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Page 4

by Marilyn Kelly

  William’s erection seem to mock her now. You still haven’t got what you really want.

  Cathryn closed the book and rose from her seat. “I’ll have a bold man soon, Fanny. And I expect you’ll help guide me on how to keep a rake happy. Even if it is a short liaison, I suspect it will be worth the risks involved.”

  She glanced around the room for a hiding place for her new tutorial and decided to take it to her bedroom. Julian filled her thoughts as she wandered out into the cool hallway, and her heart began to pound as she considered thanking him for enlightening her.

  He was going to be a magnificent lover. Exactly what her body and spirit craved.

  First, she needed to come to terms with Percival.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning at eleven, Cathryn hovered near the front hallway waiting for Julian. Violet was upstairs in the parlor, and Cathryn wanted a moment with him before the official visit began. She imagined he would be very disappointed that she had not arranged for them to be alone, but she was not schooled in pretext and hadn’t found a reason to send Violet away.

  He’d sent her a neatly scripted note last evening after dinner, and it burned in the pocket of her dress.

  In her verdant lair,

  the lioness awakens.

  In the cold, he waits.

  It was her first love poem—an overture to today’s seduction.

  A reservoir of erotic energy filled her, as if the hours of seeking and finding release with Fanny had multiplied her desire, not diminished it. She had never made love to herself before, never stood in front of a mirror brazenly naked while trying to appreciate what men liked about the female form. With the exception of an extra pound around her thighs, she’d found her body adequate, and she was anxious to see Julian’s reaction.

  He must have been with so many women, how could she hope to compare to those beauties? Her doubts nagged at her, but nonetheless, she was eager for him. Her curiosity over his physical endowments had grown to a relentless distraction. Could she possibly please him, or was she destined for a lesser man? Or perhaps she had misunderstood, and he would be no better equipped than Geoffrey had been, but undoubtedly possessing greater skill between the sheets. He could transport her, she was confident of that fact from the kisses they’d shared, and she wanted very much to shed tears of pleasure with a man such as he.

  She was in the dining room counting the household’s supply of wax candles for the fifth time when the knocker at the front door alerted her—the seduction resumed. She rushed to the foyer, where Lewin was already opening the door.

  She gathered her cashmere shawl tight around her as the blast of cold air from outside scattered her wild thoughts of slick candles and massive penises. Julian locked eyes with her as soon as he entered, and the intensity in his bearing seemed to fill the small space. He acknowledged Lewin with a pleasant, “Good morning” as the butler took his coat, top hat and cane, but it wasn’t until Julian came to stand just inches in front of her that he spoke to her. “You’re looking very well, Lady Sibley. Burgundy becomes you. I trust you had a good night’s rest?”

  She nodded, speechless at the sight of him, and glad she had worn her second new dress. He was the handsomest man she had ever shared company with, a paragon of sultry male beauty. He wore a camel-hair jacket with dark-brown trousers and waistcoat that matched the rich hue of his hair. She held out her hand, and he stroked her fingertips as he bowed over it, again tickling her wrist with his silken locks. His touch renewed the ache within her, and she came to her senses enough to say, “Good morning, my lord. I slept very well, thank you.”

  He still held her hand and did not allow her to withdraw it. Instead, he turned and tucked her arm in his and stood staring down at her.

  Cathryn glanced behind him and saw that Lewin had gone. With a sigh of relief, she leaned into Julian. “I’ve had the most remarkable day and night since you left. I cannot adequately express my gratitude for your gifts, and your poem was utterly charming.”

  He chuckled. “I hoped you would describe what you learned, but not in your front hallway.”

  “My sister-in-law is waiting upstairs, my lord. We share this house.” Cathryn smiled nervously. “I only hoped for a moment alone to thank you for what you’ve done.” She led him towards the stairs.

  “What have I done, love?” His light air gave way to an intensity she recognized already.

  She wished she could change her last sentence, but it was out. She shook her head in mute discomfort, wishing she had waited until they had time alone before broaching this intimate subject.

  He refused to climb the step. “Tell me.”

  “Later, please.”

  His eyes shone in anticipation, melting her reserve.

  How could she explain such a thing? “It was nothing…” Liar! It was everything—a new dimension added to my life. The gold flecks in his eyes dimmed, and she quickly retreated from her lie. “I had never… I didn’t know… I…”

  With a low growl, he grabbed her hand and dragged her into the nearest doorway. “You’d never had a woman’s pleasure?” Sparks flew as he asked her the question.


  “Men are fools.” His mouth came down on hers, and she lost herself in his kiss and in the warmth of his embrace. His tongue swept across her bottom lip, and she opened herself to him, whimpering as he claimed her. Deep, delicious desire inflamed her. When she felt him fumbling for the door handle behind her, she wanted nothing more than to allow him to debauch her in the study—over the desk or on the rug or—

  The door swung open with the pressure of their bodies and propelled her into the dim, frigid room. His mouth left hers and she came to her senses. “No, my lord, we mustn’t—”

  “Julian. My name is Julian.” He closed the door quietly with his foot as he cupped her face in his hands and drew her back to him. “I only want a proper kiss, my lady.” He kissed her lips lightly. “For today.”

  “Cathryn,” she murmured, adding quietly from habit, “C-a-t-h-r-y-n, it’s a Greek spelling.”

  “Cathryn,” he repeated reverently as he scanned her face. “A lovely name for a beautiful woman.”

  Another soft kiss and she allowed him to enfold her in his arms. Her cheek pressed against his chest and her arms between them still clutched her shawl. For a delicious moment, she felt cherished by this magnificent man, and she wondered again why he had set his sights on the likes of her.

  His chest swelled beneath her cheek and he rubbed down the length of her back. She relaxed into him and emitted a deep mmm as his strong hands eased her tension.

  “I believe you’ve just murred, Cathryn. It’s a lovely sound.”

  He rubbed her spine and she murred again, followed by a light laugh. “That feels wonderful, Julian.”

  He continued to hold her as he gently kneaded her neck muscles. “I want you to settle your affairs with Hedges.” He stroked down her back and she arched with the pleasure. “Before we deepen our acquaintance.”

  He assumed she would set Percival aside for him. Hedges was dull, but he would keep her from the poorhouse. Would a short liaison with a man such as Julian do as much?

  It was a notion worth exploring. Marrying the baron held less appeal than ever before.

  “I sent him a note yesterday afternoon.” The earl’s hands stilled as she spoke. “I requested an audience with him in the next fortnight.”

  A sound remarkably like a low purr came from Julian’s chest. She smiled when he said, “Good girl.”

  He loosened his hold and smiled down at her, his hair framing his dangerous features.

  She would do anything to have this spectacular man, even risk her future well-being. It was a frightening realization.

  “I’ll not do wrong by you, Cathryn.” A hand cupped her cheek as relief flooded her. “Whatever happens between us, I’ll take care of you. Do you understand?”

  “I believe so.” She had no idea what he meant exactly, but the intent
was comfort enough for now. “I trust you, Julian.” She wasn’t certain she did, but the words came out before she gave them full thought, and she couldn’t take them back.

  A crushing kiss was his response. He urged her farther into the room then, until she felt the desk on the back of her thighs. A rush of cold air on her legs told her he was lifting her skirts, and her head fell back as his hand skimmed up her silk stockings.

  “No, Julian, not here—”

  “Shhh, I only want to feel you.” His hand reached her thighs and he cupped her sex briefly before stroking her with a long finger. He exhaled sharply and continued his sensual probing. “Oh, Cathryn, you’re so wet. Such a sweet temptation.”

  She whimpered and gave herself over to his thrilling touch. Exquisite delight permeated her, suffusing her with skin-tingling desire. He circled her slick lips and found her throbbing pearl, which he stroked skillfully, and the pleasure weakened her knees. “Lovely.” He kissed her lightly as he stroked, and she whimpered again as the pressure began to build within her. A thick finger entered her slowly, and he groaned along with her as she shifted to accommodate his blissful intrusion. “And you’re tight as a virgin.”

  Geoffrey had never touched her like this, and she wondered what it said of her that she enjoyed it so wantonly.

  With a huff, he withdrew his hand and let her skirt drop. “We’d best stop, or I’ll disgrace myself.”

  Cathryn was stunned at the loss of him. Her sex ached for completion and she reached out to pull him closer again. “Please.”

  “No, not today.” He took a step back.

  “Wait. Please.” She felt a pang of desperation as she glanced down at his trousers and held out a hand tentatively, wishing she had better light as she slaked her curiosity. “Show me.”

  A deep chuckle filled the room and he took another step back. Wordlessly, he unbuttoned his coat and spread it apart. He undid two buttons on his trousers and his hand disappeared inside. Cathryn held her breath as he withdrew his erection and gave it a long stroke before releasing it. “You are a bold wench.”

  His cock seemed twice as large as Geoffrey’s and very much on par with Fanny’s William. Her insides turned to mush, and she whispered, “You’re magnificent.” Nearly crimson in the dim light, with a bulbous head atop the thick rod, his erection rose under her avid gaze as if promising to please her well.

  Julian allowed her a long look. Then he turned away and started to set himself to rights. “Go upstairs now. I’ll follow in a minute.” His deep command held no room for argument, and Cathryn started to comply without thought.

  She regretted not touching him, and when she reached the door, she turned to him. “Julian.”

  His back was to her and he cut her off with a gruff, “Go. Now.”

  She hesitated, but he was right. Not today. But soon, she thought as she pressed down on the door handle. Very soon.

  Julian stood in the dark study and tried to think about what he’d eaten for breakfast. He’d found that thinking about his last meal was a dependable way to diminish his ardor. Anything but Sibley and her wetness, anything but the prick that hung heavy between his legs longing to be buried inside her tight sheath. In earlier years, he’d tried thinking about Parliament or gambling or his mother, but all of those invariably left him angry or melancholy. Breakfast was a neutral subject—better than neutral since he loved food and kept an excellent cook. Kippers, eggs, fragrant coffee loaded with fresh cream.

  It took only a minute before he was able to snake his member back into seclusion. Sibley was outrageous with her request; she promised to be great bed sport. Fanny Hill had obviously inspired her—what a pleasurable thought. He lifted his hand to his nose and inhaled the scent of Cathryn. His cock thickened and Julian dropped his hand to his side.

  Where had he dined last night? He couldn’t recall immediately. Likely the club, but just the wondering gave him the respite he needed. He searched for his gloves and found them on the rug next to the desk. He drew them on while making a conscious effort not to remember how she felt. Later he would savor the details, but not now.

  It was time to meet the sister-in-law. He mustn’t delay overlong or Cathryn would have trouble explaining his absence.

  His concern was short-lived, because the delectable Lady Sibley waited for him at the bottom of the stairs. The sight of her slightly disheveled hair and full lips reddened from kisses set his heart racing as few women had in his thirty-five years.

  “I’m sorry, Julian, but I’m not adept at deception. I thought it best to wait for you so I wouldn’t have to explain to Violet.” She glanced below his waist. “Are you…recovered?”

  He nodded, amused at her continued boldness. “Why has Hedges not come to claim you?”

  “My lord?”

  “Has he not explained his absence in any way?”

  “I did receive a letter from him after the will was read. He said he had a major study underway and would be occupied until it was finished.”

  Julian snorted. “Scholars always have a major study underway.” He assessed her as they ascended the stairs together. Trim figure with large breasts, pleasing features, fine skin, thick and lustrous hair. “Has the man never seen you?”

  “Of course he has, we’ve met on several occasions.”

  “Do me a favor, my lady.” She nodded and he finished, “Wear a veil for your audience with him.”

  She had an easy, quiet laugh, and he joined her as they approached the parlor. She stepped back to allow him to open the door and they came face to face, with her prominent bosom the only barrier between them.

  He loved corsets at such a time as this, as it was impossible to disregard such blatant offerings. “And a cloak,” he added with an appreciative gaze and a grin. Her ruby lips were dark from their passion, and he was drawn to bend over her and take another sweet kiss. “And don’t let him taste you.”

  He backed off with a jarring thought. “Has he already? Has Hedges kissed you?” The visceral urge to box the distant man’s ears was undeniable.

  She placed a comforting hand on his chest. “No, Julian, I assure you. No man has ever kissed me the way you have.”

  He had barely begun to kiss her, and he would show her many pleasurable ways to use her lovely mouth. “Good,” he muttered as he reached for the door handle. These jealous emotions caught him unawares. Why did he care who she kissed?

  As soon as he entered the room behind Cathryn, he caught sight of himself in a looking glass. His cravat was flat, and his hair more tousled than even he normally wore it. He dragged his hand through the worst of it as he listened to Cathryn’s introduction.

  “Mrs. Pickering, may I present Lord Ahlquist, Earl of Trenchford.”

  A pretty redhead in a lavender gown rose from a side chair. Her face lit up when she saw them. “Lord Ahlquist, what a pleasure.”

  He’d expected an older woman, but she was Sibley’s age and of a similar build. He wondered briefly if she was unattached, as he had friends who favored redheads.

  “My lord,” Cathryn continued, “Mrs. Violet Pickering, my late husband’s sister, and a wordsmith in her own right.”

  Julian advanced to bow over Violet’s hand. “My pleasure, Mrs. Pickering. What do you study?”

  “Lady Sibley exaggerates, my lord.”

  Cathryn led him around to the settee in front of the fire as Violet settled into a nearby chair. “Mrs. Pickering creates word puzzles. They are most ingenious.”

  He chose the settee and gave Cathryn a look of invitation. “I should like to see them sometime. Any pastime that keeps the brain active is good for society.”

  Violet emitted a loud squeal. “Cat—he’s just quoted you!”

  The noise startled Julian, but his curiosity was piqued as he glanced between the two women. Cathryn was looking at him in a most disconcerting fashion, as if she were seeing him for the first time. He wished the other woman gone.

  The redhead jumped up from her chair in a rather undign
ified fashion and hurried to a side table. “Just last month, Lady Sibley was published in the Women’s Advisor.” He watched her take a magazine out of a drawer. “Her article was entitled “The Joys of Reading”.” She opened to a page near the center and found her place. “Yes, here it is. ‘Joy number five: The joy of knowing one is forwarding human progress. Any pastime that keeps the brain active is good for society.’ That’s what you said, wasn’t it, Lord Ahlquist?”

  He was dumbfounded. Of course, it was a common enough sentiment, but he had quoted her verbatim. “I did indeed.”

  “Do you subscribe to the Women’s Advisor?” Violet handed him the magazine.

  “No, Mrs. Pickering, I do not.” However, Lilith did. Perhaps he had read this article sometime in the past month while idling about her flat. He was not about to admit that and was relieved when the magazine did not look familiar. “I believe it is a happy coincidence that we share the same sentiment.” He scanned the article and smiled. “Indeed, I agree with all of Lady Sibley’s arguments.”

  Cathryn settled on the couch beside him, and he felt great comfort in her proximity. He smiled warmly at her. “This is very well written.”

  She seemed mesmerized by him. If Mrs. Pickering hadn’t been hovering nearby, he would have shown her precisely how magical he could be. Her skin glowed from the firelight and his caresses, and his fingers itched to stroke her cheek.

  “It’s not very scholarly,” she said softly.

  “The scholarly journals don’t often pay their contributors,” Violet said matter-of-factly. “She would need to publish her major works as a book, but few publishers accept submissions from females, and she refuses to publish anonymously like most women.”

  He glanced around the parlor and wondered if the ladies were in need of funds. The furniture was of good quality and lightly worn, but there were few of the knickknacks that women were so fond of collecting. The profusion of tropical plants made the room appear cozy, but there were no cut flowers. Of course, the ladies had recently emerged from mourning, and he suspected he was the first gentleman to notice them—good fortune on his part.


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