Page 11
Cathryn shook her head. “That’s bound to bring up the past. Perhaps a wish for the future.”
“A secret desire,” he countered. Julian took his hat and gave his footman a wink of thanks.
“That’s hardly fair,” Cathryn said as she led the group out into the cool evening. “Mrs. Pickering and I know one another so well—”
“No, Cathryn, I should like to know your hopes for the future.” Violet smiled. “All those nights we spent in our parlor—”
Julian cut her off. “Ah, ah, Mrs. Pickering—the past…” Another footman opened the door to his carriage and Julian helped Cathryn in, then turned to Violet.
“Oh, yes, well, let me think.” She placed her hand on Darbonne’s sleeve. “A secret desire…well, I’ve always wanted an evening to remember when I’m old and gray.” She smiled up at Darbonne, and Julian could see the man falling under her spell. “An evening unlike all the others.”
Darbonne covered her hand with his and said, “I’ll do my best.” Then he glanced at Julian with a wide-eyed grin. “Thank you, Ahlquist.” He helped Violet in with an amusingly eager expression.
Julian chuckled. “You can write a tribute to the ladies and publish it in one of your magazines.” He followed the man into the carriage and settled beside Cathryn, who was still adjusting her skirts.
“I’ve never written anything like that.”
“Ah, Mr. Darbonne. I believe that qualifies as the past.” Violet said as she smoothed her gown. “Although we must come back to your magazines as soon as you’ve shared a desire with us.”
The carriage was quiet as Rune considered his response. “I have also always wanted an evening unlike the others of my routine life,” he said quietly. He placed his hand on Violet’s. “A night to remember, where I throw caution and duty to the wind and simply enjoy life’s pleasures.” It was meant to be lighthearted, but Julian could hear the sincerity in the man’s voice and was as touched as the ladies seemed to be.
“Surely a man such as yourself has ample opportunity to sample life’s pleasures.” Violet countered gently. “It’s we ladies who must be cautious.”
“My father said, wait…he says,” Darbonne caught himself in time and they all laughed. “He says, well not for nearly twenty years, but he would if I were younger. He says that I should never seek the attentions of a woman who would not be a good mother to my children.” Silence followed his disclosure, and he rushed to clarify. “I’ve not always followed his advice, mind you, and I’m no saint,” he added.
Julian chuckled inwardly at the bind the man had gotten himself into.
Rune forged on. “But I see the merit of his words, and I will repeat them to my sons, should I be so fortunate as to have some.”
“Indeed, Darbonne, that is sound advice,” Julian offered in camaraderie.
Violet and Cathryn were sharing a look Julian didn’t understand, so he asked, “What is it, ladies?”
Cathryn giggled. “I believe we were both thinking of the irony of our meeting like this. For nearly every day of our long acquaintance, Violet and I have been occupied with domestic matters and being paragons of womanly virtues.” She placed her hand on Julian’s and smiled. “Tonight we want to be wicked, but we don’t want you to think poorly of us tomorrow.”
Julian considered her dilemma and chuckled. “I want a wife who will be proper in public and a good mother for our children, but I’d also like her to be wicked in private and a good wife to a lustful man.”
He smiled across at Darbonne, who was staring at Violet. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Oh, yes, my lord.” Darbonne continued his unabashed perusal of Violet. “I suppose some women could be both.”
Violet was clearly enjoying his attentions, and Julian returned to Cathryn. “I believe you owe a forfeit, love.”
“Do I? Oh, yes, well.” She stared into his eyes. “A secret desire?”
She shook her head slightly and he urged her on. “Say it, please.”
“I…I’ve always wanted to meet a man who treated me as an equal, who didn’t condescend to me in his speech or his behaviors.” She challenged him with her eyes. “I don’t mean that I wanted to be treated exactly the same as a man. I adore being feminine,” she said as she glanced down at her attire, “but I believe my capacity for thought and reasoning to be the equal of any man, and I would like my voice to be heard.”
He could not deny her intelligence. But could any woman be a man’s equal? He had followed her gaze down to her bosom, and his eyes refused to leave the glorious sight. Creamy white and soft as pillows. “Well, I also adore your feminine qualities.” He pried his eyes away to see her staring at him with something approaching a scowl. “And you have a remarkable mind,” he added guiltily.
Damn, he’d misplayed that round of this game. Even Violet looked put out. Darbonne stifled a smile.
“Are you a suffragist, Lady Sibley?” Darbonne inquired, saving Julian from further unwarranted disdain. Such splendid breasts were an unfair distraction.
“The vote for women? I’m not certain men will ever allow that, and Parliament is not a desirable destination for most women, although I know a few who would welcome the opportunity.” Cathryn and Violet nodded at one another. “No, Mr. Darbonne, I’m not a revolutionary. I would simply like to be able to own property and not be treated as chattel in our courts and by our politicians.”
“The vote would bring you that power,” he said quietly.
Julian was astonished. “Are you a suffragist, Darbonne?” He would be the first of Julian’s acquaintance.
“I have eight sisters and six of them have attended teaching seminary. I believe my second oldest sister could be resident of the United States, if she were a man. She runs a seminary and has assembled a committee to form a college for women near Boston. My oldest sister heads one of my family’s newspapers and does a very fine job. It seems a sacrilege that they can’t vote, and I’m the runt of the litter, well, intellectually, and I get to have my say every two years.”
Julian hurried to correct Darbonne. “Surely you jest. You edit America’s finest literary magazine.” He addressed the ladies. “Mr. Darbonne has come to England to search for literary talent.”
“Well, I do think all my sisters are my intellectual equal at least, and my two oldest are extraordinary. Truly, they are. You should meet them. You could not fail to be impressed.” He was quite enthusiastic by the end of his speech.
There was a stunned silence. Julian had never heard a man speak this way about women, and he doubted Cathryn and Violet had either. His own two sisters were fine ladies but not bookish. He took Cathryn’s hand, relieved when she smiled warmly at him.
“We’ve begun a new magazine with all British authors.”
“To sell in America?” Violet asked.
“Oh, yes. They’re wild to know what you royalists are thinking.” Darbonne chuckled and they all joined him.
“Do you publish translations?” Julian asked and he felt Cathryn’s hand tense beneath his.
“Of what sort?”
“I’ve recently read a remarkable collection of Sappho’s poems.”
“Sappho?” He glanced around the carriage. “That would be of great interest. I haven’t seen a fresh translation in several decades.”
“Oh, this one is fresh.”
Cathryn jumped into the conversation. “Violet concocts the most original word puzzles, Mr. Darbonne. Every lady of our acquaintance enjoys solving them.”
He turned his attention to Violet and she beamed. “They’re trivial, really.”
Julian shot Cathryn a questioning glance, but she had turned away. False modesty was unbecoming. She would never be accepted as a man’s equal if she didn’t learn to sing her own praises.
“No, Violet, they’re not. People learn new words and use their minds. It’s a wonderful pastime.” Cathryn smiled at Julian as if unaware of his critical perusal. Perhaps she merely meant to avoid dominating the c
Rune nodded his fervent agreement. “Yes, ‘any pastime that keeps the brain active is good for society’. I read that recently. Good notion, don’t you think?”
Julian roared with laughter, and it took until they reached the side entrance to Vauxhall to explain to the startled American the source of his amusement—and his new pride.
Chapter Eight
A grubby young man was waiting for them at the gate with two torches, which he handed to the men. “Enjoy the evenin’ ladies and gentlemen. There’s a warm wind tonight, but the smell off the river’s not too bad.” He pocketed the coins Julian gave him with a nod. “Do you know the way?”
“The first pavilion?”
“Aye, that’s the one. The music and food are all there.”
“I know the way.”
In truth, he’d only been here in season with a crowd. He’d never gone to these extremes for a woman before, but he wanted to delight Cathryn. The owner of the gardens was also a fencing enthusiast, and he offered this service to his friends on many occasions, but this was the first time Julian had taken the initiative.
Entering the dark gardens carrying a thick torch, with Cathryn by his side looking like a goddess, and his interesting new friends laughing nearby, Julian felt a tremendous surge of satisfaction. This was to be the beginning of many adventures with his lady, and it was vital that she be impressed. He had to win her so thoroughly that all consideration of Hedges—or any other man—was banished from her thoughts.
Cathryn felt as if she’d been swept into a fairy tale as they entered the dark paths of Vauxhall Gardens and left the clattering noise of London behind them. She clutched Julian’s arm as he led her deeper into the silent darkness. Violet and Darbonne followed a few steps behind.
“Are you frightened of the dark, love? We’re nearly there.” Julian held the torch closer as he peered down at her.
A breeze caught his long hair, and he shook his head to keep it off his face. He had the windswept appearance of a lion on the prowl, and her heart beat wildly as she considered herself his willing prey. He was going to ravish her thoroughly before they left here tonight, and she was ready for him to begin, but there were proprieties to observe beforehand. “I’m not frightened of the dark, Julian. It’s very romantic. I feel we’re on a great escapade together.”
“One that I hope will last a lifetime.”
“I hope that, as well.” She saw flickering lights ahead and a violin began to play a soulful tune. “I love this song.”
“Good.” They entered a clearing filled with dozens of lamps hung high in the surrounding trees. Julian handed his torch to one of the boys waiting at the path’s end, and then he turned and swept Cathryn out into the clearing with a graceful twirl. “Our first dance, love.”
She had never waltzed with a man, only practiced with Violet and the household ladies. Geoffrey had not been a dancer, and no man in Oxfordshire would have invited a married woman into such a close embrace. Nonetheless, Julian was a superb leader, and she moved easily in harmony with him as they swirled under the twinkling lights to the slow waltz.
Darbonne and Violet brushed by them from time to time, and Violet’s laughter filled the glade. Cathryn’s laughter joined her friend’s as they swept a wide circle in the delightful, dizzying dance. Even the men joined the chorus of good humor and the fiddlers picked up the tempo. It seemed they had entered a place where only pleasant things existed, and Cathryn was eager for the exploration to continue. Tonight would be one to cherish, and she intended to be an active participant. Her words in the carriage had shocked even her. To be a man’s equal. It was a heady notion, and it came on a day when she was very vulnerable to suggestion.
Julian slowed their pace and brought her closer to him. His smile drew her in and his lips brushed hers. “I want tonight to be perfect for you, love.” He drew back and scanned her boldly. “You look perfect, everything I could want.”
She stumbled at the compliment, and he came to a stop as he caught her. His arms were wrapped around her waist and she gazed up at him, both of them slightly winded from the exertion of the dance. “That was my first waltz. It was utterly perfect.”
He pulled her fully against him and she felt every inch of his masculine presence. “Your first waltz?” He stepped back slowly into the darkness on the edge of the clearing, still holding her waist.
“I married at nineteen, and my husband didn’t care to dance.”
He smiled. “Your husband-to-be loves to dance. We shall waltz all over Europe.” He kissed her lightly and she sensed his control weakening. He pulled her against him and whispered in her ear. “I want to drag you into the bushes and make you forget the past.” He nipped at her neck playfully, sending a shiver of delight coursing through her. “You bring out the beast in me, Cat.” He stroked her arms as he released her. “I believe you owe a forfeit.” He placed her hand in the crook of his arm and turned to leave the darkness.
She didn’t hesitate. “I want you to drag me into the bushes and make me forget the past.” It was the only thing she could think of. Indeed, the image of Julian making love to her in the out of doors was foremost in her thoughts. She glanced up at the black sky and wondered who would hear her cries if she screamed her ecstasy into the night air.
His response was part huff, part grunt and all primal need. He pulled her back deep into the shadows and pressed her against a tree. Her ermine collar pushed up around her neck in a ruff and she nuzzled the soft fur as he watched her intently. He held her gaze in the dim light, and she felt a rush of cool air on her legs. He was raising her skirts and her heart began to pound wildly. The violins began a haunting tune as he continued to stare into her eyes. His hand made its way through her petticoats and her core began to tremble as she fell into the depths of his gaze.
He leaned in to kiss her and his tongue swept across her lower lip just as his fingers found their mark. “Oh, love, I meant to go easy, but you’re wet already.”
A torrent of pleasure exploded from his touch, and she whimpered as she clutched his shoulders.
His fingers toyed with her slick lips, and his breathing changed to fast and furious. “This is madness.”
A thick finger slipped inside her and she moaned at the joy of the intrusion. He bit at her neck again, and she whispered, “You can go easy later.”
He nudged her bodice down with his chin and exposed her nipples to the cool night air. His mouth latched on to the closest firm bud as his finger pressed slowly in and out of her wetness with blissful results. Her head fell back against the tree and her breath came in short pants as she savored all the sensations he was lavishing upon her.
She felt his thick ridge nudging against her curls and a moan of approval escaped her. “Yes.”
“I’m a cad,” he said as he urged her legs father apart and stepped between them. He rubbed his erection across her nub and she whimpered with delight.
He rubbed her again and the exquisite sensation filled her with bliss. “Let me pleasure you this way first.”
She didn’t know of what he spoke—she wanted him inside her—but he continued to stroke her with the tip of his staff. Suddenly she felt the pleasure building from the point of contact and she caught his intention. Her whimpers merged into moans and the pleasure burst over her in rolling waves as he pressed against her with steady strokes. “Ohhh,” she cried, trying to hide the sound in her thick collar. The explosion of sensations was too intense. She cried out again into the darkness, unaware of anything beyond the incessant bliss.
She was recovering with long gasps when he shifted his weight and thrust up into her throbbing core. He did not slide in easily, and he spread her knees farther apart and pressed himself into her slowly. “Oh, Cat, you’re so tight.”
“I’m sorry.” She tried to still her breathing.
His chuckle surprised her. “No, love, it’s a joy for me.” He shifted again and thrust harder, and the thickness o
f him made her cry out again. “I want to do right by you,” he said with another short thrust, “but it feels so good.”
He clasped her to him and called out his own pleasure. “Oh, Cathryn, you’ve undone me.” She felt a trickle of warmth on her thighs as he slid out of her. He chuckled into her ear. “That’s the first time I’ve ever done that.”
Confusion washed over her. Had she not satisfied him? He seemed to be finished, but she didn’t think he’d completed penetrating her.
“It’s a good sign, love,” he said as he backed away slightly. She couldn’t see his face in the darkness but his words comforted her. “It was an awkward angle, and you please me too much. I’ll do better next time.”
He thought he was to blame? Relief coursed through her. “I please you too much?” He let her skirts fall and stepped back.
“Yes, and I’ve been thinking of you constantly.” His hands cupped her breasts and he leaned over to kiss each nipple.
His words and actions sent shivers of desire coursing through her once again. She sighed when he pulled her bodice back into place. His eyes sought hers and he cupped her cheek gently. “You please me very much.”
“And you, my lord, are the most pleasing man I can imagine.”
“I’m glad I’ve caught your fancy.” He released her and adjusted his trousers before offering her his arm. “Shall we rejoin the party?”
She stepped away from the tree reluctantly. “I should like to stay here forever with you, in the darkness, making love.”
He chuckled. “I can offer forever and making love, but I prefer the light and variety. We shall travel the world and find pleasure in every corner.”
That was an intriguing thought. She took his arm and smiled. “I like your version very well, but I shall always be aroused by shadowy forests, remembering tonight.”
He led her towards the clearing some twenty steps away, just in time to witness Darbonne leaning over Violet and kissing her upturned lips. Julian stopped and then he edged back into the shadows. “Let’s not interrupt them.”