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Second Chance: A Military Football Romance

Page 32

by Claire Adams

  "Yeah. She's gonna be a chef. Open her own restaurant and such." He held the door and walked out languidly beside me before dropping down into my favorite lawn chair.

  "Nice. Is she willing to share this dessert, or is it just for you?" I chuckled and started up the grill as Daniel walked out onto the patio.

  "Are you guys talking about a real dessert or sharing a girl in bed? You know that never goes over well for you, Brody." He adjusted his glasses and handed me the salt shaker. "Don't forget to season the meat."

  "Thanks, buddy." I sat the burgers and salt down, ignoring his comment as Derek stepped in to give him hell. The serenity of the water across the road from us called to me, and I tried to access the calm I needed so badly, but found myself stuck in my angst.

  Going over to Cora's that night was sure to be a disaster, and part of me wanted to chicken out and just let the rest of the guys go without me. I could find someone to hang out with, and taking the boat out by myself wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

  "You not with us anymore, bro?" Clay patted my back as I opened the grill and started to lay out the burgers.

  "Hmmm?" I glanced over at him. "Sorry, I was reliving the quickie I had with our lovely waitress from the Burger Barn."

  "It's called Jaspers, and her name was Lisa." Daniel chuckled and moved up beside me. "The water looks great. We should just invite the girls to come over and spend the evening on the boat."

  "Speaking of..." I bent down to turn up the heat a little. "I'm thinking I'll just let you guys go tonight. I'm not much for cock-blocking, and seeing that I'm the sexiest among us…"

  I laughed as the two of them started pushing at me playfully.

  "Emily's only got eyes for me, buddy. You lost your chance with that hot little number." Clay smiled, his eyes lighting up in a way that I hadn't seen in a long time. Maybe this chick was more than a quick roll in the sheets for him. Good. He was the long-term kinda guy.

  "She is a pretty girl." I glanced over at Daniel. "And you? You going for the lovely leader of the pack?"

  "Cora? Heavens no." Daniel pulled his glasses from his face and started to clean them with his t-shirt. "I honestly think I might try to grab Dedra's attention. My parents were rather against me dating a black girl, but I just don't feel the same. She's beautiful, isn't she?"

  "Very." I internally sighed with relief. It looked like Cora would be playing odd-man out with me. Good. She wasn't interested, or was working hard to hide it, and I was fighting against the need to get in her face and make my point. I wasn't the guy that had her turning her nose up at men for life, though I'd most certainly been that guy for a few girls in my time.

  "Besides, I'm pretty sure the sexy brunette that keeps denying you only wants the attention of one man." Derek let out a chuckle from behind us.

  I turned and lifted my eyebrow at him. "Did you see her with someone in town yesterday?"

  "Nope." He pulled his hat from his face. "I've only seen a few girls in my time get pissy so fast, and having three sisters, I'm telling you that she's interested. She's pissy because she doesn't want to be interested in you."

  "Interested in me? No. I don't believe it." I turned back to the grill and nodded as a large gaggle of barely-clad women walked in front of the house, stopping to turn our way. I pulled my t-shirt off and winked at one of them as they started with their cat-calls.

  "We're taken men," Clay called out to them, shrugged and puffing out his bottom lip.

  "They're taken." I motioned toward my friends before lifting my watch to my face. "I'm free...well, look at that...for the rest of the night."

  "Nope, you're not." Daniel blocked my view and tilted his head to the side. "Why don't you just try a different approach? Not all girls are into the 'drop your panties and let me use you for an afternoon' attack, right?"

  "What?" I rolled my eyes and flipped the burgers. "I'm not having this conversation, guys. Cora is one girl with a bitchy attitude and a great rack. Big fucking deal. I'm not interested. It's plain and simple."

  "Oh, you're interested for sure." Derek laughed, and the other guys joined in.

  I nodded. "Alright. I'm telling you that I'm not, but whatever."

  "He's getting sensitive. Leave him be." Daniel pushed at Clay. "He's just flesh and blood like the rest of us."

  "Nope." I looked over my shoulder as I flipped them off. "I'm boners and attitude. Nothing more, nothing less."

  "Dumb. Just ask the girl out, Brody. Shit." Clay dropped down in a chair beside the grill.

  "Dude. I'm not interested. I'd fuck her, yeah, but I'd fuck a lot of these girls. Shut up about it already, shit." I turned back to the grill, hating how close they were coming to my thoughts. I wanted to ask her out, to work on getting to know her a little, but the truth of the matter was simple. It couldn't have much to do with her. I wasn't that deep of a guy. It was the challenge of getting her to relent, to break down and submit to me. Once I'd reached my goal and won the prize, I would move on. That wouldn't work too well if she didn't hold up all summer.

  My friends seemed to be interested in her friends, which meant that I was stuck with the possibility of seeing her for the next few months. Using her and walking away would only leave everyone pissy with me. I wasn't about that life. No thanks.

  She wasn't worth that.

  And yet, I was nervous as hell about going to hang out with them later that night. There was no way to talk myself out of trying to get her attention, even though I knew it was damning from the start.

  "How was Emily?" Daniel asked.

  "She was everything a woman should be. Soft, sweet, and moaned like a kitten in heat. It was amazing." Clay moved up beside me and took the spatula from my hand. "Go get a beer, dude. You need it."

  I licked at my lips and turned without another word. Weariness rolled over me, but I shoved it away. I wasn't letting this girl get under my skin. It was my last summer of freedom before having to make some hard decisions. Would it be more school or a job that didn't pay enough to cover the bills?

  My kinesiology degree was fun as hell and becoming a coach was all I'd ever wanted, but there was no way to get a high-paying job without working like a grunt for little to no pay for years to do it.

  The cool air in the house wrapped around me as I walked in and moved to the fridge, my thoughts moving about in different directions.

  I'd been straightforward with Daniel a few days before about not caring too much about my career, but I understood quite well that any woman that might consider something with me for the long-term would want stability.

  "Long-term? Dear God, please shut up," I mumbled at myself and pulled a beer from the fridge.

  Clay was standing at the entrance to the kitchen with his hands on his hips, staring at me with a knowing look on his face.

  "Damn, dude." I lifted the beer to my lips, drinking down half of it before continuing. "You scared the shit out of me. I'm not thinking that your new fling would be too happy with you watching me that intently. Might confuse the poor girl."

  "What's up with you?" He walked to the fridge, nudging me with his shoulder. "You've been off more than usual."

  "It's nothing, man." I shrugged and leaned against the counter.

  "That's a fucking lie. You don't want to talk about it, cool, but don't think we don't notice." He turned to me as he popped the top on his beer.

  "I can't come, alright?" I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling a little too exposed and yet knowing that Clay would keep nudging the truth from me until I spilled.

  "Come where?" He took a sip of his beer as his expression softened.

  "No, dude. I can't come. Like all this sex I've had over the last few years has left me, I don't know, numb." I shrugged and finished the beer before dropping it into the trashcan.

  "Jack off, Brody." He stayed still, but watched me intently.

  "I do, thank you very much. Still...nothing." I shrugged and let out a long sigh. "It's fucked up, alright? I'll see someone about it when we ge
t back home."

  "Yeah, you need to." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Are you shitting me? Because I know you like fucking around. You not coming sounds like one of your fucked up-”

  "I can't come alright? Seriously." I brushed my fingers by my lips as the thought of Cora rushed past my mind. "I think I've objectified women too much. It's lost the thrill of what it should be."

  "How long?"

  "Since I came?" I glanced over at him as Derek walked into the house.

  "Oh, shit. Count me out of this conversation." The big cowboy turned and walked back out of the house, causing me to smile.

  "I did the other night because I thought about Cora, but before then? It's been a long time. Too long to think about." I shrugged and got out another beer. "Maybe something is wrong with me."

  "Yeah, or maybe you're growing up." Clay reached over and patted my chest. "Try pulling back a little and waiting for a woman worth stripping for. Not all of them are worthy of that, bro."

  "No? Could have fooled me." I winked and walked back toward the porch, tired of the conversation. I was the alpha dick of the group that used women and slept around, no matter where we went or what we did. It was my spot on the team, my designated position. We laughed over my escapades and joked about my sexual prowess all the time. It was who I was.

  I walked back out to the grill and took the spatula from Daniel's hand to start pulling the burgers off the grill.

  "What should I wear tonight? I'm not sure if I should go for my swimsuit and a t-shirt or maybe some khakis and a polo?" Daniel turned his attention toward me. "I want to wear something that says I'm cool and laid back, but that I'm also mildly interested in looking good."

  I chuckled. "Wear whatever you want to, Dan. Just be yourself, dude. You'll be fine."

  "Wear the khakis." Clay moved up beside me. "Not all of us have your confidence, Brody."

  "I wish I could bottle it up and sell it. I'd be rich and you guys would be broke mother fuckers." I smirked and moved back, trying to avoid their playful pushing again.

  "Right. And, I'm the one that woke up with a pretty girl in my bed this morning." Clay took the burgers from me. "Maybe the tides are turning."

  "Maybe so," I mumbled and glanced back at the lake. I was going over to Cora's with my friends, but I'd have to be on-guard. Something told me that the chase was going to thrill me beyond anything I'd encountered this far. I wanted it bad.

  Wanted her bad. Maybe too bad...

  Chapter Twelve


  Emily hadn't done me any favors by telling me that Brody was asking about me. It was silly and childish, but the thought of bringing a player to his knees caused my blood to race with excitement. I didn't want to hurt him, but the thought of bending his enormous ego a little was rather enticing.

  "What are you thinking about? You look like you're planning someone's doom." Emily chuckled and moved up beside me in the kitchen as I washed my hands.

  All the snacks for the small get-together that evening were done and in the fridge. Cindy was taking a quick shower, and Dedra was headed back from town with beer and a few more bottles of wine for us.

  "No, I was just thinking about my future." I lied with ease. "I think you're right about standing up to my parents."

  "Good. Make sure I'm there when it happens?" She snorted and let out a yelp as a knock resounded on the door behind us. "They're here. Do I look okay?"

  I turned and smiled. "You looked great, as always. I love the skinny jeans and that blue top. It's much better than anything in your suitcase."

  "I feel ridiculous." She walked to the door. "You sure?"

  "Yes. Let them in." I dried my hands and turned to look out at the lake through the window just above the sink. Some part of me hoped that Brody would forgo the evening and instead spend it with his cousin or one of her friends. But a bigger part of me prayed like hell that he would be there to tease me, to make me feel something. And boy was he good at that.

  A smile touched my lips at the sound of Clay's voice.

  "Don't you look incredible?" He spoke, and Emily giggled. It was out of character for her, so much so that I turned to make sure he wasn't tickling her.

  Brody walked in and stopped just inside the door as our eyes met. He lifted a six-pack of beer and gave me a cocky smile. "I come in peace."

  "I doubt that." I dropped the towel and walked toward them, turning my attention to Daniel. "Hey, you."

  "Hi, Cora. You look beautiful." Daniel touched the side of his glasses and blushed slightly, causing me to smile. He wasn't going to be anything other than a good friend, but it was cute watching him get flustered.

  I took the beer from Brody and turned to face him. "I hear from Emily that you're the grill master."

  "Among other things, yeah." He winked and moved past me toward the kitchen. "I brought some brats because the guys wanted them. Whatcha got in mind for dinner?"

  The serenity of his persona washed over me, and I realized how much I enjoyed confident people. His cockiness was a bit annoying at times, but mainly because it reminded me too much of my own.

  He opened the fridge and leaned over, his navy shorts pulling tight on the perfect swell of his ass. My body warmed, my cheeks flushing and stomach contracting.

  He might be a player, but he was the perfect guy for the job. I'd yet to see anyone better looking in Lake Havasu.

  "Are you checking out my butt?" He glanced over his shoulder and lifted his eyebrow.

  "Nope. I was seeing if we had mustard." I leaned across his back and plucked it from the door. "Good to know. I enjoy eating my weenies with mustard."

  He chuckled and moved back. "Seems like a useful bit of information."

  "Oh Lord," Clay mumbled and walked into the kitchen. He stopped beside me and smiled at me. "How are you, Cora? We missed you at breakfast yesterday. Emily is quite the cook."

  "Where's Dedra?" Derek walked into the kitchen and pulled his cowboy hat from his head. "And Cindy?"

  "I'm here!" Cindy walked in and smiled at everyone before turning her attention to me. "Did you get everything done?"

  "Yep." I moved away from the fridge, trying hard not to notice how good Brody's cologne smelled. I turned to Derek as Daniel moved up beside him. "Dedra ran into town. You guys keep an eye out for her to make sure she doesn't need help.”

  "What's she got?" Daniel asked.

  "Drinks for tonight." I glanced over at Clay as Emily moved up beside him and wrapped her arms around his middle. Longing rolled through me. It had been far too long since I'd let someone hold me. "I hear you're quite the cook. How come you never cook for us?"

  Emily chuckled, and I couldn't help but feel the weight of Brody's stare on me. I ignored it, though every part of me wanted to turn and give him my attention. Gorgeous wouldn't do him justice, not in the slightest, but looks weren't everything.

  "Because I cook for you." Cindy bumped me with her hip, catching me off guard. I took a few steps forward to catch my balance and had to reach up to press my hands against Brody's chest before crashing into him.

  The look on his face was far different from anything I'd seen Friday night. "You okay?"

  "Yeah, I'm good." I pulled my hands down and turned toward the front door, grateful to hear the slam of a car door. "There's Dedra. Let's help her out."

  I started to follow the guys out, but was stopped by someone tugging me backward. Brody.

  "Hey, I'm sorry about Friday." He shrugged. "I'm not sure how to be anything other than the alpha asshole of this group."

  "You are who you are." I shrugged and turned away from him, ignoring the soft sigh I heard leave him.

  It would be far too easy to sink into him and let him make me feel like a princess for the night, but the sun would soon rise. He was the kind of asshole that would sneak out before the morning came and wouldn't look back. With a whole summer with him beside me thanks to Emily and Clay starting something, it wasn't happening. I'd come to Lake Havasu to have fun, nothin
g else. Brody would prove to be just that, but only for a night.

  Everyone had the liquor in their arms, plus a few bags of extra goodies that Dedra picked up, too, by the time I got out there. I held the door for Brody, but didn't find him behind me.

  "It's busy in town. I think everyone is getting excited for the Fourth of July coming up soon. The firework stands are packed with people and explosives." Dedra blew a hair out of her face as I reached for the bags in her hands.

  "Are we doing fireworks?" Emily asked, moving up beside me as I turned and walked back into the house.

  I started to respond, but realized she was talking to Clay.

  "We can do anything you want to do." He smiled down at her as I passed by.

  "Are you promising the girl the world?" Brody gave a crooked smile as he opened the door for all of us.

  I moved in without giving him a glance and walked to the kitchen to find Derek and Cindy laughing about something. The smile on her pretty face caused one to lift on my own. I wanted her happy, but wasn't so sure this band of guys were the ones to make that happen. Derek seemed nice, but anyone willing to put up with a guy like Brody meant they, too, objectified women—or maybe I was once again overthinking it.

  "What's the plan for tonight?" Daniel walked into the kitchen and sat two large bags down. "You girls want us to go grab a movie to watch?"

  "Cora and I can go get something." Brody glanced over at me. "It's just a couple of blocks up the road. Come on; I've seen you looking out that window several times in the last ten minutes. You want to get outside."

  Everyone was watching me, and for that reason alone, I nodded and grabbed my purse from the counter. "Yeah, sure."

  The mumbles that resounded behind us were almost comical, but I would have been a fool to think the tension between me and Brody was only felt by the two of us. I waited until we got outside to turn and glance his way.

  "You sure a senator's son should go anywhere without his bodyguards?" I smirked as he gave me a look.

  "Are you always so full of piss and vinegar?" He reached out and grabbed my arm just before I ran into a pole.


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