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Salvation and Secrets (Chastity Falls Book 2)

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by L A Cotton

  Salvation and Secrets


  Titles by L. A. Cotton

  Fate’s Love Series

  Fate’s Love

  Love’s Spark

  Chastity Falls Series

  Loyalty and Lies

  Salvation and Secrets

  Published by Delesty Books

  First eBook Edition

  Copyright © L. A. Cotton 2015

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only.

  If you are reading a copy of this book that has not been purchased from a licensed retailer please destroy it. Thank you for your support.

  Edited by Jenny Carlsrud Sims of

  Cover designed by Natasha Snow of

  Image: Mandy Hollis at MHPhotograpy

  Models: Julio Elving and Amee Thompson


  Titles by L. A. Cotton



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Salvation and Secrets Playlist

  About the Author


  Sneak Peek from Tribulation and Truths

  The knowledge of sin,

  Is the beginning of salvation

  ~ Latin Proverb


  I watched him move into her path on purpose. Bastard. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights as she craned her neck up to see who she had walked into. If only she knew. He’d been the same during high school—preyed on the weak and decimated the strong. But she wasn’t weak—that much I could tell—she was just lost.

  It wasn’t the first time that I’d seen her. I had seen her arrive on campus, watched as she climbed out of the yellow cab with one bag. What girl arrived at college in a taxi with only one fucking bag? There were only two possible explanations: she was either running… or hiding.

  I almost snapped when Braiden pinned her against the wall, talking shit in her ear. Knowing that he was threatening her. My blood boiled underneath the surface, as it did every time I had to watch him pull one of his stunts. But what could I do? We were tied...bound. So I did the only thing I could.

  "What the fuck, man. Leave her alone. Look at her, she's terrified," I called out, hoping he would hear me. Hoping that he would listen.

  She didn’t see me, and I remained in the shadows. I didn’t want her to be scared of me, like everyone else. Braiden backed away from her, laughing with a smug grin on his face, but she remained pressed up against the wall like she wanted to disappear.

  It only made me see her more.

  She wanted to fight back—I saw it in her expression; squared jaw and gritted teeth. But something was holding her back. Something had taken away her fight. Now she was just a scared girl with a mark on her. His mark. Braiden rarely forgot. I just hoped I had intervened soon enough.

  I started walking after Braiden. My brother of sorts. My best friend. The thing I hated most about myself. Before I rounded the corner, I glanced back. She was looking in my direction, but I doubted that she could see me. There was something about her. Something that made me want to know more. Something that wouldn’t let me do the right thing. For her….for us.

  Walk away.

  Chapter 1

  ~ ANA ~

  "My two favorite girls. Oh, how I've missed thee." Paul pulled Elena into a hug. He tried to reach for me as well, but I sidestepped him, making a beeline for the bench. "You wound me, Parry. A whole summer without seeing your face and that's what I get?" he called over his shoulder with a half-smile. "Wound. Me."

  "Suck it up, big guy." Elena punched his arm lightly, breaking free of his grip, and came to join me on the bench. "I can't believe we're back already. Summer went by too fast."

  "Speaking of, how was your summer, Elena?" Paul asked, a hint of something in his voice.

  Elena flicked her head at Paul, opening her mouth, but someone behind us boomed, "Her summer was fucking awesome, douche." Tyson wrapped his arms around my roommate and lifted her off the bench, turning her in the process. I watched as Elena squealed, wrapped her legs around Tyson's waist, and crushed her lips to his.

  I risked peeking across at Paul, who was watching them with a look of longing on his face, and a ball of guilt rippled in my stomach. Like I needed that on top of the already painful ache in my chest.

  This year was going to be harder than I thought.


  "So, how was it going back?" Elena flung herself onto the end of my bed and kicked off her sandals.

  I shrugged. "Okay, I guess. A little strange. I mostly hid out in my aunt and uncle's basement reading." And digging up every ounce of dirt on the Donohues I could find, but I swallowed those words. Elena didn't need to know that I was determined to get to the bottom of Chastity Falls’ most infamous family. She would freak out.

  Elena looked at me with a frown etched across her head. "For the whole summer? Surely, things aren't that bad."

  A strained laugh escaped my lips. My roommate really was clueless at times. "Trust me, people don't forget. I didn't want to spend the summer being that girl. Not again. And after everything that had happened at the end of last semester..." I pulled at the sleeve of my cotton blouse and it caught on the infinity bracelet as I tried to cover the scar. It had faded some over the summer, the pink puckered skin turning a lighter shade, but it was still obvious. A constant reminder tattooed on my wrist. And now the bracelet was another reminder of what I had lost. But I couldn’t seem to part with it.

  "Have you seen him yet?"

  My eyes fluttered shut and I shook my head, allowing the memories to flood my mind. I spent the summer trying to forget all about Jackson Pierce and the Donohues, but how did you forget the one person who brought you back to life? The one person who gave you reason again? My mind might have shut him out since that night, but my heart refused to forget. Besides, forgetting wasn't an option when the person you wanted to forget shared a name with the town holding you captive for the whole summer break.

  I muttered, "Not yet."

  "Well, I hope that bastard stays away from you. And the rest of them." The venom in Elena's voice shocked me. "I will lose my Latina shit if they so much as look at you this year."

  Just what I needed. Sure, Elena meant no harm, but it was inevitable our paths would cross theirs at some point. I couldn’t hide out in our dorm forever—which was exactly what I had been doing since arriving back at Chastity Falls two days ago, but I didn’t want any drama. Jackson chose them, and I needed to accept that and move on—without him.

  “… I m
ean they might rule this town, and even this college, but no one, and I mean no one, messes with me and mine…”

  My eyes watched Elena’s mouth move, but I heard nothing. Only white noise. Her words jumbled into one long mushed-up sound as my mind replayed being tied to that chair and Braiden forcing me to watch him taunt and beat Jackson. How could he choose them after that? Go back to them after they drugged and kidnapped me? He said it was to keep me safe, to protect me, but my heart couldn't comprehend that while it was too busy shattering again.

  I didn’t doubt that he believed they would hurt me. I spent the whole summer uncovering the extent of the Donohue’s reign over Chastity Falls. The missing police informants, violent threats and messages, drug deals gone bad, and Jackson’s dad. I uncovered little about the accident that led to Michael Pierce's death, but I did stumble across one newspaper article from a local print out of Reibeckitt that reported suspicions around Marcus and Michael's friendship breaking down just before the accident. The article only hinted at Michael wanting out, but adding that to Otis Black’s disdain for the Donohues, and it was enough for me.

  “Ready?” Elena’s voice cut through the room, and I shook my head trying to focus on her and not the details of my summer investigation. “Hmm, yeah. Let’s go.”

  I followed her out of the room, still relieved that we had managed to keep the room in McGinley. “It’ll just be Tyson, Paul, and the guys, right?”

  “Yeah, it’s just a quiet thing. Promise.” Elena clutched my hand in hers and yanked me gently off the step. “Baby steps. You can’t hide away all year. I refuse to let that happen on my watch.”

  She was right. I couldn’t hide. I wouldn’t. Even if all I could think about was turning and running back up to the dorm room.

  We walked in comfortable silence, my eyes scanning the path for any sign of him. I couldn’t help it. Seeing Jackson was going to be a huge test. One I would barely pass but, most likely, epically fail.

  We hadn't even reached the door to the guys’ house and it swung open. "Welcome to heaven, ladies."

  Elena rolled her eyes before launching herself at Tyson, and I ducked past them into the house, leaving them to their reunion.

  True to her word, it was just the guys gathered in the games room and the ball of nerves in my stomach slowly unwound and melted away. This I could deal with. Well, as long as Paul kept his feelings under control. If I was going to survive the year, I needed people in my corner and these were the only ones I had.

  "Don't just stand there, Parry, get your butt in here," Nate called over his shoulder, too focused on the video game to actually turn to look at me.

  Paul patted the beanbag next to him, and I walked over to it and dropped down. "You came," he whispered. Unsure of whether it was meant as a thought or statement, I said nothing.

  "Who's winning, bitches?" Tyson and Elena joined us, and I relaxed making myself a silent promise.

  I can do this.

  The guys chatted about their summers, and Elena had everyone howling at her stories of Tyson going all macho during their vacation. No one asked me any questions, and for once, I owed Elena and her big mouth for keeping quiet.


  I looked up to find Paul’s questioning eyes searching mine. “Huh?”

  “You didn’t hear a word I just said, did you?”

  Shifting uncomfortably on the seat, I murmured something about not hearing him. A sigh of relief escaped my lips when Elena deflected the heat from me to her. “Paul, of course, we’ll be there. First party back. Wouldn’t miss it, right, chica?”

  My forehead creased as I narrowed my eyes at her. She had to be joking, right? There was no way on Earth I was going to a party. Especially a party at Dead Man's Cove.

  “So we go?” Paul’s eye widened and a sloppy grin formed on his face, full of hope and excitement.

  No. The word was on the tip of my tongue, but I choked it back. I shrugged my shoulders, knowing that Elena would make me go one way or another.

  "Awesome. You won't be freshmen this year and the first party at Dead Man's Cove will be a whole new experience," Nate said, causing Tyson to grunt.

  "Yeah, they won't be forced to drink Jell-O shots and get wasted, big fucking whoop.”

  Elena snorted. "Tyson Manster, do you really think anyone could make me do something I didn't want to?"

  The guys exploded with laughter, and even my lips curled up in a smile. Tyson sure had his hands full with her.

  "What classes you taking this semester, Ana?"

  My stomach flipped. Another cause of anxiety; the possibility of having a class with Jackson again. I knew it was likely, given our majors, but it didn't make it any easier.

  "Women's literature and poetry."

  "Peterson's class? It'll kick your ass."

  Elena reached over and hit Jamie upside the head. "Do you even know how clever that girl is? She was set for Bro-"

  Her eyes met mine, full of apology, and she swiftly covered her mistake. "She's set for big things, Jay. Ana would blow your IQ out of the water."

  Jamie shrugged. If he noticed Elena's slip, he didn't let on.

  "The class only kicked your ass because Peterson had it out for you after you pulled that prank," Nate said, and Jamie grinned.

  "Yeah, that was pretty epic. Remember his face when-"

  I pressed myself further into the beanbag, forcing it to mold around my body and shutting everything else out. Building up my walls ready to face them.


  I couldn't relax. We arrived at the cove over an hour ago and there was still no sign of the team. But the buzz in the air suggested that I wasn't the only one awaiting The Fallen's arrival. Only for very different reasons.

  "Ana, you want a drink?" Paul shouted over the music, the alfresco dance floor in full swing.

  I shook my head and stuffed my hands into my jeans pockets. It was warmer than it had been the previous year. My eyes watched the bodies grinding to the beat. Freshmen were easy to identify; their over-enthusiasm, fake smiles, and inhibited expressions. They just wanted to fit in. Last year, I had just wanted to blend, but that didn't happen. And now I wanted to be invisible.

  "Aaannna, come dance." Elena swayed her hips as she spoke, trying to encourage a reaction from me. The frown scrunched across my forehead wasn't the one she hoped for, and she stuck her tongue out at me.

  Part of me envied her. It was college. Sophomore year. We were no longer the new kids on campus, and it should have been our time to shine. Elena shone. Everything about her was warm like she was her own personal sun. Her hair glistened in the moonlight, and her eyes sparkled whenever she got excited about something. And she was totally working the pants and tank combo that molded to her petite figure. I felt more like a dark, wet, winter morning in my black jeans and gray hoodie. I hadn't even bothered doing my hair or make-up, much to Elena's disapproval.

  "You should go dance with her." Paul leaned against the trunk next to me. "Lighten up, let loose... enjoy yourself."

  The words hung in the wind between us. I knew Paul and Tyson weren't stupid. After witnessing my breakdown when Jackson got stabbed, they had pieced together some of the puzzle. But no one besides Elena knew about what went down at the cabin. And I wanted it to stay that way.

  Paul nudged me, waiting for my response. I gave him my best attempt at a half-smile and said, "I don't dance; not unless Elena refuses to take no for an answer. Besides, she has Cassie and Lydia."

  Paul regarded me for a second, his eyes narrowing, searching mine. "Ana, listen, I, hmm..." He shifted nervously, his eyes darting to the ground and back up again, and I gripped the rough bark anticipating what he could possibly be about to say. "I like you. It's no secret, and I'm not sure what went down with you and Pierce last year, but I'm here. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here."

  My body sagged with relief, and without realizing it, my hand found Paul's and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you."

  I realized my mistak
e instantly. A hint of hope sparkled in Paul's eyes and I withdrew my hand.

  His face fell, and he stuttered out, "Hey, no hard feelings. I know you don't feel the same, and it's cool. I'm here as a fr-" Something over my shoulder caught Paul's attention and he frowned, his mouth still agape. My pulse spiked and my eyes fluttered shut as I swayed slightly from the sensation. I didn't need to turn around to know what, or who, Paul was looking at.

  Everything slowed as my body twisted and my eyes found him. I knew it would be hard seeing Jackson again, but I didn't expect to feel so... so gutted. All my scars ripped open and my emotions laid bare.

  My body slumped down against the trunk until I was seated. I wanted to run—to get the hell out of there, but I couldn't move. Everyone watched them stalk toward the party with Braiden and Jackson leading the team. A chorus of cheers broke out around me, but it all became background noise. Everything disappeared except for him.

  Dark wash jeans hugged his muscular legs, hanging low on his trim waist. The white, green, and black jersey fit snug across his chest and broad shoulders, with his defined biceps obvious underneath the short sleeves. My eyes drank him in. His once short dark hair was longer, falling over his eyes slightly. It looked good on him. I gulped as a familiar flutter started low in my stomach, and I clamped my legs together. This was not good. I was supposed to hate him. I needed to hate him. But my body was betraying me.

  Jackson didn't look over in my direction. It was as if he knew I was there and he didn't want to make eye contact. The way he positioned himself to have his back to me burned through me like acid on an open wound. The guy I had let in and trusted with my heart couldn’t even look at me.

  That feeling didn't compare to the one storming through me as I watched Braiden clasp his arm around Jackson's shoulders and pull him in for a guy hug. Braiden looked totally at ease, a huge smile painted on his face. He either played the part well or believed everything was okay because to the untrained eye, Braiden and Jackson looked every bit the best friends. But that had to be wrong. It had to be. Didn't it?


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