Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 8

by Keyonna Davis

  “I couldn’t…” Cane’s words were cut off by Logan grabbing her shoulders and spinning her around. With a growl, his lips came down over hers. Logan put all of his emotions into the kiss. It was rough and intense and was over before it got started good.

  Pulling back from her with a stern look on his face, he panted, “We won’t take no for an answer.”

  With that he turned and stormed out of the room. As fear snaked down her spine, Cane turned to look at Duncan. His face was almost apologetic as he drew her in for a hug.

  “You have to give Logan a little time right now. He is dealing with his own demons. He saw your medical file.” Cane knew that she hadn’t told the guys the majority of what she suffered over the years because the injuries were too extensive to count.

  “Logan suffered a lot of what you went through with his father, and he is having a hard time dealing with it right now. Please let us help you. If you don’t feel comfortable staying in the room with us, you can always bunk with Ali. She loves having you around.”

  Could she really take a chance and depend on someone else for a change? Looking into Duncan’s eyes, Cane saw the truth of his words and the belief that he could truly keep her safe.

  Taking a deep breath she nodded her head. “Okay, I will stay with you.”

  Logan was leaning against the sheriff’s SUV when they came out of the bed-and-breakfast. His arms were crossed against his broad chest, and he had a haunted look on his face. Cane hated that she was the cause for that look. She didn’t want him remembering the awful past. She walked straight to him and hugged him. Immediately she was engulfed in his warmth as it flowed through her body getting rid of the icy chill that overcame her when she heard that Sam may know where she was.

  “I have agreed to stay with you guys and let you help me,” she said into his chest. Damn he smelled good. He smelled like fresh soap and something she could only describe as pure man. Releasing her, Logan opened the door and helped her in to the SUV.

  “I’m glad you changed your mind about leaving,” he whispered in her ear as she was climbing in. Cane couldn’t hold back the shivers that went down her spine as she felt his breath on her ear.

  What have I just agreed to? I should be headed out of town right now. The first sign of trouble, I’m out of here.

  Duncan and Logan took Cane straight to their house. Logan carried her bags and put them in Duncan’s room where she slept the night before. She wanted to protest and tell him to put them in Ali’s room, but the truth was she wanted to sleep between the two guys again. They kept her safe and warm all night and kept the nightmares away.

  “Have you eaten lunch yet?” Duncan asked.

  “No, that’s where I was headed earlier when you stopped me.”

  “How about I fix us all a sandwich while you find us something to watch on TV.” Smiling, Cane nodded and walked out of the kitchen. Logan was already sitting on one end of the couch when she got there so she sat on the other end and curled her legs under her. Obviously not satisfied with the seating arrangement, Logan reached over and picked her up as if she didn’t weigh anything at all and tucked her by his side. He put his arm around her shoulder and pressed her head against his chest.

  Amused, Cane looked over at him and smiled. “Happy now?”

  A grunt was his only answer as he began flipping channels with the remote. It didn’t take long for Duncan to bring lunch out and they ate in silence as they watched one of those daily talk shows where some girl was desperate find the father of her child.

  So far so good, Cane thought to herself.

  Chapter 10

  Whistling, Sam packed a few changes of clothes in a duffle bag. The only thing that would make him happier right now was if he already had Cane back. It wouldn’t be long now. All he was waiting on was a call from Kevin confirming that she was still in the small town in Oregon. Once he received the call, he would be on his way. He already had a private plane on loan to him from a good friend waiting at the airport on standby. Yep, nothing was going to stand in his way of getting her back. Smiling, he threw a few scarves in the bag. He would need them to hold her still for what he had planned for her. Oh yeah, this is going to be so much fun! She would never think of leaving him again if she survived what he had planned for her. She made a fool of him when she ran. He had to spend his hard-earned money tracking her down, but he already thought of a way she could repay him. A few of the guys down at the precinct had been harassing him for years to sleep with her and he denied them, but now it was time for Cane to earn her keep. She would repay him by entertaining his friends. Hopefully they would still want her with her new look. He wanted her to look in the mirror everyday and see the mistake she made by ever thinking that she could get away from him. Yes, things would be different when he got her home where she belonged.

  * * * *

  Cane hadn’t realized that she had fallen asleep until she felt strong arms lift her off the couch. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into the rock-hard chest of whoever was carrying her. They moved down the hall and into the bedroom. She opened her eyes when she was placed on the bed. Duncan smiled down at her as she saw Logan enter the room and shut the door.

  “I’m sorry I fell asleep. I must have been more tired than I thought.”

  “It’s okay,” Duncan said as he slid in next to her. Logan slid into the other side and snuggled into her back while Duncan wrapped his arms around her from the front.

  “Go back to sleep. We will stay here with you, no one is here but us,” Logan whispered in her ear.

  Yeah right, how am I supposed to sleep with them so close?

  Cane felt like her body was hypersensitive. Her skin tingled in the places where their bodies touched hers. She was aware of Logan behind her and could feel the large bulge of his erection pressed against her lower back. She could feel his warm breath on her ear and couldn’t hold back the shiver that went down her entire body. Duncan was rubbing his hand in small circles on her hip and thigh.

  Wiggling her hips, Cane had to fight to hold back a smile when she heard Logan hiss. She wanted them. Lord help her, she wanted the both of them. She wanted it hard and fast and gentle and slow. She wanted it all, and she knew that these two guys could give her what she needed. Staring into Duncan’s eyes she reached up and cupped his cheek. Using her thumb she ran it along his bottom lip and gasped when he sucked it into his mouth. She could see the heat in his eyes as he watched her while rolling his tongue across the pad of her thumb. Cane felt the heat rising in her body as Logan rubbed his hands all over her back and hips. His caress was firm but gentle as he massaged her back. She let out a soft cry when he began to nibble on the lobe of her ear and trail hot kisses down her neck.

  God what are they doing to me? Can I survive this?

  Duncan released her thumb from his mouth and leaned down to kiss the front of her neck. She felt his teeth graze the hollow of her throat as his hands slowly lifted her T-shirt and trailed up her stomach coming to rest just underneath her breast.

  “Oh. Yes.”

  Was that my voice? Cane thought. It sounded hoarse and weak. Logan began rubbing his hips against her back in a slow rocking motion as his hand wrapped around to the button of her jeans. Cane stiffened and grabbed Logan’s hand.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Logan asked as he rolled her over on her back. Embarrassed by her reaction and not wanting to tell them the reason why she stopped them, Cane looked away as she tried to blink back the tears that threatened to fall. Grabbing her chin and turning her face back to him, Logan wiped away the tear that slid down her cheek.

  “We don’t have to do this if you are not ready. We will wait as long as you want.” She saw the sincerity in his eyes and it gave her the courage to tell them what she was feeling. “I um… I want to do this. It’s just that I’m scared. I have never been with anyone other than Sam and…”

  “And what, Cane?”

  “Well, I’ve never liked it. Sam was always too
rough, and if I ever told him he was hurting me, he would smack me around and tell me that I was a prude and didn’t know what sex was. Eventually I stopped telling him and just tried to stay as still as possible until he finished. I would always end up with bruises and bite marks or handprints somewhere on my body. When I’m with you guys, even just kissing is better than anything I have ever had sexually. I want to please you, but I just don’t know how.”

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes trying to stop the tears. She was afraid to look at them. How could they want her after what she allowed to be done to her body? She was sure they had more experienced girls in the past, how could she compare? She might as well still be a virgin as far as what she knew about sex. She could never please one man let alone two.

  * * * *

  This woman doesn’t know how beautiful she is, Logan thought. He was steaming mad. He could feel the rage boiling inside at the thought of someone hurting Cane. How could anyone treat another human being that way? This Sam guy was a real bastard, and Logan wished he had ten minutes alone in a room with him. Hell, he would even settle for five. Now, staring down at Cane lying on the bed with her eyes closed, he could see the pain of the past written all over her face. He knew he was already falling in love with her, but when she was explaining why she was scared to have sex something inside of him changed. He felt his heart swell and knew instantly that he was not falling, but already in love with her and would do everything in his power to try and undo the damage that Sam caused. He took a deep breath to calm himself down because he didn’t want Cane to think he was mad at her for any reason. He looked over at Duncan and saw the same look on his face. He was holding one of Cane’s hands and lightly rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. He looked up when he felt Logan watching him and slowly shook his head. He saw Duncan take a deep breath as well and knew that he was dealing with his own emotions at the moment. Looking back down at her, Logan cupped her cheek and rubbed.

  “Cane, look at us. We don’t care about your lack of experience or what happened in the past. We only want you happy. If you don’t want to do something or if anything makes you uncomfortable all you have to do is tell us. We won’t force anything on you that you don’t want.”

  “Besides,” Logan said, smiling, “there is no right or wrong way to do this. Just do whatever comes natural and have fun.”

  “Do you want us to stop, Cane?” Duncan asked. Staring down at her, he waited for her to answer. He would do whatever she asked and it didn’t bother him one bit. Somehow this small woman came out of nowhere and wrapped him and Logan around her little finger, and he planned to hold on never let go. She was theirs, he knew it and Logan knew it, the only thing left was to make her see it. Duncan had been scared to death earlier to tell her about the medical records. He had a feeling she would run and he had no idea how he was going to make her trust them enough to stay and let them protect her. He turned his attention back to her when he heard her take a deep breath and let it out.

  “I…I don’t want you to stop, but I’m scared. Sam hasn’t touched me since before the accident six months ago…just go slow please.” Without saying another word, Duncan leaned down and took possession of her lips again. He wrapped his hands around the silky strands of her hair and tightened his grip using it to tilt her head back at a better angle. Releasing her lips, he began to trail kisses along her jaw down to her collarbone where he bit down gently. The moan that tore through Cane’s throat gave him all the encouragement he needed to continue. Duncan felt like his cock was going to explode. At this point, his jeans were so tight that they felt like they were cutting off his circulation. He wanted nothing more than to drop his pants and ram his cock home into her tight, silky heat, but he wouldn’t. Never in a million years would he ever be like Sam. This was for her. He had to show her that not all men were alike and that she could get pleasure from sex. She deserved it, and he was determined that she would get it, no matter how many orgasms it took to prove it before he was allowed to come.

  Continuing his kisses across her chest, he stopped at the hollow of her throat and licked. He felt her swallow under his tongue and felt the moan as it vibrated in her throat. Releasing his grip on her hair he rose up and looked at her. She was truly beautiful with her head thrown back, eyes closed, and her mouth open. She was panting, and with each breath she took, her breast rose and fell. Duncan felt the zing of arousal shoot up his spine as he almost came just watching her. Grunting, he looked over at Logan as he ran his hands from Cane’s stomach down to her hips and back. Logan placed his hands on her stomach and slowly lifted her shirt again. He helped her rise as he lifted the T-shirt over her head then he leaned over and ran his tongue across her stomach along the waistband of her jeans. Duncan watched as Cane’s hips lifted involuntarily at the action. Logan continued licking up her stomach and stopped at her belly button and dipped his tongue inside.

  “Oh god, Logan!” Cane yelled, breathless.

  “You like that, baby?” Logan whispered as he did it again.

  Something about Cane’s whimpers and moans did something to Duncan. He had never felt like this with any woman before. He felt like his blood was boiling and he was about to explode. Her skin smelled so good. It tasted even better, so sweet, he couldn’t get enough. A cry tore from Cane’s lips, and she wrapped her hands in Logan’s hair as he continued to lick higher just stopping underneath her breast.

  “I take that as a yes.” He chuckled. Duncan watched as Logan raised and looked at him. He knew exactly what Logan was thinking and they each clamped their mouth on a nipple at the same time. Although Cane was still wearing a bra, Duncan could feel her nipple tighten and become rock hard. She was lost in passion now as she moaned uncontrollably and arched her back pushing her breast even further into their mouths. Reaching up, Duncan flicked the front clasp of her bra and easily lifted his side away as Logan did his. Once they helped her out of it, they both attacked her breast again. Duncan licked and nipped his way back to her nipple and gently bit down. He then licked it with his tongue to soothe it. He paused for a heartbeat to see what Cane’s reaction to him biting her was. He didn’t want her to think he was trying to hurt her, that’s the last thing he would ever do. He just wanted to show her that sex could be enjoyable, not just for him, but for her as well. When Cane continued to moan and writhe underneath him and Logan, he knew it was safe to continue. Logan released the breast that he was working on and started working his way back down her body. Duncan sucked her nipple back into his mouth and reached over to massage the other breast. He squeezed and pinched her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He continued with his mouth on one breast and his hand on the other switching constantly to give each the same attention.

  The sound of a zipper had Duncan raising his head. He looked down to see Logan with his hands at Cane’s waist about to remove her jeans.

  Logan looked up at her and spoke. “Cane?”

  When she raised her head and looked at them, Duncan saw her arousal written on her face. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were glazed over, and she was panting for breath like she had just run a marathon.

  Wow, if she is this turned on by a little heavy petting, I can’t wait to see the sexy look on her face when we actually make love to her.

  He tore his eyes away from her when Logan spoke again. “Do you want this, Cane? We won’t do this unless you are sure you want this. We will only go as far as you feel comfortable with.”

  Please say yes! Please.

  Duncan didn’t know what he would do if she stopped now. Of course he would stop if she asked, but the ice-cold shower that he would have to take to stifle the inferno burning in his balls right now did not sound appealing in the least bit. Waiting on pins and needles, he watched the emotions roll across Cane’s face as she tried to make her decision.

  * * * *

  Did she want to stop? Hell no! Cane thought her body would probably rebel against her if she stopped them now. Never had she been aroused this much.
The care they took with her body to make sure they didn’t hurt her showed her that they would never do anything against her will or anything that she didn’t like. Even when Duncan bit her nipple, she felt nothing but pleasure from it. Staring at the both of them now as they watched and waited for her answer, she saw nothing but lust and something else she was scared to believe was love on their faces. What she didn’t see was the sick, demented look that Sam got on his face when he was about to use her body for pleasure.

  Letting out the breath that she didn’t even realize that she was holding, Cane swallowed and whispered, “Yes, I want you to continue. I want you to make me forget all about Sam and what he did to me.”

  The look that crossed both men’s faces had Cane gasping. She saw pure, unadulterated need. The look was carnal and set her on fire. They wanted this as much as she did. Logan resumed unzipping her pants as Duncan watched. Once they were unzipped, Cane lifted her hips to help him remove them. His fingernails slowly scraped down her legs as he pulled her jeans and panties off. She let out a moan as the cool air blew against the wetness between her thighs. A little embarrassed by the amount of fluid between her legs, Cane brought her knees up and clamped them shut.

  “No, sweetheart,” Duncan whispered in her ear as Logan eased her knees apart.

  “That’s it, baby,” Logan said. “Let us see that gorgeous pussy.”

  Cane took a deep breath and relaxed her legs letting them fall open against the bed.

  “Damn, baby, you are so wet, and you smell so good. I have to taste you.” Logan didn’t wait for an answer. He leaned down and with one long, slow swipe he licked her from the bottom to the top.

  “Oh. My. God!” Cane cried as she almost shot off the bed. The only thing keeping her from flying was Duncan’s hands pinning her waist down. “

  “Easy, sweetheart,” Duncan crooned. “Let Logan make you feel good.


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