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Bittersweet Ecstasy

Page 22

by Taylor, Janelle

  Sun Cloud worked skillfully and hungrily to arouse her higher, for he realized she wanted this irresistible union as much as he did, and she was not afraid or reluctant to take what she wanted and needed. His tongue swirled around her lips and within her mouth, then drifted across her face to tease at one earlobe. He felt his hot breath enliven her senses, and he continued down her throat to press his lips against the black mole upon her throbbing pulse. To make certain he was not mistaken about her passion and surrender, his hands eased beneath her buckskin top and gently fondled her breasts. He carefully kneaded the taut peaks and brought a moan of pleasure from beneath his kiss.

  His fingers moved from under her top and unlaced its ties beneath her hair. He did not separate their lips until that was necessary in order to remove it. Instantly their lips fused once more and their bare chests pressed tightly together. His mouth traveled down her neck and over her collarbone, and fastened provocatively to one breast. With tantalizing leisure, he moistened it and caused it to grow tauter before shifting to the other one. Each time he left one to lavish attention on the other, his deft fingers would work upon it until his mouth returned.

  Singing Wind had never experienced anything so wildly wonderful. The fingers of one hand wandered through his hair as the fingers of the other teased over his back. Her head was bending forward to brush her lips over his dark head. His skin felt so cool and sleek while hers felt fiery and tight. His smell was fresh and appealing, and manly. She closed her eyes to allow her senses to absorb the sensations which he was creating. Her respiration had become quick and shallow, her lips were suddenly dry, and her cheeks were hot. She felt she would explode from the force building rapidly within her body as bittersweet ecstasy assailed it.

  Sun Cloud halted briefly to remove her fringed skirt, and allowed it to slide to the ground. As he kissed her greedily, his fingers untied the laces of her breechcloth, allowing it to join her skirt at her feet. Now, his hands could freely roam and stimulate her entire body, which they did. His fingers fondled her buttocks, then eased over her shapely hip to search for a fuzzy forest which he entered to seek another tiny mound. Soon, he had it throbbing with need and pleasure.

  Singing Wind derived exquisite delight from his actions and wanted them to continue. She could think of nothing and no one except him and this blissful episode. She felt as if she were drifting dreamily on the puffy clouds above them, and he was the sun which warmed her. She felt empty and tense when he stopped to remove his breechcloth and leggings, then a thrill of erotic desire as his naked body touched hers.

  Sun Cloud guided them to the grassy earth, then resumed his titillating siege. His fingertips stroked her thighs and fuzzy covering before invading it once more, causing her to quiver with anticipation. He carefully gauged their journey to the land of rapture. At last, he moved atop her and tentatively pressed his fiery shaft against the barrier of her womanhood. It gave way easily and he slipped within her.

  For Singing Wind, there was little discomfort, for she had led an active life and was eager and moist for his loving assault. She was clinging tightly and wildly to him. She arched her back to accept his full length and savored this heady and total contact. The feel of their joined bodies was overpowering. She yielded to instinct and followed his lead. Consumed by fiery passion, she returned his kisses and arches with savage delight. A curious bittersweet aching filled her body, despite the sheer bliss of their lovemaking. She wanted…What?

  Sun Cloud was working frantically now, for he did not know how long he could master his demanding shaft. Perceiving her high state of arousal, he increased his pace and force. When he felt her arch and stiffen and a breathless sigh escaped her lips, he knew his control was no longer needed. He entered and withdrew quickly and sensuously, coaxing his own rapturous release to spill forth.

  Together they savored the delectable experience until each drop of bliss was ingested or shared. Still they kissed and embraced. Soon, Sun Cloud felt the need to relax his body and to regain his normal breathing. He rolled onto his back, but pulled her against his side. They lay there until reality and contentment surrounded them. Each dozed lightly as they rested and recalled this blissful union.

  Chapter Ten

  Sun Cloud noticed the angle of the sun which indicated dusk was approaching, and he knew they had to leave this tranquil spot. He looked over at Singing Wind, his movement causing her to open her eyes and to meet his gaze. He smiled and hugged her possessively. “We must ride, dark eyes, or we will not make your camp before night.”

  Singing Wind rolled onto her stomach. She propped herself on her elbows and cupped her chin in her hands, gazed across the pond and lifted her eyes skyward. He was right; the sun would sink into Mother Earth soon. She glanced at him and smiled. “Why should I be afraid when I have a Sacred Bow carrier to protect me?” she playfully inquired.

  Sun Cloud laughed, his gaze roaming to where the points of her breasts were grazing the earth and were nearly hidden by her long hairand folded arms. He had never seen this sultry, serene mood before; it enticed his loins to plead for another union with her. He shifted to his side. His fingers traced over her bare back, then stroked her firm rear before they pushed aside her hair so he could assail her earlobe.

  Silver laughter came from her as she closed the distance between her head and shoulder, for his action tickled. More laughter came forth as his lips worked their way along her neck, then up to her mouth. She fell to her side as her arms moved to encircle his neck to hold his mouth against hers.

  Their tender kisses waxed urgent and soon they were making love once more. This time, they did not move slowly and cautiously; this time, they came together swiftly and feverishly. When they had been rewarded richly for their efforts, their noses touched as they gazed into each other’s eyes and comprehended their fierce attraction for each other. Yet, neither spoke nor confessed such powerful emotions. Each felt it was unnecessary to express in words what had been proven that day.

  Sun Cloud arose, unmindful of his nakedness. “We must not waste this moment and place, dark eyes; a swim is what we need to cool our bloods.” He dove into the cool water, splashing her.

  Without modesty or humiliation, Singing Wind followed him. They laughed and played for a time, then left the water to dry and to dress.

  Sun Cloud noticed her bundle for the first time and asked, “You did not plan to return home this sun?”

  Singing Wind grinned and replied, “How could I sleep in the tepee of Bright Arrow when his brother lives there?”

  “You feared my brother would see the flames which spark between us?” he teased, tugging mischievously at her soaked hair.

  Singing Wind tossed the wet mane over her shoulder and retorted, “No, I feared you would see those which leap between me and him.”

  Sun Cloud chuckled. After kissing and caressing her, he asked wickedly, “Could my brother cause your body to burn as I can?”

  The audacious girl replied, “Could other women cause your body to burn as I do? Can they lure you from your camp and take you boldly as I did? They are all cowards, for they demand a joining first.”

  “Perhaps all women should be tested in this manner before men become their property. If passions are not matched…”

  Movement in the trees nearby seized his attention. He rapidly shoved the startled girl behind him and drew his knife. His keen eyes pierced the leafy foliage, then he laughed. “It grows late and the Great Spirit’s creatures wish to drink. We must go, dark eyes.”

  They mounted and rode from the area which would remain green forever in their memories. The warm air whipping through Singing Wind’s telltale hair dried it before they neared her camp. As they slowed their pace, they began to converse.

  “When will the war against the whites begin?” she questioned, for she knew it would claim his attention and time.

  In the emotional state which had been created by his parent’s loss and by Singing Wind’s unexpected surrender, Sun Cloud spoke unwitting
ly. “First, I must find the man who betrayed us to our foes. The ambush was not their stroke of luck. The bluecoats knew when and where to wait for the Oglala band, and they knew of the war council. An evil warrior walks among us. I must learn his tribe and name, and slay him.”

  To make matters worse, Sun Cloud looked at her with narrowed eyes and asked, “Does your brother Silver Hawk ride from camp alone? Does he stay gone for many hours before returning?”

  Singing Wind was intelligent and astute, and she grasped his implication. Her brother was many wicked things, but a traitor! “Your words cut me deeply, Sun Cloud. They dishonor you and they shadow my brother. You have known Silver Hawk since birth. What madness enters your mind and causes you to make such cruel charges?”

  Sun Cloud recognized his lapse and scolded himself for his error. “I make no accusations, Singing Wind. I must watch each warrior to learn the truth. There are three of us who know this secret, and we were not to reveal it to others until the black-hearted one is exposed.”

  Anger thundered through Singing Wind like a violent storm, for she could tell whom he felt was guilty. “Watch in another camp, for it is not Silver Hawk, or one of my people,” she stated coldly, feeling protective of her family and tribe. “I will tell no one of your madness, for these suns are perilous for all tribes and you will soon be a chief and your people must trust you to ride behind you. I warn you, Sun Cloud, drive such shame from your body or it will harm you and others. Enter the sweat lodge and purify yourself of such evil and dishonor.”

  Abruptly a wild thought flashed through her mind, and she painfully wondered if that was the reason why he had pursued her and was riding home with her: to spy on Silver Hawk and/or others. After all, she had tempted him to seduce her along the way; it had not been his idea. She was tormented by the realization that this warrior might have betrayed her love and casually used her body. She glared at him and vowed impulsively and dishonestly, “I am shamed for giving myself to one so unworthy of me. I only desired to see what it was like to have the glorious Sun Cloud just once, but do not come near me again, for I was foolish and wrong. If you seek to harm my brother, I will see his honor avenged myself.” She clicked her reins and raced away.

  Sun Cloud followed her, but she reached the Blackfeet camp before he could catch her and explain. She dismounted and asked one of the young boys to care for her mount, and he gladly complied. Then she hurried to Chief Medicine Bear’s tepee, determined not to be alone with Sun Cloud again until her temper cooled and her poise returned.

  Silver Hawk joined him as he was dismounting. “Do you bring bad news, Sun Cloud?” he inquired, intrigued by his sister’s behavior. He could tell she was vexed, and was eager to put distance between them.

  “I rode to guard your sister. She is rash, Silver Hawk. She does not know she cannot ride when and where she chooses. She came to visit Tashina and Bright Arrow. My brother is away returning Little Feet to her family and people, and Singing Wind would not stay with us until the new sun, for Sun Cloud lives in Bright Arrow’s tepee these moons. She is willful, and troubles a man’s anger and control,” he declared irritably to relax and disarm the crafty and alert Silver Hawk.

  Silver Hawk chuckled deceitfully. “Come, eat and sleep in my tepee. You can return to your camp on the new sun. One season, my sister will learn she cannot behave as a child or a man.”

  “That season comes too slowly, Silver Hawk; she is as a wahoo thorn in the flesh. I must care for my horse, then I will join you.” He accepted; he was delighted by Silver Hawk’s invitation, for it would allow him to study the man closely. After his horse was taken to water and grass, the Oglala warrior followed Silver Hawk to his tepee.

  The warriors ate and talked, but Silver Hawk was careful to drop no clues about his feelings and actions. As Sun Cloud lay on his borrowed sleeping mat, he was disappointed by this unsuccessful visit, and what it had cost him. Somehow, he had to make Singing Wind understand and forgive him. If only she had not relaxed and enchanted him so deeply that it had loosened his lips and dazed his mind!

  In the Oglala camp, Tashina hastily sealed the flap to her tepee and turned to slip into the entreating embrace of Soul-of-Thunder. Both knew the danger was greater for this second secret meeting than for their first. She related the news of her father’s and uncle’s departures, and all that had taken place in their camp.

  As her face nestled against his hard chest, his arms banded her tightly. His torso was darkly tanned and smooth. His flesh felt as soft as a doe hide, but his muscles beneath were hard as stone. Like her uncle, he was lithe and strong, and he was lean, but not as tall as Sun Cloud. No mark of the Sun Dance marred his chest, but a knife wound had left a scar on his right shoulder. Although his nose had been broken during a training practice, the bump along its ridge gave it appeal. How she loved him, and wanted him again. She hated this waiting to reveal their love and to share each night.

  The Cheyenne warrior did not want to release her, for he knew each day could be his last. His lips sought and found hers, and he kissed her with a desperation which she found bewildering. When she looked up into his eyes, he kissed them closed, for he feared she would read the emotions which warred within him. He had come to comfort her and to reveal his selection as a dog-rope warrior. Not wanting to spoil their brief time together so quickly, he kept silent.

  Their kisses and caresses increased their great yearning for each other. Soon, they parted to remove their garments and to lie down together on her sleeping mat. They touched and enticed until they could no longer restrain their ardor, and they united their bodies to share a blazing passion. They climbed higher and higher until they soared in ecstasy’s domain, releasing their tensions and claiming blissful pleasure. They gazed into each other’s eyes and smiled.

  “You are my love and without you I am incomplete,” he murmured.

  Tashina embraced him possessively and replied, “As I with you.”

  “There is something I must tell you,” he began reluctantly. “I was chosen as a dog-rope wearer,” he revealed just above a whisper.

  Tashina paled and trembled. Her gaze sought his, but he would not look at her. She stared at him for a time, absorbing his perilous existence for the next year. “You must refuse it, my love,” she urged.

  “I cannot. I am a member of the Dog Men Society. I am a Cheyenne warrior. I am the son of war chief Windrider. I am a man. I must wear the sash until Mother Earth renews our lands once more.”

  Tears began to ease down her cheeks. “I cannot lose you.”

  His gaze finally met hers. “Until we join, I swear my second mother Sky Eyes will not make a new sash for my people and I swear, after we are joined, my wife Tashina will not. It is our way, my love, and I must follow my destiny.”

  “I am your destiny, as you are mine. I could not survive without you. You are my life and my true love.”

  “Do not weep, my love, and do not ask me to refuse my duty. If I must worry over you, I cannot guard my life, for my thoughts will be of you. Trust me, Tashina, and wait for me.”

  “Wait for you?” she echoed in confusion.

  “We cannot join until my duty is done. If the Great Spirit calls me, I cannot leave my new wife Tashina and the child she might be carrying in the care of others. We are young and these days are filled with evils. We will join when we reach our summer campgrounds again. It is best this way. We must not unite our bodies again, for a child could come from such a union. Until the danger is past, we must return to how it was before we yielded to love.”

  “We cannot, Soul-of-Thunder. It is a long time until Mother Earth renews her face again, and much happiness will be lost. If the Great Spirit calls your name, I wish to have our child to carry our love forever. Is your love not as strong as mine? Can you be near me and not desire me? Can you remain in your camp and never come to me?”

  “To do such things is harder than wearing the sash,” he admitted.

  “Then we must join quickly and seize all the happi
ness we can.”

  Soul-of-Thunder looked at her and could not bear the thought of another man joining her if he was slain, another man raising his child. Yet, he felt it would be harder for her to accept the death of a husband and the father of her child than it would to accept the death of a twice lover. “I must think and do what is best for you, my love.”

  “What you demand is not best,” she argued frantically.

  “I will think again on this matter, for my head is not clear when I am with you. I do not think I could bear to see your face each time before I ride out to endanger my life in battle,” he told her, knowing he must leave the battlefield last each time, and a great war was near.

  “Do you think it will be easier for us if we are separated, if I must live in dread of each sun, not knowing if you are alive? How can your head be clear knowing I have such fears and worries?”

  “It is an honor to be chosen, Tashina. It is only one span of seasons.” He tenderly caressed her cheek, then hugged her against him.

  “A span of one seasons and an honor which can take you from me forever, as my mother and grandparents were taken from me.”

  “Your heart is filled with pain and you do not think as I do.”

  “If we must sacrifice our life together for a span of seasons for you to fulfill your duty, then I will never think as you do. Why can you not become a member of our tribe after my father becomes chief? Then, we can join. We can be happy and safe, and share a mat each moon. Why must it be the female who leaves her people?”

  “It is our way, my love. Have you forgotten, Sun Cloud is to become chief? My father told me this long ago.”

  “My father and many others say he will not be voted chief. Sun Cloud is too young and he does not have my father’s prowess and wisdom.”


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