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Lonely Rider - The Box Set: A Motorcycle Club Romance - The Complete Series

Page 33

by Melissa Devenport

  She shuddered violently and she knew she’d soaked Creed’s mouth and face. He kept going long after the pleasure turned into aftershocks that were painful. She had to reach down and grip his face and pull him away.

  “Stop,” she panted, as quietly as she could. “Oh god, stop.”

  Creed lifted his head and while he looked right at her, slowly dragged his hand along his lips and jaw, clearing away the sheen. And after that… he licked the moisture off his palm and the edge of his fingers.

  Kate nearly ripped right out of her body and hurtled into the damn roof. The only thing stopping her was that Tia and Jack would certainly hear the sound of her sexed up ghost leaving her body and crashing into the ceiling.

  “Holy fuck,” she panted. “I… that was… really good.”

  Creed lifted a brow. “You sound surprised.”

  “I- no. I’m not, I just-”

  “Wait for it. That’s just the start. Because right now you’re going to suck my cock and right before I come, you’re going to rip that pretty mouth of yours away and let me fuck your beautiful pussy. Which tastes like heaven, by the way.”

  “I- uh…” damn him. He’d struck her speechless. Which happened- never. Kate gathered herself and as she wrapped her arms across her naked breasts, she speared him with a hard look. “And what if I don’t want you to pull out. What if I want to swallow you down every last single drop after you come?”

  She didn’t faze him like she’d hoped. He slowly crawled up the bed, covering her with his hard, amazing, statue, mountain, granite, stone, god of a body. Her mind went blank and her body screamed with need. She wished she could slam her thighs together just to minimize the ache in her core. She’d just had the most amazing orgasm of her life, how was it possible to want more already? Or maybe that was his plan all along. Give her a taste. Trust that she’d beg him for the entire meal.

  She wasn’t going to beg. Kate Reid did not beg. No, it was the other way around.

  Creed bent his head and whispered hotly in her ear, right before he nipped hard at her neck. “If that’s what you want to do, be my guest. I’ll still be just as hard after. I’ll still fuck that delicious pussy just as sweetly. Or as unsweetly, as you wish. Of course it will be your choice. Either way, I’ll feel you come on my cock three times.”

  “Three,” she rasped. She wished her hips didn’t buck up into his pelvis at his words. She wished she wouldn’t putty in his very capable, sculptor’s hands. She needed to get a hold of herself and take a shred of control back. “Is that the magic number?”

  Creed trailed a hot line of kisses down her neck. “Nope,” he said right next to her jaw. “I was just estimating. You know, for the first five minutes. After that, the number is up to you.”

  Holy fucking hell. This guy isn’t messing around about messing around.

  “Oh yeah? That sounds right up there with the confidence from earlier. I think you’re full of shit.”

  He peppered hot kisses over her jaw until his mouth was right above hers. “That’s what you said before. And then you soaked my face.” He kissed her so hard that the back of her head literally went right through the pillow and hit the mattress.

  Chapter 8


  Despite the tough guy act, his body felt the strain of getting vertical for that shower and moving around so much after. He ignored the burn in his shoulder and the aches everywhere else and concentrated on the burning ache between his legs.

  When his nameless goddess shifted over him, that was pretty damn easy to do. Her crown of glorious ebony hair fell forward, blocking his gaze as she settled over him. He would have stood, but doubted that he could actually retain an upright position. He settled for his back and that seemed to suit his goddess just fine. He had the sense that she liked being the one in control.

  Her small, warm palm closed around the base of his shaft and he let out a hiss of actual pain. His cock was so hard it hurt. He had the bluest balls he’d ever known in his life, which was ironic, given that they’d developed in the past twenty minutes or so.

  “God, tell me your name.” Creed didn’t like the way his voice was so strained it sounded like a plea.

  Apparently his goddess did. Her eyes flashed and darkened and she gave one slow, long pump with her tight little hand. His hips jacked into her touch, pushing forward. Her hand slid to the tip of his dick and her fingertips played over him there, stroking the sensitive bundle of nerves beneath, caressing the slit where she coated her fingers in slick moisture.

  He watched, in agony, as she brought her hand to her mouth and suckled those fingers between her lips. Her eyes closed and she sighed in satisfaction. When she popped them out, Creed thought there was a good chance that wasn’t the only thing that was going to pop. He was pretty sure it might take all of half a second to blow his load if he actually made it into her beautiful mouth.

  “Tastes amazing already,” she murmured. His cock jerked hard in response.

  “Tell me your name,” he demanded through gritted teeth.

  “And what if I did?” Her hand closed around his shaft again and she began pumping him from the tip to the base. He was nicely lubricated, due to how much he fucking wanted inside of her. Any part of her. Even her hand was utterly glorious.

  “What if you did? Is it the source of your power? You tell me and all your strength goes away?”

  She grinned. “I’m not the strong one.”

  Want to bet? He’d felt pretty weak, no, check that- entirely slayed- when she’d come on his face.

  His goddess stared right at him, moistening her lips as she pumped his cock with her tight palm. “Have you ever killed anyone?”

  “What the fuck?” Creed choked.

  “Have you?” One hard pump, then another.

  “I- don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to.” Another long, slow pump followed by a drag of nimble fingertips over the head.

  “I’m not. I want to know the answer.” Two hard pumps and his hips jacked off the bed again.

  “I- why would I kill someone when there are so many other useful ways to get what I want. Killing people is messy. Not just the act, but the cleanup after.” Two more torturous passes of her hand.

  She blinked. “So… is that a yes or a no?”

  “It’s a no,” he ground out. “There are other guys at the club that do that shit. Me- I’m- uh…” god he couldn’t think straight with her hand doing that to his dick.

  “What’s that? Hmm? Were you saying something?” Her tongue darted out to wet her lips again and she stared at him like a siren about to lure him to his death.

  She reached out and cupped his balls with her other hand and just like that he was done. He threw his head back against the pillow as he arched into her palm. All it took was one thrust. He groaned out something unintelligible, something that sounded like a strangled, fuck. There was no precipice, no climb, no getting close. He just… pumped hard with his hips and like a madman, shot his load right into her hand.

  He’d taken a corner too fast once, on his bike, and the next thing he knew he was on his side, sliding. He came just like that. Just like he’d been riding his bike confidently one second and suddenly wearing half the gravel from the road, the next. He could barely draw a breath into his burning lungs. His breathing was so labored he didn’t even recognize it was his own. He realized that his hands were balled into tight fists, gripping the sheets.

  His goddess stared back at him, brow arched, humor in her eyes. “Jeez. I don’t know whether to be flattered or tell you that you hold the record for the fastest I’ve ever seen a guy come.”

  “You clearly started having sex way too late in life then,” he ground out.

  “Nope.” She shook her head, smiling back at him. “Don’t think so. I was fourteen.”

  “Fourteen. Jesus.” It was crazy to think that she’d lost her v-card before he did and he was the one with the fucked up life. She was probably raised in a good family in the sub

  “Yeah. Well. Even back then, no one blew their load into my hand in like ten seconds.”

  “It wasn’t ten seconds,” he rasped, annoyed. “There was a whole lot of you writhing clothed and then you riding my face. Sue me if I find that overly sexy.”

  “I’m disappointed. I thought I was going to be able to taste you.” Her eyes darkened as she lifted her palm. “Oh wait. I guess I still can.”

  No. No. No fucking way. Don’t do it.

  But she did. She liked her fingers like they were fucking popsicles. Like they were a rare treat she wasn’t really allowed to have, but someone slipped it to her anyway.

  His hips bucked forward and he nearly came again watching her lick off his cum.

  No matter how much it hurt, no matter that his wounds would likely have broken open, no matter that he was exhausted and light headed and seeing stars and that he’d just shot his load off in ten seconds like she said, he would have flipped her over onto her back and fucked the living daylights out of her.

  But a knock at the door shot that plan straight to shit.

  Chapter 9


  “Oh no. Oh fucking no.” Kate’s eyes flew to the door. She rubbed her hand on the sheets, swallowed hard and jumped off the bed. “Fuck,” she hissed. “Get under the blankets.”

  She ran for her clothes. She didn’t have any trouble locating her pants in the dark. Or her shirt. She threw them on both in record time and pulled the door open. She did it smoothly, in one motion so that whoever was on the other side wouldn’t hear the lock click.

  “Jack,” she breathed. She pasted on a smile. “Hey, is everything okay with Tia?” That’s it. Distract him with my sister. That should work.

  Jack stared hard at her face for a second before he stepped into the room. He shot her a look when he flicked the light on. “Why are you sitting in the dark?”

  Kate glanced wildly over to the bed, where Creed thankfully pretended to be asleep. He’d managed to throw the covers over himself. Thankfully they weren’t tenting between his legs either. Thank god for small mercies.

  “Uh- well, he’s trying to rest and I thought having the light on would bother him. I can see just fine in the dark.”

  Jack’s lips pursed. He glanced at the bed then turned back to her. Glanced back to the bed. Back to her. His eyes narrowed and little, furrowed lines appeared at the corners.

  “I see. Well, you must be tired. You watched him all night and all day. I can take over for you.”

  “No, it’s alright.” She waved a hand in the air. “I got a few naps in here and there.”

  “Naps? That’s exactly my point. No one should be napping around Creed.”

  “He was unconscious.”

  “He’s not anymore though. Let me take a few hours. It doesn’t bother me. I’m used to not sleeping.”

  She nearly asked if that was because her sister kept him awake at night, but she bit that back. She might tease Tia, but Jack was a whole different ball game. It would completely cross the line to even say something like that. It was Creed who had her mind in a mess. Her senses whirling.

  “Okay, well I could use a shower.” She shrugged casually and pretended to smell herself as she lifted an arm. “I’m pretty sure that I stink.”

  Jack’s lips thinned out. Oh god. Please do not let him smell sex. Please… please…

  “Right. Okay. Come back around three. That gives me a few hours of sleep before work.”

  “Okay.” She nodded hard. Too hard. Her eyes strayed to the bed one last time before she turned and fled.

  Kate passed through the hall and the kitchen. She took a sharp left and headed up the stairs. Her bedroom was on the right and to the left was Jack and Tia’s. The door was closed. Kate debated about knocking, but figured her sister was probably asleep if she wasn’t feeling good and Jack had come searching her out.

  Jesus, that was way too close. Kate shut the door behind her and sunk down against it. She stared at the bed, her body still on fire. She hadn’t even had a chance to cool off. She couldn’t believe the things she’d done. It was all Creed’s fault. Egging me on. Challenging me like that. Talking like that. And Jack’s fault. For insinuating that I was a slut. Why the hell did I prove him right?

  Over the years, she’d fucked some pretty inappropriate people in some pretty inappropriate places, but what she’d done down there had to take the cake.

  She should have felt regret or shame or something bitter and acrid at the back of her throat. All she felt was satisfaction. No, that was a lie. She still felt desire. Her body ached. The spot between her legs felt like it was going to burst if she didn’t do something about it. She stared at her hand, the same hand she’d got Creed off with earlier. It had been the wildest, most unexpected, sexiest thing that she’d ever done. Or had happened to her. God, watching him come like that had caught them both off guard. She might have teased him after, but only to cover up how- how amazed she was at how she reacted to it.

  She’d never wanted a man more than she wanted Creed. Likely because in the past, most men were available, even the inappropriate ones. She might enjoy men, but she drew the line at anyone who wasn’t single. She wasn’t a home wrecker. She wasn’t in it to hurt anyone. Those men were available, even if they were emotionally closed off or just wanted a one-night stand. It was fine with her, because she never wanted more than that either.

  Creed was different. Not only was he dangerous and mysterious, but he was completely off limits. For all the obvious reasons. Number one being that he’d just woken from some life-threatening injuries. Fuck. What is wrong with me?

  Number two being that he had some murderous psychopaths hot on his trail.

  Number three… well, he was just going to leave.

  Which should have suited her just fine. She liked guys that left. Guys that wouldn’t spend the night after were even better. She wasn’t exactly the type to sit and cuddle.

  So why did the thought of Creed not being there hurt her like she’d just roused the ire of an entire wasp nest? She felt the stings and pricks all over her body, the pain searing and white hot.

  When she pictured Creed in that bed downstairs, Jack watching over him, probably talking about a game plan to get him out the damn door as fast as possible, it was his arms and the bed she thought about. And that broad, strong chest. She wanted those arms wrapped around her. She wanted her head on his chest, right over his heart.

  She wouldn’t mind falling asleep like that.

  Okay, something was up. Something was definitely wrong.

  When Kate finally realized what it was, she let out a low pitched moan, pulled her knees into her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She rested her head there, on the tower of legs and arms she’d created.

  I am so seriously fucked.

  Chapter 10


  Jack ‘woke’ him, though whether the guy believed he was actually sleeping was debatable. He shot suspicious, half disgusted looks at him the entire time they discussed what his escape plan would be. They went over a background, where Creed thought he’d end up, all of that stuff. It would help for the fake ID Jack was going to get for him tomorrow.

  Clearly the women knew nothing about it. Not Jack’s wife and not the nameless goddess who had just fucked his brains out with her dainty little hand.

  Creed bided his time. He made small talk, even laughed a little. Jack was a tough one to crack, but eventually even he couldn’t hold out when they got talking about some hilarious stories from old times. No matter how hard their life was, there had definitely been a few funny moments along the way. Entertainment provided by the less intelligent members of the crew.

  Eventually his goddess reappeared. He did everything in his power to keep a straight face until Jack was out of the room. Of course she left the door open. She couldn’t risk closing and locking it again. They’d almost been caught.


  Fuck, it made it even more exciting.r />
  Which was absolutely disgusting. Creed asked himself a million times if there was something wrong with him, but he knew there wasn’t. That woman, his nameless woman, she was his. She was going to figure that out real soon. She was also going to come with him, to Canada, or wherever he was heading. She’d come around.

  All of it was bad. The whole damn thing. Then again, there never had been a time in his life when he would have considered himself to be good.

  He was used to living on the wrong side of the law, ever since he was a kid.

  For her, his goddess who sat beside him on the chair, bathed in the light overhead, eyes sparkling, her face flushed with lingering pleasure and the desire she tried to hide, a desire for more… for her, he’d consider going legit.

  He just needed his fake life from Jack. And he needed his goddess to agree.

  Which was perfect, since he didn’t even know her name.

  “That can’t happen again,” his goddess muttered, breaking into his thoughts.

  They’d sat in silence, her nose in a book that he could tell she wasn’t reading, given that her eyes never trailed back and forth. It wasn’t any worse than what he was doing, as he laid there pretending to be resting.

  “Oh yeah? What can’t?”

  “You know what.” She slammed her book down. The murderous, cock shooting, cock chopping look was back in her eyes.

  “Right. And why is that?”

  “You know why! God, Jack almost walked in on us.”

  “The door was locked.”

  “You know what I mean.” She glanced nervously around and sunk her top teeth into her bottom lip. It was an adorably sexy thing to do and it made him instantly rock fucking hard again. “Do you think Jack knows?”


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