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Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 12

by Keyonna Davis

  Cane was glad that their attention was on Riley and not on her because they didn’t see the shiver that ran up her spine or notice the goose bumps on her arms. That feeling was back. Someone was watching her and it wasn’t just her imagination. She trusted her gut this far, and now it was telling her to run because danger was coming her way. Looking around the diner, she saw only familiar faces except for a guy she couldn’t see behind the newspaper he held.

  “Ali, who is that guy behind the newspaper?”

  Ali turned to look and then smiled. “Oh, that’s just Mr. Robinson, he has been in town for a few weeks. He is harmless. He comes in here every day for lunch.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Cane sat back. If he came in here every day, then surely she would have noticed him at some point. She trusted Ali’s opinion since she was here every day and knew all the people in town and all the gossip.

  “Cane, baby, will you be okay staying here tomorrow night until we get off? Or would you like to come to the station and hang out?”

  Turning her attention back to the guys, she answered Logan, “Don’t be silly, of course I will be okay here with Ali. We can have a little girl talk.”

  Knowing that would receive a groan from all three men, Cane smiled and winked at Ali. They’d had “girl talk” a few times over the last week, and Cane had been shocked to hear some of the things that Ali knew about from working at the diner. She knew and heard things that no sixteen-year-old girl should know. She knew all about Logan and Duncan sharing women, and she also knew about Riley being in love with Jessica. The more the guys tried to shelter her, the more the town seemed determined to tell her everything. Looking up again, she noticed that the guy with the newspaper was gone. Damn, she wanted to get a look his face. She still couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched.

  * * * *

  Duncan watched Cane as she rubbed her arms and looked around the diner. It was like she was looking for something or someone, and she seemed scared of what she was going to find.

  “Cane, sweetheart, is something wrong?” Cane jumped and bit her bottom lip. Duncan knew that look, she was nervous about something.

  “It’s happening again, isn’t it?” Riley asked.

  “What’s happening?”

  “What the hell is going on?” Duncan and Logan both asked at the same time.

  “It’s nothing guys, calm down. It’s just…well…I have been getting this feeling that someone has been watching me.”

  “What!” Logan yelled, jumping from his seat. “In the back, now.”

  He didn’t wait to see if anyone was following him, just stormed off to the kitchen. Duncan grabbed Cane’s arm and pulled her to the back as Riley followed.

  “What’s going on guys?” Ali asked as she trailed behind them.

  Duncan was pissed, and he knew Logan was angry as well. He took deep breaths to try and calm down because he didn’t want to scare Cane. Looking at her, he saw that her face was pale and she was trembling. She was scared to death, and it was their fault. Letting her go, he watched as she wrapped her arms around her and backed away from them wide-eyed. Turning away from her, he took his anger out on Riley.

  “What the hell is going on, Riley? Why didn’t you tell us about any of this?”

  “Look, she made me promise not to tell you guys because she didn’t want you all to worry if it was nothing. She promised that if it happened again, she would tell you.” Looking over at Logan, he saw that he was about to explode.

  “Let us have some time alone with Cane please.” Riley didn’t say anything else. He grabbed Ali’s arm and ushered her out of the kitchen.

  Duncan was hurt that Cane would keep something this important from them. This was her safety they were talking about. Did she not think that he and Logan could keep her safe? He looked over at Logan and he just shook his head, he knew that the man was too angry and hurt just like him to say anything right now. Holding his hands out in front of him to show Cane that he meant her no harm, Duncan walked over to her. He felt like he was trying to calm a wild animal that was trapped and wrong move could cause her to run.

  “Cane, look, we are just angry that you didn’t tell us about this. We want to keep you safe, and we can’t do that if you hide things like this from us.”

  Reaching out he gently grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He felt her instantly relax and wrap her arms around him.

  “I’m sorry we scared you, but will you tell us what’s been going on?”

  * * * *

  What have I done? I should have told them. Now Duncan is mad at me and Logan hates me. He can’t even look at me.

  Biting her bottom lip, Cane let Duncan go and stepped back.

  “Okay, I will tell you what has been going on, but can we go home and talk please?”

  “I will go tell Riley and Ali that we are leaving,” Logan said and walked out without looking at her.

  “He hates me now, doesn’t he? He can’t even look at me.” Cane could feel the tears coming and didn’t bother to hold them back. “I’m so sorry. I know I messed up, but I didn’t want to worry you over me just being paranoid.”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Duncan said as he wrapped his arms around her again, “Logan is upset, we both are, but he does not hate you. He loves you just like I do. Come on, let’s go home and talk.”

  Cane followed Duncan out to the SUV where Logan was already inside. The ride to the house was silent and Cane wondered how she was going to make it up to her guys. She knew they were going to be mad when that found out that she was hiding this from them, but she never expected them to get this angry. She knew that they would never hurt her, but the way Logan reacted scared her to death. For a moment all she saw was Sam right before he took a swing at her. She hated feeling like this, and she only had herself to blame. She hated Sam for a long time and blamed him for how her life turned out, but she realized that because of her need to be accepted, she allowed everything that happened to her. Now, because of that same need, she may have messed up the best thing that ever happened to her.

  Logan still wasn’t talking to her. When they arrived at the house, he didn’t even wait for her to get out of the car. He just stomped into the house and slammed the door.

  “Can I have a minute alone?” Cane asked Duncan.

  “I’m not leaving you out here alone, sweetheart.”

  “Please, Duncan, I promise I won’t get out of the car, just… please, I need to be alone just for a little bit.”

  “Okay, but I am going to be checking on you through the window.” Duncan shut the door and headed into the house.

  Once he was inside, Cane put her head in her hands. “Oh God, what have I done? What is wrong with me?” she moaned. She tried to hold back the tears, but couldn’t. She didn’t want to have to leave again. She liked it here and liked being with Duncan and Logan. Leave it up to her to ruin a good thing.

  Cane didn’t know how long she sat with her head in her hands before she heard the door open. She knew that it was Logan without bothering to look up. He didn’t say anything as he climbed in and shut the door. When he reached for her, Cane couldn’t stop her body from flinching. After hearing Logan sigh and pull his hand back, she looked up at him. “I’m sorry, I know you wouldn’t hurt me. I just couldn’t help it. It’s going to take me a while to stop doing that.”

  Reaching for her again, Logan pulled her into his lap. “Listen, baby, I’m sorry I scared you and got so angry, but please know that no matter how angry or upset I get, I will never put my hands on you. I love you too much to do that. I’m angry because you kept something this important from us. You know that you are in danger. How can we protect you if we don’t know what’s going on?”

  “I didn’t want you to think I was crazy or paranoid. I never saw anyone that looked suspicious, so I never said anything. I promise I will tell you everything next time, just…please don’t hate me.” The last of it was said in a whisper as Cane laid her head on Logan’s shoulder.

sp; “Baby, I could never hate you. We had a fight, that’s all, and I’m sure we will have many more. I will always love you no matter what.”

  Cane felt pure joy at Logan’s words. She felt a huge weight lifting off her shoulders knowing that he didn’t hate her or want her gone.

  “You know what having our first fight means, don’t you?” Cane asked as she rose up to stare into Logan’s eyes. He didn’t answer, just raised one eyebrow and looked at her. Leaning down, Cane kissed him putting all the love and desire she felt for him into it. When they were both breathless, she pulled away and leaned down to whisper into his ear. “It means that we get to have our first makeup sex.” Without giving Logan a chance to respond, Cane opened the door and ran to the house laughing.

  She almost made it to the porch before she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. Giggling, she was thrown over Logan’s shoulder.

  “Caught you, which means I get to have my wicked way with you.” Carrying her to Duncan’s room, he dumped her on the bed.

  “It’s about time you two kissed and made up. I have been sitting here waiting forever,” Duncan said as he leaned against the headboard. Cane noticed that he was completely naked and hard as steel. So happy and relieved that they still wanted to be with her, she wanted both of them as close to her as she could possibly get them. Coming up on her knees, she began to remove her clothes.

  “I love both of you guys so much that I want both of you at the same time.”

  She could see the shock on both guys faces as they looked at each other. Once she finished stripping, Cane bent over and took Duncan’s huge erection into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the tip as she gripped the base with her hand. She was rewarded with a rough moan as she continued to suck. She felt Logan as he climbed on the bed behind her and ran his hands up and down the backs of her thighs. Cane felt Duncan’s hands on the back of her head and tensed a little, but relaxed knowing that Duncan was not Sam and would never do anything to her that she didn’t want him to do.

  Cane moaned around Duncan’s cock when she felt Logan’s warm moist tongue between her thighs. He licked her lips and around the outer edge of her entrance moving closer and closer to her clit. Cane’s senses were in overdrive as Logan licked and Duncan pumped slowly into her mouth. She could feel her climax moving closer to the surface, and when Logan latched on to her clit and sucked, she came apart. She could feel her body trembling from the powerful orgasm as her knees went weak and threatened to give out. Finally, coming back down to reality, she released Duncan and rolled over on her back.

  “Cane, are you sure you want to do this?” Putting her hand on Logan’s cheek, she looked up at him and smiled.

  “I have never been more sure. I need this more than I need air to breathe. For you guys I am willing to try anything once. You have never hurt me before, and I know you will be gentle with me now, so go for it.” Her guys looked at each other and without another word, they came to some kind of silent agreement.

  Duncan lay on his back and pulled Cane on top of him so that she was straddling his hips. Once she was on top she lifted so that she could guide Duncan’s cock into her. Slowly, she eased down until he was completely inside, and she rested once again at his hips. She felt Logan as he placed a hand between her shoulder blades and gently push her down until she lay on Duncan’s chest. Cane had never had anal sex before, and she felt a shiver of what was a mix of anticipation and fear go up her spine.

  “It’s okay, baby. I will go nice and slow so I won’t hurt you, but I promise you will love it and by the time we are done with you, we will have you screaming our names at the top of your lungs.” Cane couldn’t help but moan at Logan’s words. If it was possible, her temperature shot up even higher and she already felt like she was boiling. She tensed when she felt Logan’s fingers at her rear entrance covered in cold lube.

  “Just relax, Cane. It will be much easier.”

  Staring into Duncan’s eyes, Cane took a deep breath and relaxed all her muscles. She felt one finger enter her, and there was a little pain, but nothing she couldn’t handle. The pain quickly gave way to a new sensation that was pure pleasure judging by the moan that escaped her. As Logan slowly worked his finger in and out of her bottom, Cane tried her best not to move when all she wanted to do was start sliding up and down Duncan’s cock.

  “Don’t move, sweetheart. You are doing so well, but I don’t think I will last if you move right now before Logan has a chance to get inside you.”

  “I can’t help it, Duncan. I need to do something please…”

  Cane didn’t even know what she was asking. All she knew was the sensations that were building felt like they were going to tear her apart and at this point she didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Duncan must have seen the fear in her eyes because he grabbed her head and pulled her down into a kiss that made all thoughts fly out the window. He had one hand on her hip to keep her still while the other held the back of her head. Cane could feel all the emotion that he put into the kiss, and she sent it right back to him. Soon one finger led to two, and then Cane felt the head of Logan’s cock as he gently pressed it against her rear entrance. She stiffened, but Logan’s hands rubbing on her back and him whispering in her ear immediately calmed her down. Slowly, he entered her as the little bit of pain quickly turned into a lot of pleasure. Once he was fully inside her, he stilled so that her body could adjust to the both of them filling her. The sensations were unbelievable, and Cane couldn’t sit still any longer.

  “Guys, please, I need to move.”

  Without another word, they began to move in coordinated strokes. She was never empty, as one pushed in, the other pulled out. The strokes were slow and long but that’s not what Cane needed. She was about to lose control and wanted her guys right alongside her when it happened.


  The one word seemed to set something off inside them because that was all it took for them to pump harder and faster. Cane felt like she was about to fly apart. She heard screaming and realized that it was her and hoped that they were alone in the house. The orgasm hit her without warning and was so intense that it left her breathless. She felt her muscles clamp down and distantly heard the shouts of the two guys as they rode out their orgasms as well. She lost track of time and reality as she soared through the best orgasm of her life. How could she ever go back to just one guy at a time after that? There was no way she could ever leave them. She was still collapsed on Duncan when she felt the cool rag Logan used to clean her up. She tried to move, but all her limbs seemed to ignore her. She felt Duncan roll her to the side as he laid her down and got out of bed. The next thing she knew she was surrounded on each side by her men, and vaguely remembered hearing one of them ask her was she okay. Her only reply was “Umm,soooo gooood.” The last thing she heard was them laughing as she drifted off into oblivion.

  Chapter 15

  Duncan rolled over in bed and looked at Cane. She was beautiful and didn’t even know it. After what they did last night, he knew he would spend the rest of his life showing her just how beautiful she really was. He knew Logan shared the same feelings. Hell, just watching her sleep was causing him to go rock hard. Rolling out of bed, he groaned and headed for a cold shower. He wanted Cane again but knew after what they did last night, she would be very sore, and he didn’t want to hurt her. He would rather cut off his own arm before he would ever think of hurting her. That thought started him thinking about that bastard Sam. Duncan hated just sitting around waiting for something to happen. He wished he could go find the bastard and handle the problem once and for all. He hated seeing Cane scared, and now that she felt like she was being watched, he was even more worried for her. There could be a possibility that Sam had found her and was already in the area, but he asked around and no one had seen anyone strange lurking in town. Cutting off the water, Duncan quickly dried off and dressed. As he opened the door, he saw Logan sitting on the side of the bed grumbling. Good, he wanted to talk to
Logan before Cane woke up anyway.

  “We need to talk. Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen.” Logan’s grunt was the only sound he made as he entered the bathroom and shut the door.

  About twenty minutes later Logan walked into the kitchen and went straight to the coffeepot. Duncan waited until he sat down at the table to begin speaking.

  Knowing no easier way to say what he had to say, he just blurted it out. “I think we should marry Cane!”

  The only reaction out of Logan was a raised eyebrow and a slight grin, so Duncan continued, “I know we haven’t known her long, but we both love her, and I know you don’t want to let her go just like I don’t. I know we both can’t marry her, but one of us can officially marry her, and then we can have a private ceremony later on for just the three of us. I want you to be the one to officially marry her, and since I am licensed to perform the ceremony, I figured I could do it.”

  That got a reaction out of Logan. “You mean you would let me be the one to marry her?”

  “Sure, why wouldn’t I? We both love her just the same, and as long as I know that she is mine, ours, then I am happy.”

  Duncan knew what this meant to Logan. He knew that although his family took Logan in and treated him like a part of the family, Logan still never really felt like he truly had something that was his. Duncan was telling the truth about Cane, as long as he knew that she was theirs, then he was happy.

  Logan reached across the table and put his hand on Duncan’s shoulder. “Thank you for this. Okay, let’s do this. Let’s make her ours.”

  Riley and Chase stumbled into the kitchen just as Duncan and Logan began to make plans.

  Stopping, Chase asked, “What are you two doing up so early, and why do you have those goofy grins on your faces?”


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