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Cross My Heart

Page 6

by Celeste O. Norfleet

  “You’re welcome,” she said. “It’s true.”

  “She would have liked you.”

  They looked into each other’s eyes and a sudden urge enveloped them. It was the same urge that had been simmering just below the surface since the moment they met. This could change everything. They both felt it and they both knew it. Both had risks. She knew he’d break her heart. He knew that with one phone call, she could shatter his world. Still, the foregone conclusion was in their eyes. It was going to happen; the only question was when. She backed off first.

  “Well, I guess that’s it. I should go now,” she said quickly, hoping to defuse the tenseness surrounding them.

  “I’ll need this proposal revised to include what we talked about today. Also, I’d like to see your primary location and a list of contractors you’re considering for the expansion. This has to be completely up to code, no shortcuts,” he said. She nodded while continuing to take notes. “We’ll also need my foundation’s legal team to look this over for particulars after it’s complete. The foundation will be meeting in the early part of next month. If you miss that window, you’ll have to wait until next year. I’ll be away for the next few days. Do you think you can put all this together by then?”

  “Sure, no problem,” she affirmed.

  “You can do all that? Sounds like you’re Wonder Woman.”

  “Nah, I’m a just a single mom—the next best thing.”

  He smiled, impressed by her can-do attitude and confidence. “A single mom as Wonder Woman, huh,” he said.

  “That’s right. Didn’t you know that single moms can leap tall building blocks, fly from school to soccer practice like a bird, plus do a tub of laundry, cook macaroni and cheese and read a bedtime story in a single day?”

  He chuckled. “No, guess I missed that memo.”

  She smiled, knowing that he was thinking about his mother. “Some of us just do what we need to do—no apologies, no excuses and no regrets. We do it for our children.”

  “And what about a male influence?” he asked.

  Her expression changed as she glanced away. Then a split second later she smiled and looked him directly in the eye. “My sons have everything they need. If they need a man’s influence later on, then I’ll call on my dad, my grandfather, my brothers and my cousins.”

  “But not their father?” he pushed further.

  “No, not their father,” she answered assertively.

  “Why not?” he pressed. “There had to be a father.”

  “Not in this case. There is a biological donor—that’s it.”

  “That sounds pretty sterile, impersonal.”

  “Is this still part of the ‘know who you’re in bed with’ interview?”

  “No,” he said, backing off slightly, seeing that she was more uncomfortable than before. “It’s just me. I’m always curious about relationships and the choices people make.”

  “I see. Okay, well, my decision—sterile and impersonal as it seems—was made because I love children and I wanted my own. Waiting around for Mr. Right or Prince Charming isn’t my style.”

  “You’re a beautiful woman, any man would be crazy not to…”

  “Okay. This is just weird. I’m sitting here chatting with a mega movie star about my sex life—or lack thereof.”

  “Lack thereof?” he questioned quickly. She didn’t reply. He shrugged. “I’m just saying that it appears the men around here are obviously not paying attention to the rare beauty in their midst. I am. So maybe I’m not completely rude or crazy after all,” he suggested, alluding to their first meeting in her office.

  “It’s easy to forget that you’re a consummate actor,” Natalia commented. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were actually flirting with me.”

  “You can’t tell for sure? I must be slipping,” he joked.

  She took a deep breath and sighed slowly. “It’s a good thing you’re leaving soon.”

  “Trying to get rid of me already?” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

  “No, not at all. On the contrary, you’re dangerous to a woman’s heart. Oh, and you forgot—overmedicated.”

  “That’s right. I forgot about that little gem.” He chuckled, remembering their first conversation. “You’re good. I like that.”

  “Do you?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I do. A lot.”

  They paused a moment, looking into each other’s eyes again. There was definitely something there—an attraction and an easy compatibility that was relaxed and comfortable. It was as if there was more to everything they said and did than the surface veneer. “Okay. Getting back to you telling me more about your life?”

  “Boring, believe me.” He quickly glanced at his watch. “It’s getting late, so maybe we can…”

  “Oh, right. Sorry,” she interrupted quickly. “You probably have plans this evening and I must be encroaching on someone else’s time. I’d better go.”

  “No, don’t. What I was going to say—actually ask—was if you’d like to join me for dinner this evening.”

  “To continue talking about the project?” she asked as she began gathering her notes, folders and other information.

  “I think we have that pretty well taken care of, don’t you think?”

  “So you mean join you for dinner—talking-and-just-hanging-out dinner?” she clarified. He nodded. “That’s very tempting, but probably not a good idea.”

  “Ah, right. Your dinner date,” he said.

  “For the record, you assume it’s a date. I said that I had dinner plans. My plans are hanging out with my sons tonight.”

  “Yes, Supermom. But doesn’t being Supermom limit your social life?”

  She chuckled. “That would assume that I have a social life,” she joked. “Truthfully, I don’t think I’m missing much.” She stood to put some distance between them.

  He stood and stepped closer. “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “Dinner, a movie, bowling—what else am I missing?”

  “I can think of one thing.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “This…” He leaned in and tipped her chin up closer to his mouth. She opened her mouth to speak, but found herself just holding her breath as her heart pounded through her chest. His mouth hovered a split second before he captured hers. Their lips touched gently at first and then an explosion of passion surged.

  Seldom taken off guard, Natalia was stunned, not by the kiss, but by her reaction to it. He was kissing her, and she was nearly out of control. It was like a fireball hurled at the top of a snow-covered mountain. An avalanche of desire freed itself and slammed into her full force. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he slid his arms around her waist, drawing her body closer to his. He was taking her on the ride of a lifetime. She heard herself moan from deep in her throat.

  His kiss was arousing, and the spine-tingling sensation she felt was beyond anything she’d ever experienced. This wasn’t just a kiss, this was a pursuit. Her heart jumped and her thoughts spun wildly. It was a headlong spiral and she was out of control.

  The kiss deepened as their tongues tangled and tangoed, the familiar mating dance. The intensity grew, this time like an erupting volcano—hot, fiery and furious. Natalia was losing control. It had been too long since a man had held her in his arms like this. Now that the man kissing her was David Montgomery, it muddled her mind even more. This had to be a dream and, if it was, she never wanted to wake up. But she knew that it wasn’t and that she had to stop. She leaned back, breathless, but he captured her mouth a second time. She relented eagerly, overpowered by the sensual pull they both felt. Then, finally clearing her dazed mind, she pushed back again, planting her hand firmly on his broad chest.

  “…the good-night kiss,” he said, continuing their conversation.

  “Wait. This isn’t happening,” she muttered breathlessly as she felt his heart beating madly. She quickly dropped her hand and touched her swollen lips.

  “But it is,
” he assured her, gently stroking her body.

  “No, it can’t be. We can’t be.”

  “Why not?” he asked ardently. “When was the last time you lost control and allowed passion to rule?”


  “That’s far too long.”

  “You—you don’t belong here and I do. Our worlds are a million light-years apart. They don’t even come close to meshing.”

  “But we do mesh, don’t we? I feel it and you feel it, too.”

  She saw his eyes twinkle and seem to spark. She shook her head, smiling, then swallowed hard. “You’re good, very good.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  She looked into his soulful eyes. She did feel it. She knew deep in her heart that they had connected. Something—she couldn’t say what—was pulling them, pushing them. But this wasn’t what she needed right now. Her life was complicated enough without adding a movie star to the mix. “David, we have nothing in common and you will most certainly break my heart.”

  “We have this,” he said, leaning in and kissing her again.

  Her body melted against his. It had been such a long time and it felt so good to be held. She never wanted this to end, but she knew it was impossible. She pushed back, breathless. “I can’t.” She shook her head. “No, I can’t be here right now. I can’t do the one-night-stand thing,” she said, stepping back.

  “Who says this is a one-night stand?”

  “Are you acting now?”

  “No,” he said truthfully, surprising himself.

  She looked into his eyes, seeing sincerity, but that didn’t change what was going on between them. She stepped up and kissed him tenderly, then allowed herself one last fantasy as she closed her eyes and leaned against his chest. He held her a brief moment, then she looked up at him. “I can’t do this. You are too tempting and I can’t jeopardize everything I’ve worked for,” she said as she pushed back again. “I need to go now.” She picked up her things and walked to the door. Turning just once, she looked at him standing there. She smiled and shook her head. “I must be insane. I just turned David Montgomery down.” She opened the door and left.

  David had to smile as he watched her leave. He wanted her now more than ever. Any other woman would have jumped at the opportunity to be in his bed tonight, but she didn’t. That in itself was unprecedented. But he found it encouraging. She wasn’t like every other woman. He picked up the proposal and flipped through, seeing her smiling face on the bio page. He had a feeling of warmth that he hadn’t known in a long time.

  Chapter 6

  The next day a large bouquet of flowers arrived by special delivery. The note was simple. It thanked her for their evening together then told her to miss him and keep busy while he was away. With that note, the sudden reality of the situation hit home, causing her concern. What was she about to get herself into? He flirted—yes, he kissed her—yes, he seemed to want more—yes, and heaven help her, she did, too. She wanted him. There was no getting around it. She rationalized loneliness, sexual frustration, curiosity, admiration, but the truth was simpler. He’d gotten to her as no one else had.

  She knew this was all fantasy. He was fantasy. Nothing was real in his life, but hers was grounded in reality. She had a family and responsibilities. Rationalizing or not, she knew she had to set her desires aside and focus on channeling her energy to those who needed her. But still the image of their kiss overshadowed her dreams both day and night. It was more than attraction; it was enticement, and he was temptation personified.

  She’d walked away that evening; it was the hardest thing she’d done in a long time, but she’d known she had to. That night, after she put her sons to bed, she dreamt that she and David were making love and all night long she tossed and turned, imagining her body on top then intertwined with his. Hard, firm and writhing, she fantasized about feeling him deep inside her. She awoke wet and breathless.

  The man was incredible. Just ten minutes in his arms and he’d given her a burning fever that days later she still couldn’t forget. It was more than movie-star magnetism or charisma. When he looked at her, she felt as if he was seeing into her soul. It was as if a part of him had seeped into her heart and no matter what she did, or where she was, she felt him. He was part of her—there was no denying it.

  Three days passed. The local newspaper reported that Key West’s newest celebrity resident was out of town, but would be back. Of course, she already knew that. She’d skillfully tucked him away as a fond memory and gone back to her real life. Thankfully, she had her sons, her work and the center to keep her busy. Still, she’d suddenly see him wherever she turned—on early-morning talk shows, late-night talk shows and everywhere in between. Once, when cleverly asked about his current fascination with Key West, he smiled and said that he was just there for rest and relaxation. The Key West newspapers clamored to get the latest scoop on the newest celeb in their midst.

  Flowers arrived the fourth day without a note, although she knew they were from him. Late Friday evening she was in her office, busy finalizing a foster care placement, when she heard a knock on the door. With the door partially open, she looked up, seeing David smiling that smile. “Miss me?” he asked.

  She smiled and sat back in her chair nonchalantly. “Hardly. You’re not the only superstar actor in my life,” she joked.

  “Oh, really,” he said curiously as he walked into her office. “Who stopped by? Anyone I know?”

  “No, you don’t. My son Brice is in the nursery school play next week. He’s portraying a tree and the critics agree that he’s brilliant,” she said as only a proud mother could. “I just got back from watching rehearsals.”

  David went still and his expression was telling. The sudden realization of his son onstage slammed into him hard. His son onstage—the monumental implication of that had floored him. There was a scramble of emotion surging through him. He was proud and thrilled and it was obvious that his feelings were getting more and more convoluted. His heart wanted to reach out, but he knew he couldn’t, not yet.

  “He’s so excited,” she continued. “Of course he has no concept of time, so when I told him that the play is next week, he thought it was today. And, of course, Jayden wants to get into the act. They’re so adorable together…Hey, are you okay? You look a bit shell-shocked.”

  The consummate actor quickly stepped back into character. “I’m fine, just jet-lagged again. I’ve been flying all over the country.”

  “Yes, I’ve seen you. Morning shows, late-night talk shows, New York, L.A., Houston, Chicago.”

  “It’s all busywork. Speaking of which, are you busy tonight?” he asked.

  “Not really, why?”

  “I have some ideas that I’d like to run by you.”

  “Great, I have a few minutes. Can we do it now?” she asked.

  “Can’t, I’ve got a radio interview to do in a few minutes. This evening would be better. How about a working dinner?” he suggested.

  “Fine. I’ll meet you at…”

  “Why don’t I pick you up at your house?” he said, quickly cutting her off before she finished.

  “This isn’t a date. You don’t have to pick me up,” she said.

  “I’d like to.”

  “Speaking of which, how did you get my home address to send the flowers?” she asked.

  “My assistant is very good at what she does. I’ll send a driver to pick you up at your home at six. See you then.”

  She stood quickly, intending to decline the ride, but he was already out the door. She sat back down, knowing this was trouble. Thinking about him constantly was one thing, being with him again was going to be impossible. She glanced at the photos of her sons on her desk and smiled. They were her center. Seeing them proved that she could do anything. Yes. She could do this. If it was dinner at the hotel restaurant, she’d enjoy it like any other dinner out. If it was served in his suite, she’d keep the conversation focused on the teen center, his foundation and their work together. There�
��she was pleased with her strategy. It was an infallible plan.

  The car arrived at 5:45 p.m. She was ready. She’d chosen to wear evening casual, an emerald-green, sleeveless, knee-length wrap dress with a softly ruffled collar. It plunged slightly lower in front than she’d intended, but it was simple and elegant. She chose taupe-colored, four-inch stiletto heels and carried a matching handbag. As the car drove off, she turned and looked back at the empty house. Stephen and Mia had already picked up the boys at the nursery school. As of right now, she was a free woman—at least for the next two days.

  The black sedan drove through the center of Key West then continued on. She looked out the window, knowing that if they were going to have dinner at the hotel the driver was most definitely lost. “Excuse me,” she began. “Aren’t we going to the Keys Gateway Hotel?”

  The driver looked up at her in the rearview mirror. “No, ma’am. My instructions are to deliver you to the docks by six-twenty.”

  She nodded. “Thank you.” She sat back, wondering where they were going to dine. There were any number of elegant restaurants on the pier. A few minutes later she was surprised to see that the car pulled into her brother’s private parking lot. It stopped just as David was walking down from the pier. He smiled as he opened the door and extended his hand to her. She got out and his eyes instantly roamed all over her.

  “You look stunning,” he said.

  “Thank you. You look pretty nice yourself,” she said admiringly. He wore a dark blue jacket, tan pants and a dark blue, striped, button-down shirt topped with dark sunglasses and a summer trilby hat. “Where are we dining?” she asked.

  “I thought it would be nice to take the boat out. I have an excellent chef on board and perhaps we can cruise along the coast later this evening.”

  “That sounds great,” she said cautiously. This wasn't part of her plan.

  He tipped his elbow to her and escorted her down the wooden pier toward his yacht. It was much larger and grander than she’d expected. He walked the narrow plank, stepped on board, then reached back to take her hand and help her as she followed. “Welcome aboard,” David said.


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