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Page 7

by Marilyn Kelly

  Now that he had caught Cathryn’s scent and found her so well suited, he would not give her up without a battle.

  His resolve hardened when he considered his adversary. Hedges was in for some unpleasant encounters. Julian would enjoy tearing the man apart. He was glad to have the power to deny him access to the Philological Society. If it came down to it, he would challenge him to a duel, something he had never done before. His heart pounded erratically at the prospect, and he patted his damp brow with his handkerchief. He had found a woman worth fighting over. And a man worth defeating.

  Slipping her note into his breast pocket, he rose to inform his butler of the change in plans. He would need his carriage early. Fifteen minutes was enough time to inform Cathryn of his intentions and steal a few kisses. He meant for her decision to be as easy as possible.

  He would offer her virtue, honor…and pleasure.

  When Cathryn heard the knock on her front door at eleven, she hurried to the window and saw the Ahlquist carriage at her curbside. A touch of anger at Julian’s refusal to obey her wishes was quickly displaced by trepidation. He was likely upset over her note, and he would either scold her or try to wear her down with physical advances. Waldemere’s warning over Julian’s temper came to mind, and a stab of fear straightened her spine.

  On the other hand, her virtue might be in imminent jeopardy. That thought warmed her body.

  Lewin opened the parlor door a moment later. “Lord Ahlquist is here to see you, milady. Shall I show him up?”

  She nodded, straining to appear composed with such conflict looming. “No tea today.” He left and she rushed to the looking glass.

  Two nights with little sleep had taken a toll; she looked positively haggard. Pinching her cheeks and wishing for some rouge, his comforting words came back to her, I’ll not do wrong by you, Cathryn. Whatever happens between us, I’ll take care of you.

  Julian appeared behind her in the doorway and caught her eye in the mirror as she finished her preening. He was dazzlingly handsome, and she froze as he approached her. He had a wild look about him, as if he intended to devour her. A frisson of fear crept up her spine, setting her on alert.

  “The book was a gift, not a loan.” His voice was rough as he set a bundle down on the table beside her.

  By the time she turned, he was so close that her skirts brushed his boots. Her voice came out a raspy whisper. “I meant no offense, my lord.” The blood thrummed in her ears and her hands clenched at her sides, although she had no true defense against such raw power.

  “I’m afraid I took great offense at your note, Cathryn.” He leaned closer and his eyes sparked. “I am unaccustomed to being dismissed.”

  His intoxicating scent filled her space and she leaned in for more in spite of her fears. His face hovered inches from hers, but she did not see anger there. He appeared more wounded than irate, more aroused than incensed, and she softened her approach. “I didn’t dismiss you… I only need to settle my affairs before…”

  He stepped closer and cupped her cheek. “You canceled our outing to the museum.”

  His touch nearly melted her resolve to avoid him. “We shouldn’t be seen together, my lord.”

  “Julian,” he said as his lips came down on hers. Full lips kissed and nibbled at hers, sending all thoughts of resistance fleeing.

  He backed away slightly but still held her cheek. “We are colleagues on a scholarly endeavor.”

  She smiled. “No one would believe that for a moment, my lord—Julian.” She could not resist nuzzling her cheek against his palm. If this was how he expressed his displeasure with her, she could take a lifetime of such a temper.

  “The truth is often an unreliable alibi,” he admitted. “I only thought to examine the dictionaries of the world to search for words such as murr.” He stroked her earlobe with his thumb, and a cascade of pleasurable sensations washed over her.

  “I’ve been considering Sir Percival’s character,” she said. Julian’s hand stilled. “And I’ve realized I have no desire to anger the man.”

  He nodded slightly as he backed away from her. “I knew him at Eton. He’s one I’d rather keep at arm’s length.” He took her hand and led her over to the fire.

  This was an interesting wrinkle. “What do you know of him?”

  “He mistreats servants and those with less power than he.” He drew her down beside him on the settee.

  “Yes, I recall the same.”

  “I plan to deny his request for membership to the society. His work is mediocre and he hasn’t published a translation in years.” He now held both her hands. “Was he the only reason you canceled?” She was at a loss for what she should tell him. “You mentioned virtue and honor.” He glanced at the bundle of books. “I confess I’d forgotten the ending, or I would have torn that page out.”

  She laughed lightly, and his chuckle warmed her. “You know why I canceled, Julian. You challenge my virtue at every opportunity.”

  That seemed to please him. “Do I?”

  “Indeed, the very thought of you tests my honor.” She was beginning to throb, and she prayed he would dishonor her soon.

  Instead, he backed away slightly and eased off the settee until he was on one knee before her. Her heart nearly stopped.

  He kissed the knuckles of both her hands as he gazed at her, his golden eyes bright with promise and passion. “Cathryn Sibley, I should like to place my honor and my virtue in your capable hands. I know you have another offer, but I would like to court you as well.”

  This was impossible. He couldn’t be proposing marriage. The blood pounded in her ears as she struggled to understand his true intent. “As your mistress?”

  His head snapped back as if she’d slapped him. “No, of course not. As my betrothed, the future Countess of Trenchford.”

  Her mind exploded in turmoil. What did she really know of this man? A wealthy earl, a minor scholar, a magician with his touch—in short, one of England’s most desirable bachelors.

  “Why me?” She searched his face and found only perfect features and an air of disbelief.

  “What?” He shook his head as if that was the last question he’d expected.

  “Why have you chosen me for this position? Because, I warn you now, I’ll not have a philandering husband.”

  He straightened and she thought she’d gone too far. “I chose you because of your character, your intelligence and your beauty.” The air sparked between them. He slowly kissed her knuckles again. “I chose you because I believe you will help me become a better man.”

  That was an endearing concept, but she needed to stay on alert. “You believe you could be faithful to me—to any woman?”

  His chin rose. “I do not plan to wander, Cathryn. I find you most agreeable in that regard. From our limited interactions, I thought we would be well suited as marriage partners.” She considered his words, and he continued, “I only want one woman at a time—that has long been my preference. At this moment, I want you. If we are well paired, I would not stray.”

  Wasn’t that all she could ask of a man? In any case, she was suspicious of his motives in moving so quickly. “We’ve only just met. What could you know of my character?”

  His voice warmed. “I know you volunteer at the poorhouse and have the sense to use funds for practical matters. I know you sing in a women’s chorus and write uplifting articles to inspire people. You tended your husband during his illness and mourned him respectfully.”

  “How did you know about the chorus?”

  “I arrived to deliver the flowers just as you were returning from church. My coachman asked your hackney driver where you had come from.”

  She knew that must have involved some fancy maneuvering and couldn’t help a smile.

  He seemed comfortable enough on his knee, so she couldn’t resist. “And my intelligence?”

  “Your article in the Women’s Advisor echoes many of my sentiments on social issues, and my quoting your words seemed prophetic. Your tra
nslations of Sappho’s poems are the finest I’ve seen. Frankly, I am in awe of your skills. I should like to see you complete your work. I quite like the idea of a scholarly countess.”

  This was an even greater boon. Her chest swelled in pride. “So you want me for my brain?”

  He sprung at her and pinned her gently to the settee. “I want you for your bold ways when we’re alone.” He rested on his elbows above her and shifted so he settled between her legs, his lips hovered inches from hers. She hadn’t known lips could ache for contact, but hers did. “I want to pleasure you until you whimper that you’ve had enough.” He glanced at the door before he resumed his position on one knee.

  She took a deep breath and wished him back on top of her.

  “You warm my blood with your beauty and charms.” He took her right hand in his, and she began to tremble as he removed her white glove. “I should have let you stroke me yesterday with these beautiful hands.”

  Pulses of pleasure coursed through her as he stroked her palm.

  Enough. She would have this man and suffer the consequences gladly. “Go lock the door. Violet is away, and I told Lewin not to serve us tea.” Julian gave her a questioning look but did not budge, so she explained. “I thought to tell you I could not be your mistress, and that you would leave posthaste.”

  His eyes crinkled in amusement. “Before I lock the door, I would have your answer.” He shot her a dazzling smile. “Cathryn Sibley, does my petition trounce my rival’s?”

  She nodded and tears filled her eyes. “Yes, darling. Yes.” She was to be Lady Ahlquist, the Countess of Trenchford. She wanted to shout her elation over winning this magnificent man and announce her triumph to all of England.

  Julian rose and lifted her to stand in front of him. “I’ll do my best to keep your trust.” His kiss ignited her and his hands began to roam all over her body, adding new flames wherever they tarried. Her breasts grew heavy with desire, and she tore at his jacket, needing to be closer to him. He began to work on the row of hooks down the front of her dress, all the while ravishing her mouth. With a growl, he broke away suddenly and made his way swiftly to the door, removing his jacket along the way. “We’ve only a few minutes.”

  He turned the key, and the sound spurred her into action. She fumbled with her hooks and managed to free a few before he returned. It didn’t seem possible that this was happening to her, here in her parlor with the servants below, in the revealing light of day. Her breasts and sex ached for his touch and more—he promised so much more.

  It seemed an eternity before she was exposed to his hungry hands, and he squeezed her gently, sending waves of desire crashing over her. “Oh, Cathryn, you have glorious, big breasts, love.” He stroked her lightly. “The finest caliber.” She watched enthralled as he rolled her nipples between his fingers. “Beautiful, responsive…perfect.”

  She wanted his magic touch everywhere but today would have to be brief. She reached for the front of his trousers, but he interceded with one hand and slowly withdrew the object of her desires. “I should like to make love to you for hours, but today we have limits.” She gasped at his girth and weight as she took him in her hand.

  “I don’t think I can—”

  “Yes, you can. It will please you, Cat, I promise, or I’ll stop…posthaste.”

  She smiled at his humor, and he moved his hips as his staff grew larger and harder in her hands.

  Emboldened. Williamesque.

  She shuddered as she felt the length and breadth of him. If one of his fingers felt snug inside her, how could this massive silken rod not tear her apart? She was panting with fervor when she remembered that Fanny had done the deed with even larger men, and she’d been a young virgin. Of course, that had been fiction, and from a man’s point of view.

  Julian lifted her skirts with one hand as he edged her backwards to the settee. She glanced at the clock. He absolutely could not stay more than twenty minutes, and it had been ten already.

  “Lie back and I’ll propose properly.”

  She reluctantly released his engorged member and resumed her position on the couch as he knelt before her, his face just showing above the folds of her gown. He reached between her thighs and probed gently as he gave her a lusty smile. “You’re full of sweet wetness already.” His intimate touch sent shivers of delight coursing through her. He stroked her slick lips and circled her pearl with his thumb, and she nearly screamed from the pleasure. He pressed a finger deep inside her, and she savored the foreign fullness. “How long has it been since you’ve been with a man?”

  Taken aback by his question, she thought of Geoffrey. “Four years.” When the words were out she remembered her shameful encounter two years back with one of the physicians—a lustful man all too eager to comfort a grieving, sedated wife. Only once and very brief. She’d nearly forgotten about the unfortunate episode, and she was not about to mention it now.

  Julian knelt between her legs and positioned himself at her sex. She felt an exquisite pressure as he entered her, and then he paused and asked in a strained voice, “Will you marry me, Cathryn?”

  “Yes.” She shifted her hips to take more of him, as Fanny instructed, and he groaned his satisfaction.

  “Slowly, you’re very tight.” He pushed forward slightly and the pressure within her was nearly intolerable. With a grunt, he backed away and she felt a wave of pleasure as he toyed with her slick lips. He moistened himself and the sensations were new and excruciatingly delightful.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she murmured as he continued his slow movements. She felt her pleasure building and a loud moan escaped.

  “Shhh.” He leaned over her and began to suckle on her nipple as he continued his slow entry. “You’re so tight, love.” He withdrew and entered a little deeper, and she moaned again at the exquisite sensations. “Shhh.” He leaned over and covered her mouth with his, but his energy was focused on gaining entry. With a short series of thrusts, each stretching her gloriously wider, he sent jolts of pleasure throughout her body.

  “I’m nearly there, love.” One firm thrust and he was sheathed completely inside her, a delirious pleasure. “I’ll be true to you, love.” His gazed raked over her breasts and he lifted her skirts to watch as he withdrew slowly. “We are wellpaired, Cat.”

  He began a driving tempo and the pressure built inside her. A stroke of his finger across her pearl made her cry out at the explosion of glorious sensation.

  He absorbed the sound with a kiss. “I want to make you scream, Cat, but this is not the place.”

  She shakily nodded her agreement, and he spread her legs wider and proceeded to thrill her with long thrusts of his most impressive cock. Covering her mouth with her hands, she attempted to muffle the evidence of her extreme delight.

  Anyone listening at the door would know what they were doing. Mating.

  His breathing changed to a deep throaty groan as he began to empty himself into her, and without warning, he backed away from her and withdrew, spilling his seed into a waiting handkerchief.

  The suddenness of his loss made her whimper, and the ache inside resumed as soon as he moved away. She wanted more, but she was at a loss for words.

  “That was lovely, pet,” he said as he stared at her spread thighs. “I should like to spend years exploring you from every angle.” She was still panting from the exertion when he leaned over and kissed her. “Did that please you, love?”

  She whimpered a “yes” as he brushed across her nipples.

  “You didn’t finish though, did you?”

  She shook her head slightly, astonished at the question. Her eyes met his and saw only sincere concern. Perhaps he thought she’d not enjoyed the coupling, which she had in the extreme. Perhaps she should lie and tell him she was completely satisfied.

  Her hesitation betrayed her and he pressed on. “Would you like your own satisfaction now?”

  Not certain what he intended, she nodded slightly.

  He settled beside her and drew her near, r
eigniting the flames of her ardor with his masculine scent and strong arms. “I should have done this before I took my pleasure, but I’m a beast sometimes.” He began to stroke her expertly, and she nearly wept with joy when she realized his intent. “Hide your face in my shirt if you need to make a sound.” She pressed herself against him as he rubbed back and forth across her most sensitive place. “Relax, love. Let the pleasure come.”

  She took a deep breath and tried to relax, but it was impossible. Only a few strokes and she felt the pressure burst from deep within her, bringing delirious waves of indescribable delight that transported her outside of herself. When her cries of completion came, she called his name into the warmth of his broad chest.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, as she recovered her breath. “I’m hard again already, but our time is past done.”

  She reached down and found that he was indeed rigid as a poker. Geoffrey had never made love more than once in an evening, but Fanny had opened Cathryn’s eyes. Some men could come many times in a night, at least in a novel, and she suspected Julian was one of those.

  He started working on her hooks even as she held his burgeoning shaft in her hand. “Do I please you, my lady?”

  “Very much.” She smiled up at him. “I’ll be true to you.”

  “And I, to you.” He stood with obvious reluctance. “Your butler will be at the door in a minute.”

  Disentangling himself from her, he turned away and she heard him muttering something about bread pudding.

  Julian was supremely satisfied. He had just claimed his mate, and she was superb in every aspect. It had been ages since he’d been with a woman he wanted to cherish. The idea of a lifetime spent protecting Cathryn and his children suited him. He’d enjoyed his bachelorhood and was ready to settle down and continue the line.

  He adjusted his trousers and reached for his jacket. Cathryn had her skirts and bodice in order and he wished he could have her again already. Such deep desire was a very good omen for the success of their union. He withdrew a velvet cloth from his pocket, smiling when he opened it to reveal his grandmother’s favorite piece of jewelry, a round cameo with a lovely female profile. “I’ve brought a piece from the Ahlquist collection to reinforce my intentions.”


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