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The Sextet Presents... Small, Medium, and Large [A Toy Story] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 3

by Cheryl Brooks

  “XXL?” Renee felt the blood drain out of her face. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  Toby shook his head. “No kidding. He hardly ever gets to use them, though. I have to buy new ones for him now and then. Even unopened, they don’t last forever.”

  She’d been excited by the idea of sex with Toby, but Lance? XXL? “I don’t know about that. Maybe we should play that by ear, too.”

  “We won’t do anything you don’t like,” Toby promised. “You can tell us to stop anytime you feel uncomfortable.”

  “Uncomfortable?” Renee echoed. “I went miles past uncomfortable a long time ago.”

  Lance’s face fell. “Guess I’d better leave you two alone, then.” He hung the corset back in his closet with obvious regret. Actually, regret was too soft a word. He looked like he was about to cry.

  Renee bowed her head and counted to ten, biting her lip. This whole thing had the potential to turn out very, very badly. The odd part was, she was beginning to believe she wouldn’t be the one getting hurt.

  “I’ll go for a drive or something,” Lance said as he put the whip back on the rack. “Will two hours be enough? I could go to a movie.”

  It crossed her mind to wonder how in the world he managed to fit into a seat in a theater, but decided that was the very least of her worries, or his. What on earth was she doing? She hardly ever had sex at all. How had she suddenly become the answer to every sexual deviant’s wet dream? And where was the voice of reason to talk her out of this crazy idea? If only her phone would ring, jolting her back to reality, maybe even giving her an out. An emergency of some kind, a reason to say, “Sorry, guys. Duty calls.”

  Then again, perhaps she didn’t need an out. Perhaps what she needed was insurance. “I need to call my office.”

  Toby frowned. “On a Saturday?”

  “My assistant will be working. Trust me.” Jackie claimed that the only way she could ever get any work done was to go in when nobody else was in the office, Renee in particular.

  “Wish you’d trust us,” Toby said in a small, hurt voice.

  “Just give me a minute, will you?” Whipping out her cell phone, she punched the speed dial. Jackie answered on the first ring.

  “What’s up?” Jackie asked. “Other than the fact that you can’t make it through a day off without calling me?”

  Renee rolled her eyes. “Hello to you, too, Jackie. I’m doing just fine, thank you very much. In fact, right now I’m standing in a bedroom with two men who want me to do strange and wonderful things to them.”

  Jackie was silent for the space of a heartbeat and then began laughing hysterically. Renee waited for what had to have been almost a full minute before Jackie was able to speak. “Oh, my. That’s a good one, Renee. Mind telling me where you really are?”

  “I just told you, and now I’m going to give you the address. Write this down, and if I turn up missing, this is where I was last seen.” She rattled off the address, then gave her Toby and Lance’s names. “If anyone finds my dead body in a ditch, these are the two the police need to go after. Got it?”

  “Well, yes, but I still don’t understand—”

  “You don’t need to.” Renee winked at Toby and Lance, who were both staring at her with openmouthed indignation. “Oh, and if one of these guys is found dead in a ditch, I’m the one the police need to lock up. Got that?”

  Jackie snorted. “If you want my opinion, which I’m sure you don’t, you should be locked up right now. Have you been drinking, or what?”

  “No, not drinking. Just…shopping.”

  “Shopping,” Jackie said flatly. “Oh, really? For two men?”

  “Yeah. One small and one large.” Renee chuckled. “I guess that makes me the medium, huh?”

  “I’m more inclined to think it makes you the nutcase,” Jackie snapped. “Don’t suppose I can talk any sense into you, can I?”

  “Not today. Try me again tomorrow.”

  “Well, maybe they’ll listen to reason. Let me talk to one of them.”

  Renee gave Toby the phone. “She wants to talk to you.”

  Toby’s eyes twinkled as he put the phone to his ear. “Hello, Jackie? This is Toby.” He paused, listening. “Yeah. That’s right. No, I’m not crazy and I’m not drunk. Neither is Lance.” Renee could hear Jackie’s voice on the other end, becoming shriller with each unintelligible word. “No, ma’am. I promise.” He glanced at Lance. “Lance promises, too. And we aren’t perverts. At least not in the creepy sense.” Toby listened to another of Jackie’s lengthy admonitions and then handed the phone back to Renee.

  “Feel better?” Renee asked.

  “Maybe,” Jackie replied. “I mean, he seems like a decent sort.”

  She glanced at Toby and smiled. “I think so, and I’m a pretty good judge of character as a rule.”

  “I’ll grant you that, Renee, but for heaven’s sake be careful—and don’t forget, you’ve got that board meeting at nine on Monday.”

  “I’ll be careful, and no, I won’t forget. See you Monday.” Renee switched off the phone. “Okay. That’s my insurance, and yours, too, if you trust Jackie. Do you have anyone you want to call?”

  Toby grinned. “Not sure I want to call my mother. Besides, I trust you, Renee.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, you’re giving me whips and strap-ons to work with.” She waggled her eyebrows. “I’m bigger than you are.”

  “And I’m bigger than both of you,” Lance said. “It won’t bother me if you get a little rough. I can take it.”

  “Okay, then,” Renee said. “Give me back my whip and corset.” She glanced at Toby. “And I’ll need my dick.”

  Chapter Four

  Renee drew the line at stripping down and putting on the corset in front of them, aside from the fact that there was the element of suspense to consider. Discreetly withdrawing to the adjoining bathroom, which was clean and tastefully furnished, she began her transformation to dominatrix. Lacing up the corset was a little tricky, but the strap-on was much easier, since Toby had gotten a panty-style harness for it. A crotchless panty-style harness. Interesting choice…

  Steeling herself, she turned and checked out her reflection in the full-length mirror behind the door. “Damn, that’s scary.” A more appropriate makeup job, stilettos, and fishnet hose would have added flair to the ensemble, but the whip and the strap-on were enough to convey the right message. Her wide grin and ponytail, however, did not.

  “Gotta get more in character,” she muttered. Pulling out the elastic band holding her hair, she shook it loose, which helped some, but still wasn’t quite the right look, and she didn’t even have a comb. She normally didn’t poke around in other people’s bathrooms, but considering what these two guys were expecting her to do, she didn’t think they’d mind if she borrowed a few things.

  Opening a few drawers and cabinets at random, she found the usual male toiletries. No mousse, of course, and certainly no eyeliner or red lipstick, but she did find a comb. Teasing her hair at the crown, she managed to achieve a creditable “sex bump,” but had to leave it at that. “Well, there you go. Madame Renee at your service. Specializing in ass-whipping and butt-fucking.” Shaking her head, she ripped open a condom wrapper and rolled it onto the dildo. If it was going in his ass, Toby might appreciate the extra lubricant, and it would also make cleanup a bit less icky. She washed her hands, catching another glimpse of her reflection in the mirror. “I must be out of my mind.”

  The attitude wasn’t a problem, however. Walking into the dimly lit bedroom was like stepping onto a stage where she knew her role by heart. Of course, spotting two naked and fully aroused men stretched out on the bed waiting for her didn’t hurt any. If the dominatrix costume hadn’t been a turn-on, they certainly were. Heat flooded her pelvis, engorging her clitoris with a surge so instantaneous it hurt. Biting back a gasp, she let her eyes roam over their nude bodies.

  Lance was a tanned, muscular giant, his cock in perfect harmony with the rest of him. Thick and
long, it had a slight curve to it, its blushing head enough to entice even the most reluctant cocksucker. She was about to revise her decision not to actually fuck either of them when her gaze drifted to Toby’s neat little form.

  Though not heavily muscled, his slender body was furry in all the right places with hair as dark as Lance’s was blond. Her bare nipples tingled as she gazed at him, becoming as erect as his prick, and her swollen pussy let loose a flood that made her squeeze her thighs together, savoring the slickness. As she walked toward them, her clit rubbed against the base of the dildo as it bounced and swayed in the harness.

  That movement served as a reminder that her role was not that of a slut, but a dominatrix. Clearing her throat in an intimidating manner, she eyed their stiff cocks with suspicion. “What did you two do while I was gone? Suck each other’s dicks?”

  They shook their heads in perfect unison. “No, ma’am,” Lance said. “I wouldn’t do anything you didn’t tell me to do. I wouldn’t want you to be angry with me.”

  Renee bit back a laugh. She wasn’t fooled. That was exactly what he wanted, and she had to at least pretend to be pissed. Narrowing her gaze, she spoke sharply. “You’re lying to me, Lance. You’ve at least been playing with his dick. It’s the only reason yours would be so hard.”

  “But I’m not gay,” Lance insisted. “Playing with another man’s dick doesn’t turn me on.”

  “Why do I find that so hard to believe?” Renee knew that accusing a straight man of being gay was the ultimate insult, but for some reason her gut told her this was the tack she needed to take with them. “And you’re arguing with me. If I tell you you’re gay, then you are.”

  Lance clearly had no idea what to make of this. He opened his mouth to speak, but seemed to think better of it and kept quiet. Probably wishing he’d never given me a whip. “That’s better. Okay, Toby, on your feet.”

  Toby hopped up so fast his cock bounced. Renee stifled a moan. “Turn around.”

  With an expression of fiendish delight, Toby spun around, displaying the cutest little ass Renee had ever laid eyes on. Drooling like a beggar at a feast, she stood staring at it for a long moment, briefly wishing she had more to fuck him with than a mere strap-on. Her clit was so tight, it throbbed with each beat of her heart. “Spread your legs.”

  Reminding herself that pain was Lance’s preference, not Toby’s, Renee closed her eyes in an effort to keep from dashing over to sink her teeth into his ass. She couldn’t just nail him without foreplay. She had to get something out of it, and right now she was itching to get her hands on those enticing little cheeks. Approaching slowly, she tapped the whip against her thigh, drawing a groan from Lance.

  Lance was lying on his side near the edge of the bed with his head toward the foot, close to where Toby stood. On impulse, she darted sideways, giving him a sharp rap on the curve of his hip. “You need to be quiet.”

  If she’d had any doubts about what a lash would do to him, his reaction dispelled them completely. His cock was already arched toward her, a clear bead of fluid oozing from the slit in the head, but the sting of the whip sent it spurting onto the sheet.

  “Wipe that up and put it on my dick,” she ordered.

  Toby let out a whimper as Lance slathered his juice on the dildo, but didn’t say a word. Already quivering with excitement, he didn’t have to. “You ready to get your ass fucked, baby?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “Then bend over and show me that pretty little manhole.” She pointed at Lance. “Over here.”

  Lance’s gasp of surprise got him another smack on the butt. “I told you to be quiet.”

  Toby stepped sideways and draped his arms over Lance’s broad back. She traced the line of Lance’s hip with the end of the whip. “He’s got a nice ass, too, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah,” Toby sighed. “A very nice ass. You should see him when he’s out working in the yard. It’s awesome.”

  “Hmmm. For a guy who claims to be straight, you surprise me.”

  “Don’t have to be gay to see that,” Toby insisted.

  “Ever put your hand on it before? You know, the way ballplayers pat each other on the buns?”

  Toby shook his head.

  “Well, now’s your chance, baby. Run your hand over his butt.”

  Toby hesitated at first, but seemed to warm up to the idea as he made contact with Lance’s skin.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Renee prompted.

  Toby nodded.

  “Tell me what it feels like.”

  “Warm. Smooth.” He paused, chuckling softly. “Kinda furry. Hard muscles. Nice.”

  “Yours probably feels the same way,” Renee said. “Now, I want you to hold onto him while I fuck you.” Renee spotted the bottle of lubricant on the nightstand. Hooking her whip on the corset, she squirted more lube on her dick, then put the nozzle at the top of Toby’s butt crack and let it run down. She watched it disappear between his thighs and followed it down to where the rivulet dribbled over his balls to land on the floor. His cute, suckable little balls…

  Actually, they weren’t all that little. And neither was his dick. He would have filled out a standard-sized condom very nicely. And any part of me he might put it in. Then her gaze migrated past his balls to Lance’s cock. With a jolt that sent more juice flowing from her cunt, she realized that if Toby took one step closer, the two men’s cocks would be head to head.

  Renee gave herself a mental shake and stood up, not even attempting to explain her response to that possibility. No doubt about it, her new cyberskin dildo would definitely get a run for his money as soon as she got home.

  Nudging Toby’s legs further apart with her knee, she moved closer, letting the head of her dick rest against his anus. “Ready, baby?”

  “Oh, God, yes,” Toby said with a groan. “Fuck me, Renee. I’m dying here.”

  With short, controlled pelvic thrusts, she forced his ass open, a little surprised at just how good it felt on her side. The base of the strap-on pressed on her clitoris, making her feel almost as though she was fucking Toby with a real cock. She tried not to let her own sensations overcome her better judgment. As much as he liked the idea, if Toby had ever had anything in his butt before, he’d been the one controlling it. She would have to be careful. Ripping him a new one wasn’t part of the plan.

  The trouble was, a man’s moans and groans of pleasure were very much like those of a man in pain. “Tell me what you want me to do, Toby. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’re doing just fine,” he gasped. “Maybe a little harder.”

  Renee responded with an increase in the rate and strength of her thrusts. She’d been afraid to go in too deep, but pretty soon his buns were slapping against the front of the harness. And he certainly wasn’t in pain.

  “Oh God, Renee. My dick is about to explode.”

  Renee was glad to hear it. She might’ve been in good physical condition, but she was already working up a sweat. Lance had his arm over Toby’s back, helping to stabilize him. With a little encouragement, he could get his own jollies at the same time. “Maybe Lance could help you with that.”

  “What?” From the way Toby’s head whipped around, she wondered if he hadn’t forgotten his friend’s existence.

  “You like having your cock sucked, don’t you, Toby?”

  “Well, yeah. Who doesn’t?”

  She sidestepped toward Lance’s head, taking Toby with her, but the dildo slipped out of place. “Okay, big guy. Your job is to suck Toby’s dick while I fuck his ass.” She smacked his butt with her whip. “Now.”

  * * * *

  Lance hesitated. He’d never sucked cock before—or particularly wanted to—and he wasn’t a bit sure Toby’s was the one he ought to start with. But it was right there in front of his face. Toby’s hard, dripping cock…

  “If I have to tell you twice, your ass is getting whipped.”

  His balls clenched, and his own cock gushed. He wanted to obey her, but the pun
ishment was even better. He glanced up at Toby. At least she wasn’t making him fuck his ass. As big as his dick was, Toby would probably end up needing surgery.

  “Open your mouth and suck his fuckin’ dick.” The whip slashed across his butt and his cock pulsed.

  Lance had an idea that Renee was simply giving him a task he would refuse to do in order to justify giving him the ass-whipping he craved, but though he hated to admit it, Toby’s cock looked damn good. Purple and so hard it shone, pre-cum dripped from his slit like a faucet, and the way his cock and balls bounced each time Renee slammed into his ass made Lance’s dick throb. For the first time in his life, Lance actually wanted a dick in his mouth. A show of reluctance would get him more lashes, though. “I…can’t. We aren’t gay, or even bisexual.”

  She whipped him again, and Lance lost any semblance of control. His balls ignited, spewing cum all over Toby’s stiff dick. She’d made him ejaculate on his best friend, and the mere thought of it made him come again.

  “Now, lick the cum off and suck him.”

  He glanced up at Toby, searching for some clue to his thoughts—a shudder of revulsion or a welcoming smile—because he knew there’d be no going back after this. And though it didn’t bother him a bit, he wasn’t so sure about Toby.

  “Do it, Lance,” Toby urged. “Suck my dick.”

  Chapter Five

  Relief, mingled with a fair amount of surprise washed over Lance. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes!” Toby hissed. “It’s a wonder we never fucked each other before now. Having Renee here is like adding a catalyst. I may not be gay, but dammit, Lance, I love you.”

  Renee smacked the whip on her corset, drawing his attention. She looked absolutely wild. The strap-on cock might have been Toby’s fetish, but black leather was his. The tight corset emphasized her narrow waist and the flare of her hips, while blonde curls peeked out from between the leather straps that held the fake cock in place. From this angle, he could see the deep pink of her swollen pussy lips behind the firm nuts on the dildo, as well as the dewy moisture that coated her inner thighs. Her soft tits rested on the shelf bra, aiming nipples at him that were probably as hard as Toby’s dick. Oh, yes. Whips and leather were definitely her style.


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