I'm All Yours

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I'm All Yours Page 1

by Vanessa Devereaux

  Evernight Publishing


  Copyright© 2012 Vanessa Devereaux

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-072-8

  Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  For all my writing students.


  Perfect Pairing, 2

  Vanessa Devereaux

  Copyright © 2012

  Perfect Pairing’s Head Office

  Sadie smiled at the gold-trimmed envelope sitting on top of today’s mail. It contained a wedding invitation. She knew that even without opening it, and not because of any skill she possessed as a witch. Her first Perfect Pairing couple was getting married, and last week they’d phoned to tell her an invitation was forthcoming. She couldn’t wait to see them exchange vows and then walk down the aisle as husband and wife. Watching them take to the dance floor for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Farraday would also be thrilling. Sadie clapped her hands together several times like an excited little child. Being an invited guest gave her an excuse to go shopping for a new dress. Maybe even a hat. She hadn’t worn one of those to a wedding … oh, in what? One hundred years? So it was past due.

  She opened the folder on her desk. She’d mentioned this next couple to Nadine and had lied somewhat when she’d told her they were already clients of Perfect Pairing. Neither of them was. Well, not quite yet. However, she hadn’t been lying when she’d said that they hated one another. No, that wasn’t the truth either. They just thought they did. It was her job to convince them otherwise. It was also down to her get them together so they could find out just how compatible they really were.

  Nadine was currently at a conference in the other realm, so what she didn’t know, couldn’t hurt Sadie. Okay, Nadine had warned her that she wasn’t allowed to use any witchcraft while working for the Department of Love, but a mere boost of something special wouldn’t hurt. She knew these two stubborn, soon-to-be lovers needed some help to get those love wheels in motion.

  Sadie walked to the cupboard where she kept her secret stash of potions under lock and key, just in case Nadine ever came snooping around. She sorted through the jars and pulled out three of them, plus her silver mixing bowl. She’d need to use one of her spells to get this couple to sign up for Perfect Pairing. Sadie opened the first jar and sprinkled in a few splashes of the light blue liquid, and then pulled out her jar of enlightenment, otherwise known as “oh, yeah, now I get it,” and added first one dash and then for good measure, two more. And he’d have to forgive her for this one, but it was only temporary. Once he met with his dream girl, Sadie would remove the impotence spell, and as a way apologizing, she’d make him more virile than ever. She threw in some more of the potion just for good measure, closed her eyes, and cast the spell into the universe.

  Chapter One

  Kyle threw down his car keys so hard they bounced back out of the dish on the counter-top in his kitchen. He took off his jacket and slung it over the couch.

  He’d had the most embarrassing night of his entire life. He’d had dinner with a model whose legs he’d fantasized about all during the meal. Those long limbs being wrapped around him while they got between the sheets. However, when they’d got to that part of the evening, he’d been unable to perform. He couldn’t get a hard-on. Not even one tiny piece of his cock would respond, despite her being naked with her those legs spread wide for him.

  Kyle slumped down on the couch and ran his hand through his hair, hoping that would help him concentrate and figure out what had gone wrong tonight. He’d laughed it off and said he’d had one too many drinks today and hence his sudden impotence. The truth was he never touched alcohol any more. Perrier or Evian was about as hard-core as it got for him these days. No, booze was not to blame for Mr. Floppy.

  His date had even tried manual, and yes, oral stimulation, but still his dick had hung like a wet mop in a janitor’s closet.


  She’ll probably tell all her friends, so when I’m on TV they’ll all laugh, and they’ll tell two friends, and…

  How much worse can things get?

  Maybe I’m ill or coming down with something, and that’s the reason I couldn’t get it up tonight.

  However, in all honesty he felt just fine. Hornier than ever, in fact. In his mind he’d wanted to have sex with her, but for some reason his body didn’t share the same enthusiasm.

  Kyle knew what he’d try. It was the perfect way to see if there was something actually physically wrong with him or not. He’d watch his favorite raunchy triple X-rated movie while giving himself a little self-stimulation. Without fail that worked every single time.

  He headed to the bathroom where he took off his clothes, reached for a container of lotion, and then returned to the bedroom. He threw it onto the bed before pressing the remote to turn on the TV. He loaded in the DVD and got onto the bed. He squeezed some lotion into his hand and fast forwarded it to the raunchiest part of the movie. Well, if you could call it a movie. And he wrapped his hand around his dick.

  Kyle rested his head back on the pillow and watched as the man opened the woman’s legs. Kyle ran his hands up and down his cock, knowing this scene always made him hard and ready to explode.

  Tonight nothing.

  He moved his hand faster, convinced smoke would fly from his cock at any second. He glanced at the screen again. The woman’s pussy looked so inviting, but still nothing was happening to him.

  Eventually he gave up. His hand was tired. His dick, well, that was downright sore and flopped on his thigh like it was sick and beaten.

  Kyle tried to get his breath back after the exhausting effort. He held his chest, feeling his heat beat against his palm.

  I’m way too young for Viagra.

  “Shit,” shouted Kyle. “What the hell is happening to me?”

  He reached across to the bedside table and took hold of his cell phone. Kyle punched the numbers of his manager’s home phone.

  “Hello. Tom Reeson speaking.”

  It sounded like he’d woken Tom up. He probably had because Kyle hadn’t realized it was past midnight until he glanced at the alarm clock on his bedside table.


  “Kyle, what the hell? You in some type of trouble?”

  “Oh yeah, big time.”

  “Okay, then I think we should get your publicist to…”

  “No, not any trouble like with my mom. This is physical. I’m sick.”

  “You want me to call a doctor?”

  “I don’t know if one can help me. I can’t get an erection.”

  Tom burst out laughing. Kyle pulled the phone away from his ear, disgusted that another man would be so flippant about this sort of problem.

  “And what’s so funny? I thought a guy would understand how I feel.”

  “I do. It happens to most of us older men from time to time. Nothing to worry about,” said Tom.

  “I’m thirty-four years old for fuck’s sake. These things aren’t supposed to happen to guys my age.”

  “You do know that a man’s past his prime at eighteen? I’m guessing your dick just needs some rest and relaxation. If I know you, you’ve been using it too much lately. You ever thought about settling down and devoting it to just one

  “That would break my female fans’ hearts.”

  “Kyle, you’re a great looking guy, not married and heading fast to forty. I’m guessing most of them think you’re gay, so they’re probably not holding their breaths waiting for you.”

  Tom was offering no sympathy whatsoever. In fact, he was making matters worse.

  “I’m not getting married just for the sake of my image, and I will get my cock working again. You know any doctors who will keep my visit confidential? I mean if this got into the tabloids, I’d be finished.”

  “Yeah, I’ll see what I can do, but in the morning… please. Good night, Kyle. Just get a good night’s rest like I was trying to do before the phone woke me.”

  King of sarcasm – that’s what Kyle liked most about his manager.

  “Okay, just give me a call when you’ve set up an appointment because I’d like to nip this problem in the bud as soon as I can.”


  Evie sat in her dressing room drinking coffee and paging through one of the magazines her producer had placed on her desk that morning. As the entertainment correspondent, she had to keep up on who was who, who was dating whom, who was divorcing whom, and who was the next big thing.

  She was due on set in twenty minutes to give her weekly entertainment round-up report and had a few minutes to spare before she headed downstairs to the main studio. She flipped the pages until she arrived at the inside back page when she almost choked on her coffee. Some of it trickled out of her mouth and splashed onto the blouse the wardrobe lady had insisted she wear today.

  Kyle Daley’s photo glared back at her. His face, like her blouse, was splashed with coffee. All he wore was his familiar, sickening, phony smile, and a towel wrapped about his waist. He was advertising a new razor with four blades that gave you the closest shave of your life. Evie knew what she’d like to do to him with that razor.

  “Evie, ten minutes ‘til show time.” That was the assistant director banging on her door.

  She dabbed at the coffee stain on her blouse and just as quickly tried to put the image of Kyle’s half-dressed body out of her mind. The man really thought he was something special. And that sickening smirk on his face. Her efforts to clean the coffee spill were making things worse, and she had only a few minutes to go. Maybe no one would notice it.

  Evie walked out onto the set, and the director handed her some notes. She took her cue and then got into position at her news desk during the commercial break.

  She watched as the director counted down with his fingers held up in front of her, and then the light on the camera flashed red.

  “Good morning. This is Evie Winters here, with your weekly entertainment update…”


  Kyle opened his eyes and realized he’d fallen asleep and slept all night with his TV switched on. At least he’d had the good sense to turn the volume down before he’d drifted off. He yawned and rubbed his eyes before focusing on the screen again.

  No, it can’t be.

  If last night hadn’t been shitty enough, this morning didn’t look any better. There on his sixty inch high definition screen was Evie Winters. Nemesis, bitch, pain in the ass, and yes, thorn in his side.

  Was that a coffee stain on her blouse? Wonder how that got by Miss I’m Always Perfect. Miss I’ve Never Made a Mistake in My Life. At least the TV was on mute, so he didn’t have to listen to her voice. He fingered the remote, willing himself to hit the off button, but for some strange reason, he just couldn’t do it.

  Damn, it’s like something’s possessing me to watch her.

  Kyle wanted to hate Evie, really he did, but he’d done something despicable to her less than a year ago, so the fault wasn’t all hers. He’d stood her up for the biggest interview scoop of her life, and yes, on live television. And yes, it hadn’t been his fault either. Well, in a way it had been. He’d made the choice to rush to Colorado that morning, but it had been an emergency. However, he couldn’t let her or anyone else know the real reason she’d been left sitting with an empty chair in front of her and looking like the biggest idiot in the world on live TV. Nevertheless, what’d she’d done on his return to L.A. had been over the top, and from then on she’d become his favorite person to hate.

  He glanced at the screen again.

  Like it or not, Kyle had to admit she was cute. That dark hair that curled up at the ends, baby blue eyes, kissable lips, high cheekbones…

  He swallowed.

  Shit, will wonders never cease?

  He had a hard-on.

  Kyle lifted the sheet just to make sure he wasn’t imaging things. Nope, his cock was back to normal.

  “Yes!” he shouted before letting the sheet fall back on his body. He punched the air with both his fists. He set his head back and pumped up the volume on the TV. Not even evil Evie could ruin his day now.

  “Last week it was announced that the fall TV line-up…”

  Hell, she was sexy. Why hadn’t he realized that before today? Not even when she’d marched into the restaurant after the incident on the morning show had he seen how alluring she really was. He remembered that night, minute by painful minute. Her bursting into the restaurant like she owned the place. Had that been actual steam billowing from her nostrils as she’d pounded across the wooden floor in her Jimmy Choo shoes? She’d stood in front of the table glaring at him for a few seconds without saying a word. She’d then picked up the martini and thrown it dead center into his face.

  The irony was it hadn’t even been his drink. It had belonged to his publicist who had been dining with him that night. Kyle had laughed it off by saying in a loud voice so other diners could hear, he was positive that was not only shaken but stirred, too, and not even James Bond had to deal with a bitch like her. That had been a stupid thing to say about a woman like Evie. That had made the dragon lady’s breath produce more fire. She’d then proceeded to dump the whole dish of Parmesan cheese onto his head.

  He’d stood, hoping to catch her as she exited the restaurant so he could give him a piece of his mind, but when he’d rushed outside onto the sidewalk, the paparazzi had been lined just waiting to snap his photo. His startled face had turned up on every entertainment and gossip publication around the world the following day. Even someone from TMZ had rushed over to ask him what his reaction was to Ms. Winter’s revengeful behavior. He’d said no comment and hurried back inside, truly humiliated for the first time in his life.

  Evil Evie had even had the audacity to call him later that night to gloat.

  “So how does it feel when the shoe’s on the other foot? It’s really not that great to be embarrassed in front of everyone, is it, you ass hole.”

  With that she’d slammed down the phone so hard, he thought he’d lost his hearing in that ear. It had been a whole hour before the buzzing noise in his head had subsided.

  Kyle rubbed his cock through the sheet. He was rock hard just thinking about her and the look on her face that night. The sexy red dress she’d been wearing. It had been so tight that it was obvious she hadn’t worn a bra. Her nipples had pushed through the sheer material, and yes, if he was honest the whole thing had actually been a turn-on.

  He made a fist, trying to get her out of his mind, but he couldn’t. All he could think about was getting her into his bed so his erection wouldn’t go to waste this morning. How sick was that?

  Kyle put his hand under the sheet and wrapped it around his cock, now unable able to take his eyes off the screen and Evie. She was no longer in the studio, but the station was showing a field report of her on one of the sets of a new series that would premiere in the fall. The sunlight played on her hair. And as she turned sideways, the light behind her made her dress appear almost transparent.

  He moved his hand faster and with more urgency, catching a glimpse of her luscious thighs. The outline of their muscles stood out, and he wondered how long she worked out every day to get them looking that good. What would they feel like wrapped around his hips as he
pounded into her? He guessed she’d be extra tight in the pussy department. Yes, a woman like Evie Winters couldn’t be anything else. Kyle groaned as he came, and it felt so good. He rested his head back on the pillow and took deep breaths as Evie faded from the screen and the image switched to a commercial.

  Just what would she think about him jerking off while she was giving her weekly entertainment report? Probably be mortified. He was pretty shocked by it, too. However, she’d been the cure for his temporary impotence.

  “Thank you, Evie. Okay, I owe you one,” said Kyle, realizing he’d said it out loud.

  He looked at his watch. He had an appointment with his trainer in less than an hour. After that he was going to call his date from last night because now that his dick was back in working order, he’d ask for a second chance to take her to paradise.

  Chapter Two

  Evie wiped the perspiration from her face with one of the towels in her bathroom. The weather had turned slightly humid, and she realized she’d chosen the wrong day to go jogging. She’d had a strange sort of tension building all day and needed some exercise to try to get it out of her system.

  At first she couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but as soon as she’d left the studio she’d realized it had all began when she’d seen that sexy photo of Kyle Daley while she’d been in her dressing room. That dark, slightly wavy hair, the green eyes, those broad shoulders on his six foot plus frame…

  She hadn’t been able to get the image of him wearing only a towel out of her head. She’d tried her best, really she had. Evie had even gone to one of her favorite restaurants for lunch, convinced there’d be enough eye candy there to make her forget Kyle in a second. She’d asked to be seated at one of the tables on the outside patio because she knew that’s where the hunks hung out in between their auditions. She’d ogled them from head to toe, three of them, twice, but not a single one had sent the erotic charges shooting through her body the way Kyle’s photo had earlier that day.


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