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Heal Me, Daddy

Page 18

by Roberts, Laylah

  He walked over to the bed and pulled down the covers. “It’s a bit chilly in here. I’m going to keep the door open to let the heat from the fire in.” He picked her up, cradling her against his chest as he carried her into the bathroom.

  “Daddy, I can walk.”

  “Not today, you don’t. Today, you’re getting the full baby girl treatment. You haven’t been well and you’re going to let Doctor Daddy take care of you.”

  “Doctor Daddy?” She giggled.

  He winked as he set her feet on the floor. Brr, the tiles in here were cold. He frowned at her feet. “You need some socks on.” He reached under her nightie and whipped down her panties before she even knew what he was planning to do. Then he pressed her back, so she sat on the toilet.

  “Here, you go potty and I’ll go grab some warm socks. Do not move until I get back here to help you. I need to give you a check-up too. Can’t believe I haven’t done that already.”

  A check-up? Oh no. She was very glad he hadn’t done that already.

  She quickly peed. She’d just tidied herself up when he returned. Her panties were still around her ankles. He helped her stand then drew them back up.

  “Daddy! I can do that myself.”

  “‘Course you can. But why should you when Daddy is here to take care of you?”

  Jesus. How did he do that? How did he just suddenly find the perfect thing to say? He lowered the lid on the toilet and sat her back down before pulling on a pair of bright pink, fluffy socks. They had eyes and a nose round the toes. They were super warm and soft, and she fell instantly in love.

  “These aren’t my socks.”

  “They’re one of the presents I bought you,” he explained before he helped her stand then turned her to the counter. He ran the water and squirted some soap on his hands before he started to wash her hands. He ran his hands over hers, scrubbing every inch.

  She didn’t know what it was. They were just her hands. It shouldn’t feel special. But it did. After drying them, he picked her back up.

  “You really don’t have to keep carrying me, Daddy.”

  “I don’t want you getting dizzy and falling over. Besides, I’ve waited a long time to carry you.”

  See? Bam! He just kept hitting her with these moments of sweetness.

  When he walked with her into the bedroom, she saw that he’d laid a blanket out on the bed. He laid her down on her back on it.

  “Is this a new blanket?”

  “Yep. I know how much you like soft things. I also know how cold you get.” He wrapped one side of the blanket over her, then the other. Her arms were trapped but she wasn’t held in tight. She knew she would be able to escape if she really needed to. Then he sat, leaning against the headboard with her on his lap. He reached over and grabbed a bottle from the nightstand. She hadn’t even noticed it sitting there.

  She blushed a little. It was different seeing it in broad daylight than in the safety of darkness. But she’d told him this was what she wanted. She rested back against one arm and he reached up with the bottle, pressing the nipple to her mouth.

  “That’s it, baby doll. You drink it down. Hopefully it will help rehydrate you as well. Then you can rest in bed while I make you something to eat.

  Hmm. She had a feeling she’d be getting a lot of rest today. Well, it wasn’t like she was up to doing much. And if he really wanted to carry her around and take care of her…

  Who was she to argue?

  * * *

  Doc picked up his phone as it rang.

  “Hello, brother, long time no see.”

  “Issy, how are things going?” Archer asked. There was an odd note to his voice. Doc walked over to the bedroom door and glanced in to find Caley was fast asleep. She’d protested having to take a nap when she hadn’t been up for long, but she’d been asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  After she woke up, he’d feed her some lunch then give her a check-up before he gave her the rest of her presents. He should have been taking better care of her before now. The guilt ate at him as he shut the door.

  “Things are okay here. You all right?” Doc asked.

  “Ahh, yeah, just came back to a full workload. You know how it is.”

  Actually, to be honest, his workload was fairly light. Sure, the JSI guys got themselves hurt on a regular basis and living on a ranch meant there was often an injured cowboy around, but it was nothing like his work schedule when he’d been an ER doctor while in Dallas.

  Which gave him plenty of time to dedicate to Caley. Once he convinced her to move home with him, that is. But he was determined that when he returned, she’d be by his side. Thankfully, Kent had given him the go-ahead to take some time off.

  “How’s your girl?”

  His girl. Yeah. He liked the sound of that. And if something felt like it was missing, he pushed that thought aside. What could possibly be missing?

  “She’s better.”

  “Better? Was she not well? Is she all right? Do you need my help?”

  Doc frowned. “Whoa, man, calm down.”


  “I’m a doctor, remember? If she’s not well, I’ve got it.”

  “Yeah. She’s just…she means a lot to me too. Not like that. She’s your girl. But I got close to her while I was staying there.”

  They had gotten close. And when she’d talked about Archer earlier, he’d seen a hint of sadness in her face, which he hadn’t liked. His girl shouldn’t be sad. He wanted her to have everything she desired.

  “Issy? You gonna tell me what’s going on with Caley?”

  “Oh, uh, sorry. Yeah. She’s fine. She just pushed herself too hard. Got home last night and she’d barely eaten anything or drunk any water. Ended up getting a severe migraine. She vomited.”

  “Shit. Poor darling.”

  “She’s doing a lot better today; I’ve just put her down for a nap.”

  “Yeah? She might need a check-up.”

  “Read my mind, brother.”

  “You’re gonna work on getting her to take better care of herself.”

  “Even better, I am going to take better care of her myself,” he said.

  “What about when you have to leave?” Archer asked.

  “Then she’ll be coming with me.”

  There was a beat of silence. He expected Archer to start lecturing him about how he couldn’t force her to go with him, which he had no intention of doing, he just wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

  Those were two totally different things.

  In his eyes, anyway.

  “Just remember that she’s still emotionally fragile, Issy. You have to tread carefully when it comes to the loss of her husband. And changes in her life. Just go easy. Promise me?”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Right. Which is a bit like you trying to be subtle,” Archer muttered.

  Yeah. Pretty much.

  “I will try to be mindful of Dave and his memory, all right?” He didn’t intend to bad-mouth the guy.

  “Okay, when she feels better will you get Caley to call me? Sounds silly, but I kind of miss being with you guys.”

  “Hey, that doesn’t sound silly at all. We’re great to be around. Barrels of fun.”

  “Caley, maybe. You on the other hand, yeah, not so much.”

  Too bad they weren’t FaceTiming. Giving someone the bird just wasn’t as satisfying when they couldn’t see it.

  * * *

  Archer hung up the call and had to fight against the urge to throw his phone at the wall.

  You self-sacrificing idiot.

  He heaved in breath after breath, trying to calm himself. He had never felt so out-of-control in his life. Every part of his life was carefully thought out. From what his career would be, to where he lived, to what he wore and who he associated with.

  Who he dated.

  Caley was a curve ball. The total opposite of who he thought he should want. She wouldn’t fit into his life smoothly. She wouldn’t m
ake things easier.

  Is that really what you want? Someone who is easy? Or do you want someone you love? Someone who makes you feel alive?

  His world had been gray, now it held color.

  Issy loved her. He needed her. He’d be good for her.

  You could be good for her too. You could stop her from sinking into her head. You could get her to talk. You could stop them both from hiding away.

  He could round them out.

  But she was Issy’s not his.

  He wanted his brother to be happy. He wanted Caley to be happy.

  He just wished it wasn’t his happiness he had to sacrifice.


  She lay on the bed, feeling a bit nervous.

  “How long since your last check-up, baby doll?” Issy asked her. He walked into the bedroom, carrying a black bag. She hadn’t even realized he had that with him. It must have been in the spare bedroom.

  “Umm, I guess, maybe since before I left home. So over five years ago?”

  He froze then stared down at her with a frown. “You haven’t been to the doctor since then?”

  “No. I hardly ever get sick. Just the migraines. And sometimes I get a little light-headed, but I think that’s a low blood sugar thing.”

  He grumbled something under his breath.

  She was shocked that she’d fallen asleep earlier. She’d felt sure she would lie there, counting sheep. But no, she’d slipped off almost as soon as she’d laid her head down. Then when she’d woken up, Issy had actually let her sit at the dining table to eat before he’d brought her in here for her check-up.

  Something she was sooo looking forward to. Not.

  “Do you need the potty, baby doll?” he asked as he grabbed a stethoscope out and started breathing on the round, silver end. Obviously warming it up. That was so sweet.

  “Ahh, no. I’m all right.”

  “Do you have a set of scales?”

  “Umm, yes, not sure if they work. They’re in the bathroom cupboard.”

  He went and retrieved the scales and then placed them on the wooden floor.

  “Okay, they work all right. Let’s get all your clothes off.”

  “I have to take my clothes off?” she asked in a high-pitched voice.

  “Gonna be hard to give you a proper check-up with your clothes on, baby doll.”

  Yes, but, naked? Well, he’d already seen her naked so she guessed she shouldn’t be shy.

  “Let’s get you on the scales quickly then underneath the blanket to keep you nice and warm.” He helped her strip off, leaving her panties and T-shirt.

  “Let you keep that until you’re nice and warm under the blanket.

  She climbed on the scales. Not really watching the number. It had been a while since she’d weighed herself.

  “Huh,” she said when she saw the number.


  “I haven’t weighed myself since before Dave died. I used to do it once a week, religiously. I’ve lost quite a bit of weight.”

  “How much is quite a bit?”

  “Umm, thirty pounds.”

  “Yeah, thirty pounds is a lot to lose. Back on the bed, let’s get you under the blanket.”

  He placed the blanket over her, making her whip off her T-shirt first before covering her up from chin to toes. She wasn’t actually that cold, but she was grateful to be covered. It was strange being nearly naked when he was dressed, even if his gaze hadn’t lingered on her boobs at all.

  That had been a little disconcerting.

  The first part of the examination was pretty typical. He took her pulse. Then her blood pressure, telling her it was on the low side. Then he’d felt her glands, looked in her mouth and ears.

  “Right, baby doll, how often do you examine your breasts?”

  “Umm…” Had she ever done that?

  “Caley,” he said in a scolding voice. He lowered the blanket down, exposing her breasts. Her nipples were hard peaks. “You’re not too cold? We can move this into the living room if you are.”

  She should go with the excuse. But it was toasty warm in here. Her nipples were just traitorous little hussies who seemed to be at Issy’s beck and call.

  “I’m okay,” she croaked out.

  Was it possible for her to be any more embarrassed? Really?

  He’s given you several orgasms, Caley.

  It seemed to be his cure for her waking up at night. He’d make her come before massaging her neck or head until she fell back asleep.

  “You have beautiful breasts, baby doll,” he murmured to her. She opened her eyes and looked up at him.

  “They’re small.”

  “They’re perfect.” There was no mistaking the serenity in his voice. And Issy didn’t lie. He wasn’t even one to say something in order to spare someone’s feelings. If he said it. He meant it.

  She almost thought that might be what she liked most about him. There was no subterfuge.

  “Let’s see if we can warm them up a bit.” He shocked her by leaning over and taking one nipple in his mouth while his hand cupped her other breast, the palm brushing against her tight bud.

  She groaned, pressing her body up, trying to get closer to him. He suckled on her nipple for long moments then drew back and blew over it. She shivered at the feeling that travelled through her body.

  He moved to her other nipple, engulfing it in his mouth.

  Okay, maybe his honesty wasn’t the thing she liked most about him. Maybe it was his mouth.

  The man was multi-talented. He drew back, staring down at her with warm eyes. “Such a beautiful girl. My girl.”

  His girl.

  And then there was this soft, caring side which she wasn’t sure many people got to see.

  There was a lot to like about this man. He might have his flaws, but he wore them loud and proud. He didn’t hide them away, like a dirty secret.

  Like Dave did with his drinking.

  Don’t think about that. Like Archer said, he wasn’t here to defend himself and all it was doing was causing her pain.

  “Caley? You okay?” Issy stared down at her with concern in his eyes.

  “Yes. I’m all right.”

  He studied her for a moment but didn’t question her like Archer might have. Guilt flooded her. She shouldn’t be thinking of Archer right now.

  God, she missed him though. It was okay to miss him, wasn’t it? He was her friend.

  “Reach up and put your hand behind your head. That’s it.”

  He was surprisingly efficient as he examined her breasts and she relaxed slightly.

  “Good, everything feels good. I’ll make sure to do that each month.”

  A pang hit her as he spoke of the future. She took in a shuddering breath as he lowered the blanket further, revealing her stomach.

  “All right, baby doll?”


  “Tell me if there’s any pain or anything. We’ll need to get some bloodwork done. But I don’t have the equipment with me for that. I’m guessing it’s been a while since you’ve seen a gynecologist.”

  “Umm, I’ve never seen one.”

  He placed his hands on either side of her, leaning down, a hint of anger in his eyes. “Never?”

  “No,” she replied, wondering why he was so angry.

  He looked away; his jaw clenched. “All right. We’ll add that to the to-do list.”

  “I’m not sure I want to see one.” She bit her lip, worrying it.

  “I can take care of that for you if you want.”

  Okay, so what was worse? Having him examine her or a complete stranger?

  “I’ll make an appointment with a gynecologist,” she squeaked.

  His lips twitched. “Don’t trust me?”

  “No…it’s not that. It’s just…” she glanced away, feeling silly. He’s a doctor, Caley.

  “When you want me down there, you’d rather it was for pleasure?”

  She gaped at him then rolled her eyes at his smirk. “Something like that,”
she muttered.

  “It’s okay, baby doll. I’m teasing. I get it.” He leaned in and kissed her lightly. “But just so you know, some medical role play can be fun. Especially since I’m a doctor and have access to all the good medical equipment.”

  Medical role play? Her body stirred at the thought. She hadn’t written a book about that yet, but imagine if she had some real-life experience to add in. Except, would he be happy about that? It wasn’t like she’d mention his name, but maybe he’d feel like he was being used.

  “Okay, you’re off in your head again and I want you here.”

  “Sorry,” she croaked.

  He pulled the blanket up. “I’m going to go get a few more of your presents before I take your temperature. See if I can keep you focused and your mind off work.”

  She felt bad that she’d kind of blanked out on him. But why didn’t he just take her temperature first? It didn’t take that long to stick something in her ear or mouth.

  When he returned, he held one of her plates. Did he have a snack for her? Was that her gift?

  Then he put the plate down on the bedside table and she leaned up on one elbow to look at what was on it. Her mouth dropped open in shock at the sight of two dildos, one was small and black with a wide end. Anal plug. The other was pink and long and had a power button at the end. There was also a tube of lube. He then pulled a glass thermometer from his first-aid kit and placed it on the plate. It looked thicker than any thermometer she’d ever seen.

  “Umm, Issy…” she said with worry in her voice.

  He glanced down at the plate then at her. “I washed them all, don’t worry.”

  Not what she was worrying about. But now that he mentioned it…yay for cleanliness. Not that she’d expect anything else from him.

  “That wasn’t exactly what I was worried about. Are you planning on using all of those?”

  Amusement filled his face. “Why yes, baby doll. I am. I’m going to get you to roll over onto your tummy then I’m going to position the vibrator against your clit and turn it on. Then I’m going to take your temperature. After I’ve done that, I’m going to put this tiny plug in your bottom.”


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