Page 16
“I used your name to ward her off. I think she’s frightened of you.”
A charming look crossed her face, and he knew his quip had hit a good spot. “Frightened of me?”
“Yes. It was Fiona who convinced me you were too good for me. That made you irresistible. I asked for your hand the very next day.” She glanced at his hand, and he squirmed. “Nothing happened tonight, love.”
“Perhaps when she was nursing you, she leaned on the bed, and her robe carried her scent.”
“Yes.” He was eager to end this discussion. “I could use the washbasin myself, love. I think I can make the walk.”
“No. I’ll bring it here. I won’t have Aubrey accusing me of mistreating you.”
He watched her lovely form as she crossed the room, and then he enjoyed her return trip even more. This nursing fantasy would displace Fiona in his fevered mind. He washed his hands and she used a cloth to wipe his brow and down his neck and chest.
She glanced at the blankets and asked, “Is there someplace else you need to wash?”
He threw back the blanket and winced slightly at the brief stab of pain in his side. His cock had responded to Cathryn’s near nakedness, and he was relieved the fine fellow was in good working order and eager for action. “Do whatever you must to prove me true.”
She appeared intent as she stared at him, and his cock shifted under her scrutiny. In a swift movement that caught him off guard, she leaned over him and kissed the tip of his rigid poker. Taking him in hand, she lavished kisses all along the length of him, and he nearly exploded in her silken grasp.
“Dear God, Cat.”
She broke her ministrations and smiled up at him. “Do you want me to stop?”
A conflicted sense of shame came over him—she seemed too good to be putting her mouth on him such. He didn’t take time to consider the source of his discomfort as he said, “Climb on me, gently.” He reached out to probe between her legs, and she shifted to accommodate his hand.
“I’m very glad you came, love.” He slid a finger inside her and relished the wet, warm tightness. She was perfect for him.
She smiled at him with a joy that touched his very soul and lightened his burden. “I’m very glad you are a man of your word.”
“It’s not always easy.”
She shrugged off the shirt, and Julian feasted on her glorious form, lush and soft as a woman should be.
This was the woman he wanted.
“I want to make love with you, Cathryn. I think we can manage if you ride me lightly.”
“I don’t want to hurt you. Perhaps we should stop…” She faltered, and he struggled to convince her, needing her.
“If my wound festers, this could be our last night together.” It was a low blow, and he regretted saying it when the joy left her eyes. “I’ll be fine, love. Don’t worry.”
Concern remained in her brown eyes, and he wanted to erase the pain he’d brought on her. “It will take more than a slight wound to quench my desire for you. Straddle me, Cat. It’s what I want.”
She hesitated, but finally she climbed over him with remarkable grace, sitting lightly atop his thighs as she stroked his staff with firm strokes. “I think perhaps we are best when we face the world together.” She rose to her knees and then lowered herself down onto his throbbing cock. “Oh, my Lord, Julian,” she whispered as she closed her eyes in concentration, slowly sheathing him in her tightness.
“My love,” he cried as he pulled her down onto him. He winced slightly as she moved, but the exquisite pleasure overrode any discomfort. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to feel the heat of her, and he moved slightly beneath her, savoring the ecstasy. She propped a hand on either side of his head and her lemon-scented hair fell around him, the soft strands diverting his attention for a moment.
“My love,” she echoed as she brushed her lips across his. “I like the sound of that.” Her hips began a slow grind. “Does this feel all right?”
He murred his pleasure as he cupped her face and drew her close for a long kiss. His tongue sought hers and a rhythm began of grinding and kissing, licking and nipping. She rose up higher, and he groaned as she sank back down onto him.
“Did I hurt you?” she whispered.
“In the best possible way.” He held her hips and took control of the thrusts. He quickly determined the best length and speed to minimize his pain and set a steady rhythm she followed. She rode him comfortably, and her eyes rolled back as she found her stride. His thumb brushed her clit and she shuddered.
“Yes, love, yes,” she urged him on, and he watched her face in the candlelight taking on the look of rapture he cherished. To watch a beautiful woman achieve ecstasy was one of life’s great joys, and he had chosen a worthy lady to fill his sights. He would take her all over the world, pleasure her against every imaginable backdrop.
He felt himself quickening and hoped she would precede him. Her soft moans and whimpers took on an urgency and he felt her contractions squeeze him. God, she’s glorious, he thought as he pumped up into her. He kneaded her soft breasts as he felt his own blissful release follow hers. His long groan joined her sighs and she lay lightly over him, supporting herself on her elbows.
“You must think me terribly wanton,” she whispered breathlessly into the side of his neck.
He lifted her face and caught her eyes. “Believe me, my esteem for you has never been higher. In fact, my regard for you has grown considerably.” He smiled at her and relished the sensations and emotions coursing through him at the slightest movement. “I believe you bested Master Aubrey tonight, in her own home. You would be a legend if the story became known.”
She seemed to like the idea because her face lit up, as if sunshine had made its way into their nest. “I’m only sorry I didn’t come sooner.”
He had no good response, so he kissed her. If tonight were to be his final carnal meal, he would have ordered the same menu, without the pain. His honor was intact. He had denied Fiona on his own terms. And he had a luscious new love.
Cathryn broke the kiss and sat up gingerly, scanning his bruised body tenderly as she spoke. “What’s important now is to best the person who did this to you.”
Chapter Twelve
Fiona entered with the doctor at ten, and Cathryn watched her for any sign of remorse, but none came. Dr. Loudon proclaimed Julian fit to travel and assured them that the wound was healing splendidly. Rest and continued treatment was the prescription. Giles, Julian’s proficient valet, assumed control of his employer with familiar efficiency, bandaging the wound swiftly when the doctor was done.
Julian smiled at Cathryn as he was helped into his shirt, showing more vigor than she knew he should be expending. “Take my coach, love, and keep your appointments. Giles will want to make me presentable. I’ll see you afterwards.” He reached for her hand and stroked her fingers, sending her inflamed senses reeling. “Perhaps you can read your translations to me.”
He thanked Fiona for her kindness with a buss on both cheeks, but Cathryn saw no evidence of attraction between them. If anything, there was a slight tension, and that came as a relief.
After depositing him and Giles at the door of Ahlquist House, she realized the hour was right to see her students at the poorhouse, perhaps for her last visit. She planned to tell the facility director that she would be unable to continue, and she dreaded the meeting. So few volunteers were willing to go into the dismal building, and it was easy to pretend such places didn’t exist, but she knew her work there was valuable.
The footman was surprised when she relayed the direction, and he insisted on following her when she descended from the carriage in the dreary neighborhood. Workers blocked the front entrance to the poorhouse, and all the broken windows visible from the street had been replaced.
One worker tipped his cap. “Good day, milady. If you’ll use the side door, we’ll be done with the new locks in an hour.”
Locks and new windows had been budgeted for years, but they alwa
ys seemed to take a back seat to food and wages. Seeing these repairs being done gave her new hope—there must have been a sizable donation. This enhanced the comfort and security considerably. Making her way down the alley to the side door, she noticed the rubbish had been cleaned up and the walks washed. Three children stood outside the door, and all wore new shoes and coats on this brisk afternoon. The little girl curtsied and one of the boys opened the door for her. “Good day, children. Don’t you look fine today?”
They all graced her with toothy smiles. “Thank you, milady.”
The footman attended her to the door, but Cathryn stopped him from entering with a smile. “Please return in an hour. I shall be perfectly safe while here, and I promise not to wander the streets.”
He glanced at the children and back at her, and then he nodded seriously. “I’ll let the coachman know when to return, but then I’ll wait for you here, milady.”
“Thank you. That will be fine.”
Every child she saw milling around the inside hall had shiny new shoes on, and a rack of clean coats hung beside the doorway. “Thank you, Lady Sibley,” came from each smiling mouth as she passed. The place reeked of disinfectant and whitewash, a welcome change from sweat and soot, and she supposed they were doing some much needed cleaning. The director’s office was nearby, and another young boy opened the door for her. “Good afternoon, Lady Sibley.”
“Good afternoon, Willie. There’s a lot of activity today, isn’t there?”
“Yes, milady. Thank you, milady.” He ushered her into the one warm room in the building. The infirmary was off to the left and two children lay sleeping on cots, covered in new blankets. The dowdy poorhouse matron rose from her chair behind a paper-laden table and tears sprang to her eyes.
“Lady Sibley, thank you so much!” The reed-thin woman slipped around her crowded desk and took Cathryn’s hands in her own. “It’s a miracle. I was near the end of my tether when your donations arrived.”
Cathryn glanced around and saw boxes of supplies stacked in a corner. “My donations?”
An exuberant Mrs. Fry pumped her hand vigorously. “Most generous, thank you.”
Her mind reeled for a moment, wondering if Julian had played a part in this. “When did these all arrive?”
“The shoes came Thursday morning, and new items have arrived each day since. I do wish you’d told me. The larders are overflowing.” She did not sound at all distressed by this positive problem.
“And the workers?” A deep joy filled her. Julian must have arranged all this after he saw her last Wednesday.
“They’ve been busy since Friday. Have you seen the windows?”
“Yes, just in time for winter.” Tears sprang to her own eyes as she considered how much more comfortable the children would be during the bitter cold.
Mrs. Fry still held her hands. “Lady Sibley, it’s a wonderful thing you’ve done.”
“It seems I’ve thought of everything,” she muttered as she wondered whether to disclose Julian’s identity. A vase of red roses on top of a cabinet caught her eye and a card sat beneath it. Mrs. Fry noticed her gaze and let go of her hands.
“We weren’t sure who our benefactor was until your note arrived. Everyone who reads it has to wipe away a tear, I’ll tell you that.”
Cathryn walked over and picked up the card. “Bread to feed the body, roses to feed the soul. Thank you for all you are doing to make the world a better place. Lady Cathryn Sibley.”
“The florist said the roses came from the Earl of Trenchford himself, on your behalf. Congratulations, Lady Sibley. I’ve heard the earl is a fine man.”
She withdrew her handkerchief from her pocket and dabbed at her eyes and nose. “I believe this is my engagement gift from him, Mrs. Fry.” She faced her friend and smiled. “The earl had all this done,” she said with a wave of her hand. Tears fell unbidden as she continued, “I had no idea. I only mentioned the children needing shoes.”
Mrs. Fry’s tears joined her own. “We’ve prayed for you to find a good man to watch over you—you and Mrs. Pickering both. You’re saints, that’s what you are, and the earl as well.”
Cathryn nearly laughed aloud considering their unsaintly behavior of the past week. “Thank you, Mrs. Fry. We all have saint and sinner alike in our souls, I think.”
“Well, we added the earl to our prayers last evening after these roses arrived.”
“I’m very glad you did. Thank you. I shall relay your gratitude to the earl.”
“The children have already begun to plan a play to honor you both. They were hoping you might attend on Sunday and bring him.”
“A play?”
“They plan to recreate Wellington’s victory at Waterloo, I believe. Ms. Aubrey has mobilized her troops, as she calls them.” Mrs. Fry dropped her voice and shook her head.
Cathryn recognized the familiar sentiment of faint disapproval. “Ms. Aubrey’s been here today?”
“Yes, you just missed her. She was in high spirits.” A sigh of resignation escaped her as she headed back to her seat.
“Well, I was planning to tell you I would not be coming back to teach here, but perhaps I’ve misread the earl.” She glanced at the shiny new lock on the door. “If security is improved, my safety would be less of a concern for him. He knows I would miss the children terribly if I left.”
“Your class is still in the big room practicing their parts. I’ll send someone to fetch them.”
“No, thank you, I’ll peek in on them myself.” She opened the door and the light chatter of happy children greeted her ears. She headed towards the main room, used for large gatherings and as a dormitory for the single men. Passing the kitchens, she saw stacks of boxes in every corner. She was turning a corner in the hallway when one of her pupils stopped her.
“Lady Sibley, ma’am,” the young boy said. “There’s a gentleman waiting for you in the classroom.”
“Thank you, Jimmy.”
The boy looked down at his new shoes and back up to her with a radiant smile. “Thank you, milady. It’s the first new pair I’ve ever had.”
She returned his smile. “The Earl of Trenchford chose them himself. I believe he has a pair very much like them.”
“Thank you, milady.” Jimmy beamed as he ran off to share this important bit of news.
She floated on a cloud of well-being down the corridors that led to the one small classroom. Expecting to see a workman, she sauntered into the room eager to see what had been done. The walls had been whitewashed and the desks polished and repaired.
The door slammed behind her and she whirled around to face an enraged Percival Hedges. He flashed a dagger inches before her eyes, and she jumped back as he sneered. “I’ve come for you.” She took another step back, and he waved the knife towards a side door. “I have a carriage outside.”
Her mind scrambled for what to do in the face of his rage, and she again felt helpless as a ragdoll. She hesitated too long, because he was upon her, his breath hot on her cheek. “I need to consummate our contract.” He held the knife up for her to see. “I have a carriage waiting, we can do the deed there.”
“You must be mad,” she finally managed.
He grabbed her arm roughly and thrust her towards the door. “Go.”
She tried to shrug away from him, but his grip was like a vise. “This is insane, let go of me.”
Loud voices were heard coming down the alley behind the classroom, a group of workers. She thought to scream, but he pressed the knife to her jaw. “Don’t consider it.”
The men seemed intent on a project just outside the door, causing Percival to curse. “Bloody laborers.”
He glanced around the room frantically and pushed her into an empty corner. “This will have to do.” He held the knife inches from her face as he fumbled with the buttons on his black trousers. “Lift your skirts.”
Stunned by his command, she stared at his hand working into the opening of his trousers. “No. How dare you.”
he knife flicked her jaw and caused a fireburst of pain as if she’d been stung by a hornet. She touched the spot and recoiled when she saw the blood that stained her fingertips.
He thrust out his jaw and she noticed two red marks there. “Your lover did this. Would you like a matching set?”
She covered her wound with one hand and shook her head as she realized he might well harm her further. “Why are you doing this?”
He hissed, “You weren’t at home when I called—they said you’d be here.” The knife shook as he finally freed himself. “Raise your skirts.”
She looked around her, still not quite believing his intent. “You’ll be seen.”
He tugged at his thin cock. “I’ll be gone in two minutes.” He pointed at her skirts with the knife. “Let’s be done with this.”
“Why can’t we wait until Christmas?” She put her hands on her skirts as if she meant to comply with his wishes.
“My solicitor said…” he began and then seemed to think better of it. “I promised Geoffrey I would care for you.” He watched her hands and pumped himself furiously.
“By raping me?”
His head snapped up. “A man can’t rape his own wife.”
Dear God, she wished she had a weapon. “I’m not your wife.”
“Raise your bloody skirts.” His cock was gaining stature, but his eyes looked crazed as he waved the knife inches from her face.
A knot of fear formed in her belly, and she thought she might toss her lunch. She heard herself whimper as she lifted her skirts a few inches. The workmen seemed to be arguing over something, and she doubted they would even hear her cries.
Desperation welled up inside her, and she began to sob. “Please don’t do this, Percival.”
A look of victory came over his face as his pink cock stood straight out at her. He now had a free hand and he stepped towards her to lift the skirts himself, pressing the knife to her collar. “Ahlquist will abandon you when he hears of this.”
Her heart sank as she felt Hedges’ ruthless handling of her gown, and she wished for an instant that he would kill her instead of rape her.