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Bittersweet Ecstasy

Page 37

by Taylor, Janelle

  Sun Cloud sank to his knees on the supple grass. His adept hands stroked her sleek thighs, then one invaded the dark forest near his chin as he teased her flesh with his tongue. He felt her stiffen and heard her catch her breath as his fingers made contact with the bud of her womanhood. As he labored deftly upon it, causing it to become hotter and harder beneath his masterful touch, he felt her relax and heard her sigh in pleasure. He knew this task should be done slowly and carefully at first, for this tiny mound was very sensitive; later, when her passions were at their peak, he could increase his pace and pressure.

  Sun Cloud nuzzled his cheek against the downy covering which concealed the heart of her sensual being. When his fingers cleared a path in her forest, his lips lavished kisses upon the straining bud. Her body and passions responded instantly to this enticing stimulation, and he thrilled to her enjoyment. His teeth playfully and exquisitely nibbled upon the tender mound and caused her to shudder with delight and a loss of control. Her thrashings, quiverings, and moanings encouraged him to continue his delectable task and to become bolder with it. Sometimes slowly and sometimes swiftly, his tongue circled the peak before he gently attacked it or engulfed it hungrily with his mouth. As he feasted upon it, one finger eased into the moist and dark canyon near it and began to travel its distance back and forth at a steady pace.

  Singing Wind felt as if her flesh were burning and itching all over, and her legs felt weak and shaky, as if they would soon give way beneath her. This new pleasure was mind staggering; she felt in a fiery trance, from which she did not want to ever awaken. Her body felt as taut as a bow string, but as limp as a freshly skinned pelt. It felt wonderful and satisfying; yet it caused her to hunger for more, for a total contact with his body. It made her feel daring and wild, and she wanted to try this new pleasure upon him. She felt a strange tension building rapidly within her and she instinctively knew something different and rapturous was awaiting her. The tiny mound and its cave both throbbed and blazed with desire. She tried to relax to allow the flow of this powerful river of passion to carry her wherever it willed. Suddenly it happened, and she was stunned by the force of her release. Her hands buried themselves in his hair and she arched forward to offer all of herself to him as he drove her to mindless bliss. When the spasms ceased, she was trembling uncontrollably and breathing erratically.

  Before these sensations and her hot glow could vanish, she pushed him to the ground by his shoulders and, without warning or hesitation, her mouth rapaciously covered his tasty shaft and she seemingly feasted wildly and enthusiastically upon it. He was surprised and elated by her bravery and ardor. As her fingers skillfully caressed and stroked every inch of his manly loins, her lips and tongue fervidly lavished his manhood with kisses and swirls, and her mouth gently encased it fully time and time again. Her head moved up and down as she delighted in the bliss which she knew she was giving him in return, as he was now the one who was squirming and quivering and moaning in the throes of bittersweet ecstasy, for that was exactly what it was: a blend of torment and rapture which ravished the very soul with its demands and pleasures.

  Ensnared by feverish intoxication, Sun Cloud battled to keep his control over his demanding flesh. She was driving him wild, dangerously near the point of no return. He had to stop this maddening bliss or it would be too late. He called upon all of his strength and will and grasped her shoulders to force her to her back. His flaming manhood entered her receptive womanhood, which was fiery and pleading and did nothing to help him retain his mastery over the perilously quivering shaft. He felt it pulse and twitch threateningly, and he concentrated fiercely to prevent it from spilling forth its release too quickly. He murmured precautions into her ear, but she seemed too entrapped by hunger to hear them or to heed them.

  Singing Wind pressed her body against his and shifted to take all of his manhood within her greedy body. She wiggled seductively beneath him and ravenously sought his mouth. Her hands roughly fondled his back and shoulders and tried to pull him more tightly to her.

  Sun Cloud realized how aroused she was and was amazed by her intense craving for him. As he felt her body working with his to obtain a mutual victory, he cut his tight leash and raced for passion’s peak. He felt her match his pace and quickly increase it. They rode freely and happily as they covered the short distance to their destination. As they seized their victory together, they kissed and hugged joyously.

  Later, they snuggled together on his sleeping roll as their fingers lightly and lovingly grazed the flesh of the other. A refreshing breeze played over their sated bodies which were cooled and relaxed now. Shafts of moonlight filtered through the trees to dance mischievously on their naked skin and to display it to the other. The fragrance of wildflowers and the heady odor of pine and spruce mingled and teased at their noses. Tree frogs and crickets sang merrily at the pond. Owls and bobwhites persistently called to their mates. For a time, all else was pushed aside and they existed only in a world of peace and love.

  As Singing Wind’s fingers trailed up his stomach to his chest, they abruptly halted as she recalled what he had endured so recently. She felt the snug band of rawhide which the shaman had wrapped around his torso to hold his severed flesh in place until it reunited and healed, then leaned her head back and looked into his handsome face. “I am very proud of you, my love, but this could have taken you from me. I am glad I did not know of it before you faced such a dangerous task, and too soon after the Sacred Bow race. The hanging ritual can take a man’s life. Can you speak of them to me?” she inquired.

  Sun Cloud smiled and hugged her against him. “I can speak of all things to you, my love. But why do you wish to hear it all again; you sat near as Thunder Spirit told Strikes Fire and Jumping Rabbit how I challenged the Sacred Bow race and Sun Dance on the same sun? I had to do these things to prove myself to Grandfather, to my people, to my brother, and to Sun Cloud.” Yet, he patiently and proudly related his experiences— physical, mental, and emotional—to her.

  Singing Wind listened carefully as he spoke of his meetings with Mind-who-Roams, Bright Arrow, and the Oglala Council. “Soon, my love, all will be as Grandfather revealed to you. When you leave the war council on the coming sun, return to my side for one more touching of hearts and bodies before this new battle begins,” she entreated.

  “The war council will be held as Wi sinks into the body of Mother Earth on this coming sun. The talk will be long; then we will share food and sleep. If I meet you here and linger for a time, the others will reach camp long before me and will wonder where I am. It is dangerous to arouse suspicions and angers against us at this critical time.” As he watched the sadness and disappointment cross her features and he imagined it could be their last meeting for a long time or on Mother Earth, he relented slightly, “I will try to sneak away before the others break camp. If I do not come before Wi sits overhead, return to your camp and safety. If Silver Hawk returns from council and notices you are gone and remembers I left early…”

  There was no need to complete his intimidating statement. Sun Cloud inhaled deeply and frowned as he realized that his enemy could grasp this secret and ruin his life. They were too close to victory to take such risks. “I will come only if it is truly safe and wise. There is another matter which worries me: Little Flower,” he hinted, then explained his meaning and requested her help in investigating the problem.

  Singing Wind was embarrassed by her brother’s apparent new evil. Yet, she asked herself, had she not already suspected this wickedness? She had known the flirtatious and lively Little Flower for many years, and this was not the same female who had arrived with Silver Hawk. It was not newly joined nerves or modesty which had changed her. Even Shining Feather had appeared distant and afraid for many moons; Singing Wind scolded herself for ignoring such warning signs and for thinking only of herself lately. Something had to be done about her mean and selfish brother, for his heart was growing blacker each sun. “I fear you are right, my love. I will see to it. I will come here
when the sun sits there,” she told him, pointing to a height which made it ten o’clock in the morning. “I will wait for you until it sits over me, then I will return to camp if you have not come. Promise you will come to me as often as you can; your council’s vote was set for one full moon and only half of it has passed. It was not easy to wait for you, and after having you completely, it is impossible.”

  He covered her face with kisses and embraced her. “It is the same with me, my love. The more I have you and come to know you, the more I crave of each. This powerful bond and secrecy between us make it harder, not easier, to wait. I grow careless and rash. I should not have asked you to meet me here this moon. What if others find you gone? My heart clouds my head when I am near you.”

  She caressed his cheek. “I closed the flap on my tepee, so it is forbidden for another to enter or to call out to me. I will return while others are busy with chores; no one will see me or know I was gone. It will be the same on the coming sun. I will be careful and cunning. Where is Thunder Spirit?” she asked, suddenly remembering him.

  Sun Cloud laughed mirthfully as he related his friend’s suggestion and help, astonishing and pleasing her. “It is good to have such a special friend, and more so to have such a rare woman.”

  She smiled and concurred. “Yes, it is very good to find and to capture such a unique man. You alone can fill my heart and life.”

  They made love once more before they slept in each other’s arms, to awaken at dawn to part reluctantly. Glancing backward as her horse weaved through the trees, Singing Wind seized every sight of him as she headed for her camp.

  Sun Cloud watched her departure until she vanished from view, then joined Thunder Spirit to head home. It would be only a few hours before it was time to ride to the war council; then their crafty plans would be put in motion. He could not help but wonder where Silver Hawk had gone and what was taking place within that warrior’s head.

  Silver Hawk knew he could not linger near the fort much longer or it would look suspicious. He was vexed with Smith for not leaving him a message since the soldier obviously could not meet him this morning. He scoffed, what did it matter? He did not need the white man’s help; he was only playing with the bluecoat for amusement.

  As Silver Hawk and his band rode toward their camp, they encountered Chief Flaming Bow of the Cheyenne Red Shields Band. They halted to speak. The Blackfeet chief remarked, “We were seeking fort scouts or work parties. No bluecoat showed his face beyond their camp around the wooden tepee. I wished to slay the one who wears a red cloth around his neck; he is the one who killed my second father Gray Eagle and I seek vengeance upon him,” he lied convincingly.

  Flaming Bow smiled and informed him, “He is dead. I killed him four moons past and gave the red cloth to Sun Cloud when we jointly attacked the bluecoat camp far away. He wore it during his Sacred Bow race and Sun Dance two moons past, and he seized great victories in both. He chose the hanging position and the heavens cried out at his pain and sacrifice. Word came to us this past sun of a new war council; that is where we ride. Have you not heard of it?”

  “We have not been in our camp. We will ride with you and your warriors. Tell me all of Sun Cloud’s challenges and victories,” Silver Hawk coaxed with feigned pride and pleasure, but anger and envy surged madly within him, as the last things he wanted to hear about were Sun Cloud’s enormous prowess and Smith’s death. For a long time, he had looked forward to slaying both, very slowly and painfully. He had to find a way to make Bright Arrow chief swiftly…

  Chapter Eighteen

  As Sun Cloud figured, the war council was a very long meeting, for the tribal leaders wanted to hear all the details of Sun Cloud’s rituals and the reports from every band who had scouted or encountered the white enemy since their last meeting, before this one continued.

  Mind-who-Roams and White Arrow delighted in relating the prowess of Gray Eagle’s youngest son. All agreed the Sacred Bow race and Sun Dance vision were powerful medicine; and all were amazed by Sun Cloud’s twofold stamina, bravery, and success. It was decided that Grandfather had blessed him and used him, and would do so again.

  The joining of Silver Hawk to the daughter of Dull Knife was announced, and many congratulated the young chief, whose mind seemed to be on other matters and places today. The death of Medicine Bear was mentioned again, and his passing was mourned with a few moments of silence for he was well-liked and respected.

  The joining of Tashina and Soul-of-Thunder was announced. Many congratulated him as he stood proudly between his father, Windrider, and Tashina’s father, Bright Arrow. He smiled happily and thanked them.

  Mild skirmishes with hay gatherers, woodcutters, and hunters from the fort were revealed and discussed. Flaming Bow’s band related the discovery of the tracks of the detachment to Fort Meade and the trails of three small units to the other forts.

  Sun Cloud stated factually, “Their tracks are now two days old; they are out of our reach. They go to seek help to replace the men and supplies lost to them in our attack. They work as swiftly and eagerly as the beaver before a storm.” He pointedly questioned, “Why do they seek to make their home stronger and to store food? Do they prepare against being swept away by a flood of Indians, or seek to hold out against us until others come and they are strongest once more? We must not allow it. Our time is short and our moves crucial. We must strike swiftly and cunningly before more whites and weapons arrive.”

  Big Elk stood and suggested, “Flaming Bow, Windrider, and Fire Brand can surround the fort and cut it off from supplies and help. We can defeat them by biting off a few at a time and chewing them carefully. Your warriors can sneak close to the fort in the darkness and slay as many as possible, and they can steal or destroy all supplies and weapons. Each man slain or supply ruined must have a bluebird and eagle feather painted or placed upon it; they will fear Gray Eagle has returned from the dead to avenge himself. His spirit strikes terror and trembling in them, and we must play upon those fears and doubts. You must nip at the bluecoats each moon until they are driven inside the fort. You must not allow them to fetch wood, water, or fresh game. They will be cramped tightly and will soon grow edgy. When Wi dries all things, you can pile brush around the fort. The smoke and fire will drive terror into their hearts. If you can burn the wooden shield around them, they can be attacked. Even if you do not slay them all, they will flee our lands in fear and dread of our power.”

  This idea was praised and accepted. Big Elk smiled gratefully at Sun Cloud, for his vision plan was a clever one. The Oglala war chief continued, “There are five forts in our sacred lands. The one nearby will be cut off from the others. Three bands of warriors must prevent the others from sending more men and supplies to Fort Dakota. They dared to build it upon the face of Mother Earth, then call it by our sacred name! Once Fire Brand nearly destroyed it, but they returned and made it strong again. Silver Hawk and his warriors must ride to the west to lay in wait for the soldiers from Fort Henry. Bright Arrow and his band must ride south toward Fort White. Sun Cloud will attack the bluecoats from Fort James. Those from Fort Meade to our north who return with those from Fort Dakota will be attacked nearby; we will let the ones inside witness our power and cunning. They will tremble and leave. If they do not, we will outwait them and slay them.”

  “Do you say you will allow them to ride away if they ask it?” Silver Hawk inquired, as if he disapproved of this show of mercy.

  Sun Cloud replied, “We must not appear ‘bloodthirsty savages’ as they call us. We must seek to prove we have the power to destroy each white man, but do not because we are men of honor and control. We must teach them this is our land and we will defend it with our lives, but we slay no man without reason. We must prove we are higher beings than they are. If we slay them all, they will only send more bluecoats and weapons. If we show mercy and truce, they might linger a while to think of their greed and its demands. They might realize we only want to live in peace on our lands. They might realize we are s
trong, yet gentle. We are firm, but our hearts are good. We must reveal the value of peace. We cannot survive if we are constantly at war; we must have time to hunt, to hold our ceremonies, to make weapons, to join in love, to train our children, to care for our old ones, to feel joy racing through our hearts, and to do many other things. Long ago, our father’s father’s fathers or beyond pushed others from these lands, now the whites seek to do the same with us. They are many and powerful. My father and others of you have battled them for countless winters; each time they are driven out, more take their places. Their forts are destroyed, but more are built. Even their weapons grow more powerful and dangerous with each passing season. We cannot hold them back forever. We must show signs which give them hopes of peace, or they will seek to destroy all of us.”

  Silver Hawk saw these statements as a way to humiliate Sun Cloud and to make him appear flawed. He jumped to his feet and shouted incredulously, “You speak of weakness and cowardice! We must not yield! We must destroy them! How can you show such prowess and courage at the Sun Dance pole, then speak of yielding to our foes? Do you wish your people to live as the white man’s slaves? To hang around the forts as the Crow and live off white goods? Do you wish to see your braves take white mates or bluecoats take Indian mates and weaken the Indian bloodlines? Do you wish to hear your people insulted, and see them abused? Do you wish the white man’s whiskey to dull Indian heads, and their diseases to plague Indian bodies? They cannot live in our lands! Perhaps your white blood sways your thinking and your feelings; perhaps it does not wish to war against the whites,” he accused coldly, his insults barely cloaked.

  Although it was a fierce struggle, Sun Cloud leashed his fury and kept it under control. He asked in a calm tone, “Must all suffer and cease to exist to prove we are braver and stronger, more honorable, than our white foes? Must a truce and peace be viewed as a defeat or weakness? Have we not made truce with Indian foes? Is a white foe any different because of his skin color? Must we fear him more? Must we make special choices for him? A foe is a foe, Silver Hawk, if he be Indian or white. Must we all die because we remain blind to the truth, the truth that we cannot war against them forever?”


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