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Pierced: Pierced Trilogy Boxed Set

Page 61

by Lashell Collins

  “Guy, you don’t even know for sure that he knows. He didn’t say anything to you about it.”

  “You think there’s a possibility he stopped at my service record?” I ask hopefully.

  “It’s a pretty impressive record, son. What reason would he have for digging any deeper?”

  “To humiliate me and get me away from his sister,” I say, feeling the panic rise.

  “Guy, listen to me. I firmly believe that you should tell Samantha everything. But not because of some fear that her brother might tell her first. You should tell her because you love her.” His words take me by surprise and my expression must reflect that. “What? You think I can’t see that, kid?” Lee asks me with a small smile.

  “Lee, if I tell her…,” My voice trails off again.

  “What are you so afraid of, son? You don’t have anything to be ashamed of. I don’t know how many different ways I can tell you that!”

  I cover my eyes with the heels of my palms as a few wayward tears fall embarrassingly from them. And after a moment, I feel Lee’s firm grip on my shoulder. I sniff as I look up, trying to pull myself together, and I take a couple of deep, cleansing breaths.

  “Okay?” he asks quietly, and I nod silently, not making eye contact with him as I wipe the wetness from my cheek with the back of my hand. He squeezes my shoulder once more and lets go. “Look, Guy. I don’t think you need to worry about all this right now. Even if he does have that information, he’s not going to use it at a wedding and ruin a family function.”

  “You don’t know that,” I say quietly.

  “You’re right, I don’t. So just go home and tell her.”

  I close my eyes, sighing heavily again. “I can’t do that,” I whisper.

  “What is the worst that could happen, son?” he asks quietly.

  “She could leave me,” I whisper desperately, looking him in the eye as the tears threaten to fall again. Lee looks startled at my words.

  “Guy,” he begins evenly as he reaches out and grips my shoulder once more, “If she is feeling half of what you’re obviously feeling for her … she’s not going anywhere! Give her the benefit of the doubt. Trust that she loves you every bit as much as you love her!”

  I sit and think about Lee’s words the rest of the day, finding it difficult to concentrate on much of anything else. I know that he’s right and I probably should tell Samantha everything. But I just can’t bring myself to do something that might make her walk away.

  When my shift ends, and I head home, I am still a bit frazzled by my conversation with Lee and wondering what exactly, if anything, Lucas Colby knows about my past. And I know that Lee’s right and it shouldn’t matter. Only it does matter. It’s always going to matter.

  I try to push those thoughts from my head as I turn onto my street, thinking about tonight’s dinner. I should probably do a quick wipe down of the Charger so she’s looking presentable. When I head into the house, I’m surprised to find that Samantha has her iPod in the docking station and the playlist is playing softly again. It makes me smile.

  Glancing around the living room and kitchen area, I quickly note that she’s nowhere to be found, and I head back to the bedroom to get out of my work clothes. I think Sam said she needs to be at the rehearsal tonight around 7:30 so, I should get a quick shower.

  As I walk into the bedroom, I’m startled to see my clothes laid out across the bed. Three suits, all in a row, and Sam is standing back looking them over, appraising each one. “What are you doing?” I ask her with a puzzled frown.

  “Hey, I didn’t hear you come in,” she says brightly and rushes over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. She’s wearing a robe and her hair is damp. I think she just got out of the shower herself. I embrace her tightly for a moment, inhaling deep the scent of her hair. She feels so good in my arms.

  “What is all this, Sam?” I ask again, looking at my clothes on the bed as I let go of her.

  “Oh, I hope you don’t mind,” she says, looking up at me sheepishly. “I was trying to decide what to wear to the rehearsal dinner tonight and that got me wondering what you were going to wear so … I went exploring through your closet.”

  “You went through my closet?” I ask her, eyebrows raised in shock and uncertainty. She bites her bottom lip and nods her head at me. I shake my head, not knowing what to think. “Well, are they good enough?” I think my voice must sound angry rather than the frustrated tone I was going for, because Sam looks chastened.

  “Of course they’re good enough,” she says softly, and I think she sounds hurt. “That’s not what I was doing.”

  “Then what were you doing?” I ask, running a hand through my hair in bewilderment.

  “I was trying to decide what to wear,” she repeats softly. “I was hoping I had a dress or an outfit here with me that might complement whatever you might wear.”

  I feel like an ass. I know Samantha is not concerned with appearances but, I just implied that she’s a shallow socialite who’s worried that my clothes won’t be good enough for her rich family. No wonder her feelings are hurt. Reaching out, I gently pull her to me with one hand as I lace the fingers of my other hand through her damp hair.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” I say softly, kissing the top of her head as I hold her. “I didn’t mean to get upset. I know we said that we weren’t going to let the money become an issue but … I gotta admit, Sam, I have been feeling a little anxious about this dinner tonight.”

  “Why?” She looks up at me with big concerned green eyes.

  I shrug as I continue to hold her. “Meeting the rest of your family,” I say softly. “I’ve only met Meg and Lucas and they…”

  “They love you,” Sam insists, and I give her a look that says ‘yeah, right.’

  “They don’t know me, Sam.”

  “Well, they love me. That should be all that matters to them where our relationship is concerned.” She looks so sure of her convictions right now and I can’t help but smile at her. I lean down and gently kiss her forehead before releasing her again.

  “I’m going to hop in the shower. You figure out what we’re wearing and let me know,” I say quietly as I caress her cheek. I get undressed then and head to the bathroom. Oh yeah. I am so whipped, I think to myself as I step into the shower with a pitiful smile.


  I feel a ripple of nerves as we reach the outskirts of Bellevue. And I can’t help but ask myself what the hell am I doing here? I glance over at Samantha and she’s looking out the window at the passing sights. She looks beautiful, as usual, in a sexy little aqua blue dress that hits her just above the knees. She chose it to go along with my aqua blue dress shirt, which she has paired with my navy blue suit and no tie. I wasn’t too keen on the whole no tie thing but, she insisted, and she seemed to enjoy dressing me, so I just smiled and said ‘okay, baby,’ to whatever she wanted.

  “It’s the next drive on the right,” she says, pointing ahead. I pull slowly up the long, circular driveway and I can feel myself smirk as I take in the colossal sight of her uncle’s house. The word mansion seems so inadequate somehow. A valet directs me to park alongside the newer, dark silver Bentley Mulsanne that I see Lucas and his girlfriend getting out of. A fucking valet. At the house! And as I pull in, I can’t help but notice the gathering of high-end cars in attendance. It looks like a fucking Barrett-Jackson auction, and idly I wonder who all these expensive vehicles belong to.

  “I’ll get your door,” I tell Sam and she smiles at me as I get out. It’s impossible to keep from eyeing all the high-dollar rides as I walk around the Charger and open Sam’s door. As I’m helping her out of the car, I suddenly hear Lucas’ voice behind me.

  “Nice car, Josh!” He sounds slightly impressed and I turn to look at him as I wrap my arm around Sam’s waist and pull her gently to me. And I’m surprised to find him looking over the Charger appreciatively. “Sixty seven?” he asks, still looking at her with genuine interest as he offers his hand.

�Sixty eight,” I correct him, as we shake.

  “Sweet,” he says quietly. “Did you buy her in this pristine condition?” he asks. And I know he’s wondering how the hell I managed that on my salary. What is it with rich people, always talking money. Maybe that’s why they’re rich, Pierce.

  “No,” I smile at him. “She was given to me as an abandoned afterthought and I’ve spent the last several years restoring her.”

  “Josh did all the restoration work himself,” Samantha proudly tells her brother, and I tighten my hold on her, squeezing her to me for a brief moment, as I smirk down at her.

  “Really? No kidding,” Lucas says.

  “And she’s all numbers matching,” Sam adds, and we both look down at her with astonished smiles.

  “What do you know about ‘numbers matching,’ Pita?” Lucas asks, clearly amused, and Sam blushes a soft rose.

  “Um … I know that it’s really rare to find these days,” she says bashfully, and I can’t help my chuckle as I squeeze her to me once more.

  “Look at you being a proud, supportive girlfriend,” I softly tease her, and I kiss the top of her head. Lucas smiles at the two of us, shaking his head slightly, and suddenly I’m reminded of my earlier turmoil over his possible knowledge of my past, and I’m hit with an abrupt wave of anxiety.

  “You look so pretty, Sam,” Karen says as she finally joins us by the car.

  “Thanks. So do you,” Sam replies as they embrace.

  “I guess we should head to the back,” Lucas says. “Seems we’re the last to arrive.”

  “Oh, can we go through the house?” Sam asks with a frown. “The carpet hasn’t been laid yet for tomorrow and I don’t want to walk through all the grass in my heels.”

  “Oh, me neither,” Karen chimes in. “Good thinking, Sam.”

  Lucas and Karen set off in front of us, and I’m still feeling the unmistakable waves of apprehension crashing over me as I walk through the front door holding Samantha’s hand. Just the entryway alone is every bit as big as my entire house, with a sweeping double staircase leading up to the second floor. I feel like I’m walking into a museum, the place is so large. It’s all done up in chintz, and it’s the kind of furniture that no one ever feels truly comfortable sitting on because you know it costs a fortune.

  We’re greeted by a maid at the door but, we don’t stop to acknowledge her. We travel past the entryway and through what I assume is the living room and into the largest kitchen I think I’ve ever seen. Not slowing down one bit, we move quickly through a set of French doors and out into the backyard, which is easily the size of a football field. Here everyone is gathered, and I can see that the yard is being transformed into the scene of tomorrow’s nuptials. An aisle has been created in the middle of what has to be about four hundred white chairs, and there’s an arch at the end that’s been decorated with flowers in every conceivable shade of purple. And in front of that arch is a small mob of chattering women of various ages, ranging from what I assume is the little flower girl, all the way up to three elderly women who I can only guess are the grandmothers.

  “There they are,” I hear a female voice squeal and about three young women come rushing up to the four of us, grabbing both Samantha and Karen by the hands, and lead them away down the aisle without another word. I stand awkwardly for a second wondering what the heck just happened, and when I look at Lucas, he’s wearing the same dumbfounded expression.

  “Women,” he says with an exasperated smile. Then he swats me on the arm and gestures to the right. “Come on.” I glance back toward the arch and my eyes connect with Sam’s and she smiles at me. I return her smile and then follow Lucas over to a section of the four hundred chairs where a few other men are sitting. I recognize Scott, the groom, and he’s talking to an older gentleman whom he greatly resembles. Must be his father. What was his name again? Jasper?

  Lucas and I prepare to take up seats behind Scott and the other three gentlemen, and they all turn around as Scott greets us. “Hey, Lucas!” I can see and feel the curious stares of the other men as Lucas and Scott shake hands.

  “Josh, how you doing, buddy?” Scott asks as he reaches to shake my hand. His overly friendly greeting surprises me, but I decide to roll with it.

  “Scott, how you doing?” I reply, smiling at him as we shake.

  “Josh, this is Scott’s dad, Jasper Dublin,” Lucas says, starting the introductions, and I nod as we shake.

  “Sorry about that mix up earlier this week, Detective,” Dublin says. “I would never want one of my media holdings to interfere with a criminal case involving family.” His words are clearly chosen for Lucas’ benefit, not mine. But I smile at him and remind myself to play nice.

  “No harm, no foul,” I tell him. “And please, call me Josh.”

  “This is my Uncle Kenny,” Lucas says, placing his hands on the shoulders of the man seated next to Dublin.

  “How do you do, sir?” I smile slightly as we shake hands.

  “Detective,” he nods very formally as his eyes lock briefly with mine, and I feel immediately guarded with him.

  “And that’s my cousin Dennis,” Lucas says smiling as he motions to the young man seated a row ahead of the others. We’re too far away for a handshake, but I nod to him and he smiles back.

  “Hey, nice to meet you,” he says with a wave. “Josh, is it?”


  We sit then, and I listen halfheartedly as they discuss business and mutual acquaintances. Suddenly Scott is called away by the ladies down front and we all watch as the wedding planner executes a run through of what’s supposed to happen tomorrow. As the rehearsal wears on, I catch Samantha’s eye several times as I watch her practice her maid of honor walk down the aisle. At one point, she smiles at me and she looks so beautiful in the setting sun. I wink at her and she blushes slightly.

  As I’m watching the action around me, I glance off to my left and spot a woman watching me with great interest. She is seated several rows ahead of us but across the chair-made aisle and she makes no attempt to avert her eyes when I meet her gaze. She looks to be around the mid-forty to fifty range, and she’s dressed impeccably in a pale yellow pantsuit. Her sandy brown hair is pulled back off her face. She looks me over for a long moment before finally turning back to the action down front, and I can feel the frosty chill from here. Hello, Mrs. Lois Colby. What a fun night this is going to be.

  The rehearsal takes less than an hour and, once it’s over, everyone heads out to our waiting cars for the journey over to Canlis to make the 9:00 reservation. I notice that the Charger gets a few appreciative glances from the men milling about outside and I smile inwardly at that knowledge as I open the passenger door for Samantha to get in. She may not be in the same league as their high-dollar Bentleys and Benzes, but she is classic and collectable, and deep down, most men of a certain age all want to own an American muscle car. When I slide behind the wheel and start her up, her low rumble draws a few more drooling glances.

  “Men,” Sam says with a sly smile and a slight roll of her eyes, and I can’t help but chuckle.

  On our drive over to the restaurant a question forms in my head. “Hey, Sam?” I ask with a frown, “was one of those ladies down front your mother?”

  “No,” she says softly, looking at me questioningly. “Mom was sitting back watching everything since she’s not actually in the wedding.”

  I nod slowly. “Yellow pantsuit?”

  “Yes. How did you know?”

  Because if looks could kill… “Lucky guess,” I mumble.

  We arrive at the restaurant and I pull in behind Dennis and his dark blue 2012 Lotus Evora, and we wait while he and his date get out and he hands his keys to the valet.

  “The things I do for you, baby,” I say softly, shaking my head slightly.

  “What do you mean by that?” Sam’s voice is cautious.

  “You know I don’t let anybody drive my car,” I look at her with a nervous smile. “And I’m about to hand her o
ver to a perfect stranger.”

  She laughs at me and I smirk at her, but I can’t help my chuckle. We get out of the car and I give the keys to the young man waiting eagerly, eyeing my ride.

  “Nice car, sir!” The kid can’t be much over 16, and the thought makes me even more anxious and I frown at him as Samantha takes my arm and pulls me away toward the door, still giggling at me. And she is so cute, I just can’t help myself. I take her into my arms and pull her close, kissing her tenderly for a few brief seconds.

  “Oh, come on, you two,” Megan says brightly as she and Scott breeze past us on their way inside the restaurant. “Everyone’s going to think you’re the happy couple!”

  Sam and I look at each other a bit nervously at her comment, and I glance up to see Lucas standing close by, watching the scene with marked interest. His eyes are narrowed slightly and he has sort of a faraway look on his face. And I get that anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach once more.

  When we’re all present, we’re ushered into one of the private dining rooms at Canlis. I’ve been inside this restaurant once before, when Lee and Molly celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. It’s the kind of place most folks can only afford to go to on the special occasions. The service is always top notch, the atmosphere is elegant and very romantic with floor-to-ceiling windows and its amazing views of Lake Union. The food is what I would call swanky – it looks more like art than real food, but it still tastes great.

  Once we’re in the private dining room everyone mills about for a while, mingling and chatting with one another as waiters pass around glasses of champagne and trays of hors d’oeuvres. Samantha and I stand chatting with Lucas and Karen when suddenly there is a presence looming at my right. We all turn as one and see their mother standing there, watching the four of us.


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