I'm All Yours

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I'm All Yours Page 2

by Vanessa Devereaux

  She walked to the sink and turned on the tap, letting the cold water run for a few minutes until it got icy cool. Evie leaned over and splashed her face a few times and then looked into the mirror over the vanity.

  Just try to put him out of your mind because the man’s trouble. That interview could have made your career, and he fucked it up big time. Asshole!

  She turned off the tap and headed into her bedroom. She picked up her tote and pulled out her cell phone. A magazine that she didn’t remember putting into her bag fell out onto the bed. Evie stepped back, completely stunned when it opened at the page containing Kyle’s razor ad.

  She rubbed her eyes, positive she was seeing things, hallucinating due to the sudden heat. There was no way in hell she’d put that magazine into her tote to bring home. No way. And the chances of it falling open to the exact page containing that ad were minute. So was the universe trying to tell her something or what?

  Maybe bury the hatchet and make peace with him? End one of the entertainment industry’s juiciest feuds of the last twelve months?

  Evie Winters wasn’t the type to eat humble pie. He’d have to offer the first “I’m sorry for my disgusting behavior.” And she’d make him apologize on the air. He’d sit in the very same chair his ass should have been in when he’d offered her the exclusive interview after he’d landed the role of America’s answer to James Bond.

  It had been her scoop. She’d worked her butt off to get it, wooing and groveling to both his agent and publicist to land the exclusive. The station and network had played it up, built everything around it. Their star entertainment reporter conducting a live interview with America’s answer to 007. But then on the big day, there she’d sat like an idiot looking at nothing but an empty chair and the flashing red light on the camera telling her that she was live. She’d looked at the producer, the director, hoping they could offer her some hope that Kyle Daley was on his way. However, all they’d done was shrug their shoulders, obviously as clueless about his whereabouts as she was.

  Evie looked at the magazine again, wanting so badly to hate him, to draw a mustache on that damn beautiful face of his, but all she could feel was lust. A stirring between her legs and a tingly feeling in her pussy just thinking about him.

  Evie grabbed the magazine and stared at his photo. Okay, terrible thing he’d done to her aside, she suddenly realized she found him totally irresistible and secretly always had. She tossed the magazine down but was sure he’d winked at her from off the page.

  Something must be wrong with her. Perhaps she needed glasses. More likely she needed to have sex. It had been two months since she’d been out with that director. Not that he’d done much for her in the orgasm department. Wham, bam, and it’s over in a flash, ma’am, should, in Evie’s opinion, be the name of his next movie.

  She took a deep breath. Her vibrator always calmed her down when she got this tense. She leaned over, opened the drawer on her bedside table, and reached inside for her trusted, and unlike men, always reliable, pink buddy.

  Evie yanked down her jogging pants and panties, pulled them off her legs, and tossed them down to the end of the bed.

  Hope I remembered to charge this thing up after the last time I used it.

  She pressed the on switch, and lucky for her, it buzzed with gusto.

  Evie settled back on her pillow, getting as comfortable as she could. She spread her legs, allowing the vibrator to play across her clit, down her folds and then, oh yes, inside her pussy.

  She opened her eyes, something she shouldn’t have done because when she glanced down she saw the magazine again, and it was almost as if Kyle was watching her. Grinning and taking enjoyment that Evie Winters resorted to pleasuring herself with a battery-operated friend.

  Evie looked at his chest, his cute inny belly button, and then the bulge under the towel. She hadn’t really noticed that before, and now it was all she could think about. What did Kyle’s dick look like? She bet it was thick, long, and pleased a woman every time he used it. She upped the speed on the vibrator and moaned as she felt her climax building just thinking about being one of the aforementioned women.

  Judging by the bulge in that towel, Kyle probably would be so much better at bringing about her orgasm than this inanimate object she now held. Yeah, that’s if she let that man anywhere near her body. Never gonna happen.

  She closed her eyes, imaging her legs wrapped around his hips, him pounding into her. Evie threw her head back and enjoyed pure heaven and release as she climaxed while seeing nothing but Kyle’s face in her mind’s eye.

  She flopped over onto her side, sending the magazine spilling to the floor. The page had flipped over onto another advertisement.

  She grabbed it, brought it close to her so the words came into clearer focus

  Perfect Pairing: the hot new matchmaking service. Find your perfect mate or your money back.

  Evie rolled onto her back. Maybe she needed outside help in her search to find the perfect man. That was it. She’d find a mate, settle down, and forget that Kyle Daley had not only ruined her career but that he even existed on planet Earth.

  Chapter Three

  “If you dare come back here again, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  Kyle ducked as his pants, shirt, and finally his boxers, were hurled at him as he stood in the living room of top model Rosie Hayes.

  She slammed the bedroom door as he hopped on one foot trying to put his underwear back on. He couldn’t blame Rosie’s sudden outburst. He’d gotten her all worked up about them having hot sex, and then the same thing happened again. This time he was more baffled than the night before because just this morning he’d…. God help him, he didn’t want to think about jerking off while watching Evie Winters on TV.

  Rosie opened the bedroom door. Kyle braced himself by crossing his arms in front of his face, waiting for his shoes to be pelted at him, but relaxed when he noticed they were sitting by the couch in her living room.

  “Maybe it’s not women who turn you on. Yeah, that’s it, isn’t it? The girls and I wondered why you’re so old, still not married, and don’t even have a regular girlfriend.”

  She slammed the door again.

  Kyle sat on the couch and slipped his shoes back on.

  Shit, if they all thought he preferred guys because he wasn’t in a serious relationship maybe Bob had been right about his fans. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to get married. He’d really love to settle down and have a family one of these days. Problem was he hadn’t met the right girl. All the women he met were either after his money or obsessed with his fame, and, yes, shallow as hell. But how did you meet a real woman when you worked in this business?

  He stood and threw his jacket around his shoulders and headed outside to his car. He got in and pulled out his cell phone and dialed Bob’s number.


  “Bob, it happened again.”


  “Floppy Dick Syndrome.”

  “Oh that. I told you to give it a rest.”

  “Did you find a doctor for me? I think I should get it checked out. I mean if it’s something serious they can cure it before it gets worse.”

  Not sure how much worse things can get.

  “I do know a really good doctor in the Bremar Building.”

  “And can he be trusted? I mean he won’t be selling the story about I treated Kyle Daley’s erectile dysfunction disorder to one of the tabloids?”

  “Dr. Hunt. Yes, he treats lots of celebrities.”

  “Okay, set me up with an appointment sometime tomorrow if you can.”

  “Will do, and I’ll call you with a time.”

  Kyle pressed the end call button and sat looking down the road.

  Maybe he’d give him some pills, and he’d be as good as new. And once he got his dick working again he’d seriously think about finding his perfect mate.


  Evie walked into the offices of Perfect Pairing. Had she become this d
esperate that she’d resorted to paying someone to find her a date? She was about to put the clipboard down and leave when a woman spoke to her.

  “Can I get your tea, iced tea, coffee?” asked the receptionist. Evie looked up from the questionnaire she was completing.

  “Maybe something later, thank you.”

  “How about one of our very own Perfect Pairing lemonades?”

  She noticed see a lady in a dress suit standing in the doorway. She walked over to Evie.

  “We have our own brand of lemonade?” asked the receptionist, raising her eyebrows.

  “Yes, it’s my own recipe.” She turned to Evie. “I’m Sadie Sutton, owner of Perfect Pairing.”

  She extended her hand, and Evie shook it.

  “Yes, I will have the lemonade,” said Evie.

  She wasn’t sure why she’d agreed because she wasn’t thirsty, and she usually found most lemonades too tart for her liking.

  “Wonderful, and if you’d like to come with me to my office we can get started on your application.”

  Evie stood, threw her purse over her shoulder and followed the woman into an office with a large glass window that overlooked the courtyard and the other tower of the Bremar Building.

  “Have a seat, and make yourself comfortable.”

  Evie sat on a red velvet couch as Sadie poured her a glass of pink lemonade.

  “I haven’t finished filling in the questionnaire yet,” said Evie.

  “No problem, I can do that as we go through the list of qualities you’re looking for in your perfect mate.”

  She took the application from Evie and handed her the glass of lemonade.

  Evie took a small sip knowing that’s all she’d want, but in fact, she liked it. Not too sweet or too tart, with an undertone of strawberry or some type of berry. She took two large gulps.

  Sadie sat on the couch beside her and paged through her application.

  “Ah, I see you’re in the entertainment business.”

  “Sort of,” said Evie. She wondered if it would seem forward of her if she asked for another glass of this tasty liquid.

  “And how do you feel about dating other people in the business? For example, an actor?”

  “You have actors sign up with Perfect Pairing?”

  “Well, at the moment only one. A really nice young man.”

  “Can you tell me who? I mean, I know a lot of them.”

  She raised her hand. “That I’m afraid I can’t do. It’s client privacy.”

  Evie nodded. “Yes, I understand. Do you think I could get another glass of this lemonade?” She held up the now empty glass.

  “Of course.”

  Sadie stood, put Evie’s papers on the couch and walked over to the cabinet where she poured her a second helping.

  Evie was feeling slightly lightheaded and wondered if she was coming down with something. There had been some type of bug going around the Channel Eight studios.

  “Now where were we?” asked Sadie handing her the glass.

  “No, I don’t mind being matched with an actor. In fact, I’d like to do that.”

  Why had she said that? She avoided actors at all costs.

  “That’s wonderful, and I’ll arrange for your first meeting to take place in the next couple of days – if that’s convenient for you?”

  “It’s perfect. Oops, excuse the pun.” Evie giggled before burping twice in quick succession while holding up the once again empty glass. “Wow, excuse me. Guess I was thirstier than I thought.”


  Kyle hated doctor’s offices, period. He disliked them even more when he’d been forced to wear an examination gown that didn’t cover even half his ass, and the doctor’s hands, despite his wearing latex gloves, were ice cold as they checked out his dick.

  “And you’ve had this problem for how long?”

  “Two nights,” said Kyle, hoping this would be over quickly, he’d get his magic tablets and be gone, along with the awkwardness of the situation.

  “And it’s never happened before?” asked the doctor.

  “Never. But the strangest thing is…”

  “Is what?”

  He should have kept his mouth shut.

  The doctor looked at him, raising one eyebrow.

  “Mr. Daley, if I’m going to help you with your erectile dysfunction, I need to know everything.”

  Kyle set his head back on the examining table and looked up at the white ceiling tiles. This is getting more embarrassing by the minute.

  “Okay, yesterday morning I woke up, and I must have left the TV on all night. And the Channel Eight Morning Show was on, and Evie Winters was doing her segment.”

  “Oh, Evie, I love her. She’s a sweetheart. Sorry, go on.”

  “I don’t know why this happened, but when I saw her I got an erection.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. I imagine lots of men get an erection when they see her. So it seems you don’t have an erectile problem after all.”

  “You don’t understand. I got a hard-on looking at her, and yes, I jerked off while I was watching her, but that’s the only way I can get one. When it comes to being with an actual woman, nothing happens down there, nada.”

  “Then maybe you have a thing for Evie Winters, and it’s all in your head not your penis. Wait a minute. Weren’t you the actor who stood her up last year during that interview?”

  Shit, as if I need to be reminded of that again.

  “Yes, yes, that was me.”

  “Then that’s it. You feel guilty, and now your sexual energy is focused on her and only her. When it’s time to have sex with other women the guilt becomes so strong that you become impotent. Like I said, it’s all in your head.”

  “Doctor, it’s all in my dick.”

  “Wait a second.”

  The doctor left the office. Kyle looked up at the ceiling again, wondering where he’d gone and what he was up to. He returned a few minutes later with a magazine in his hand.

  “Here take a look at this,” he said handing it to Kyle.

  Kyle sat up and looked at the front cover. It was Evie in a skimpy bikini. Some photographer had caught her on the beach as she was stepping out of the water, pulling her wet hair away from her face.

  She was hot with those long legs of hers and that hourglass body. Kyle felt a pulling in his groin and sensed it was happening again. Yep, another hard-on.

  Kyle looked down and saw there was no mistaking the bulge under his gown.

  “Looks like there’s no problem other than the fact you need to get together with Ms. Winters,” said the doctor.


  Evie realized she should have asked for the lemonade recipe before she’d left the Perfect Pairing offices. Best thing she’d ever tasted and she’d like to make some for herself. That wasn’t the only thing she’d enjoyed. She’d also thought Sadie was very down to earth and helpful. She was quite the character and had assured Evie that she’d find her the perfect man on the first try and that she’d be in touch soon with information about her first date.

  The elevator door opened, and Evie got inside and pressed for level one where she’d parked her car. She rode alone for two floors before it stopped on level fifteen. She rummaged through her bag for her car keys as she stepped backwards making room for anyone who might be getting in. She didn’t look up until it started moving again and when she did…

  “You,” she said looking Kyle Daley straight in the eye.

  “Well, well if it isn’t Miss Toss a Martini in My Face.”

  She saw his finger hovering over the button for level one, but then he pulled it away after seeing it was already lit.

  Damn. She’d have to ride all twelve floors with him.

  They stood side by side but didn’t say anything. Evie glanced sideways.

  “Is that dandruff on your collar or some leftover Parmesan cheese?” She knew it was inappropriate, but she couldn’t help herself.

  “You know, Evie, you’re not in the least bit

  “I guess you’d know, Mr. Stick Up My Ass, and ‘it would hurt me to smile once in awhile’.”

  “Yeah, bet you’d love to shove something sharp up my ass. So what brings you to this neck of the woods? Pissed at someone else and have another martini to throw?”

  There was no way in hell she was telling him she’d just signed up with a dating agency. Wouldn’t that make him laugh? The fact she couldn’t get a date by her own means. Well, she could, but just not with guys she wanted to have a relationship with.

  “None of your business,” she said, keeping her eyes fixed on the door.

  There was silence between them as music played in the background as they rode down.

  “By the way, your fly is open,” said Evie.

  He burst out laughing.

  “Yeah, like I’m going to fall for that one. What you gonna do when I lean over to secure it, kick me up the ass?”

  The idea was so, so tempting.

  “Fine, step outside the elevator with your blue boxers on full display.”

  If, and if being the key word here, he was smart enough, he’d realize she’d only know he was wearing blue ones if his pants were really open. She grinned when she heard the zipper being fastened. Maybe he wasn’t as dumb as she’d given him credit for.

  Suddenly the music stopped, and the overhead light blinked twice and then went out completely. The elevator jerked to an abrupt stop.

  “Shit, don’t tell me we’re stuck,” said Kyle.

  “Press the call button on the panel,” said Evie.

  “Pardon me, I wasn’t thinking of doing that. Must be because I’m not as smart as you.” He pressed a yellow button.

  “That’s not the right one. That’s the open door button, which doesn’t work if you’re stuck between floors, which we probably are.”

  “Okay, okay, Miss I know everything.”

  “And maybe you should press the emergency button just in case they don’t know we’re trapped.”


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