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Shifting Impulse: A BBW Bear-Shifter Romance (Complete Edition - Books 1-3)

Page 11

by Aurora Woodlove

  It was true she had been single for way too many years now, but it didn’t matter. Now was the time to get some fun. It was also true she liked the idea that he wanted her, but it sounded too good to be true. Don’t get your hopes up, Celine.

  She was about to lick his cock when he stopped her. She looked into his eyes, utterly confused about what was happening. She wanted to please him. To offer him the same pleasure he had offered.

  He fisted his cock. “No, sugar. I don’t need you to help. I want to show you what you do to me. What effect you have on me, so you never again think that I don’t want you,” he whispered in his husky voice. I need you to trust me. I need to get you out of here or else my bear is going to tear me apart and change right into this room.

  God! She had never met a man like that. She had only met the ones who were only interested in her giving them a blowjob. Losers.

  Ryan knew he was very close to the edge. He closed his eyes and let loose the images his bear flooded his mind with. Visions of a moaning Celine, bent over the bed and him slamming into her with the abandonment of the wild animal inside of him, Celine’s breasts bouncing as he pumped into her from under her. He stroked himself as he listened to her heart beating faster and faster. When he opened his eyes he saw her wide eyes filled with lust for him. He pumped faster and harder, imagining himself doing it inside of her.

  His release was so close. Her gasp as she touched her lips was his undoing. “Fuck…” he groaned as the muscles on his abdomen tensed again and he came so hard that it almost knocked him out. It had never been like that. His entire body shook and his seed was all over her stomach.

  He came back from the bathroom with a wet towel in his hand and cleaned her. Their lips met again in a passionate kiss.

  After a few hours of just lying down naked next to each other, Celine’s stomach growled.

  “We should get some food. I know a great place nearby where they serve the best stake. What do you say?” Ryan offered. He had to talk to her about going to the mountains. He couldn’t stand being in the city any longer.

  “That’s a great idea!” she squealed. “Let me shower first,” she said as she kissed him swiftly and jumped out of bed before she changed her mind. She covered herself with the soft sheets she had grabbed.

  Ryan started laughing as he sat more comfortably. This woman was so funny in her shyness.


  Celine stared at Ryan. She couldn’t believe how much he had ordered. Her order seemed tiny compared to his. At least he knew what he wanted.

  The waiter brought their coffees.

  “I’m so grateful for the air con. It’s so hot today!” she said as she looked out the window, trying to look relaxed. She wasn’t kidding anyone though. Maybe only herself. Ryan could hear her heartbeat and knew she was nervous.

  “Well, don’t worry. You’re hotter,” he admitted confidently.

  Celine blushed from head to toe. He could turn an ordinary topic such as the weather into a compliment. The guy knew his way around a woman’s heart. She had to change the topic.

  “What do you do for fun? I bet a man like you has some interesting hobbies.”

  Ryan was thrilled she was interested in him, yet he didn’t know what to say. She had this strange power over him to render him speechless over the most ordinary things.

  “Outdoor activities are my thing. Whenever I get the chance and I’m free I head for the mountains.” Ryan wanted to continue, but her smile had disappeared and the sadness she felt broke his heart. His bear was helping him figure out what she was feeling.“I’m sorry, Celine,” he said as he took her hand in his. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “I shouldn’t even be here, Ryan,” she sighed. “We have nothing in common.”


  It was late in the evening when Celine and Ryan got out of his SUV. Panic still loomed at the back of her mind, ready to resurface and drown her. Her hands trembled ever since they left her house, which was also her hiding place. Avoiding the memories and staying away from everything that reminded her of that terrible day in the mountains was her lifestyle. She even visited her parents less now in order to avoid the pain of constantly being reminded of it.

  Ryan had kept his hand in her hand as often as possible all the way up the mountain. She still didn’t know how he managed to convince her to go. Maybe it was his charm. Maybe the promise of sex so hot it would burn all her past. She still couldn’t believe her luck. A guy this amazing cared for her and he wasn’t afraid of everything that haunted her from the past.

  The top of giant fir trees swayed in the wind, making you think it was raining. The cool mountain breeze gave Celine the chills as soon as she got out of the car, so she wrapped her arms around her. She took only two steps before stopping. She was too scared to move any further, to think about the hot man she was just in the car with or to even breathe. The cold she felt was because of how terrified of doing this she was. It was also bone-deep. An image of an ice statue being shattered to pieces by an implosion was forming in her head. That horror film didn’t last long because the ice started melting as a familiar heat source approached her. Tendrils of warmth surrounded her body as Ryan hugged her and whispered “I am here for you. Come back to me, Celine.”

  She snapped out of the dream she didn’t know she was having. Her ears were enchanted by crickets and occasional night birds calling each other in the night. She stared at nothing in particular. In front of her was a thick line of trees and a trail that lead to the forest. There was a fluorescent sign that said “The Chirping Birds Trail – 1 hour.” Despite its name it still looked creepy.

  “I’m here, I’m okay. Which way are we going?” Celine asked trying to sound as confident as she could under the circumstances.

  “Just one minute that way on the path, beyond those trees,” he said as he spun her and pointed to a nicely-lit trail making its way into the forest. The solar powered outdoor sphere-shaped lamps had different sizes and snaked their way to a tucked away complex of chalets in different sizes, but similar styles. It was such a pretty sight to see them scattered across the plateau. There was even a tree house. It reminded Celine of a happy period of her childhood when she went hiking with her parents and her brother on these very same mountains. They had never found a place like this though.

  The mountains weren’t the same for her ever since that day when she was fourteen and wandered off so far while she was looking for berries that she got lost in these mountains for two awfully long and horrible days. She was grateful it had been summer, like it was now, and she didn’t have to worry about freezing to death or being eaten alive by starved animals. It had been a miracle to bump into those mountaineers who were checking the trails because after two nights on her own and very little food left she was terrified of dying there.

  The worst part of this whole experience was her parents’ reaction. She was grounded for a full year, so her first year in high-school basically sucked big time, the other years just turning into a struggle of getting her shit together. Her parents never trusted her again to make her own decisions and tried to control and make her feel guilty about her bad choices every chance they got. It had been hell living with them for so long, but sometime after she got her own place around the age of twenty, Celine got better at avoiding her feelings. She hadn’t been up in the mountains for years, ever since that day when she was fourteen, exactly fourteen years ago.

  And now Ryan had brought her here. He had said it would do her good to be here, to try to get back to herself. What self? Which one? The one she didn’t remember anymore, her new adult self? Celine had no idea what he meant, but he seemed so sure it would help her. He was so confident in himself, the way he spoke, the way he walked, the way he kept his eyes on her when they talked. She wanted him to be happy. She wanted them to be happy. Them? Yes, she was already fantasizing about their future together. He was exactly the man she had been dreaming for many years. There wasn’t a boring thing about him. Eve
ry bit of him and his life was the exact opposite of her. Too bad he wasn’t meant for her.

  She sighed as she thought about her past and looked at the chalet in front of her. It wasn’t right in front of her, there was a trail leading up to it. White painted rocks marked the pathway in a rustic way.

  “This is my hideaway,” Ryan waved his hand. It was the one right at the edge of the plateau and it looked like it was built so you could jump from the side window right into the trees. It was a two story building made entirely of wood and straight out of a fairy-tale. Someone had turned the lights on at the ground floor and it looked like the house she had always dreamed of having. There was a dark-purple hammock on the porch and a rocking chair. The white door and window frames were classical.

  Opening her mouth before actually thinking what to ask, Celine asked “As in your personal hideaway or I-rent-this-regularly type?”

  “My own. Built it myself, actually,” Ryan answered feeling quite proud of himself.

  “Impressive! I can’t imagine how long it took,” she laughed. She was amazed how at ease she felt with him around now.

  Just as they were about to go up the three steps leading to the porch, a roar pierced the night and something moved on their right. Ryan moved to shield Celine with his body as she screamed, hurting his sensitive shifter ears. “It’s okay, sugar,” he tried to calm her down while trying to identify the piercing glowing eyes. He knew it was one of his friends by the size of the bear. His human eyes weren’t of much help so he flared his nostrils, sniffing the intruder. It was his friend Leon, who had decided to play tricks on him apparently. He had to be careful how he approached things. He didn’t want Celine to run screaming out of his life just because of this.

  “Leon?” Ryan tried to talk to the massive bear in front of him. The animal didn’t show any sign of recognition, but left the shelter the forest offered and walked towards the chalet.

  “Leon, come here,” Ryan said.

  “Ryan, are you crazy? Why are you calling the bear here?” Celine whispered as she panted, probably having a panic attack. “That thing will eat us!”


  Ryan laughed. “No, it won’t.”

  The bear was now very close to Ryan. Celine was a living stone statue, that’s how scared she was. Ryan took one step ahead. The animal sniffed him, then bowed its head and lowered its entire body. Ryan touched the bear’s neck and combed his fingers through his fur. “Good boy,” he murmured. The bear lingered a few more seconds, then turned around and left.

  “I can’t believe you did that! That was a wild animal, Ryan,” Celine screamed.

  Ryan put his arms around her. “Let’s go inside and I’ll tell you about Leon, okay?” he suggested as he led her to the porch and inside the chalet.

  The first thing she saw was a very comfortable-oh-let-me-touch-it-now crimson v-shaped sofa. A long, rectangular coffee table stood right in front of it with two books and a sports magazine on it and under it was a beige rug with a tree design on it. From her position it looked like the branches were coming out of the sofa. Artistic! That was enough to take her mind off the bear for now.

  The sofa fit in the space right under the light-brown wooden staircase on her left. In fact, the staircase wasn’t the only thing covered in wood. All the walls inside were covered in wood. Photos of smiling people were scattered across the walls. Opposite the sofa, a simple beige reclining chair winked at her, inviting her to sit on it. To her right she noticed the dining area included a table big enough to fit ten people at least. She made a mental note to ask him about his family. She could imagine him in this place having dinner with his friends, relaxing on the sofa and having great conversations. She realized the things she did know about him were about his hobbies. He was a very outdoorsy type of guy. His mouth-watering physique was proof of that. Snowboarding was his top choice. The only thing Celine knew about this sport was it was one of the best ways of putting you in hospital.

  Ryan made his way to his second favorite object in his chalet, the dining table his father had carved for him as a gift when he finished building the place.

  The idea behind the chalet was family time. Ryan and Adam had decided to start a project like this shortly after their eighteen birthday. They felt it would help fill the void they felt inside. They also wanted to be closer to the only shifter community in the area where Dylan was the Alpha. So when spring came that year, their free time was devoted entirely to building this chalet. They had had little knowledge about what it meant to build a chalet. Money had also been a problem at the time so their friends all chipped in, came up with ideas, worked on the designs, especially Alex and Leon who had previous experience building the rest of the chalets in the “Outdoors” sports resort they would one day own. It took team effort to build it and everyone got something out of the experience. The twins planned to tame their bears into submission by being close to tourists, as well as other shifters. This had been as necessary as air or water if they wanted to develop the business their parents started, turn the restaurant into a successful chain all over the US. Their bears found comfort in the twins being close to each other, so spending time together building this house had been a smart move on many levels.

  He pulled a chair for Celine and waited for her to sit down before grabbing a chair for himself.

  She was now shaking, not from the cold, but from the effect of the memory of having a bear so close to her. Ryan’s bear pushed him to touch her, a single touch triggering a soothing reaction for both of them.

  He reached out to touch her knees and looked straight into her eyes as he cleared his throat to sound more convincing. What he was about to say was half the truth.

  “What you have to understand is that wasn’t a real wild bear. Shit! That didn’t come out just right. Leon is…” Ryan took a break to think about what he said carefully. Leon was going to kill him when he found out what he said about him, but then again he was the idiot who decided to surprise him in bear form! His reaction would be priceless. He continued without showing signs of being amused by the situation or the lie. “He is a male bear my friends rescued from a shelter and released into the wild. He stuck with us for years now and is quite tame when it comes to us. We protect him and he protects us.”

  “Really? You can do that?” she asked, not sounding convinced at all.

  “Well, I think he likes us, maybe that’s why he stayed close to us,” Ryan said while he thought how to change the topic. “Are you hungry?” he asked, knowing that usually worked with almost everybody.

  “I kind of am. I think we have some sandwiches left. Do you want me to warm some up?”she asked, putting her hand on the table and preparing to get up.

  Ryan put his hand on hers and stopped her. “Sandwiches are nothing memorable, sugar. I’m just going to order something from the restaurant and have them bring it here.”

  “The restaurant? Where exactly do you think you can find one up here?” she laughed.

  “Well, this is a sports resort, baby. Of course they have restaurants,” he clarified.

  “Who are you? Only a guy in the mafia can afford a chalet in a resort,” she tried to crack a joke, but failed. “Should I be afraid of you?”

  Not if you’re the same species as the badass owner, love! Ryan thought.

  “I’m just a guy who doesn’t have to worry about money. I own a chain of restaurants with my father and brother, but I’m not involved with the mafia.”

  Celine didn’t know if what he said was true, but for the moment she couldn’t do anything but believe him. For a reason she didn’t quite understand, his touch was reassuring enough to keep her rooted in the moment.

  “Let me get you some chocolate first. You look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” Ryan said as he went to one of the kitchen cupboards. He went straight for the one with chocolate and gave her a candy bar.


  The steps creaked under her feet. Walking into the upstairs bedroom on her own mad
e Celine feel as if she had just walked into a hotel room. Turning the light on helped make her more at ease. A familiar aroma caught her attention. The room smelled exactly like Ryan’s perfume, a spicy cardamom aroma. The furniture was minimal and it just included a bed, two dark-brown bedside tables with beige lamps on them, a sturdy wardrobe and a reading chaise lounge. What caught her attention was the chaise. It was unlike anything else she had ever seen and it stood out like a sore thumb. It was all patched up in different patterns and colors. What an odd choice. It seemed comfy despite its look.

  The king-sized bed with that stone-blue cover was so appealing she could fall asleep right away. She decided to test how soft it was. She left the bag by the door, walked to the bed and let herself dramatically fall on the bed. It felt like she was lying on feathers. By the feel and smell of the bed cover, it had been recently washed which meant Ryan either had a cleaner or he had been here in the last few days. The conversation they had just finished popped up in her mind.

  So he is a businessman. Shit! What’s this mess I’ve gotten myself into? Imust be just another one on the obscenely long list of women he’s fucked. And yet here I am, dying for him to touch me. Fortunately for me, I know what his type is capable of and this time the cards aren’t in his favor.

  As anger slowly made its way back into her mind, she forced herself not to think about her ex-boyfriend. The man she had moved out of her parents’ house for. They had lived together for three years. Three long years consisting in a lot of effort on her part to be the perfect girlfriend. She had tried everything and thought things were going well, even though she could clearly see he had changed and it wasn’t for the better. He was a very determined guy when they met. He was about six years old than her but she didn’t care about that. He was a man with a purpose in life. To build a successful business on his own. He had started his business selling furniture a few years before meeting her and was doing quite well.


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