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Slave Gold 4: United Alliance (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Becca Van

  “Drav is there any history on the Pendags in here, and if so where would I find it?”

  “If you come over here I can show you how to access the bibliography.”

  “Oh, good.”

  River sat down at the glass table beside Drav and watched as he showed her how the system worked. When she saw the symbols floating above the table she sighed in frustration. She couldn’t read any of it. How the hell was she supposed to find what she was looking for if she didn’t understand the written language?

  She eyed Drav and wondered if he would be willing to read to her.

  “Do you understand? Do you think you can find what you want?” Drav asked and met her gaze before looking away quickly. When she saw his cheeks start to turn red she wondered if she had offended him in some way. It took her a couple of moments to figure out that he wasn’t used to be around women and was probably a little shy.

  “No,” she answered and sighed again.

  “What is the problem, lady?” Drav asked.

  “Call me River.”

  “I cannot. You are our leaders’ true-mate.” His face got redder and he glanced toward the door as if waiting for one of her men to enter.

  “That may be but my name is River. What else would you call me?”

  “Lady,” Drav mumbled under his breath but she heard him.

  “Where I come from any female called lady would take it as an insult. I would prefer you to use my name.”

  “As you wish, la…River.”

  “Good, glad that we’ve cleared that up. Now I don’t know how these translators work but I don’t understand any of the writing. Would you be able to help me find the information I’m looking for and then read it to me?”

  “It would be my honor, la…River.”

  “Thank you, Drav.” River smiled at him and then told him to find anything and everything he could on the Pendag.

  He frowned as if he didn’t want to, but then his fingers began tapping on the weirdly symbolled keyboard on the table top.

  “The Pendag infiltrated our planet one hundred and fifty standard years ago. They brought their battle ships in close and stole some of our water. Ten days after they left our women became ill and began to die. The Pendag were declared our enemy. Our scientists worked diligently on finding a cure for the contamination in our water but it took twelve standard months and by then nearly all our females were dead.”

  “That’s horrible.” River blinked to keep the moisture in her eyes from falling.

  “Our engineers worked frantically on upgrading our technology for updating our weapons and spaceships so that if we ever encountered the Pendag again, we could wipe them out.”

  “Okay,” River said, “understandable I guess. I have a question.”

  Drav met her gaze and nodded. “Why would the Pendag contaminate water they needed to steal for their own survival?”

  Drav leaned back in his chair and stared at her, before turning back to look at the symbols hovering in the air over the table. “I do not know.”

  “Is it possible that the Pendag weren’t the ones to contaminate your water source?”

  Drav frowned and she could see that he was thinking hard. He began tapping away on the keyboard so fast his fingers were almost a blur. “You may be onto something,” Drav muttered.

  He stopped typing all of a sudden and River could see his eyes moving as he read over whatever it was he had found. When he turned to face her his eyes were wide as if he were surprised. “The Pendag have been coming to Safura for many standard years. There used to be a treaty between our people and theirs, long ago. They traded edible plants which bear fruit and vegetables in trade for water.”

  River nodded, not really surprised and she hoped by revealing this information to her mates they could all live in peace and begin to barter again. There were no winners in war, only death.

  “Can you save that for me and print it out or something?” River asked Drav.

  He nodded, leaned to the side, and pulled a small square from his belt. She watched with amazement as Drav placed his thumb on the object and it began to expand. When the object was still she looked it over and realized it was some sort of tablet. If she could understand their written word she would have asked for one herself. Maybe Damk could adjust the implanted translator so she could read their language. She would have to ask him the next time she saw him, but for now she really wanted to find her mates and show them the information that Drav had dug up.

  “Can I borrow that?” River asked.

  Drav nodded and passed the tablet over to her. She stood and Drav did the same. “Do you know where my mates are?”

  “They were meeting with my brother in the comm room.”

  “Can you take me to them?”

  “It would be my pleasure, la…River.” Drav bowed and then swept his hand out indicating she should precede him.

  “You better go first. I still don’t know my way around this place. It’s so big I would need a map to find my way.”

  Drav nodded and began walking, River caught up to him so that they were side by side. She hoped she wasn’t committing a faux pas of some sort by being next to him. Her mates had never said that she shouldn’t walk beside one of their men. He didn’t seem to mind so she figured she hadn’t made a mistake.

  “Do you think the Pendag will listen to reason?” River asked.

  “I think the question should be whether our leaders are willing to negotiate. We have all been very angry at the Pendag for a long time. There are so few of our women left and all of them are elderly.”

  “Were those women around when the contamination happened?”

  “They would have been very young.”

  River stopped because the numbers weren’t adding up. Drav halted and looked at her questioningly. “How is that possible?”

  “I don’t understand,” Drav said.

  “If the women are few and old, how is it possible there are so many young men still alive?”

  “Young?” Drav smiled and then outright laughed. “None of us are young, River.”

  She was pleased that Drav was getting used to calling her by her first name even if it sounded a little stilted. “How old are you?”

  “I am three hundred standard years old.”

  “What?” River whispered and then her mouth fell open. Drav didn’t look any older than his late twenties. If that were the case then her mates had to be much older because they looked like they were in their low to mid-thirties. She felt bad that she’d never thought to ask their age because it hadn’t mattered. Now she wasn’t so sure. If she’d known this before she mated she may have refused to accept. She was going to die way before they did and that thought caused her pain. She didn’t want them to live out the rest of their lives all alone. That thought saddened her so much her heart hurt and it took every ounce of will she had not to bend over and moan in agony.

  “Are you ill, River?” Drav asked with concern.

  Her face was no doubt paler than usual and she probably looked like she was about to pass out.

  “I can get Damk to come if you need him.”

  “No,” River said in a hoarse voice and was finally able to draw a deep breath before exhaling slowly. She decided since Drav had been so helpful already that she would ask him the question bothering her. “What’s going to happen to Stryk, Palk, Toak, and Hakk when I die?”

  “You will not die,” Drav shouted at her and looked like he was about to pee his pants as well as being angry at the same time. “I will call Damk to heal you.” Drav lifted his wrist where the watch-looking comm device was banded around his arm.

  River placed her hand on said arm and he quickly snatched it back giving her a horrified look.

  “You should not touch one who is not your mate, River. If the leaders saw such a thing the warrior’s life would be forfeit.”

  “Sorry.” River took a step back. “Humans don’t live as long as you guys do. I will probably be dead before I reach a h
undred years old. Add in the fact that we age a lot faster than Safurians. I don’t think they will want to be with me when I have wrinkles everywhere and am bent over looking decrepit.”

  “That won’t happen,” Drav said and glanced away looking uncomfortable.

  “You couldn’t possibly know that. You all never even heard of a human before I…arrived here.”

  Drav nodded. “That is true but some of our warriors left our planet many standard years ago and although I don’t know what they found attractive about their unusual females…they were able to true-mate them. Their mates also had the belief that they would die way before their males but such wasn’t true.”

  Drav paused and his face got even redder than she’d seen it before and he lowered his gaze to the floor. “It seems that the seed from our kind gives a female mate longevity.”

  “Really?” River asked and although her face was hot and she was probably as red as Drav she needed to know the truth. “Are you telling me that the seed from my mates makes me age slower and live longer?”

  Drav nodded, still not meeting her eyes.

  “Wow. Okay. Just…wow.”

  “Is that good?” Drav asked.

  “Yes, very good.” River smiled. “What else don’t I know about you lot?”

  “We have a fierce sense of smell,” Drav said as they began walking again. “And we are all mostly able to mind speak but only with our brothers.”

  “I knew that one. I can talk to my mates as well.”

  Drav gave her a shy smile. “That is the way it should be. We are very strong and our technology is far more advanced than other planets. Our race is the strongest in the galaxy, but we would be formidable if the other leaders had agreed to an alliance. It is always better to be prepared for war even though we do not like to fight.”

  “Wait!” River stopped again but this time she was beginning to get pissed but her anger wasn’t directed at Drav. “If you’re more advanced than the other planets then you have to have spaceships, right?”

  “Yes, we have many such craft and we have the lower scientists out exploring the universe.”

  “Oh, so all your ships are being used?”

  “No, only three. We have five more hidden in the underground caverns. We don’t want any other species spying our craft and try to steal them. We try to keep temptation from view.”

  “Oh, wait until I get my hands on my mates. I am going to whip their asses.”


  “They all but lied to me. When I first got here and after the translator was implanted into my head I asked if they had spaceships to take me back home on.”

  “They told you no?”

  “Well, not exactly but they weren’t very forthcoming either.”

  “Maybe because they knew you were their true-mate and they wanted more time with you to persuade you to be theirs,” Drav suggested.

  “Why those sneaky bastards.”

  “Are you really angry and disappointed that you are still here and not back on your home world?”

  “No,” River answered with a sigh. “In fact I’m kind of happy they didn’t let me go home. I have nothing back on Earth. I was very lonely.”

  “Then maybe you should be thanking them.”

  River looked at Drav with new eyes. She was going to have to get her head around the fact that even though he was young to look at, that was far from the truth. He was a lot older than she was and ever thought to be.

  “You’re right of course, but my men have a lot to learn about human women. Most of us don’t like being lied to, even by omission.”

  “So you have never lied?” Drav asked.

  “I didn’t say that, but I try not to.”

  “Sometimes a lie for the greater good is necessary.”

  River laughed. “Are you always right, Drav?”

  “No.” Drav shrugged and opened the door they approached only to stop before entering. “Where are our leaders?”

  “They have gone to speak with the leaders from Aeros and Zennox,” Dryv answered. “I need your help with the monitor, brother. I don’t think it is working properly.”

  Drav turned to look at River over his shoulder. She smiled and waved at him to help Dryv. “Go. I think I will go and find something to eat.”

  “Are you sure, River? I can escort you to the feasting room,” Drav said.

  “Just give me directions. I have to be able to find my way around here by myself.”

  “All right.” Drav nodded. “Go back the way we just came until you get to the hallway that leads right. Then take the first left, second right and third right.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Drav. I liked working with you.”

  “I as well, River. I will be interested to hear about our leader’s reaction to what we found.”

  “I’ll tell you as soon as I see you next.” River waved and headed out. She hoped she could find her way but she didn’t think she would because she had already forgotten half of Drav’s directions. Instead of going back and bothering him while he was working she decided to keep going. If she encountered anyone in her travels she would ask them.

  She just hoped she didn’t get herself hopelessly lost.

  Chapter Eleven

  Hakk listened as Stryk tried to cajole the Zennoxians and Aerosians into joining the alliance they wanted between all the planets in their galaxy, but so far the leaders from both planets didn’t seem to be interested.

  “Why should we join forces?” Barclay Calhoun, one of the Aerosian leaders, asked. “We have never needed anyone else’s help to keep our people safe?”

  “The universe is getting smaller and smaller,” Stryk explained in a calm voice but Hakk could see his brother was getting frustrated. His hands were in fists and every now and then he swore he could hear Stryk’s teeth grinding together.

  “The size of the universe does not change,” Barclay replied facetiously and crossed his arms over his chest.

  Hakk knew that the stubborn leader wasn’t dumb and knew what Stryk meant but there was a determined look in the male’s eyes and he knew that he wasn’t about to change his mind to join their alliance. Barclay’s brothers Darby and Gilmore were standing on either side of him and they looked just as belligerent as their older brother.

  “I think it’s a good idea,” a soft feminine voice said.

  Hakk drew in a deep breath and held it. The words the female had spoken sounded just like their true-bond mate’s. He wished he could see the female. She sounded like she was from Earth just like River. When the female walked within range of the screen he stopped breathing. She was just like River only different.

  “Are you from Earth?” Hakk asked as he moved closer to the viewing monitor.

  The female’s mouth opened and closed a few times but then snapped shut as if she was in shock. “Yes. How did you know?”

  “Our mate, River is also from your Earth.”

  “How did she get there? Where are you? Can I meet her?”

  “Shannon, I don’t think—ˮ

  “Don’t.” Shannon turned and glared at Barclay. “I am the only human female on your planet. Yes, you have a few other women here, but you have no idea how good it would be for me to talk to someone from my own world.”

  “And if we do this, will you still want to stay with us?” Darby asked.

  “Of course I do!” Shannon scowled at the leaders of Aeros in turn. “I am your mate and I love you all, but I would love to interact with another woman from Earth.”

  Barclay sighed before looking back to Hakk and his brothers. “Give us a moment.”

  Hakk listened as the Aeros leaders explained to Shannon about the alliance they wanted with the other worlds but when their mate spoke, she talked so softly that he couldn’t hear what she was saying. Finally after much arguing back and forth Barclay, Darby, and Gilmore turned to face the screen once more. Shannon moved in front of Barclay and leaned back against him. A slow smile spread across her beautiful face and she nodded once.<
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  “My mates and I think an alliance is a good idea. None of us know who is out and about traveling space or what their plans are. It is to the detriment of our survival that we join forces with you just in case we ever need your help or vice versa.”

  Hakk sagged with relief. He felt Stryk’s triumph as well as Toak’s and Palk’s.

  “Thank you,” Stryk said, bowing to Shannon. “We will organize a time for you to come to our home so you may meet our true-mate.”

  “I can’t wait.” Shannon smiled wider and almost danced on the spot.

  When Hakk looked down he saw that her belly was swollen with child. He hoped to see River like that one day, and hoped it wasn’t too far in the future.

  * * * *

  River didn’t know how long she’d been walking about the hallways in search of the feasting room and her mates but it felt like it had been hours. She was tired, hungry, and thirsty and her feet were starting to hurt. The sneakers she’d put on after kicking her heels off the day she’d left Earth weren’t the greatest, but they fit better than those black boots she'd worn earlier. However her feet had moved around in the boots too much, and since she didn't want to end up with blisters, she changed into her sneakers. The soles were thin and the fabric on top was so ratty it was fraying and looked like it was about to split open. She was going to have to ask her men to buy her some clothes and shoes of her own, if she ever remembered to mention that she needed them. She always ended up distracted in their presence and completely forgot her train of thought. They were just too sexy for words. River smiled at her own pun and began chanting in her mind, ask for clothes and shoes. Ask for clothes and shoes.

  When she saw an open doorway leading outside, the words in her mind faded, and she figured that was the best way to go. She’d never seen this part of the huge Grecian style mansion but liked what she saw. There were some of the large flowers planted along the veranda but the massive trees were close, too. She walked down the steps and followed the path into the trees hoping it would lead her around to what she thought was the front of the building.


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