossible before my power leaked from its seal. I had to dig into my memories and manifest books that were from places I once visited. This was the best I could do, and the illusions didn’t last very long before vanishing out of existence.

  The dark thunderclouds finally covered the entire sky. The shape of Conus’ face appeared then formed into a funnel that smacked down in front of my cell. Seconds later, after intense light briefly covered the area, he stood a foot before me in the flesh, ice in his stare.

  I returned the glare.

  Chapter Two

  Conus’s presence made Hell’s heat in this area subside. Now instead of feeling like the surface of the sun, it felt like a cool afternoon after a rainy morning. Maybe freezing. Good thing it didn’t rain, or else the humidity would probably feel like lava. And trust me folks, humidity sucks.

  “Holy shit, Conus. Did Hell just freeze over? You’ve got to let the humans know that, that saying is real,” I said.

  “Foolish son of mine, an adult has he become, do you not wish to see the light again?” Conus said. “With no sign of remorse for what you’ve done, how can you expect to finish your sentence? Instead of begging for your life back, pleading with an apology and sincerity, you inflict disrespect with each of my visits. Should I just give up on you and send you to the depths of Hell?”

  “Hmm, is Ghost like trapped in the depths? Is that why he hadn’t come for me?” I said, with mock innocence. “Ah, never mind that, who cares? Let me tell you how great the surface is: you know, with heat that puts the sun to shame. But hey, at least it’s not so lonely.” I wagged a finger. “Demons visit me every month. They’re a little rough on the edges but not so bad once you get to know them, rest in peace, the bunch. At least I’ve got some water here, courtesy of the corpse tree over there.” I pointed at it.

e frowned. I frowned too, my voice darkening but not into full-blown anger. “Back then, I pleaded for a year straight. If you wanted an obedient tool, that would’ve been your moment. Too bad. I can only give you the award of being the greatest asshole in existence.”

  Conus sighed. “You’re missing the point of punishment, foolish boy. You were warned, yet you still threw a tantrum, eradicating humanity, not once but twice. The first time I let you off the hook with a long lecture, turned a blind eye to your disgrace, even covered it up. You sealed your fate when you disobeyed me again and let hatred take over.”

  “Uh, hello, I’ve tried countless times to get you to take away some of that power,” I snarled. “It was fucking hard to control and you knew it. Learn to control them, you said— never showed me how—just expected me to adapt.” I flipped him off. “You gave me no chance—just threw me in this dump to rot. Newsflash, you didn’t break me.”

  Conus shook his head. “It’s not that easy, boy. And for a prince chosen to directly succeed me, was but another trial. After all of this time, you still cannot see what is to be seen. You cannot see the point. You still understand nothing.”

  “Pssh—whatever, Great Yoda—are you serious? You expected me to learn your so-called lesson while being tortured non-stop?” I said, and then laughed. “That’s it, I’ve had enough, Conus.” I sat down. “Please leave. See you in two years.”

  “If I leave this time, you’re going to the depths. You who will never learn anything will experience what it means to truly rot in Hell. You will be eaten alive by maggots, tortured by demons, longing to be with me again, to be my son but in the depths, there is no hope, no more chances, no more ways out. Nothing but chains, pain, despair, and fear. Here is your chance to leave this place, and you cannot even humble yourself, nor mature.”

  I grabbed my cup of leftover filthy water. Normally it would be boiling after being left out for more than a minute, but I had timed it with the arrival of Mr. Hell-freeze there. Cold water, woo! Tasted like a shit-cone. Conus turned as I gulped it down, oh so satisfying. “Epex, it’s time to let go of your hatred and grow up. You are capable. I can see the light inside. Come, learn the ways of wha—”


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