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I'm All Yours

Page 3

by Vanessa Devereaux

  “Will you keep quiet for just a second? Do this, and do that. If we’re really stuck we could run out of oxygen, and with you babbling all the time you’ll be taking my share.”

  Evie lifted her hand. She really wanted to slap him but just couldn’t bring herself to do it.

  “I hate you so much,” said Evie. She knew she shouldn’t have done it, but while he was leaning over trying to figure out which was the correct button to push, she raised her foot, placed it in the center of his left buttock and pushed.

  He fell forward, hitting his head on the panel.

  Kyle turned around, and although it was now subdued lighting inside the elevator she could see he had a crazy look in his eye. Shit, she shouldn’t have done that. It was wrong; it was pushing her luck, and now she’d have to pay the consequences. And there was nowhere to run.

  Chapter Four

  He couldn’t believe that Evie’d had the audacity to shove him like that. And with the sole of her shoe no less. Just who the hell does she think she is?

  He glared at her.

  “And I hate you more than words can ever describe,” he said.

  There, it was out, but for some strange reason he now felt compelled to kiss her to make up for those vile words.

  They looked at one another and stood there until, kaboom, their mouths were on one another. Hands going over one another’s bodies, touching, feeling, Evie biting his bottom lip and him groping her nice little ass.

  Evie pulled away. “Are you trying to take my oxygen straight out of my mouth or what?”

  He laughed. Yeah, Evie had made him laugh. She was funny after all, and tasted of pink lemonade.

  He had to kiss her again.

  As he did he felt himself growing harder by the second. She’ll know I really have the hots for her, damn. Shit, I hope I don’t go floppy all of sudden. That would give her more to gloat about.

  He pushed her against the stainless steel wall of the elevator, their lips still locked. Evie wrapped her arms around his neck, and he reciprocated by putting his around her waist.

  This felt good, felt so right. Her body was soft. Her perfume was the same one he remembered lingering around the table at the restaurant when she’d barged in there that night. She was driving him crazy again, but this time in a different sort of way.

  Evie Winters was the last person he ever thought he’d want to have sex with, but he did; and he wanted it right now. Kyle prayed the elevator wouldn’t start up again anytime soon. But just in case it did, they needed to get down to business.

  He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, tasting the lemonade again. He was sure it was lemonade, but maybe it was her lip gloss. Whatever it was it almost made him feel intoxicated and uninhibited.

  Lucky for him she was wearing a dress, giving him easy access. He reached under its hem and walked his hand up her thigh. What a lovely one it was, firm, smooth skin. How many hours did she work out to get in this sort of shape?

  “Are we going to…?”

  He kissed her again before he answered. “You bet we are.”

  “Thank god,” she whispered. “For some reason I feel so horny.”

  So did he. Finally they were on the same page about something.

  He fingered the lace, at least it felt like lace, on the edge of her panties. He wondered what color they were. White, or was Evie into luscious pink? Or maybe erotic red? Kyle inched his finger inside them just a tad, feeling her pubic hair tickle his finger. He edged his finger in farther under her panties, but they were hindering what he really wanted to do.

  She wouldn’t mind. Nope, he bet what he was about to do would turn her on big time. Kyle gave a tug, and the sound of the panties ripping broke the silence in the elevator.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll buy you a new pair,” he whispered to her.

  “I’ll hold you to that,” she whispered back.

  She ran her fingers over his face, probably feeling the stubble where he hadn’t shaved because he was growing it to be ready for his next role.

  “I like this,” she said running her hand over it again. “It turns me on.”

  He inched his finger into her folds, brushing her clit and then going south to the entrance of her pussy. She was smoldering hot, wet, and as he introduced his finger inside her channel, tight as a bud, too.

  Evie ran her fingertips over his lips as he pumped her. He kissed them as she groaned and then took them deep into his mouth and sucked. She felt delightful, and he was going to enjoy being inside her.

  “Do you have a condom?” she asked him.

  Shit. He didn’t. He’d used the last before his problem took hold.

  Evie ran her hand down the front of his pants and tugged on his fly. “Don’t worry if you don’t because I carry a few with me in my purse for just in case times.”

  And if there ever was a just in case time, this is it.

  Kyle took a deep breath, feeling Evie’s delicate hand make its way inside the slit in his boxers. She ran it up his shaft. He caught his breath. He’d be needing that condom very soon.

  “You drive me crazy, Evie,” he said.

  “We both drive each other crazy.”

  “Glad we agree on something. You have that condom ready and waiting?”

  “Yep, but you’re going to have to take your finger out of my pussy so I can reach my purse,” she said releasing his dick.

  He slipped it out. Evie picked up her purse, unzipped it and pulled out a foil package, which she handed to him.

  “You’re sure you really want to do this? You know there’s no going back, no regrets afterwards?” he asked her.

  “Never been so sure about something in all my life.”

  He took out the condom and sheathed himself before kissing Evie again.

  “Guess we should get this over and done with before someone fixes this elevator,” she said as he pulled away.

  Kyle hoisted up Evie’s dress, raised one of her legs, which he wrapped around his upper thigh, and ever so slowly slid into her. He heard her gasp and moan, and her eyelids actually fluttered. She put her arms around his neck and nibbled on his lip as he gave a hard and urgent thrust. He heard what he believed to be her butt continually hitting the elevator wall as both of them descended into a sexual frenzy. Kissing and biting, him plunger harder, and her grinding her hips into him, moaning louder each time.

  When he’d woken up that morning he would never have believed he’d be stuck in an elevator with none other than Evil Evie. What was even more amazing was what they were doing. Just a few hours ago if someone would have told him he’d be stuck in a small space with his nemesis, he would have been correct in thinking his hands would have been on her. Wrapped around her throat trying to strangle her most likely. Definitely not like this, pounding away at her, loving being inside her, this close to her, and kissing those sweet lips.

  And her eyes held him hostage.

  She had the prettiest baby blues he’d ever seen, and their eyelids were fluttering again. He hoped that meant she was close to climaxing because he was at the point of exploding, and he’d hate only take her half way to orgasm and get another drink thrust into his face.

  “I’m, I’m…” she muttered.

  “You’re what?”

  “I’m going to…”

  She didn’t get any more words out because her scream echoed through the elevator, almost rebounding off its steel walls. Hell, the whole of the Bremar Building probably knew a woman was having an orgasm in the elevator. He kissed her as he climaxed, and they held onto to one another, breathing heavily and surprisingly in perfect harmony.

  “Wow,” he said.

  “Yeah, wow.”

  The light came back on, and the elevator moved once again.

  Kyle pulled out of Evie, and she let her dress fall back down on her legs.

  “Guess we finished at the right time.”

  “Guess so,” she said, fingering her hair. “Do you want a baggie for your…” She pointed to the condom
still on his cock.

  “That would be great,” he said looking around but seeing no garbage can.

  He picked up her shredded panties. “I’ll take these with me.”

  Shit, that sounded sick, and borderline creepy.

  “So I know the size and brand when I buy you a new pair,” he added.

  He smiled thinking how he’d somehow known that Evie Winters favored red undies.

  The doors opened, and a handful of people stood outside waiting. Kyle quickly grabbed his dark glasses from his pocket and put them on, hoping he wouldn’t be recognized. Evie turned toward him, smiled, got out and walked away without saying a single word. He noticed a business card on the floor and guessed she must have dropped it when she’d pulled out the baggie for him. He leaned over to pick it up.

  Perfect Pairing: Matchmaking service like no other. Sadie Sutton, CEO.

  He slapped it repeatedly against his palm while stepping out of the elevator. He glanced at the card again. The company’s address was in this very building. He’d hazard a guess that’s where Evie had been this afternoon. He doubted she’d been there to interview someone. In fact, he had a feeling she’d been there to sign up for its services.

  Kyle looked at the card again. He had an idea and hoped that Ms. Sutton would cooperate.

  Chapter Five

  Sadie jumped when she noticed Nadine standing in the doorway. In fact, she was leaning against the jamb and breathing so hard that a strange wheezing sound escaped from her lips. She hadn’t expected her back from the conference, let alone her stopping by Perfect Pairing’s Los Angeles office. Sadie eyed the pitcher of lemonade. If Nadine found out about it she’d know that Sadie had broken one of the strictest rules.

  “The elevator was out,” she said stepping into Sadie’s office and slumping down on the chair in front of her desk. Nadine held her chest, still breathing heavily. “I decided I wouldn’t wait, so I took the stairs. I could have handled them when I was one hundred, but once you get to two hundred and fifty you’re no longer in your prime.” She coughed and wheezed again.

  Sadie swallowed a few times. Oops, my fault the elevator got stuck, too.

  Nadine glanced over at the cabinet by the window. Oh no.

  “I could use some of that lemonade,” said Nadine standing.

  Sadie stood, hoping to get to it before Nadine, but she wasn’t fast enough. Nadine poured herself some and then downed the whole glass.

  Her eyes grew wider with each swallow that she took. “Sadie Sutton, what have you been up to? This is laced with Potion 67.”

  “Now how did that get in there?” asked Sadie.

  “Whom did you prepare this for?” asked Nadine lifting up the glass. “I hope it wasn’t a mortal?”

  Sadie pretended she hadn’t heard Nadine’s question and instead rushed back to her desk, pretending to look through her notes.

  “Sadie. Do I have to report back to the Council that you’ve reverted to your bad ways again?”

  Sadie shook her head. If she did they’d most likely take Perfect Pairing away from her, and it’s the last thing she wanted. Playing matchmaker this way was so much fun.

  “Remember the couple I was telling you about? The pair that hates one another?” asked Sadie.

  “You can’t go around slipping potions into their drinks thinking they’ll suddenly like one another if that’s what this is about,” said Nadine.

  “They’re a perfect pair. I know it, but they just needed a slight push, so I made him…”

  “Him what?” asked Nadine.

  “I just gave a little…” Sadie brushing her hands through the air.

  “What’s a little?” asked Nadine, mimicking Sadie’s finger movements.

  “Temporary erectile dysfunction.”

  “Sadie, it’s forbidden for a witch of your rank to mess around with things of that nature. It’s also against the rules to use potion 67 without the proper permit, and never, ever on mortals. Do you know what this can do to them?”

  She knew exactly, so she didn’t need Nadine reminding her how far she’d bent the rules for this couple. Sadie flopped down on her chair. If she lost Perfect Pairing, she’d resign as a witch.

  Actually, can I do that?

  “She’s signed up, and after I hexed the elevator…”

  “You’re responsible for me walking up thirty floors?”

  Sadie bit her tongue. Why can’t I keep my mouth shut?

  “I expect him to stop by anytime because I flipped my business card out of her purse when she exited the elevator.”

  “You mean the two of them were trapped in the elevator?”

  “Oh yes, a good fifteen minutes. I thought they could chat and settle their differences. That’s why I gave her the potion to make her more reasonable and open to…”

  “Potion 67 is not for that. It’s the most potent aphrodisiac. No wonder I heard a women screaming like she was having an orgasm as I made my way up here. They did a little more than just chat.”

  “Oh, I thought the passion one was Potion 65.”

  Hope she doesn’t know I’m lying.

  Nadine stood. “You’re working for the Department of Love, not sex, and I hope for your sake a solid relationship results from your meddling because if it doesn’t I’ll have to report to Margery.”

  Sadie stood and walked Nadine to the door. “I promise you I’ll have good things to report next time we speak.”


  Kyle checked the card one more time, hoping he had the correct suite number. Perfect Pairing was the next office on the left. He opened the door and stepped inside seeing a middle-aged woman sitting behind a large oak desk doing a double take as he got closer.

  Please don’t ask for an autograph. In fact, don’t even recognize me.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Yes, I was wondering if I might have a few minutes with Ms. Sadie Sutton.”

  “Can I ask your name and what it’s regarding?”

  “Yes, Kyle Daley, and I’m thinking about becoming a client of Perfect Pairing.”

  “One moment, Mr. Daley, and I’ll see if she’s available. In the meantime here’s an application form for you to fill in.”

  “Thank you.” Kyle took the clipboard and sat down. He wrote down his name, and then in the space where it asked the type of partner he was looking for he just wrote Evie Winters.

  “Ms. Sutton said she can see you straight away. If you’d like to come this way please?”

  Kyle stood, putting the clipboard under his arm as he followed the receptionist through a glass door and down a corridor to a plush office at the back where who he assumed was Sadie Sutton sat behind a desk with a pair of glasses perched on the lower part of her nose. She was probably in her mid-fifties, red hair, freckles, and by the look of it, a little on the chubby side.

  “Good afternoon,” she said. She stood and extended her hand.

  The receptionist nodded to him, left, and closed the door.

  “Please have a seat,” said Sadie.

  Kyle pulled up a chair in front of her desk and sat while placing the clipboard on his lap.

  “I believe you’re interested in becoming a client of Perfect Pairing.”

  “Definitely, and here’s the name of the woman I want to be paired with.”

  He leaned across the desk and slid the clipboard toward her.

  Sadie looked at it and then at him. Had he seen a grin on her face?

  “And how do you know that this young lady is a client? After all, all our files are very confidential.”

  Kyle pulled out the business card. “The lady dropped this about ten minutes ago when she exited the elevator. I’m guessing she was here signing up for your services.”

  “And you can’t just ask her out?” Sadie raised one eyebrow.

  “Nope, it’s sort of complicated, and knowing her as I do, she’d probably say no to us going on a date.”

  “I see, but you’re adamant you want to be paired with her, and not an
y of our other clients?”

  Was she grinning again?

  “Oh yeah, only Evie Winters will do.”

  Sadie lifted a pen and made some notes on his application form.

  “Any particular pick of locations for your first date?”

  “Somewhere romantic. In fact, how about dinner at Ghiderelli’s restaurant?”

  He hoped Evie would see the irony in his choose of venues. He couldn’t wait to see the look on her face. He just hoped another martini wasn’t coming his way, but he’d move heaven and earth to get just one date with her.

  Chapter Six

  Evie opened the package with her name on it. There was no return address, so she was intrigued. She snipped at the tape and pulled away the paper. Inside sat a box bearing Renee’s lingerie shop’s logo splashed across the top. Now she got a clearer idea of what was inside the box and who it was from. She felt herself blush from her neck upwards as she lifted the lid and saw not only a new pair of red lace panties but a matching bra, stockings, and a garter belt, too.

  An envelope bearing her name sat on top of them. She lifted it up and ran her finger along the fold to open it. Evie pulled out a card and began reading.


  Once again sorry about ripping your underwear, but hope this gift package more than makes up for ruining them. Maybe next time you have a date you can wear this matching set.


  She got flushed yet again thinking about what had happened in the elevator. She wasn’t usually that impulsive. Never before had she ever given into her sexual urges so quickly and easily. And she’d never resorted to sex in a public place before. She only hoped the security camera had shut down at the same time as the elevator. Any day she was expecting to see her and Kyle doing the wild thing on YouTube.

  Evie didn’t regret it though. Kyle had given her an off the charts orgasm that would make any woman envious, and, yes, want more. She slapped the card a few times onto her open palm. Wear this on a date. Was he psychic or what? Perfect Pairing had called that morning and told her they’d found her a match, and she’d be going on her first date that evening. A limo, which was part of the service, would be by to pick her up and take her to the secret location where her perfectly chosen date would be waiting.


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